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<br /> � -� UNIFQRM CQVtNRNTB.f3o►rowor�nd Lend9r�ovennnt�nd apr�e�foL'nwe:
<br /> ^ �, p�aympnl at priRClp�!�nd Int��1.Elor�ower ahe�ll prompdy psy when du11 Ihe princlpei ol and ini�rwt�n !h�
<br /> - - �,�d�bNqn�ss�ylWnc�dby4h�NoW,wr�pa m�nfandlstech�raaa�*pruvldr�finthewnte,endShaprinclpalntandintaarton
<br /> � � � nny Futura Adv�nce�s�currol by tt►��oi YrutR
<br /> __,� My f0l.MdK
<br /> --_-- --- ?.. Fr�k►rTr.RM�11�tancM��ublacttnappllCablaleworaaawritfsnwalva�byLendar.8ormwrr�he�ll
<br /> ---- � onthedeym�DnthlylmMi�n►rnksotpnnWpa7rndir��w��a�wp.y��us��_:t�t�E:a::.unt!!th�t�^`5t.:. �inhell,nez!m(�At+sln _
<br /> ��Fund�")equ�l to onat�rNfth of Ih�ywrly t�xa�nd�I�����h�y��In prWriry avw►his DMd ot Tru�t,anal
<br /> ___ ground��ntsonthel'rop�rty,lfiny,plusone•twMflhof Ywulypr�mluminfUdimentfiorlu�iMrdinruronc�.pluaiona'��a
<br /> --- yearly pnmium init�llmsnte lor monfl�rie Im��r�nce,f1 eny,�11����ortebty wNrMt�d Initially�nd O�om tirtw to MrrM bY
<br /> _:.���n Le�d�r on the baala o1���t9 sn�f Wli�bnd rer�ansbl�Mtim�IM thKw1.
<br /> ` 7he Funds�h�ll he hNd In an imtitutlon th�d�R�oslts or accounb of which�n 1�aured a puaranM�d.by w F�d�rN a�M
<br /> eyency(Including Lender i1 Lender i�such en Instltullon).L�ndw dh�ll�pply the tundA to pay saW d�x�.�sa��t�.
<br /> w;_,;a��;,;���'. insurencepremlume�ndgroundrenta.Lendermeynotch�r tnr�holdlrtp�nd�pplyinflfhtFundaa�yl��0����s
<br /> -�•:� orverilyinqh��dcanpHfnflsalda�stsamsntearedbN�e unl�e�4k1l�{�iy�Qcxrow�rinlpR�tonlheFunab�nd�tubl�N►w _ _
<br /> ` ~:_-�-�'-'k��' psrmll�l.endertomak�auchacharqe•RarrowerendLendurm�.yepf�lnwridngettn�t�me�tex�cutis►nMH��e c+l'P►ur�
<br /> -��"" Ehat Int�re�t an the Funds�hall Ae palcl to Hurrower,and unts�s euch ngream�n9 ts m�fa a� �1b�law� InM►sw:h
<br /> ,.�?r���•.
<br /> F_��}��• ,� �.. interent t�b�paid,{.ender shell not t�a requfre�d to psy BorrowM any InNra�t ov earnin�s an thei ��nd�Lendar �11 p(.v�to
<br /> ��...�....��e•;�.• QarrowAr,without aharge,an nnnual accounting ot the Funds showing credita end d�biCS to the F�rnds nnd ttFe/w r�tor
<br /> - •�-'�� wh'rchnnchdcbitlotheFundswasmede.TheFundsarepledgedas$ddHianelsecurlryforthn�umteecuretfbylhlt�tHedo!
<br /> _=-_-`����SB�c��3�� TPU91.
<br />___.���g� If the amount of the fund�hetd by Lender,together with the(uturo monthly initallmenri of Funda psysWe prfor toth�due
<br /> -�-���- dates af tsxes,asasssmente���►surance premium�and p�ound tenW,ahail excoed tfie�maunt raqu(red to Pay�akl�xM.
<br /> aa��sment�,In�urence premiums and(�round ronts es they fall dus,such excea�shell bs,at e�r�ow�r'a opttoa�,Nthe►
<br /> `�`'���,���, prompNy repafd to BorraWrer or credited to f3arrnwer on mon1hly iny4alir��e�►s�01 Fund�.lf tha sraun!o!the Fe�n�±a he4d b _
<br /> S�'
<br /> '^���y";;:i, =�;, L�ndershallnotbeeuNiclenttopaytaxe3,as�essmen�i,in�uroncepremiumsendground�entasathayfaildue.Borror+KSha�
<br />-_._ . .. ... �., psy fo Lender enY emount necessarY tc�makP up the deticleRCy within 30 d�ya from the date nutice is mailed by Leeder to
<br /> ' Borrower reqaesting payment thereat.
<br /> ',T. .�����''.,�._ Uponaeyia6��ihtu113;ottLCS�t:w��CUt�tfbythl�DeedofTrust.Lenderi othorv+9eacqulra�bBL nderL�iSoush9P�aby —
<br /> _ �,.,,a.. ��.�..w.......�.,�ti�a r,aroot thw Pmoertv is sold ortho Propertgl �.._�y���a�,.�,,,�,���f�h�Nm�n1
<br /> � nolaterth�nfmmedlatetypriortotheealeotlhePropartyontsec u`u't noy�vuud�.a�....��...�.......-;--..-...---. - �
<br /> � .`��• eppllcaUon aa a credit epeinat the sums secured by thls Deed ot�
<br /> .' ' ' 9,AppNc�Uon o1 pqnNnts.Unless appllcabte law provides otherwise,all payment��eceivxd by Lender under tho►iota
<br /> � end p8regraphs 1 end 2 hereof shall bo epplfed by l.ender first In paymAnt ot amounts payahle to Lender by Bor�owar ureder
<br /> � �`� �^ pa�agreph 2 her�o},then to fnterest payableon the Noto,then to the principsl�t lhe Note,end then to interestand princlpal on 4
<br /> any Futuro AdvancAS.
<br /> � 1. Chsrgn;U�ns•Borrowereshalipayslltaxes,a3sessmentsandothafcharges.linesandfmpositfonsatMbutabletothe
<br /> �•� �<•� P�operry whlch may ettain e priority ovee this Deed o1 Trust and leasshold(�nymenb dr ground rents,il any,fn the manner
<br /> orovlded under qaragraph 2 hereot or,If not�nid in such menner,by Borroweq�ap�ng pa thi�owf aaeanh end�inctt�etever�t
<br /> payee thereot.Eorrowef sheo prompi'ry iurm�. 'o Lenda:s!!rsatt�°o4..tSl4lS!!i_L__..�t_
<br /> •� Borrower shall meke payment direCt;�,8orrov�ar shall promptly furnish to Lender�ecoipts eviAencfng auCh payments• -
<br /> X Borrower shall promptly dfacherge any lion which he9 pr�ority over this Deed o1 Trus�provlded,tlta3 Borrower atudl not be
<br /> � requlrEx1to dieCharge an 9uch 118n sa long fls Borrowerohell ag�ee in writinp tv the paymentpf fhe ot►tlgafion secured by�such
<br /> Ilen In a mer.nea eccelott�to f.�ncler.or shal l In good falth cantest ouch Itun by,or detand entorcement of such Iten in,legal
<br /> ��'`°`,'�•'�� coc�sdln s urhtch optvSito Yo pravaM tha entoraemeni pf the lian or tortefture of tiva 6'ro�►riy ar eny part thereot.
<br />. • `t:?..:�:,,. P �
<br /> ;;���r;:� • b. H�ta�d t�.tr�rn�.Borraw�r shall fcoep the Improvements now existing or her�atter areated on the Property Insured
<br /> � agafnst toss by tire,hezerda included wlthm the term'extended coverage",ond such other haiards as Lender may require
<br /> � and In suc�h amo�n:s end tor such periods as Lender mey require:provtded,that lender shall not requlre that the emount of �
<br /> suCh covereQe exceed that emount of caverage required to pay the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust.
<br /> This Insurence cerrier prov�ding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower sub�ect to a�proval by Lender,provided.that �:
<br /> such approval nhell not be unreasonably wlthheld.All premfums on fnsuranc�e pollcles sha 1 be pald►n the manner prCVlded �:
<br /> " unde�paragraph 2 hereof or,i1 not patd m such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,direcUy to the insurance <<,:,
<br /> carrle�. �'`�=
<br /> " All Insu►anco policles end renewals thereof shell be fn form acceptable to Lender and shall Include a standard mortgage
<br /> claus�9 in tavor of end in form acceptable to Lender.Lender shnll hnve the rfghtto hold the policiea end renewals thereo},end �_w
<br /> Borrower shell promptly furnish to Lander ell�enewel notices and all receipts of patd p►amwms.ln the eventot toss.Borrower �;
<br /> shellglvepromptnoiicetotheinsurancecarrierandLender.Lendermeymakeproototlossifnotmadepromptlyby8orrower. ��_
<br /> Unlesa Lender and[iorrower otherwiae egree in writing,insuranco proccsedsshell be epplied to restoration or repair otthe
<br /> , Froperty damaged,provided such restoretion or repair is economically feaeibfe and the securiry o1 thfs Deed of Trust is not _;
<br /> thereby ImpafPed.It Guch�eetoration or repafr Is not econam�cally foasible or it the security of thts Qeed of T�ust would be
<br /> •• �"� - impafred,t he insurance proco e ds s ha l l be a p pl�ed to the sums secured b y thia Deod of Trust.with the excess.it any,pafd to '-�;
<br /> '!�•�' Borrower.If the Property la abandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower taits to respond to Lender within 30 days hom the date
<br /> �i��i:�', notice Is mailed by Lender to 8orrower tha[the msurance carrier otters to settle a claim for fnsurnnce benefits.Le�der is
<br /> .�.y �� authorfzed to collact and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's oDlfon either to restoration or repa�r of the Propetty or to
<br /> tho sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> � Untess Londer end Borrowerotherwisoagree in writing,any such application of proceedsto princlpal shall notextend or
<br /> • postpone the due date of the monthly installments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or ehanfle the amount of such
<br /> inaffiIlment9.If under paragraph 1 B heroof the Properry is acquired by Lende�,ell right,title end intereat of Borrowor In end to �
<br /> �� any insurance polfcles and in end to the proceeds thereof resultmg lrom damage to the Property prior to the salv or aCquisition
<br /> � shall pass to Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust immediatoly prior to such sele or acqwsition.
<br /> 8. Prestnatlon and Malnten�oece ot PropeAy;Leassholds:Condominlumr,Flanned Untl DsvNo snri.Borrower shafl
<br /> keep the Property fn good repair and shall not commlt weste or permit impuirment ot deterioretion o the Property end shall
<br /> complywith the provisions of any lease if thl�Deed of Trust is on e leaseholci.If this Deed ot Trust fs on a unit in a condominium
<br /> or a plenned unit doveiopment,Borrower shell pertorm aIt of Borrower's obllgations under the declaretion or covenants
<br /> creatinfl or governing the condominium or planned unit development,the by-Iaws and regulations of the condominium or
<br />_ plannod unit development,and constituent documents.If e condomimum or planned unit develo�ment rider is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recordod together with thls Deed of Trust,the covenants and agreements of such r der shail bo fncorporated
<br /> � into and shall amend end supploment the covenents and agreemon4s of thls Deed of Trust as if the rider wore e part hereot.
<br /> 7. Rrotectlon af 6.ond��'s Secudty.li Bo�rower tails to perform tho covenants end agreements contained in this Daed ot
<br /> 7rust,or ff any action or proceeding is commenced w�th matenally attects Lender's intorost in tho Property.includlnc�but not
<br /> I imited to,eminentdomam.in3olvency,code enforcement,or errengements or procec�dings�nvotving a 6ankrupt or deCedent,
<br /> then Lender at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearancos,disburse such sums and take such I
<br /> actlon ea fs necessaryto protect Lender's Interest,includfng,but not Ifmitod to,disbursement ot roasonable attorney's ftsesand
<br /> entry upon the Property to mako repa�r3.If Lendor required mortgafle insuranco as e condition of making tho laan secured by
<br /> " the Qeed oi Trust,Barrower shall pay the premfums raquued to mamtam such insurence in eNect until such timo ns tho
<br /> __,___ , requirementforsuchlnsuranceterm�natesma�cco�denC�W�f1rtB0�g�Ne'h�anner�orovd�edunde paregroph2hereot�aw. ;
<br /> ---- ---- - - 80ffOW@f SI1811 pey tno mnvun�..�..�.........ti°ti.....__._..__�- �-
<br /> Any amounts disbursad by Le�der pursuant ta th�s pardgraph 7, with intorest thereon, sha11 bucome addinonai
<br /> indebtodness o1 Borrower secured by ihis 6eed of Trust.Unless 0orrower and Lsnder egreeto othor termsof payment,such ;
<br /> amounts shnll be payablo upon notice Irom Len�ler to Borrower requesting payment he�aot,and shall bear intore9t(rom the
<br /> ` deto of dlsbursementat thv rate payable Irom time to t�me on outstund�rg pnnc�pal und0r tho Note u�lo3s peymentot interest
<br /> ' permissiblo u der applicable ew tNoth,nlg contam�d m th s�Rarag aph 7 shaall equuo lenderto ncueany expe se o takoany
<br /> actior�hereunder.
<br /> 8. InspeCtlOn.Lender may make or cause ta be mado reasoneblo entr�es upon ontl inspect�ons oi irie�rcNarty,p c�s�r'
<br />= that Lendet ShAll givo Borrower noUCe pnor to any such inspection spec�fy�ng�easonabla cause theretore relatod to Lendor's
<br /> mlerest m thQ Proporty
<br />:B:
<br />�� ` I - -
<br />