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<br /> -_—=-.--"�„�"��" I���I�M14A�N'T +�F L.�E�A�lD IR�i�T� __
<br /> ---_---_--_.-� 7HISASSIGNM�NT,medathla 2�dayof .--�y -- '�� 9,---•• _.
<br /> _ __
<br /> —=°"*' � ��. .� � s- h„��nd r� wife =__
<br /> _-= ' C1A�v,i�3 II. Q�..Y:r.ic. c�Y�.� 111CC��3.].C2 L. �ll_. . •r �
<br /> — by .. .r_..�. ---- -� --- -_ _
<br /> __�__._ 3�.i�. rr�,o�.� � cr�a xg�a, NE 6�8Q3
<br /> _---- residing at or having an ottice at — �
<br /> —� (herein called"Assignor"�,to Firsller 8ank,National Assocfation,nmahe,Nebraake hc�ving
<br /> _ -_--:r=��;,� It�Arincipal aHice at Amaha,Nebraska(i7erein ca.tled"Asslgnee"), -
<br /> --�._���i�3 --
<br /> ,�,,..,�;�:*,: � a" WITNE$SF.'LH:
<br /> -_-. ��:.�
<br /> �:�'"°.,�,,,=;"�+' i��� Y. F�A VALU H REC�IYEU,Asalgnar h�reby granb,trQnatRra and asslgns ta tho Aasipnae aH o9 the right,Htio en� __
<br /> - �,.,�:.. ---
<br />��;�4r�F�"`�i°�'. ;`' interestofAsslgnorinandtoanyendalll�:asesend�ti'iertenanctesnoworhereattormadeonorwilh�ospectt�Meeeel�tatt3
<br /> -"--�:.
<br /> � � --�� located in �1 �nt�'� H�bra�tka __ and more panlcularly deacribed
<br /> �,"="''�"�'- i�Schc���3l�(�erect,�te6chreales!atot3hfl11(��«fArredtohereinaftersA"Premise�".including,butnotlimftedtothatceAefn
<br /> -T,�'�'��� ��. Leaseort'�6eacertatnLeases.withrtl�ditivatinno,ifany,describedfn8cheduleBhereoi,cavRrinpthaPreml�;fu��erwit�: �- -
<br /> a
<br /> -�''�� �'.: (1)any and ail eRtens(ons or renewals thereof,(2)any and ali guarantees of thc�Lesse's niallgaUona under any ther�,�f anci
<br /> {t�y. � '"
<br /> ,;:° under any�nd all extensiona or rer►e�vals of any thereot,and(3)a!I renta,tssues,protita,r�venuea,deposfia,earn�st monel► �
<br /> '"°� �'-=;�_�,;;, �ayRS;,R4s,riphM cn�b�:.�tit�no::��r hnr�?ner nrlqina from such lease and tdnancies or for tt�e use�!}n�d o�GUpgnuj�ot the �T
<br /> --"'.- – �_s�....�wwwinwwwWl�Ip17AWqICfF1A�AAf.�I�IIAB.S�SeI�d�BIIARCIeSO�UUIH�USIHIl�{I�CIFTttIj���+:.;��fyv�t�' �
<br /> ^r• _ Yttlllllyet�,tt�tuai�yaiwa..��...�..........«.._._.._..�._ ._,�...«u.� _
<br />— " .� '• withanyandaliguarantees,modiiicailons,extensions,andrenewalsthereafehAUaasomeiimesi�erai��u��o��Q��.�•���•���.� �-.�,.-
<br /> .;�'at�';^��` „Lea9e"or°L�saseS'; c�„
<br /> � ,: —
<br /> _ .,_'y _-
<br /> �:�, �„�, .� FOR THE PURPOS�OF SECUR1N43: ��:
<br /> �� �� .' � ONE: Pay�ent and pertormanca of each and evF,ry debt,Ilabiilty+and obllgation ut g+ery type end descri don °
<br /> 'ir� ,ry
<br /> .;�• .;
<br /> , _--
<br /> ----
<br /> which Assignar may nova or anytime hsreafter owe to Assignse,including,but not Iimited to,the indebtedness o nor �....
<br /> a;��� ��'�� secured by that ceRain mongage or aeed oi irusi oiaun uy i o R�$r�a:b tlz:.A�gnm�a��± 5-25..,;199.5�—. �
<br /> " andrecordedortol�orecordedetorpriortotherecordingotthisAssignment,oranyathermortgageordeedoftrusthereefEer _.
<br /> ' � �� covering the whole or any pa�t ofthe Premises,(whether such debt,Uabllly,or obllgation now exlsts or ts heroafteP created or ���--
<br /> � '� incurrad and whether It is or ev�ay be dtrect or fndlrect,due or to become due,absolute or contingenL prrmary or aeao�dary, u•.—
<br /> — � liquidated or unllquldated,�r Jaint,several,or jaint and several, all auch debts. IIablUties and ohligaUons being here�n h�_ -
<br /> � collec8vely referrdd ta sometimes as the"ObAgatlons"};and =
<br /> , : .?� . ��_
<br /> ,;;�-.w�•�;�•�•�Y : TWO: Pe►formance and discharge of each snd every oCligation. covenRnt and agreement ot Asslgnor �`_
<br /> — ��-- .��-. contalnc�d he�reln or fn any such mortgage or deed of trust or�ny noto or bond secured thereby,or in any oblfgation or eny ;!�
<br />� .' • r � . securing document given in conneCtion with any of the Obligatfons secured heroby.
<br /> i � • :",�, LFJISE: � .
<br /> a� .
<br />— ,�,� _. ..„ " 1. To faltiitu�ly abtde by,pertorm and dfscharge each and every obligation,covenant and agreement o!the Q.ease
<br />— -� ��; �� byLessortobepeAormed,toglvepromptnoticetotheAsslgneeofanynoticeofdefaultonthepartolAssignor�vithrespectto
<br />— ' theLeaser�ceivediromLesseeorguarantQr,togetherw(thanaccurateendcompletecopy otanyauchnollce;atthesolscost
<br /> � �s� and expenss of Assignor,to entorco or secure the p+ertormance of esch and every obllgatfon, covenant,cmnditfon and ,,,
<br />_ . ,;�� �� agrsement otthe Lease bythe Losseoto be pertormed;notto modity or in any way alterthe terms of the Lease;not to terminate
<br />— �, the term of the Loase and no!to accept a currander of the rents thereunder or to walve,excuse,condone or ln any manner
<br /> ., � release or discharge tho Lessee thereunder from the obligations,covonants,conditfons and agreements by the Lesseeto be
<br /> . .�, peAormed,including the obligation to pay tt►e rentul ca{led tor thereunder In the manner and at the place and tima apecifled
<br /> therefn,and Assignor does by these presenb expr�ssly reloase,rellnquish and surr�nder unto the Asslgnee all Asstgnor's
<br /> �ight,power and atathorityto modity or In any way altarthe termsor provisions of the Lease�,orto term(nate the term oraccept e
<br /> :i•�:,:. ` surrender thereof,and any ettempt on the part of the Assfgnor to exercise any auch riflh1 without the written nuthority end
<br /> - '� consent of the Assignee thereto being first had end obtained shall constitute a Detault of the terms horeof,as deflned
<br /> ��, � herelnafter,entitling the Ass[gnee to declare eli sums secured hereby Irnmediately due and payable.
<br /> ,�:;
<br /> � � � 2. At Assigronr's sole aost and�xpense to appear fn and detend any action or proceeding arlsing undor,growi�g .
<br /> out of or in Any manner connectod with the Lease or the obligatlona dutles or Ifebllities of Lessor, Lesseo or guarentor I
<br /> � :+ thereundor,and to pay zll costs and exponses ot tho Assignee,lncluding attorney's fees in a roasonable sum. in any such
<br /> : action or proceodin�In whtch the Asstgne�e may appear. (
<br />-- " 3. That should Assignor tail to make any payment or to do any act as herein providerf,thon tho Asslgnee,but
<br /> " wfthout obligation so to do and wisNout notice to or demand on Assiflnor,and wilhout releasing Ausignor trom any obllgation i
<br /> hereof,may make or do the sartco in such manner and to such extent as the Assi�neo may deam necessary to protect the ;
<br /> � security hereof,including specftically,withaut Iimitfng its general powers,the right to appear fn and defend any a�tton or I
<br /> � proceeding purponEng4oattecttt�esecurlryhereoforthArightsorpowersott�eAssignoe,andalsotherightbutnotthedutyto �
<br /> .,�u„rri And discharae each and everv obligatlon,covenant and agreement of Lessor in the Lease contatnod;and In
<br /> ` -- -_'_--_-
<br /> _��__..�...�.re
<br /> � �� exercising any such powers to pay necessary costs and exponses,employ counsei and ineur ana pay ioasv��a..�o a.�����o�.. `
<br /> - I
<br /> —- ' fees,
<br /> — ' 4. To pay Immediatel�upon demand all sum3 expended by the Asslgnee u�d�r the autharity herQOf,togother with
<br /> �,� .. � Intsrest thereon at the highest rate set torth fn any of the Obltgatlons secured hereby,and the eame shali be edded to the
<br /> , Obtigations end shall�e secured hereby snd by tho sald mortgage or deed ot trust
<br /> . '° 5. Thnt Assignor wili nottransfer or convey to the LessBe the fee 4ltleto the demtsed Premise�,or eny part thoroot,
<br /> - unless tha Lessoe assumes in writi�g and agrees to pay tho debt secured horeby In c�ccordanco with the terms,covenants and
<br /> � conditlons of the sald notd pr bon d secur e d by sa i d mu rtgag e o r d e e d o f t r u s t
<br /> _ � .„
<br /> f ..
<br /> g - LI'G!d 'vllF 7�
<br /> 'T Y � ,
<br />