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<br /> �- TOGETI-IElt WiTH uEl the Improvem�nts now or hec+exfier erxted on the properiy, ��.
<br /> - :` tixmres uuw u� b�:ru+:icr u ��n of the pinger:y. Alf f��1nt��inents Qnd ecididont� shall �sa bc: euveeecl by tl�is Src:urit� __ _ _
<br /> Inxtrument.All of[hc forcgaing is refcrred to in this Secvri,ry Instn►ment ns the"Property.;
<br /> B�RROWER CO'iIBNANTS that Borrower is tawfully scsised of tlie esiatc hercby canveyed nixl has the right to g+'ani and
<br /> canvey the Property und that the�roperty 3s unencurtsberal,except for cikuXnbi�ances of recoid. Barrower warnnts and will i—
<br /> _��� defend gener.►lly the title ta the Property ag,ainst all cluims and demands,��bject t�any ec2cumbrancea of rccord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENI'wmbines uniform covenunts fa:*c::,no:;:C nns�cu��(non-uniform wvenants with limitad
<br /> -- variatiuns by ju�•isdict(on to cansdtute n uniform security instr+nnent�,ave:r:ingsn;.�4 t�m��Ee��.
<br /> UNIFORM CUVl�NANTS.Borrower und Lender eovenant mxl agr�e as:fo9lpava; �
<br /> - 1. PaymenE af Princtps�l and intcrest; Prepuyment suid Late Chnr�es:.�arrc+�ver sUalt ��rrm;t�y pao svairn �+.: Q4�
<br /> principal of and intcrest on the debt evidenced by the Note and ony prepaymcnt and luts chaj'ges duL iar.�°cr thc I�ot�. �
<br /> - 2. Fw�ds for Tn.�es and liuuzancc. Subjcet to applicable la�v or to n wdtten w:uver by Le�(ler, Borrower s;.;nl] pay co
<br /> L.cnder on the day manthly paymcnts are duc undcr the Note,until the Nate is paid in full,a sum("�untis")for: (a)yetu'ly twYCs
<br /> and asscssmcnts�vhich rnay attain priority or•er this Security Instrum.ent as a lien on the Property;�b)yearly leaschold paymcnls
<br /> or ground rents on the Yroperty,if any; (c)yeady hazard or pruperty insuzanc:,prcmiums;(d)yearly flend Instsance pi'emiumti, �:
<br /> earl mort a e insurdncc remiums, if any; :uid (fj any su�t�s payable by Bonuwer to I.ender, in aceordant:e with � '��`^'�
<br /> if any: (e)y y S S P
<br /> '��e��..
<br /> ' •-----__•�_�-�� thc pruvlsions of jfaragraph E, in li�u c�f the pay�ment of mort��gc.insurnnce premiums. Thcse items ure called "Escrow Items." �;;;y�±
<br /> . -� ...� 1 nA e I'i�� �Fnrinra7lv �_.�"..
<br /> --- r ant� . --..... ...,... «..... � < --
<br /> �r n,av. at S�T•,�cinie. collect und hold Funds in an amount nor m eY�+��^ ^-°-:�::::: °"'^�,,, »=,•-°_ •__ '-
<br /> :��y;,�;; relutcd mortg�gc lann may mquire for Bon•ower's escrow ucconnt unde�� �he federai Real Estate�c�dement Praccdures Act of • _
<br /> ..�;ti 1974�.s amendcd froin time to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectic��n 25�1 et sey.("1CFSPA"), untess another law that applics to the Funda w_7�. .
<br /> .:<< sets n lasser amount. If so, Lender may, at any timW, �4�llest'�nd 4�nld Funds iu an amount not t�a exceed tlae le.�a:er amount. '�?:�:�
<br /> �?��..,.
<br />._�_____._�. Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due an th�C�n:�is o.f surrc;nt data and reasonuble estimatTS of expe�aclitnx�.es�f future .���:•.;�-
<br /> - Escrow Items or otherwise in�ccordance v;ith applicabla Ju�v. -
<br /> -- The Funds shell be hcld in an instir[ution whose deposlts ure intiumd by a Ged�rnl agency, i�r�strume:�ttdjty, or endry =_ _
<br /> ;;r� (including Lender, if L.endet is suc4:an�institution)or in xmy Federal Hornc Loan ma�a&. �rr.der sha41 apply the �rimcls tn pay the -�1�,,
<br /> .T�A� .A� �w71v n�7v�i v t P/r' �� -.--
<br /> _U� �scrow Items. Lender rnay r,o.cnargc nosrowcr iu� i�oiving and ap�l3�;,E,,.�° �':::...`.�.^..^.:-....,, `�,..->-�o-�r rnr�rnw account,ar _
<br /> -�--�-����� verifying thc Eszrow 3tems.urless Lcnder Qays Botrower interest or� the Funds nnd applacable law�crmits Y.ender tv makc such
<br /> ���� a charge. Howe���r,Lender may require�3arro�vcr to pay a one-lime chasgc for an indepcndent rcal estnte ta�c rcportin� se�•coe
<br />�_-�-:;�'�d►,t�� used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an ubreement is made or
<br />=-°�:t��� applicablc!nw rcquires interest to be paid, Lcnder shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> - --=�� Borrowcr and Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall�ive to Ronowcr, _
<br /> -���
<br />----- without chargc, an annual accounting af thc Funds, showing credits and debits to thc Funds and the purpose for whiclt euch
<br /> �,�.�,f,�� l�CStt(0 tltC PUtI(IS W:15 tl1E1tIC.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums u�cure{l by this Securiry Instrument.
<br />�,.,ry,,,�,_�,r�-J [f the Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts perniitted to b�held by applicable Ixw. Lendcr shall accaunt to Banower �°.
<br /> ��rt��;`-'�� for the excers Fui►ds in accordance with thc requirements of npplicable law. If the umount of�he Funds held by Lcnder at any _ ____
<br /> �,.;=w�,��,-,��,� timc is not�ufficicnt to pay[hc Escro�v items whcn duo, l.cndcr may w notit'y 9orrowcr in writing,and,in such cusc Borco�vcr F,«M�
<br /> L�,�.,,-��� shall pay to Lender the amount necetisury to make up thc deficicncy.Borrower shaU make up the deficiency in nu mure thun F ,
<br /> �-�-='�'� twelvc n�onthly paymcstts. at[�ndcr's solc discrction. E a =�r:=
<br /> �--�'"`'wr%� Upon payment in full of all sums sccurcd by this Sccuriry [nsirument, Lcndcr shall promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any
<br /> �� Fun�is hcld by l.endcr. If, andcr puragraph 21.L.endcr shall acquirc or sell the Property. L.ender,prior to thc ucyuisition or salc ����
<br /> —
<br />