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<br />- �:�:ii",w��,�a:.� _
<br /> - -_-.w.�..^�: 8. /Ossignor herehy r,avenent� and warranta t� the Aaslpnos that(�n) A��Ipnor hAS nnt axa�utad any priar ��
<br /> __=�_'=��.=,� esalgnr�ter�!oi the L�e��r ot il�rl�Fti,tiN�end Intertt�t therein or ihe tentais lo�►ccrue t�enundrr;(bj AN�os hss nul -
<br /> pertormed any a�t�executed an�inatrument which mi{�ht provant the A�nad Irom op�r�Hr►p undsr�ny M brrrt�atd
<br /> ""_'�"��_y`�ti;� condlUon�hereof,orwhlchwouldilmittheliaubne�ainsuchopere�on;(c)Aaslpnarheinolacc,�{aE�drentundetMn►LM�k,r —
<br /> ._�:„ any p�ariod au t to the�urrent psriad for wh�h r�nt has�Insdy brcorr�e du�l Mnd p�Yft�(�th�r�la no A�1wk fitrw
<br />-=�=��3�'�.�a�i�_ :3 QxistinpuncSerthe ee,�nd(o)Asslgnorh�snotexecutedorarerrted�nymodfflcatiunoram�ndmsntwlu�l��rolRhel.�o __
<br /> - =-—=<� eid�sr oraity or in wrftiny except as set forth In Schedule��,and iiia3 ii�a I.ea�la i��Suli ta�::a���I ti;.;.�. -
<br /> __.::��.:� .�
<br />�="�°���"'� 0. IT IS MUrUALLY AGREFD�110iTH NESPECT TA EACFi 1.�l18E THAT:
<br />- ��,:-
<br /> — -��:
<br /> --..�.�
<br />,;,��;-;;,�;� 1. Assieneetrerebygrantapermisslo�toAssignartocoileclupon,butnotp►lartoaccra�Al,alir�na,lu��.s�o�ib
<br /> ���-°- ��r�,;�,:,�: andprofL'�framthosaldPrpmlaosendtoretaln,anduseenyenJoythoeeme,butresavefthsriahleorevo9c��uohpsrm�s�lon
<br />'Y�'m:' � � .� T , mtanytime,wtthor�vithoutaa�s�,by noUcelr�wrlNnatoAaelgnorbyce�iHedrtualiaent4otheeddrs�herelnaM�rpr�db�dlor . _-
<br />=�~���'��"j���`�,, ,�. se�l�ding notice9,In any evenfi,.�uch permisslan to Aaalgnor ah�ll be automaticaily revoked upon dshuM.by Afelprwr In ti�
<br />';�.�+,,��'''�"�'�",' , p�ymentofeny oftheObligationssecuredhere4�yorinthepertormancaofanyobllgatlon,covsnant,�e�ramanth�rsin,InMid
<br />_.��;.� :,�,."'�,fi�
<br /> tti�?� mortgage or dsed of truat,in the Lease or in any of the ObligaHana secured hereby,or in eny eeourin�e1t�c�ement qiwn in
<br />�_�.':�'�;;.`' ��>;��� connectlon therew(th,(atl of which wiil b�reterred 4o herein es"DelaulY').In the event that the Aeaipnee shoufd revoke euch —
<br /> + , �. ,.�;��,, _
<br />,•,,,�;��~ ':.:;'�: peimisaionorsfterthso�currenceofaGeiault,theAsslgnee,maynYi�soptlQn,afternotfBcatlontoAwlflnpr.bycertiflsdrrwll,Ro
<br />=��,.=.:�•:�:::�t• �he address hereinaRer presoribed for ssnding notices,direct any or ell ot tha tenanta of the Premisss to M►y ta Msipne�,f M
<br /> �;;'�; '.::;� , ' a��nb ar its�ttomay�, au�h�rents,lssues,pro8t3,revenues,depoalts,righis snd benefib as me naN be du�or rhall
<br /> _� � -� hsrtfnaftrrt�ac:ornedus,andAssl�neemaycollectthssam�.Yh�e�i�?�vitorwritlenatetementvfen4�c��,Ag!!nt,t�rrttcxnay
<br /> :%`� " �. ���� of Assipnee sta�ing thatthere has baen a Dafaul4shall connitutaconctusive evldencethereof,end eny tenent to othdr psreona �,_;
<br /> ~ :� ts autho�ized�and directed to rely thereon.7'he As�ignor turther agreea,that In the ovent thepe►mletlon to uae end►etedn the ��
<br /> ,-:����, �. " ronts,income,insues,depo9lta&nd proflta,should Iadterminated ar upon lhg occurance at e De�ault,to lmmedlately�un�over n�-�
<br /> _ .. _ toAasiar►�e,AttAetimepRdlnthema,nnerr�a�!estedb�f AB.4lnnee,Allser.urltydA�aftaorothArm�nioadc�oe4t!!dhulreR!�!!� �-��'°
<br /> � - --� A�{hn R��n�iwnw Iw en�.n►d�w�.w.•.I�M�M.. ....I�Iw w�•hn 1 a - ._..
<br />__ .�______. _:�_.__ v....... .............�...........................u.�.yiv..v....:.....»........°..°.w. --.
<br /> . �y���i
<br /> .. �..i.:', .� Y.''_.._
<br /> >.i:. 2. Notwithstanding the provislons of pa►agraph 1 hereinabove,upon or at any time etter e Default,as deflned :j�..
<br /> ". .:� hereinabove,9he Assignee,st its optlon,may declare aIl ObligaUans secured hereby immedlatety due andpayabte,and may,at ,.�J
<br /> i4s optlon,wlthout notice,and It eny such Obligations be secured by deed of truat irrespective o}whether a deal�ration of
<br /> �''� @efault under seld daed ot truat hes been delivered to Trustoe thereunder,ex�rcise ell rlghtm and remedles contelned In eaid �j'��;�
<br /> � " martgapeordegdoftrustandwithoutregardfortheadequacyofsecurltyfortheObligatlonaherebysecured,aftherinpe�eon ��,;-�.�
<br /> � or by agent wllh or without bringing an�l actlon or proceeding,or by a recetver to be appotnted by a court,anter upon.tak' .,.,:,�:.
<br /> -_- - ��°.o-.,�far.a!�iiiWR.s$:,.:tiL�O�i.::�a:.1$°i�Sif.,:,.�OT:T.��!«t!4�••i80�.!!l8k8.°!!t^iZB.Sit�l��o�tl a�r�►t�,ils airr�r�Y n� .;,� -
<br /> � Leasea,oblai�nnd evicttonants,flx or modiiy rents,and do sny acts which the Assignes deems proper ta protectthe aecurity "��*��
<br /> ' � hereot,�nd either with or w(4hout taking possession of tha Premiaes,In Its own name,sue for oP otherwlee collect snd recelve ;�,;;
<br /> �{`'�� ailrents,issu��andprof(ts,tncluding thoseqastdueandunpald,anyapnlythesame,lesscostendex�ene�ofopernUonend >'�;
<br /> �;;��,:,� collectlon,inctuding,but not Iimlted to,payments for wages and payroll t�uces,componsatfon of maneging agent e�d other ���"'
<br /> -�• managament costs and exp�nsos,real estate taxes and assessments,water, sewer,a��d sfmNar charges=Inaurance end '�".;'
<br /> , worker's compensatlon premfums,ground rents,customary real estato commisslon,and reasonable attorney e fees en�cau�t .�'"r�
<br /> costs,upansny Obllgationsaecuredhereby,endlnsuchorderestheAsslgneemeydetermine.Thoentering uponendtaking ��a�'
<br /> ' possessfon o1 the Premises,the collecdon of such�ont9,isaues and proflb and the application theraof es aforeeald,ahall no9 •
<br /> cureor�ralveanydetaultorwaive,moriliy,oraifectnoticeofdefaultundersaidmortgageordeedoftru�tarfnvalldetea�yact �
<br /> donepursuanttosuchnoilce.Asslgnorherebyroleasesanyandallclafmswh(chithaeormighthaveagalnslAaslgnoesrlalny .
<br /> � out af such coilectlon,management operatlon c�nd maintenance,excepting the Iiabllity of Asslgnee to accountfor smounts
<br /> , coilected and expended by ft
<br /> 3. The Assigneo shall not be oblfgated to portorm or discharge, nor does It hereby undertake to porfcrm or
<br /> ° dischergo,eny oblfgatlon,duty or IlebilNy under the LeASe,or under or by reason of this Asslgnment Assignor shail and doeis "
<br /> � hereby agree to Indemniiy theAsslgnee againstand hald It harmless from any and aII Ilability,loss or damage whlct�it mey or
<br /> ' • might fncur�nder the Laase or under or by reason of th(s Assignment and of and trom eny end all Gtsims end domand
<br /> �: whatsoeverwhich may bo asserted agAlnst it by reason of any alle�ed obtigetion or undertaking on Its paR to per(orm or In the I
<br /> , �� discharge of any of tho terms,covenants,or agreements contalned In the Lease;should the As.gfgnee incur eny euch Ilability,
<br /> y�• loss or damage under tho Loase or u�ider or by reason of this Asslgnment,or In the defense agalnst any auch clelm�or
<br /> „' demands,the amount thereot,Including costs,expenses and reasonabla attomey's tees,together wlth interest thereon atthe �
<br /> �-� highest�ate set forth I�any of the Obllgatinna secure�3 hereby,ahall be secured hersby and by the sald mortgage or deed of �
<br /> truat,andAsstgnorshallreimbursetheAsslgneeth�reforlmmecilatelyupondemand,enduponthefallureofAsslgnoreotodo �
<br /> � the Aasignae may declare ail Obligatlons sscured hereby Immediately due and payable. �
<br /> i
<br />' t•:•.• �
<br /> �'� � 1. Until the Obligatlans secured?�erebyshall have been pald in full,Assignor covenantsand ag�ees to keep lessed ;
<br /> „� ;;; at a goad and suffictont rental the Premises and upon demand to transfer and essign to the Assignee any and nll subsequent �
<br /> . .,r Leases upon atl or any pa�t of such Premises upon the same ar substantlally tt�e same terms�nd co�ditlons ea are harein �
<br /> • c�ntained,and to make,execu4e,and deliver to the Assfgnee,upon demand,any end all fnstrumentsthat may be necessary or
<br /> � deslrable theretor,but th�terms and provl�lons of this Assignment shall apply to any such subaequont Lease or Leases �
<br /> whother or not so asslgned and transtorred. i
<br /> `���� 2. A�siQnor ahali,upon request of Asslgnee,fumish It e compiete Ifst as of the date of the request o4 all Leasos end �
<br /> � s��•�:< oth�r tenancl�s otthe Promises In such reasonanle detall as may be requested by Asstgnee.Further,if requested,Asstgnor
<br /> ahall deliver to Assignee oxecuted or certifled coples Af ail Leases and other wriften agreements,correspondence.and r
<br /> . • rvtemorRnda botweon Asslgnor and Lessees end othertonantsseitfng torth the contractual arran�ements beriveon them.Such ,
<br /> :.
<br /> --'--,--_-
<br />