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<br /> • THIS A�BD ON TRUST t"�ccu�itp Instrument")is made on �y g� �995 .'Thc t�vstor is -
<br /> ("Bonower").The trustec is NORWEST HANK NERRASKA, NATIONAL ASSO�IATION '
<br /> ("Trustee").The bcneficiary is NORWEST BANK N�SRASKA. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
<br /> wiiia:n i5 u��,di�tio:�S'�:,xisii�sg ur.��r t!�ls:���€ Ln;oTEI? ��4TE8 np AMl?RTC_.A ,a�x1 wZ�n3e
<br /> addresg�b2 WEST THIRD
<br /> ("Lender").Borrower awes Lender d�e principal sum of
<br /> GRAHI) ISI.AND,. NE 6880.1
<br /> EiGHT xHOUSANU SJX HUrTD�E:T1 �HIRTY THREE and 00/100 Dollur9(U.S.$ 8,633.00 � �•
<br /> 7'his debt is evtdenccd by Bonuwer's note dated the same date es this Securiry Ioistrument("t�lote"),which provides for
<br /> monthly payments,with the f�til dcbt.if not patd carlicr,due und payab�e on 05/22/98 •
<br /> This Security[nstrument seeures to Lender:(:ej the repayment of the debt evide9iced by the Note,with interest,ancl all rencwals,
<br /> extensions and modifications of the Note; (b)the payment of all other svms, with inicrest. advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br /> protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the perforntancc of Horrower's covenants and agreements. For this
<br /> purpose, Bonower irrevocably grants and conveys to'I'rustee, ia trust. with power of sale, the following described property
<br /> County,Nebraska:
<br /> locatod in HL�I,L
<br /> which has the address of 557 SOUTI{ LINDEN AV�:rNk.. GRAND ISLAND lscrec�,c►ty�, -
<br /> Nebr.+ska �i�SAo�ic� ( Pr°perty Address");
<br /> TOGETFILR WI"fH all the improvements now or hercafter erected nn the property,and all casements,appurtenar►ces,und
<br />- fixtures now or hereaRer a part of the property. AU replacements and adciitions shall also be covered by this Securnty
<br />- Insuumcnt. Ail of thc£orcgoing is referred to in this Sccurity Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> BOkROWER COVENANTS thut Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby cunvcycd and has the right to grant and �
<br />- convey the Property and thut the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borro�ver warrants and will
<br />- dcfend gencrally the title to the Property against nll claims and demands,subjcct to uny encumbrances of record.
<br />- THI5 SECUEtITY INSTRUMF.N'C combincs uniform covenants for national usc and non-uniforni covcnants with limited
<br />' variations by jurisdiction tu constitute a uniform security instniment covering real property.
<br />= UhIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender covenant and agra,ns fnllows:
<br /> 1. Pavmeut ot Principal xnd Interest; Prepuyment nnd Lnte Cliai�c.�. $otrowcr shall promptly pay when duc thc
<br /> principal of and intcrest on tt�c dcbt cvidenced by the Notc und any prcpaymem and iacc cnarges uu�unuar iP�c�:�.e.
<br />- 2. Funds far Taxes nnd II�tsurnuce. Subjcct to applicabic Iti►w or to a�vritten wniver by Lender, Borro�ver shall pay to
<br />- I.cndcr un thc day monthly paymrnts arc due undcr thc Notc,until thc Notc is puid in full. a sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly taxcs
<br />= und ussessments�vliich may attain priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumc�it as a licn un dtc Propercy;(b)ycarly lcasehold payments
<br /> or ground rents on thc Property,if:it►y; (c)�carly hazard or property insu•rance premiums: (d) yearly flood insurance premiums,
<br /> if any: (c)yrarly mortgage inxunncc prc�uwms, �t any; and(� any sums payabic by Bvrrowcr w I.cudcr, in�tccordunce with
<br />= the provisiuns of paragraph 8, in lieu of tlie payment of mongage insurance pmmiums.These items are called"�scrow Items."
<br /> [.cndcr may, at any time, �:ullect and hold Funds in un amount nnt tu excecd thc maximum amount a Icndcr for a fcctcr.dly
<br />� rclaitul mortgage loan may rcquire for Borro�ver's esrrow account under dic federnl Reu� Eseate Setdement f'roccdures Act of
<br />■ 1974 ns nmr.ndcd frum timc to timc, 12 U.S.C.Scction 2601 cr scq. ("R�SPA"),unlcss unoihcr la�v that applies tc�thc i'unds
<br /> scts n Icsscr umount. If so, Lcndcr may, ut any time, collcct and hold Funds in un amuunt not tu cacccd thc (csscr amuunt.
<br />- L.ender may estimate the amount of Fu�►ds due on dic basis of current da�a ,uid re:�wnable estimatcs ot'expenditures•of futurc
<br />= F?scrow Itcros ur othcrwisc in accordancc with up�elirablc taw.
<br /> N[[�RASKA•Slnplo Family-Fonnie MeelFraddio hlac UNIFORM INSTRUM@NT Form 3028 9/90
<br /> - �aNl 12T07 MTO VMDMORt6ACE FORMS �3171I93 tl100-18001G21 7701 Papo 1 a1 4 Amend�d 6191
<br /> � _ . ---- ._.. . . _. _ _. .
<br />