.:'� ,,�� • r,r;��,�„:.:: ... ;: __ .
<br /> ,,�•..�r+��r ��v»«r:u..�,.,....� --
<br /> '�_ .s,.o,.. _._
<br /> �._. ------..:��
<br /> _...�_" i_-' - _ _ _.__._.....__..�,_.�...,.�-.�..-- -Y.����.�._�. ..__ . ..._ .-..
<br /> __ _.. _.�t,�iErilFiA\fl���� i�fiYM[.�l6w�.M.-aa�ai-' _ _ -��- ______._-
<br />--'�`a�-,�_r•a�-.-;w':a.� f y -••----��-
<br /> � ���s�� ���p���
<br /> -:�4=—_��r I . ` `+1 � _'_...
<br /> . ���.`_�.1� � I •. .` ... ' T__.
<br /> .._ ._ �. �fi::::.".,�:.:fi`.�:i).ti��1C: �1ffd�!:::(�.',L`1 illl�i,l',:Yf�UP l;l,".If�i�Oi°�I���1:,(�^^,.f�:I,;C�OY(:0�1'::::;::"::ii";I,�R f,:�:i::; '-3 t':.r.i[':�yi ?
<br /> -=- __T- � co��Acnma:ionoratr��rta+:iagotthsPrnpeery.�rp�rtth�scot,artorcanveyt�n�eu�u��eola;andemn�Nr,n.�l►ah�rn4ysrsfgn�il _
<br /> and ehell be r�a1d to L�r►dsr.
<br /> --- In the nv�nt ot a tai�l t�kx�g ot ttse Prop�ry.the Proce�ds shrfl be�ppli�to tti���m�sscur.d cr mi.�a r�w,w�m
<br /> _ - tne Kxtes�.II nny,{�oid 10 8or�awer.In th�event ol a partinl t�kinp of th�Prop*rtp,unlas Bon'oww'e�d 6.�r�aN�wlaR i
<br /> -- ag��slnwrllinp,me►e�hs0bu�ppllsdtothesumfucur�dbythls0eedolYru�isuchp�opwrUa�o�lhpprncMdirrak�4a�lta
<br /> thal propoNl�n which th�amount M M►��umf s�:ur�d by this t�u of T�u�1lmm�dl�lMy pr�Cx 1a fM d�M oQ t�kMtip bw���o1M
<br /> �--°'_��__� Inir merket valuo of the prop�rty Immedlately prlor to tn�dats ot takin�,with the�bel�ncs al M►�e{xc�Cl�srls pNd k►Borrower•
<br /> It the NropeAy is abaandaned by dorrowur�nr 19.e�'ri�r�n�iice t;y L��zc.a�:0�4�.::�..°�i��:Si�J C�i���:.:c�blG:G~�+:�C.:_'.:.^.:SS , _-
<br /> awnrd ar seMleo�ct�im for d�m�gse,Borrow�or hlls to cespand to lendar vr�tlNn 30 d�y�sMa tM d�M such nollcc�k m�IMd.
<br /> lender��authorized to coliect and si�ply the proceeda,at Landur'a opNort,eiMev lo reatonbon or repnfr of th�RropMty a to
<br /> �'� thp Sumg secured�y thfs S1eed�f TrustL
<br /> --� Unless I.endeiand Bar►ower otherwlse apree In writing,eny auch epplicatipr�ol procsadato pnnci�l�tuifl not�xteMx!or
<br /> � poslpone the due dateot tl�e manthly installments reterred to in paratirepha 1 and?heraol or chany�th��mc�unl ot�uth
<br /> -- _== inslallments.
<br /> _��:j 10. SonowstNelRNa�d.factensionofthelfinetorpaymentormadificalionolamehi�.�tfonofth�aumisecur�dDyfhf! ^�
<br />- - -- _� Ooed a1 Yruct granted hy�.ender to any succaswr li�inlAiesi o1 Borrow�r yhal!�ot Opars'a!o rs!aass,in any m�.�nssr,lnc�
<br /> �'"""�D=' Iiat�iliryottheoriginalBorrnwornndBar�awer'asuccegsoralntereatl,endersh�tlnneb�roqu�red�ocomm�cepreceedlr►��
<br /> � .-�'��� against such successor or refuue to e�tAnd lirno 1or p�y�'�t+nt or otherwis9 modity amcxtii.allon pf tltip sum�eacured hy tl�la _
<br /> -- Doed o1 rrust by reaison o1 sny demand madc�by thr orlginal Borrower anA Hnrrqw�x'e succeseoru in InMru�t.
<br /> -.,��;;�.' 1 t. Forb�aece b�La►d�r Ho1�M�aiY+K.Any torbearav�ce by Lender in exercisinq er►p rigtH nr r4rinl►dy hera�mckr,or
<br /> -- --- otherwise alfocded by epplica610 law,shall not be a wafver af or pre�:ludd tha ex�erclse of sr.y ueCN ripflt nr t�.The
<br /> =�'�+�? proGUrAmentof insunnce otttee payment altaxes or otherliena orchnrp�by Lender shA11 notb�n w�ivyr pf l.nndePs r qhtto
<br /> -=� eccetermt�the matwity of tt�indabteidness secured by thi�Dr�ed ot Trust
<br /> �� e
<br /> ---�°��_; 12. R�iewi�►Cumutatlwr hU remedies provided in this qeed ot Trusl aro dfst�nct and cumulsY�w!ta e�ny�!t►M ri�ht or
<br /> -��;��=�±�:� remerlyunderthisLleedof7rostoreNordedbyleMOrequiry,andmaybeexetcisedconc:urren�y,indep�ndari�rycust�ccassneky.
<br /> — � 13. Succ�sa�MA�enOa�id:JolM+�ndSwr�rall.lsblf!YiCaWk+e�.Thecovenantsanda�►b��+�iefrocontaMNed
<br /> �=-�-�-�� shnll�lnd.a�dthorightshereundershallinur�to,thec,e5pectivesuccessorsendessignsolLen mAnilJHa►rower.sub�ectto
<br />...�;,,,;,��,;;�,;: � theprov�sionsc:f�aragraph17hereof.Allcovenani�senclr�gresmen4soiBorrvw�c+�57�aitGa►31r't��diiV1vr�l.?hoc:;a�ta�n� �,-_;--
<br /> _ hCAi�lttg9 Q�ih9�'3gfephs Of this Oeed 01 T�ust B�e far r.�nvn.,+�n�e�,^.!��^w�•°!':^'.!^!`°•��!'9�^�^!!^^�t�r A�fin�1hs
<br />:�;'�=:r�a. —' ��aais�ons nereoi.
<br /> ,� ;�
<br /> �:�:'��•t� • 14. Nollce.Exceptfor any notice required unde►applicable lew to begiven in anpit�ermanner,(a)any notfcc�to Bor�ower
<br /> =�y�;� providedfarinthisDeedofTrustshallbegivenbymailingsuchnoticebyaertifiedmaileddresaedto8crirov�reratthePropeny
<br />="J'���y Address or at sv�h other addre�s as Bor�owsr may destgnate by notica to Lender as providod here'.n,end(b)eny notica to v
<br /> -�" •� ''• ' lendershallbegivenby certltindmail.returnrecelptrequested.toLender'saddresastated hereinost�suahothere�ddreasaa _
<br />-�```" � �� Lenderma desi nateb n�ticetoBonowerasprovidedherein.Anynoticeprovidedinrinthta0eodofTrustshellbedeemed =_��
<br />-�aR..���:f:�' Y 9 Y _
<br /> :=n�;�_ to heve been given to Borrower or Lender when gtven in tt►e manner desigfiete�d h�rein. __
<br /> -� �n, �' � '14.1 "Reque�t tor Notice.Trustor and beneficiary request thet e copy of eny notice of datault end notice ot sale made or _ �
<br />;��„ ..:'l;,.• . ,' . ---_�
<br /> . :.,F � ] exe�.uted hy the Trustee pursuant to the provisfons hereo5!08 sent to the TrustC►r and Beneficlary at thelr respeCtive mflling __
<br /> 1••: >-.f ^,� uddresses sm�uiu�awVa" _
<br /> <�� 15. ilnflorm OMd ot Trust:Gov�minq l.�w;S�v�nbiUty. The(orm of deed of trust combines umtorm covenanb tor
<br /> � �a, � •��� nationel�se and nan-uniform covenants w,1�limited variations by�uris�icrion ta consUtute a uni�torm seauriry Instrument -
<br /> -' ;�r ' .,,�. . Covering real property.This Deed of Trust shall be govemed by the law of Ihe►urisdiction in whiCh the Propetty le located.In _-
<br /> �;::;' tha�vant that any provisinn or clause of th15 Deed of 1'n�a9 or the Note canfltcts wfth epplicable law,suah conflfct ahall not
<br /> - ,r aflectatherprovisionaofthlsOeedotTrustortheNOtewhichc�nbegivenefiectwithouttheconfUCtfngprovislons,�ndtothi9 �"�'-`
<br /> -^�.r-tY•�*�r: �"__
<br /> r end the prouisfons ot tho Oeed ot Yrust and the Note ere declared to he severable.
<br />' `'`��i�`�`������ 18. BorrowK's Copy.Borrower shell be fumished a contormed copy o71he Note and of this Deod 4f Truat at tho tlme ol `�L_--
<br /> -��''�t�;�:�.,.. execution ar after recordaUOn heroot.
<br />�.::?`1�;".w"^'�'�' _ ..,.:_-
<br /> _, �Y,� � .. 17. T►snsbr of th�Wrop�ty;AssumpHnn.lf all or any part o1 the property or an interest thsrein is sold or tra�sterred by
<br /> _ ___:s � .� ,,,. Borrawerwithoutl.endee'spriorwrittencansent,excluding�a�the�reatfpnofPlienorencumb�ancesubordlnatetothisQeed
<br /> .��•��, ,.,,�, oTTrust(b)thecreationofapurahesemoneysecurityinterestforhousehmldappltances,(c)etranstArbydevisedescentorby +�w�
<br /> -� -. ,„�r•� operatlonoflawuponthedesthota�ointtenantor(d)thegrantofanyleaseholdinterestofthreeyearoorlASSnotconteiningan
<br />;���°°c� :" �� optfonto purchase,Lendermay.et Lender's optlon.declereall the sums secured by thls Deed o}Trustto be Immeiiiatelydue ,.
<br /> =�"`" : �T. and payable.Lende►shall have waived such optton to accelerate if,prior ta the sale or tmnsfor,Lender and the ptarson to
<br />'+�;�-��.���_�� whom the Property is to be sold or transtsrred reach agreement m wntmg that the credit o4 such pa�eon is satisfactory to ,..
<br /> ---=�- Lender and thatthe interost payable on the sum5 sacured by th�s Deed of Trustshall beat such rn4e as lender shall request.lt
<br /> ���•Y''�T f i • Lpndorhaswaiveeltheopt�ontoacceteretoprovidedir�thlsparagrephl7.andilBorrower'ssucces5orinlnteresthasexecuted
<br />� '`=`' �,'�� ewiittenassumptionegreementecceptedinwritingbylender,lendershellreleaseBorrowerfromellobligntlonsunder!his .
<br /> ����i;,t.:. � Deed ot Trust end the Note. .
<br />...,.,� ....
<br /> -;�:. n.:.,.r_r
<br /> - •:.,.,•_�� If lendei exe►cises such option to accelerate,Lender shall mail B�rrower notice ot acceleratbn in accordanco with
<br /> � paragraph 14 hereof.Suchnotice shafl provide a penod of not less then 30 days from the datethe notiCe is mailed wtttiin which
<br /> - Borrower mny pey the sums declAred due.1Q 9orrOwer falls to pay such Sums prior to the expiratfon ot such period.Lender ,
<br /> . � ! may.withouQ turther notice or demand on 8orrower,invoke eny remedlas perm�tted by paragraph 16 hereof.
<br />'�+'�:T,`,�`�� NOH-UHIFORNi CQYtNANTS.EoROwer and Lend�r(urlh�r cov�n�nt and aqree as loll0�s: �• ":
<br />',;r�:'� .. 1!. Acc�l�rapon;R�nNdlt�l.Except as providod in parag�eph 17 hareol.upon Borrower's breaah ot any covenant or ...
<br /> f;� ;��;`: ,�r� agreementof Borrower in thts Oeed ot Trust,including the covanants to pay when due any sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> w,yz:_, Lender prior to acceleratian shall mad not��o 4o Borroweras provided in paragraph 14 hsreat specHyi»�:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br />- ;P,�;�:;.�;�••,;� actionrequiredtocuresuchbreach;(3)aci�4e,notlessthan30daysfromtt�edatethenoticeismait�rdtoBorrower.byvehich
<br /> .":��..� , " such breach must be cured:and(4)that fa�.�Pe to cure such breach on or betore the dato specified in the not�ce may res�clt in
<br /> �'� acceleretion olthesums secured by this Deed o}Trustand sale of the Property.The notlCe shall turther Intorm Borrowerotthe
<br /> � • � � r�ght to reinstate after acculeretian and the right to bring a caurt actl�n ta assert the non-OxiStenCe of e d�feult or sny olher
<br /> v • . _ .:�.'�i defense ot Bo�rowerto acceleratlon and sale.ll the breach�s not cured on or before t�e dato�pecitied in the norice,Lender at
<br /> . � Lender's optian may declare all 01 the sums secu�ed by this Oeed of Trustta be imrt:edlately due and paynble withaut further ,
<br /> demand and may invoke the power of sale�nd any other remedtes Re:mi'tSed by opplicable law.Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> � colteCtall reasonablocostsand exponsesincurred in pursuing the ramECii�Sprovided fn the peregraph 18,inCluding,but not
<br /> . r limited to,reasonable attornoy's leos.
<br /> � It the{sowor ot salo i�invohed,Trustes shall rocord a notiCe of de18uH in each county in whtCh the Property or some part
<br />- � � ���` thereotlslocatedandshallrrtadcopiesofsuchnoticeinthomannerprescribedbyanpt:vablslewtoBorroweran�tothaothar
<br /> __ . persons proscribed by epp,ccabt�,lew.After tho iepse of such time es may be requ�rod by epplicaDle law.Trusteo shall give I
<br /> public notice of sale to thepetsons end in the manner prescribfld by applicable low.Trustee,without dr�mand on Bo►rower,
<br /> � ' shallsellthePropertyatpubliceuctiontothehfgheytbfdde►etthetimeandplaceandunderthetermsdosignatedinthenotice �
<br /> � � of sale in ane or mnre parcels end in such order as Trustee may deteemi�e_Trust�mey postpone salo of QII or any parsel ot �
<br /> ��`�� the PropeAy by publlc announcement at tha time and place ot any previously schQduled sate.Londu►or Lender's dasignea �
<br /> - .y�,F�?�' �.....w.�a Ue Duu�s.lu nf nnu uoln
<br /> '_,-�.�.�... ---__-- "u ya•.n.wv...�....r.�..��.�..��._.
<br /> . •- ��� Ilponreceiptofpaym4ntolthapricebid.TrusteeshalldelivortothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveyfn�thoPropertysold. �
<br /> -- • TherecitalsintheTrustee'sdeedshallbopnmafacieevidenceotthetrufhollhostntementsmadetherein.7rustaeshellopply
<br /> '��- � theproceedsofthesalei�lhefollowingorder.(o►toollreasonablecostsandaxpRnsesolthesale.includl�g,butnotlimitedto. ;
<br /> ' ' � .� Trustee'sleesolnotmorolhan ?bofthegrosssnleprice.rousanableoUorney'atuesandcostsottftteevidonce; i
<br />_ �bp to nll sums secured by thi�Doed ot Trust:and Ic)the excess,it any,to the pereon or persons legelly entitled theroto. ,
<br /> 19. 8arrowK'r Rfqht b RNnrtat�.NolwfthstandlnQ Lender's acceteration ot the sums sacurod by thfs Deed ot TrusL
<br /> - __�r,.=, = ^o�.�.:a:a�s�fha.atN�r:ghitohav��nyprr:�:�lnysb..nun�yl�nd�r!�e^'_�_e!�eDeedolTrustdlscontinu�detenyYime
<br /> - � FnorrotheearlierQOaccurot�qtheGfthdaybetorethesalsolthePropertypursuanttothopowerofsatecontafnedlnthe�eFxf
<br /> ot T�ust(ii�entry of a judgmens sntorcmfl lhis Deed ot Trust ih(a)Borrowe�D3ye Lender ell suma whtch would be then due
<br /> under this Deed of Trust,the Note nnd notes socunng Future Advances,d ony.had na accoletatfon occu�od:(b)Barrower
<br /> � v., cure�all breaches ot eny other covonanta or aQreamenis ol8orrow�r cantained in thfs Oeed ol Tvust(c)Bortowe�peye ell
<br /> . � ' reasonabieexponsesfncurresdbyLsnderandTrusteeentorcingthecavenantsandagreementaof6orrowercontafnedfnthls
<br /> ,, •y,.� ; Ce'vuui i rusi and in entorcing Lender's nnd TruutoD's remedie9as provldedin paragrnph 18 hereot,including,butnotllmited
<br /> - to,reasonebte ettorney's fuee;nnd(d)Borrower tektts such action as Lendormay reasonably require to es�ure that the lien ot
<br /> � ' thls Deed ot Trusf.Lender's Interest in the Proporty ond Borrowor's obligation to pay tho sum�socured by this Deed o1 Trust
<br /> � shall contlnue ummpnfrod.Upon such pnymont enA curo by 6orrowvr,th�s Ooed ot 7rust and lh�obllgottons socurpd heroby
<br /> • shatl reme�n m hlll lorCO and c�ftect ns�f no accc�torat�on hAd accurred.
<br /> , .. .
<br /> . �•- �- , -•. . . .. ... .._ ... --------. - . .. _ _ -
<br />