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<br />_ -"-"'�f . pt�i�:4�i��al. A�tiy n�tt�lir,�tinn uf titc �rnccr.clti tn Qic pri:tr,itr.d :,h:dl nu► extcud ui' ��n;tptiac Ih�� dn;; �I:�la oS 18�: ��rnithly� r,
<br /> _..:_� ._� [��y�y;r�U�;. �;lii�i���„e n�fcie�:d ta iu N„r��;-�apl� 2, n':'cl���,r�;. t�:r. autuuut ut ��uci► p:ry�,� ;N�:. n��y rS.ci•.�. �,��r::.:t�, i�:�r rn -a
<br /> nm�iunt rcquircd u�pay nll ouut��nding itulcbtcchic�.s ur.dcr�Qic f�otc sl�:�l)lr;���siQ.0 lii,;cuiity l�ri.illy cniitt,;�i il����tn. �l ..,-Y
<br /> - 8. Fces. l.cndsr may collcct i'ccti+md chargc:;Uut�turiic:d by Ihc�Sccret:rey.
<br /> — 9. Grounds tor Acceleraltan�f Debt.
<br /> (�) Defwult. Lendex muy,excent ns IinzltcJ by regalntiens issucd hy the accret�uy in tlte ense nf'payment dnfeults,
<br /> reryuire immcdiate pay�reent in full of ull su�n���ccured by ihis Security InStrument ii':
<br /> (i)Bonower dcfinilGs by failing ta pay in !uU nny monthly payir�ent required by this Se.:urity Instrumenl prior
<br /> _ _ _ to or on tlte clac.d:�tr.nf'ihe+next ntottfhly litryDV:n[,n•r ,
<br /> (ii)Borro��ec defaultv t�y fniling,for u pericxl of tiiirty dnys,to perforni any�zther obligAUoi�s cnntained in thiti
<br /> _ -;� Sccurity Instrumc+�t.
<br /> (b)Sale Wilhout Credit Approvat. L�:ndcr sliall,3P�acrmittcd by npplic�blc law�ncl�vith thc prio:u}�pruvnl nf thc
<br /> Secretury,require immedinte payment in fuil of ull the su�ns:secured by ihiti Security Insti-ument if: _
<br /> — (e)All or part of the P.ro�x:rty,or u bcnercinl intcrest iai ii trust ownins all or n�it of�he Property,is si�ld or
<br /> othcnvise transtema!�dM'it1'•tb�n byWbvi�or dc�cent)by ihe 8arrower.lnd
<br /> - --� (ii)Thc Property,'��s,nc�k�A1M��.. 'M���e�ureha�er or grantee z�s h�s or her principnl residenee,or thc purcha.ser
<br /> ar grantcc dcws��o• rty but his on c�r crcdit has not bcen ap�rovcd in accardancc --
<br /> �vith thc rcyuii�emenis'dF ihe Sdcretary:"
<br /> — (c) No Waiver. if circumstances occur thut would pernyit L.cnder to n:yuire immedinte payment in fufl,but Lender _
<br /> docs not require such payms:nGs,l.endcr docs not�vaive its rights with respecc to subsequcnt cvenGS.
<br /> (d)Regulatlons of HUD Secretary. In many circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will limit L.ender s
<br /> rights, in thc case of pay�ncnt defAUlGti, to requirc immeeliate paymcnt in full nnd fomclosc if not paid. '�'his
<br /> Security Inswment does not authorize ucc�leration or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of ths Secretary.
<br /> � (e)Mortgage Nut Insured. Borrower agrecs that�hauid this Security [uaUument and the aote secur.,d thcrby not�
<br /> � be eligible for insurance under the Nationa!Housing Act within h from the
<br /> dute h=reof,l.cnder may,st its uppon nnd notwithstm�tding anything in P•a8ragr�t95 equire im�nediate payment in
<br /> -- ful!of atl sums sc;.urcd by this SL•curity �nctnunent A wripen stntement of nny authari�rd aFent of the Secretary � __
<br /> _---- . . f...�hn`Inm 6o�nnf .Innli.uh..�..3.�........�4:..P......^:�..
<br /> uui.r.0 wuicyucui iv .........._ _.......'--_....._.......b..................,..�.�.w..y —
<br /> - Insaument and the note sc�c��icX by, �hali be deemed conclusive proof of such inetigibility. Not�vithsk�nding
<br /> _ — , the foregoing, this option may not be cxcrcised by Lender when thc unavailability of insurancc is �olel,y due to __
<br />,,,a„� [.ender s failure to remit n mortgnge insurance prerniurn to the Secretury.
<br /> -- -- 10. Reinstatement. Boirowcr has a right to bc rcinstatcd if Lcndcr hav rcyuircd i�nmcdiutc payment in full bccausc of _
<br />—__`_"� Barrowcr s flilure to pay an amount duc undcr thc iVute or thiti Sccurity Instrument. This right npplies cvcn nRcr foreclosurc
<br />°"`,��•'•,� proccedings�t�e ir�stituted. To reinstata thu Security [nstrumenG Borcowcr shall tendcr in a lump sum all amounts rcquired w —
<br /> '�� hr��a R�rr�wrr.3���m�m rnrr�nt includine.to thc extent they are obli�ations of Sorrower under this Security In��trument.
<br /> fi�reclorure costs und rensonable nnd cusromary attorneys' fc:es and expenses praperly associated with the foreelosure
<br />"'x�� proceeding. Upon rcinstutement by Borrower, this Sccurity Instrument and thc obligations that it xccures shcdl remain in
<br />===�t�� effect as if L.cnder had not requircd immcdiatc paymcnt in i'ull. Howevcr,l.cnder is not requircd to permit reinstatcment if:
<br /> (i) L.ender hac uceepted n:instatement after the commencemen[ of foreclasure procecdings �vithin two yea�:ti immediately
<br /> preceding the commeneement of a current forcclosure proceeding, (ii) reintitntement �vill preclude foreclo,ure on different
<br /> �`"7� grounds in the future,or(iii)rcinstutemcnt will adverscly affcct thc prioriry of thc licn crcated by this Sccurity [nstrumcnt.
<br />:�;;;�;� If. Borr+ower Kot Released; Forbearnnce by Lender Not n Wniver. Extension of the time of pnyment or _
<br />__-"�� modificntion of�mortiiation of'the sums secured by this Security Insamnent grunted by Lcnder to any ruccessor in interest _
<br /> "``�'�� of Borrowcr shull nat operatc to rcleasc thc li.ibility of the original Borrowcr or Borrowcr's succcssor in interest. [.cndcr `
<br /> ,��,� shall not be required ro commence Rroceedings agam,t any auccessor in interes[or rcfuxc to extend time for payment or t _
<br /> �r� othenvise modify arnonization of the sums secured hy this Security Instrumcnt by reason of ainy drmand mudc by the
<br /> "',�.:'� o ri g i n�l B o r r o w e r o r B o r r o w c r's s u c c e s s o r s i n i n t e r c�t. A n y f o r b e a r u n c c b y l.e n d e r i n c a e r c i s i n t a n y r i g h t o r r cmed y shall _
<br />��„� not be o wuiver of or preclude the exercisc uf any right or remedy. _`-
<br /> ..�;,;,� l2. Successors nr�d Assi�Gns Bounv;,Jutnl iu�d Several I.tubility;Co•Si�ners. Thc covcnunts and ugrecmcnts of this �°'
<br />-".,+;�� Security Inswment shall bind and bencfit the successorr and assigns of L.ender and Boirower, subject tu thc provi�ionx of .•-
<br /> ��;-y Paragraph 9(b). Borrower's rnvenunn and agrcements shall be joint and sevcral. Any 8orrowcr who co-�igns this Security
<br />:,�;;;-'•.� `'
<br />_ - Instrument but docs not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry In,aumcnt�mly tu mortguge,gran�and convcy thi�t .r.
<br /> E3orcower s ir.terest in thc Propcny undcr thc tenns uf this Sewriry fnstrumenr,(b)iti not personally ohligated to pay thc sums u
<br /> ,"��� secured by tNis Security Instrumenr,.uid(c).�grcc+that L�nder and any other Bu�rowcr may.igrec to extend,modify,forbru .
<br />- or m.►kc any :tccommodations �vith rcgard W thc tcnn ol' thi� Sccurity Intitrwnent or thc Notc w•ithaut Ihut Borro�vcr's �
<br />_`,�=�.t., conscnt.
<br />==��':��;�� 13. Nottccs. Any noticc to Borruwcr providcd for in this Sccurity Imtrumcnt sha11 b� givcn hy dclivcring it ur by
<br /> ry'''%� mailin rt b tint clxtis mail unletiz a hc ible law re uirea u+c of anothcr methud. Thc nouce shall he dii�ected to the
<br /> yM' � Prop�rty Address or any othcr addre+s Burrowcr drsign:�eti hy rn�ticc to Lcndcc Any n��ticc tu I�nJcr,hall bc givcn by tirst
<br />-_`.��,�. '
<br /> ••.w,•� ' cluss mail to l.cndcr's uddress statcd hcrcin or.tny aJJres, Lr�ldcr dcxign.UCS by nutirc to Borrrn�•cr. Any nutirc providcd
<br />