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<br /> -- - � `i�0(}E"I'HER i1�1Tti�11 the im�itav�rr�u now or lxxcafur arecipd c�n ti�a�,ru�xxty.s�d�il�nq�,�pp�a►nr�ra�e�,tad
<br /> — --- Cnxsa�ts naw or hercatk.c�p�tt af tho�x^opecty.�►ll t�cpl�.�nata w�d eddttions sh�ll�l�o be ct►vdrod UY tlila Sea�ity T�m�nt.,,
<br /> All ot'Uw foregolna ia refrrrod ki ia ihlx Security Inaaurtknt ss thG"Pronaty:'
<br /> BORR01H��t COV�NAlV'1'5 that Bamawar u IawfuUy sr.lxd af the�noe ha+eby cbnveyed and!ue the right b�nc and
<br /> - -- __ CO�IYEy 111C�'tU�IC'�ir Mfl{� li�eii liiZ�rii�ic�ij� 1ai ii+iuw.ai�uariww�LnwY� :w :.+'w+»i.i::».P,:�,.Qs t"..:�Id.�°L`.?'7':"M C,'..._.��N M�I�II , _
<br /> defcnd ga�aAlly tl�o titk tc�tbo Pmpaty�u aU eWm��ad demand�.a�bjat a ay a�crAmbcm�x.v o!rorad
<br /> _ �� THIS SECUFtITY IN5'IAUI►�N'i' combieq uni[crrm crnauints fa n�tlorW �e md non•unifarm cavau�nm Mid� lirnitaf
<br /> - --- vari�tkx�.s by jurlsai�tion to Gonsdtuta a unit'o�m secuaity inauu,:,enc covain�,raa progecty.
<br /> UNIW�RM G'OVENANTS.Borrowex�nd l�d�s covenant�d igrae at folk�rv�:
<br /> = 1.I'syse��ot Ptieci�pd asd Ia►.er�esti Pr'ep�►!'�seet�ai Late Clur�es. Harower stwil promQ�IY P�Y wi�a� duc tha
<br /> . °- _� - " princiqo�i!of and�lnta+�t on tlio tieeist evi�ixed by ihe Nota and anY F�Y�t ats3 L•:s�ch�rges due under the Nou.
<br /> 2.N�und�tor Taxes aed Ioserance. Subject w applicublu la�v oc to a writr�ai w�iva by I.enda. Bo�mwa sh�11 paY so c--
<br /> I�xier on the day monthlY PaYmaiCC era due uruler the Note.until the Note is peid In[ull.a sum("Fw�ds°')far.(a)Ye�iy axa
<br /> - anc!a�sessma►ts w7�ich muy att�in priocity ava this Sccurity 7nstrument As a licn on tha Pro�aty:(b)Yeacly Iea.9chaW paymena
<br /> — —=`j or�aund rents oo the 1Propecty,if any:(c)Yeariy h$zat�d a ptopaty u�surance praniums;(d)Year�y tioad IRSUruxe Pcemi;ims,if
<br /> -- _ �Y:(�)Y�ly matgago insurance premiums�if any;and(��nY�P�Yabin by Bottowa to I.er�der.in�ccaedAnce with tt�e
<br /> —_� provisions of pa�h S, In Iku of tho paymrnt of �atg�ge ina�neo poemium�.Tfxse items ae cslkd "Eacxow It�ns.`
<br /> --�",� Lendu msy.at any time�colixt sntl hold Funds in an emount not W cacooed the maximum aa►onnt a letuiet for�fodsratiy rela,loal f -
<br /> �—�``� mc�atgnge lo�n may roquic�e fa Borcower's e�nrv account�u�da the fudeml Real�state SeulemGret Praoeduns Act of 1974 af
<br /> —,---'°�t� amendcci fiom dme tc�tin�e. 12 U.S.C.�cction 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unkss anolha law that a�lies Oo Iha Funds ects�kgsa
<br /> -�Y_ia,�l,��S�3j�s
<br /> '"" a�r�oun� If sa Lendet ma at an tlme,oolIect anu i��fd rwxis L� a�..nount not W Gac�t2:a I�� elnne:�!t T!���,►,�y �----
<br /> -°""',"�°.1°`,`'_� � y' y exnmdiaves of futuce Exrnw Items.or
<br /> - �_ ......o r.���.�.w d.e I..,..�.,,,i°.^.:�:..•.'M':'.�,.."W"^»:'".,r^."�..1►lw�.�Nmat�A nf —
<br /> ,,1�r�s_��.�r,':.'' wii�iw...L...W�«... �
<br /> ottterwfae in aocordancc with applicabk law.
<br /> '��ir�"°• 'I`h��u��la shall be held in an insdtution whnse dep�sits are insured by a federal agency,insuwrcentaliry,or a►tity(includ'vng
<br />_ - `�<� i�end�r,if Le�►de�r is s�h en insatutiony or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L�enckr�shall apply the Funds tn pay tre Fsscxow ��—
<br />'�;"t'"�-� Items.Lendec may not charge Borrower for halding and applyir,g tha Flusds.annuaily analyzi�g rhe esc�-�r��u��,u�vGUr��g
<br />.�:�r�u:;�?! s:% che Escrow Items.unl�ess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds aad applicable taw pera�its I.ender w nnalce such a charge.
<br /> .i��''- '� •'"� ��' However.Lendcr may require IIorrower to pay a one-rime charge for en independent rral estate ta�c rr.�orting service used by
<br /> --'f,�:i`:-;<�k���k- L.ender in connsetion with this Ioan,unkss applicable taw proviaes otfie,rwise.Uniess an agcec�rnenc is made ar applicawic faw
<br /> ' '� � rcquires intcrest co be paid.I.ender shall not be requircd to pay Borrower any intemst or eamings on the Funds.Bortowu and
<br />_ . , ::'�.. I.ender may agcec in writing,however,that intczest sha�4 be paid an the Funds.Lendcs sball give to Barower,without chasge.an
<br />�_._ .;�r;; .;�, annual aceouating of the Funds,showing cretits end debits to the Funds and the putpose for which each debil�o We Funds was
<br /> �•�� •;:.":„ ' made.'Ihe Fands are pledged as addidonal secsuity for all sums secur�d by this Security Instcumen�
<br /> ;S";,,-i' :�''�,v:;;�.�;:`�� If the Funds held by I.ender ea�cca!tho amounts permiued to be hcld by applicnblo law.Lender shall accoant to Boaower for -.�
<br />-;'�.:�.a,:.:�,•r-'�� �he excess Hluids in accordance with the requlrements of appllcable lnw.If t�e amount of the Funds held by I.cnder at any dme is �
<br /> ^- • -r��•:.� not sufGcient to pay th9 fissxow Items when due.Lcndez may so norify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Bamower shall pay �-�
<br />=">�� ��'-���•�.r�` - eo I.end�r the amount necrssary to make up the deficlency. Borrower shall mere up the deficieacy in no more then twelve �"'°��
<br /> ��� �� .� �''d'� monthly payments,atLender's sole discrction. �`�-��
<br /> � : �'��J � LJpon payment in full of all su►ns sec�aed by this Se�curity Inshvment,Lender shaU prompdy refund to Barrowcr any Funda
<br /> �"'�:''�' '� held b Lendcr.If,nndrr aragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seU the Pro rt .Lender.priar to the uisitiun or sale of ihe
<br /> -�•� :�.,•• ,,w Y P Pe Y �1 _-
<br /> j��••:��••.- . Property, shall a�ply any Funds held by L.ender at the qme of acquisidon ar sale as a credit against the sums secnred by diis _.
<br /> _ ,.''�'.,,p Sxuriry InstaumenG
<br /> " � �••'F� 3.Appliqtion ot Poymente. Unless applicable law provides otherwi.se,all payments received by Lender nnder paregraphs �
<br /> � •�.; �,;:: -
<br /> �. •,:.��'` 1 stnd 2 shal9�e applled: first, t�any prepaynnent charges dne undcr the Note;second,to amouuts payable aader paragreph 2; "•.�>�:
<br /> �c�• .
<br /> third,to inteiest duc:fourth,w principal due;und last,to any late charges due undcr the Notc.
<br /> , � 4.Churges;Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,charges, fines and imposidons auributable to the Property
<br /> -, .
<br /> „ which may attain priority over this Security Instnunent,and ieasehold payments or�ound renu,if eny.Borrower shall pay these
<br /> , obllgations in the manner providesl in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay em on tune ec y to e
<br /> � person owcd paymenG Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. If
<br />� . • Boaowcr mukes these payments direcily,Boaower shall prompdy fumish w Lender receipts evidencing tb�e payments.
<br /> � �� Borrower shall prompily ciischarge any lien which has priority over this Sec�ity Insuumcnt unless Borcower: (a)agre.es in
<br /> . " writing to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lendet;(b)contests in good f�ith the lien
<br /> c by, or defends against enfoicemeau of the lien In, lega! groceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to pr�vent the
<br /> " • �•.;�;. . enforccmcnt of the licn;or(c) secures from the hvlder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender suUerdinating tho lien to
<br /> , ��;,:,;', ihis Security Instrument If Lender determines that any part of the Propeny is subject to n lien which may attein paority over this
<br /> ' Sccurity Instrument,L.endcr may give Bonrower a notice idendfying the lien.Borrowcr shall satisfy Uic�;en or take onc or mare
<br /> ' of tho acdons set forlh above within 10 days of dte giving of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 9/80
<br /> ;f}
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