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<br /> .`--' -.._.�_-`°� �IiIi:�17i���11�� �1.1:!2:.1� 14�A�15' ..��S 'l!',:e1111 lil fl�llif'.lu�l�i lil,�ll� ��(r.i� � - 1 - 1� �I •� ';^`- E ,� �y ,_
<br /> • i'_;c►nw 1[c;r��:c. Lc;:tS l'lii7y 11Ji Cil!l:�;•t;i���.�r.,:�!n� i,uta�in�;��:;1.l�itlyhi�:tst�!��ni:�l;.r,�n•r�IRy t:��.:ly<<<�.�E�:•c ���t. _-���,��;
<br /> . __..__:_.��_:..� vesifylnb tir.,Lsc�uw Itr�ac�uoicss i.c��.i;r p.�y:lt�u;a«.;:ititcr�;t on llic Funds and c:pplici�h;r,It�w rrrmit�,E.r.ixie�•'u nl�ict surh ,v
<br /> a charg�e. ���wcvtra I�crxlrr muy rryuiro Fiorruwcr ta pu�u onc•tinx c1�:+r�c fur un iixlr.pe+xlent��I cslute tWx re�ortin�eervicc.
<br /> uu�.l by 1.encler ia connrcelon witri this lo�n, uniass +�ppiicable Iuw pruvidcs otherwise. Untess un ugrocment is smde or
<br /> ap�ilcablc luw rcyulres interesi tn kx:��c�id,l.etxlet hl►a!l �zut be reyuir�l t��pay f3Urrclwer uny interest i�r earning���r+i1�c 1'ur�dy.
<br /> &►nmwrr Arxl�,ender may ugree in wridng,Ix�ewevGr,that intereet xhall F�e pud an tht fra�xlx, Lender s1Wl p,ive to Bo��ver,
<br /> _ — = without eh�r�e. a:�uutival uce��unti�ig r+f ttie riuxis, showing croJits uM! �lrhits to the�u��:1s arsd the pur��se f�r which e�►ch•
<br /> -- deblt tn�he Fuixls was nwtto.1`hC h URd9 8I'C�►CdgCd A5 aticlitiutw)�.uti[y tu�w{I nu��tis r,��u►.;c1 Ly�i�:,:;.,..u�lty Ii�::::ur.;.i:t. --
<br /> It thc Funeis hel�!by l..snder cxceed the amounts permlttcYi to bc held by Applicuble I�w,L.arxler shrll sxuwnt to Bomowrx
<br /> for the exccss Fwxls in acconln�xe wlth the requiremcnts of applicublc lnw.li thc w�wunt of tho Funds held by Lender wt any
<br /> :l,i�� timo is nnt sufficient to pay the L'scrow Itcros wheu due. l.cnder n�ay tio notify llorrowe�in w���ting,aixl, ir�such cast��rrowcr
<br /> sl►nll pay to Lender Ihe amount neccssary to make up tht deficicncy. Horrow�r shall make up the def[c�Gncy in nu rr�or�thar�
<br /> twelve monthly paynxnts,at Lender's sole di�cretio�.
<br /> __-______ Upon paymcnt fn full of al1 sums securcd by this Secu�ity Instn►mcnt. T.en�ler st�all promptly rctLnd to I3orrower any
<br /> Futxls held by l.ender. !f,undcr paraguaph 21, i.ender shall ucyuire or r�al1 the Fi�perty,Ler�t�r. prior to thc:,cquisition or sale --
<br /> af.the�roperty,shall apply an�Funds h�ld by Len�lsr ut tt�e time of acquisition or sa[e as a credit�gainst th�e sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry In�nument.
<br /> 3.Applicatlon of PAyme�ts. Unless applicable law provides otherwisc,all paytnents re�ccived by C.c�xler under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 sball he applied:first. to�ny prepayment chargcs due under the Note;seeoncl.to anwunts payable uncier parr�graph 2;
<br /> third,to anterest due;fonrth,to principal duo;and last,tu any lat�^chsrges du�under tlie Note,
<br /> � 4.Chargrsi �.len�a.Hurrowcr shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fiius and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> , whicti may attain priority over this Securiry[nstrument, and�ensehold payments or graut�d t�ents, if uny. Battowor shalt pay
<br /> these obligations in the manncr�Srovided in paragraph 2.or if not puid in thnt nianner.t3ortower shall pay them on timc ilira:tiy
<br /> � to the person owed payment.Borro�ver shall promptly fumish do Lcnder all notjces of amounts to be paid under thls paragraph.
<br /> _ ���� If Bonowcr makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promQdy furnish to I.ender receipts evidencins the p�yments.
<br /> :--
<br />