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' •J , • • ' ' ' . <br /> ' ' . . .. <br /> � <br />..._.....'_".__'_""_____ _'� .�. .___--_'_.__`__ . .. ...-.�'. -'.,�.�v.�..-•._'_'..... ..,.. . . � �...i.�.. <br /> -_ _'-- _-_----_-. .-._ ..._..-._.. .. . <br />, __'__�'___.--.-. .. ....... ..... . ..__—._-- ._" _... _ . <br /> -_-_�._----=-_- . --.._........»:-- . . �-__, <br /> ��9�5-- i���4�� <br /> 5. Ne�aArd or ['ro�xrty Inyurat�ce. }3orruwer shall keep the improvemcnts now cxisting Qn c�iraifttr�rzctrJ o�► �the <br />- :- � p�p��Y ;,��y����,d Hganr t{�;;:;by tlrc, ha?'!r�iv include�within tlte term "cxtcndul covcragt:" and urry other h;ua�d9, irh-fuding <br /> floocis or floocling, for which I.ender requires fnsurance.Tiiis insurnnce siiall be n�aintuined in the amounta s►+id fiur•tii.;�:::+7c�� __ <br /> thnt T..ender requires.The insurance carrier providing tha insur:�nce s1ia11 t►e chosen by Darrower subjoct to Leixler's a�►pmvs� <br /> wh�al!n�4r:1�0 not be unreasonnbly withheW. If tEe��a��'er Ea:Cs cm��u�intain cover.►ge described nbove, L,ender may, at I-ender'S <br /> _..,�� a�Yti�.�•r.c��'�ain covcra�c ro protcct Lcndcr's r1�Fr>i.�n ti�a�uro��r,�cy er.i accardan�e with paragrapl�7. <br /> — All insurance�m�fic��s and rene�vals s�n;49�L��s:cptable e�L'r..nder nnd� s;A�.lI inc{u:?��standr.rd r.t�,'rfia$e c_::�::. �.cnder <br /> � ' _� shuil 6avo th���ight flu C�olz9 the Noietaas anci�crrv�rals. If Lcnder rcyuires.B:�m�`ti'et shall IP%r:°�;ly�i��.am P.r.:xler alt rcceipts oF <br /> --., paid pre�niums and n�.�:��'al notices_9n the event oi loss,AottowCi Shall gfvC�+:�mpt Ultit[«�(:1 ChE u!'+s•'•�'.+�oC�r�ier nnd Lcn:'.�:. _�_ _ <br /> ---= I.cndcr may makc procsf of loss if ca�z inade promptly by Borrowcr. <br /> ' Unless Lende•r av�d porrower coth�rwise ugree in �vriting, insurance procer.ds shall bo ap�n�izci to re�toration or r�e�+tir of the <br /> ` `�� Property dnmaged,i�'Ri�c restoration ar repair is ecanomically fcasibte and Lendcr's securit��is not lessenEd.If the res4�.~�tion or _ <br /> -:t� repair is not economicnlly feaseble or l.ender's s�curaty would be lessened. the insurance proceeds sh;il4 bE applied to the sums <br /> �''` secured by this Security Instrument, whetiie.r os nut then duF, w��h �Y excess paid to Borrovirer. If l�orn'�ower abundons the <br /> �__ = Property, or does not answer wi[hin 30 d:►ys a�zuticc from Lerc!ar that the insuranee earrier hus offered co settle 1 sluim,ehe� _ _ <br /> I.ender may caliect thc:insurance proceeds. Lender may use the p�oceecls to repair or restore the Pn:.pca�ty or to pay sums <br /> - �-��a,��-,-, secureci by this Sccurity Inntn!mentr�:hcther`orQ ot dien wr un�.ean app�c�onVOf pw'u:i�ls�tat pr'sr.oi�t lsh���en t e:etend or _,_.___ <br /> --� -- '"' U(]lGSS L.CIILLC[ au.� uvu....... .... .. I .:uld z Oi C�11J1 l[iC A(l101Pllt Oi LRC p3yllleitta. u -- -.. <br /> � �3 �' postpane the due da[e of the monthly payments refened to in patagraphs 8� <br /> 1�"`. ""� ' undcr parugraph 21 thc Praperty es acq:�ircd by Lender, Bonower's ra};ht te�any inswaaere��3;�ies�u►d Proceeds resylting from <br /> s•;:,?�: <br />-`�/dR`{��._.� �, .:. <br /> ' •��»��.•�.�Y,s`�. i' damage to the Property prior tn�Q�z u�quisition shull pass to Ixnder to t4e e:cient of ths sirms•v�cured by this Securiry Hr�strument �.,; <br />, ��"ff�i�{it'''{,� ' �:. <br /> �"�;����• � immedi�tely prior to the acquisition. � <br />,..t��K"� � '}Si 6,Occupunc�,�eservuSion,1�4uinte»a�c�tmd Prutectio:i ot t9ar k'r�npesl�3�orrowe�'s Luan Appltcution;Leaseholds• t <br /> Y Y AB►3��.t:: <br /> ;�ut;rl�r; ,;; Dorrower sh�q�DCCUpy.estabiish,asid use the�rc�periy as Borr,o�:�r's�v::�ci,pnl residence wlthin sixt da s after the exeeudon of <br /> ,..,,: <br /> �`�'�l�;',, ,�;4;�;;��,�. this Security Ins�rument and sV�a�O continue to occu,�y the r�ru�erty as Bnirower's principnl residence for at least one yeur ter �,evYS, <br />.,�,,.�;,+it%,t y;� ,� ':i7f�; t�c a�ate of occupuncy,untess I.en�ie� ui;,eru�sc u�:�ir.:etii:^o. whinc�onsent shall not be unreasonubly withhelcl, or unless �':: <br />�"-'ty�,��,� j x;'�: cxtcnunting circ:umstunces exist which ar�, bcyond Borrower's control. Bormwer shnll not destray, damage or impa►r the <br />`^:'! �''' �• Propeny, atluw the Properry to detcriorate, ur coit�mit waste on the Propcny. Borrower shall be in defsult if any forfeiture <br />' ..:�E K.,.�.. <br /> '',:a:,~' �: •'• ' action or proceGding. whedier civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's gond fuith judgment could result in Corfeiture of t e <br /> ="``s�`{�`�`�.� f`. . Property or othcrwisc matcrially impair the licn cmutul by this Security Instrument or Lende:r's sec:urity interest. Borrowcr may <br /> . �,, . <br />---;�"'��'-�'�-'��-'����,�,� � cure such a default and reinstute,ac providcd in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with u ru mg <br /> ���x=-��'� that, in Lender's go�x1 faith detcrminatioa, prccludes forfciture c�f thc Hi�rrower's interest in thc Property or othcr material <br /> -°�;�%;�s"`�?�'Wt�' <br /> �,�.;.,-,�...;.y1 � imp»irment �if thc I+en creatcd by this 5ecurity lnstntmcnt ur I.cnder's �ccurity intcrest. Borrowcr shall also be in defaUlt i <br />� �*---.��"''� ' Burrower,during thc loan application prortss, gave materially fal,e��r inaccurate information or titatcmcnts to l.cnder(or failed �;F� <br />--_;,.•� ��:�, .�. <br />;^�.;�,�s}a •�;+,� . to providc l.i�ndcr�vith any material inti�rmationl in cui�ncctic�n with tlic li�.in cv�dcnccci by thc Notc, includin�, but not limit `RM <br /> -,-!�r:.,. �. .. - <br /> +t�ac : to, repre�enwtionh conccrning Borruwer'�occupanc�y uf the Pmperty ati:►princip;d residence.lf this Security Instrument is on a <br /> `'w''''��r leascholJ. Borrower shull c��mply with all thc provisionti uf thc Icase If Horro�vcr acquires fcc titic to the Property, the '�' <br /> •.€.�e.,�nb'. r <br /> - ''' =�. leasehold and thc f'cc tidc shall not mergc unlcss[.ender agrecs to thc nzcrgc�•in writing. �+�� <br /> -,..`r.�T'^w�. a. , . <br />�" -' --� 7.Protection of I.ender's[tights In the Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform the cuvenants and ugm.�mcnts a�ntained in <br /> --;<:::z���.".�.�. <br />-�=.�'Y,�.�;" "' this Security Instrument, ur tliere is a Icgul procecding that m.ry significantly uffect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a '�.:•. <br /> _i�3iF��' � <br /> ., �-,�..s.� proceed�ng in bankruptcy,probate, for cande�nnatian or forfeiture or ro enforce laws or regulations), then Lender muy do and <br />-""'" ' pay for whntever is necessary ro protect the vulue of the Property anJ [.ender's rights in the Property, L.ender's actions tnay <br /> ,...•:' ," , <br /> � include paying any sums sccured by a licn which has priority over this Sccurity Instrument, appearing in court, payin� <br /> � reasonablc attorncys'fees and cnterin�on the Property a�make repairs. Although Lendcr muy take action undcr this paragrapii <br /> .�;rr,`��= 7.Lcnder does not have to do so. <br />_'7 _ " `.._�'�� Any amuunts Jisburseci by Lendcr undcr this p:uagraph 7 shal! become additional dcbt of Borro�ver secured by this <br />:r} ;..;�...; � Security 1'SbursementUU I I�c Notc r:ue a d hall be payable,thwith interestP pon n thce t r m Lendcr'robBc rrowerSrequesting <br /> .;,* _ t date of d . <br /> � • .,;,�- • payment. <br /> � ' � 8.Mort�age Insuranee.If Lcnder reyuired mortgage insuranee as a cundition of ma}cin�;the loun secured by this Security <br /> � �� Instrument. Borrower shall pay thc prcmiums �cquired to maintain the mortga�;r: insurancc in eff�t. If, for any rcason, thc <br /> ' �� mongagr, insuranee mveruge re;quireci by Lender lapses or ralses to be in effect. Borrower shull pay [hc premiums reyuirecl to <br /> '�a obtain coverage substantially eyuivcdent to the mvngage insurance previausly in effect,at a cost substantially eyuivalent to the <br /> � > cost �o [3orrowcr of the mortgage insurance prcviously in cffect. from an uhernatc mongage in,urcr approved by Lcndcr. If <br /> ^ y substantially cyuivnlent mo»gage insurancc covcragc iti not avnilublc,Borrowcr shall pay to Lcndcr cach month a Sum cyunl to <br /> • � one-twclftli of thc ycarly moregage insurance premium bcing paid by Borrower�vhen tfic insurance covcragc lapscxi or ceascd to <br /> :� .� be in effect. L.euder will accept, u�c and n:win these payments as n loss reservc in licu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> Porm 3028 9190 <br /> � .. .'.. Pago 3 0l 0 <br /> .____.__.,��r�--�_-_.__- I.-_.: <br /> . �'�A, . r� <br /> , . <br />,� . ,., ... . . ,. - - -'�--�---'-� <br />--j( -'. .• ' . _ _ . ..- . �-----..._.__.,_.---_... . <br />.�. . . . . . _ __� . ( <br />._ , _ , � <br /> �. ......_._-.""._"__.".....�..._.._._-_.... <br /> - _'""_' ���..'�a'�r ----- . <br /> = _ . + --,... '_"`._-.....___ •' ��. _. .. ' . � .. ., . - <br /> :j � , , . . - - .. � . .,�.. � . <br /> - . . _ � .. . �',; - . ., . . <br /> ,.. - � . - . - , ` .. ., .. ' <br /> , � . . j <br />