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<br /> —`- ----`--'� Q. 1�a�j'A1Zi:ii.OQ i."�ii;L��?:.��Bkii_i�".l I:i_�Q.::°"'Q�:'"�ii,". G'•.�11JC:�.P'.Sl::��111}' l`:il�il(�IIC 1iiC tlllli+_l��.1�tit.:��:1�lii� i...;l{�fl� �'`y'--�.+-:�
<br /> _- = tiic d�bi�:�ictcucos.l hy aho Nutc:�n�1l:ite charEtcs dtic ut�s'.cr t{�c CJc�tc.
<br /> � F.. ..-•• .3 G°:i:::4,'!:�r;;:�. !?m•rotivr.r tilt�ll 3nclu�c itt c:i�'b munthi} p�Vlttc�tt,
<br /> — ' -__ ' L� f�I0ilQlliy N�iy�u"r,ni9 Oa�N7ic�� IqMIM��CC Wii' _-_=
<br /> — t�gcthcr witii tDe grin�ipal nn�! interest:�s sst funh in�h�:Notc und any li�te cbarbe,, an (nstuUeixut uF :my (n) texer�.ind
<br /> stsccial utitCtiS►m;�tts levied or to be ievicd agetinst the P�nperty, lh)le:stiehotd payments or���ound rentti an the F'���yx►Yy,��nc!
<br /> (c)prcmiums for insurnnce rcauired 6y Pan+graph 4.
<br /> F.nch�nonthly installment fc�r itcm� (a), (b1 nnd (c) shall eyunl one-twelfth of the flunuul amounts, as rcaronably
<br /> ' cstirr�tcd by f.cncicr,{➢{w Uil UiiiUUiil:+U�IICi:nt to maint�ir_a��r�iditinnnl balancc ni not mare thun unc-sixth c�f thc csiim:Ut�d
<br /> nmountti. The full unnual amount for each item shntl be nccumul,�ted by Lender within a perial e�uling one month he#'orc tw
<br /> _��� item woxdd ixcome delinqucn¢. Lendcr shall hnld die mi�nunts coUe,ctaf in trust to puy items(ii),(h)and(e)befi�rt they
<br /> bccomc dclix�yucnt.
<br /> lF at nny tirnc the tot:►1 of thc payments hcld by Lcnder for items (u),tb) and (c),togcthcr with ttia futm�c inunthly
<br /> pnyments tur such itemv p�ynble to I.endcr priar ro the c{ue dates of such itcros,excecds by mmre dian an�-sixth thc eseimatccf
<br /> cmiaunt oF pay�ner.ts requlred ro pay such items when due, and if paynrnGs un the Note are current, then D�ender
<br /> -�- _ � tiliuU eitixr rcfund the cxtess�vcr Qnc-tiixth of thc atidmated pa�menGti or rredit thc cxccss ovcr unc-sixth of the es�imated �
<br /> paymenLs«�subsequent paycreen4s by Borrowcr,at the option of Borrower. if the total of the paymmts niade by auROwcr -----
<br /> for item (a).(b). ur(c)is m5ufficient lo pay►he item when due,then Borrower shall pay to L,ender any amount necessary to
<br /> -�— mulc.e up ih�dcf cicncy on or beforc ihc date the itcm bccomes duc.
<br /> — �� As used in this 5�curity In�tcumen�."Secretary" mccuis tlie Secretary of Nfousing and Cirban Uevelopment or his or her
<br /> - —�°' dcsignee. [n nny y�ear in which the Lendcr must pay a martgagc insurancc�nmium to thc Secrct�ry (��y ycar in whirh
<br /> such p�emium would have been required if the Lender still held the Securi Insuument),each monthl � ment shall aiso
<br /> include ciAier (i)an ins4illmcnt o f t he anr.uul mangage insurancc premiwn to Uc paid by Lcndcr to the Sccretary,or(ii)a
<br /> � nwnihiY chargc:nstc:d of s mortga;c insurancc premium if this Securir�Insuumcnt is held by the Sccn:tary• Each monthly
<br /> inr�tallment of the mongage insurance premium shall be in nn nmuunt sufftcient to accumutate the fuli annuul ►�to�tbaga
<br /> - insurance prcmium with l.cndcr one ononth prior t9 the date Ihc full annu;d mortgnge insurancc�t'emium is d;:E to thc
<br /> -------�--�� Secretary,or if this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary, eaeh monthly charge si�all be�n :ui amount equnl to
<br /> _-,,�.�.__.�_� —
<br /> __ — �.,P.�w�18h of nnc•haif acrccm af'tnc uuG,taiidinb prir.:ip�l b�lsr.se d!�c�n thc ote. -
<br /> _ __a �.,..ti:. co..��.:rv Inctrnmr�t. kort�wer ti u�wu0i =
<br /> If Borrower tendccs to Lcnder che tull paymen��i .�i ,u���+����..•• �, »••� ----•-••. --
<br /> _ =—�� sl�all be credited with thc balaace remain+ng for ull installmenGs for itcros (al, (b) and (c) and any mortgage insurance
<br /> premiurn installmcnt that I.cndcr hac not bccomc obligat�l to pay to thc Sccrctary,nn�Lcndcr sha1�1 promptly ret'und any
<br /> � exce��.5 funds to Borcu�ver. Immediaeely prior to�famclosure sale of the Property ar.ics acquisition by Lender,Borrower's
<br /> ====:k=.��r�y accoun[shall bc crcditcd with any balnncc rcmaining for all installmcnty for items(a).(�?.uid(c).
<br />- _-=_� -:, 3. ��Nli�uil�;���:'�•f::s:n••s.. All pay►r.enG�undcr Parnor:�phc 1 and 2 shall bc anPlied by L�:ndcr as follows: - -
<br /> _ _._�-.� iF RST,to Uie mongage insur:u►cc premium to be paid by Lender to the Sc�cret.u7•or to the monthiy charge uy
<br /> —=--- .�..�.. the 5ecrctary intitead of the monthly mortga�e insurancc premi��m:
<br /> -=--=-�^v�"`-'�?'? CFf'(1Nn, m any taxes. sQecial .4rsessment,, leacchold payments or ground rents, and fire, flood and other
<br />__���;—�- ha�.�rd insurance p�miums,as rcquircd;
<br /> TiifRD.to intemst due undcr the Note:
<br /> =`='g-,',� �a� OF URTH, ro a�nonization of thc p�incipal of the Notc:
<br /> -�-=-�'=S� • FIFT ,to late charges duc undcr the Note.
<br /> ''�'�'�' ` 4_ Fire,Fluod and Other Hazard[nsuranm. Bom��v�r shall insurc all impmvements on thc Property,whethcr now
<br /> ��•�._�-�•..
<br /> -=t_�.�?'�:.;'�.`% in�::istence or �ubsequently erected, against any h:izards, casualues, and contingencies, including fire, for �vhich L.ender
<br /> =:__�;►��a,��"�.�, reyuires insurance. This insurance:+hnll bc maintamed in the a�nounts and f'or the peri�ds t;uu l.cndcr rcquires. Borrower —
<br />`.=a`��,,.�_���T sBull atw insure all iniprovements on the Property.�vhether now in existence or subsequentty erected,ii�ainst loss by floods —
<br /> �� to the eatent required by the Secret;uy. All insurance sl�all be carricd with companies approved by Lender. The insurance
<br /> �=="��,;�,�,,,,—'M^fi.�.. policic�arcd any rene�vals,hall bc held by Lcnder and stnall includc loss paya6lc clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptublc
<br /> - :�' r.�K��: to,Lendcr. —
<br />`Y;,�.. .:''i ;•'�'� In the c�•cnt of ioss,f3orro�ver shall give[..:nder immcdiatc noticc by maiL I.ender may makc proof of lo�s if not madc _
<br /> -'r'�:,;_�';_,_+�_; prornptly by Borrower. E:ich insunnce cumpany concerned is hen:by authari•r.ed anJ uirected ro make payment for such loss _
<br />~��=��� direcdy to Lendcr,imtead of to Borrowcr and to l.r.nder jointly. All or any p:irt�it the insuranee procecds may be applied by _
<br /> -'`��� ~7 v L.cndcr.at its option,cithcr(a)to thc reduction of thc indcbtedness undcr thc Notc and this Sccunty instrument.Gr,t w any
<br /> :;�^„�+,�q,;�� .- `.
<br />__-,',�,;�. delinqucnt amoun4ti applicd in Uie ordcr in Puragrapin 3,��nd then to prcpuymcnt of principal,or(b)tu the restor.�ti+on or repair �,.
<br /> -��.;�:'��'�.� of the damaged propeny. Aae� application of the procce;ls to the pnncipal shall not extend ar postpone the due date uf thc
<br /> n q�..-_
<br /> ?"=�;�; monthly p:rymcn4s which arc refcrrca w in Paragraph ?, or changr thc umount of tiuch paymcnt�. Any cxccss insurancc �__,.
<br /> -' � proceeds over an amount requircd to pay a►II outtitandmg mdebtednr.ss undcr�he Note and th�� Cccurity Instrument shall be c°.:
<br /> pa�d to ihe entity Icgally enut(ed Uicr�to. _
<br /> �.R , [n thc cvent ot forcclosurc of lhis Sccurity Instrument or othcr transfcr of tiile to thc Property that cxtinguishcti thc _
<br /> ' •� indebtedness,all right.title and intcrest af Borruwer in and tc�insuruncc policies in forcc�.liall pass to the purcha+er. _
<br /> �-����'�',: -=�r S. Occupnncy, Preservution, biaintenance t�r��l Protectfon of the Property: BArru�ser's Loan Appllcatton: ,,_.
<br />��.�-�• i4 f'�-" ��'b l,easeholds. BoROwer shall occupy.�+tablitih,and u+e zl�e Propeny ux Borruwer's principal re.idence wuhin sixty d:rys aCter �,,,;.-
<br /> _ � �; the execuuon oi ihix Security lnswmcnt .mJ sh:ill continue to occupy the Propeny us Borrowcr s principal rexidence for at
<br /> �.
<br /> � • Iea�t one year afler the d:ue of occupancy, unlesti the Scrrot.vy dcterminc�this rcyuiremcnt will cause undue hard�hip for
<br /> "� Borrower,or unless extenuating cirrumstances exirt which arc bcycind Borrowcr'��:onuol. f3urrou�er shall notify Lendciw of
<br /> .�? uny extenuating circumstancE+. Borrower shall nut rommit waste or destroy,dama�;e or substanti;dly change thc Property ar
<br /> �`} allow the Property to dctcri�rntc,rcasonablc wc:u' :ma tc�u cxccptrJ. Lcndcr may inspcct thc Property �t th�. Prop�rty �s
<br /> � �•acunt or abandoned or thc loan is in detuult. I.ender may �akc rca�onable sctiun to protcct and prescr��c �eieh varant or
<br /> �.' abandoned Property. Borro�vcr shaU al�o bc in dcfault if Borrow�r.Juring thc loan application prcx�sti.ga��c matcrially falsc
<br /> or inaccurate infonna[ion or�tatements to U:nder(e�r failcd to provide Lender with uny matcri:il int'ormauon) in connectiun
<br /> with the loan e�•idenced by the Notc, including,but not limited to, rcpresentatiom concerning Borrower's occupancy uf the
<br /> Property as a principal residcnc�:. If this Sccurity In�trtamcnt i�un a Icaschold,Borrowrr shall cumply «'ith the pmvi,�on�of
<br /> � ° • z the Ica�e. If Bortowcr acyuit�es fcc tiQc w llic Pruputy, thc Icatichold and fce titic she�ll n��t I�r mrrgcd unle.s Lc�dcr agrey:s to :
<br /> . � thc mcrgct in writing.
<br /> 6. Char�cs to Borro��•er c�nd Protsctton uf I.endcr's Rights in thc Property. Burro«'cr+hall pay all g���•crnmental
<br /> • � or municipal char�es,tincs and impositions that.irc nui includcd in E'ara�;raph 2. Borru���cr shall pay thcsc i�hl�gauons un
<br /> - - time aiirecdy to the cntity �vhich i� uwed thc paymcnt. [f failur� to pay �vou�d advrr�ely attcct Lrnder'ti intcm.� in thc
<br /> � ;�..
<br /> . ..
<br />; propcny.upon Lcndcr s rcyuc.t Sorro�vcr shall promptly f'urnitih tu Lcndcr reccipt+c��idcncinE t ic��paymrnt�. ,
<br /> .c r�_M__.r a•..:i.. � .....L.. �h.,<., n•ivmrnlc nr thc na�'t11CI1Lti reuuircd hy I'or.l�'.1'8�f7 �. O� l:U�� IO (1C�101'lll .Iq)' ULhCI' �
<br />.. ._-_____—____ t� v�nv.+�� .u��.. .:• ..«..._ _.___ ���.. _
<br /> • � covenan�i and aNrecmcnt�rontainrd in thi�Srcurity In�truincnt.ur t}icm i, a tcgal procc�ding.th,�t ma}• ti�gmtican�iy ancc� `
<br /> ` l.ender ti right,in thc 1'rop�rty (�uch a� a prorceJing in banknipt�y. Cur rondentnauun ur ti� cnlur�r la��•ti ur n•LUlatiun.l, �
<br /> , ,, thcn Lcndcr may c1v onJ pay«•hatc�cr i, nccc�tiary to prutcct thc �•aluc��F thr F'ruperc}• and LcnJcr'� right. in ihr Prupert}•. I
<br /> � includin�,paymcm of l.uccti.hvarci insin�ancc and uthc� u�m�mcntioncd in Paragraph 2. I
<br /> ,. Any amt�un�ti di,burx•d hy l.cndcr undrr this Paragrapt��hall bccumc an c�dditionul dcbt uf Hurru��rr and bc�crured hy i
<br /> . _ thi.Siturity [n+trumcnl. Thc.c anwunt�.hall hc:ir int�r�,t trom thc datr uf di,bur.ctncnt.at thr i�utr ratr.and at tlie upuun �
<br /> . .. of Lrndcr.+hall bc immcdi:UCly duc:md�ayablr. !
<br /> " . . 7. Cundcmn�tion. Thc pro�ccd,ul'any a�ti•:�rd c�r claim for damagc., dircct ar ccm,cyurntial.in runncrtion ��nh�my �
<br /> r�mdcmnatiun ur c�thcr tal�in�:of an}• part of thc Rn�p�dy. ur for cumryanv: in placr u'rundrmn:►uon.arc I1Ciih\':�ti�t�'ItCll ;
<br /> , anJ.hall bc�aid tu Lcndcr t�,thc rxtcnt uf th�li�ll;unount ul lhc indrhtrdnc,y that rcmam�unpai�undcr thr \�it�.ui�l Uu, , �
<br /> - 5ccurii}• In+trn�mcnt. Lrndrr,hall a I• ,ttch rocccdti lu thc rcducuun of thr indchtcdnc,�undrr thc \ut�and thi�Srcur�ty I
<br /> Imtrunt�nt, lir�l t�� a[i}' drlinyucnt��ipuunt��:ipplicd in thr urdrr pr�nid�d in Para�r,iph ;. :mc1 thcn tu {,rcpaymrnt �,1 i
<br /> � I
<br /> ' ���ie<•_��i��..,c„�
<br />' .� , �
<br /> , .
<br /> .
<br /> r . __. .. . . . . . .
<br />