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<br /> ti�y, ��yg Tal' �iC.i�1�5M."IfrcY��. .J �iA q� YF � s. w..aa.�....:atu.,.r.:tia:,,usca �; '
<br /> �4�"S]j�nq r�✓� � L_". �� ,�.-�/�i�i4YK.lJ''A ' r l-•��NP'n .�'L.1'�n`JQy.�"'�,i1�l1���� 'T-:7'�i'Ti'�K� �'��.�—T J'!!l . —
<br /> .r �fR��SY�*`PTF�, �4�.y
<br /> '''' -"r - -. . , . •'a:�t' S f... . �. ._. . . � . .,. . ... . . .. . . ... .'r, o;ro�..�rr,ri.�.e�s�ii�r m.�..cJl.:��.._�.:���._� ��._
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<br /> ._.._ ___-.__.�,..�:�
<br />_=��:���� , 9 5� �(f'"�� ,
<br /> ----.'�.° If.Borroner't CapY. Fiormwer eltall i�o given ora wnfomud ctypY of�Itio�iou and of this 5ecuelry Tnur�umatt�
<br /> —�_._ 17.Tran�i'e�r o�tke or�Beoefici�l[uEere�t W�areower. It all a�ny pwt ot the Pra�paty or�qy intera�l in k b
<br /> ---°"- sold or transfcm;d(c�r if��u;ial lnterest in Burmwcr is sokl or pt�nsferrcd ontl Bcumwer i�not a n�tural eaxon)widaut
<br /> -- --e-^---'�xs
<br /> .. ----L--_
<br /> Lcrkicr'e p�ri�or writtan oonsa►1,Lencl�r mny,�t Ite g �co4 u i r o i m m e d s�s Payrna�t 6+�fuii ui aiil�urn�t�:wtixi w�.r aa:wK
<br /> _�.__._ In,TUumenG Hawever.thW c�xion shalD not bo exac�ised by Y,endar if exacia��.prohib�tct!by fexD�l I�w�of�date af�
<br /> - �= Sosurity InsavmanG
<br /> -» If Lender exacises Ws oQtion.I.�der ahall give Barrawer nottcc of�ccekration.'tl�e natic�c�1u11 provide a of noR ks�
<br /> ._.��' .a_ ti�an 30 days fmm thc da�e the noUke!�cleliveral or mai{od vIthi�whkh Born�wa mu+t�y ali sums by this Sxurity
<br /> _-- --..�,;- ° In��umcnt If 8otro�ver fai19 to pny thtu sums prior to Iho expkaeion oE tfi3a perioA,Lendu may{nvoke tu�.y rc,rno��ts ptmtided
<br /> -- .����F:���. by�his Socuriry Ins�ument wittwut furU�tt notice or dcmand an�arowu. ��nw� sftiail havo tha right b ttacc;
<br /> -�._���?��.;.�. 18.Borrmrer'a Ri�ht!o Reiastxu. Tf Bormwer meerur ce�iairi cn��xfltians. -_-
<br /> -==_.�„ er�forcemmt of thie Sxurity Instrument'discontinucrl �t any dme prior to the eadier of: (a) 5 day�(cx such atha �aalai�s �
<br /> -�_�:�^� ' appUcable law may spocify for n�nstaument)befora s�va cx�?t�t�e PropertY punuant to nny power of sale r.ontalned�1n this Stx;wity
<br /> ��.�..r'� �. � �
<br /> �--x--���-- � 1[nstcument;or(b)entry of a judgm��[eni'orcir�g this 5�r.�RZ IInsuumen�'I4�os�con�l�t't�,s ore that Bc�smwu:(�+?+ �..La►dc�c al�
<br /> sm
<br /> ���zs%�� siuns which t�cn��vould bc due under 1}��s��:urity 1RSt*a�rnent and the Note as if�r.a a�:c�r.lera�aon if�a�l o�ocuaa��Eb) cures�nh.
<br /> --_.:_-.��...
<br />__.--_�-,;��e�''' � dofault of anp��m�covcnsinis or agr�mz�a2s;Q�D IF'nYs all expenses inc�ured in enfascnng t�nis S a.�rY4y Hos3rumcna,includirsg.bwtit
<br /> s�.. , not limited tu�s�asonabk attonaeys'fas�s�ad(dD�.�kav such act[�n as Y.,�nckr may re�►v�nal►ly roq��icu ura a�sun'.•that the Ikl►o�'d�is
<br /> "�:+.•,,..,e "� :".� Sacnsety Tnsuumre�nt, I.er,c�kr's n$d�ts in n1�a haapurty and II3arr�wxr"s�4�ligation t� pay the s�s �ccwtd by t�is Sec�siat.�
<br /> ;,!+.''�: '� '.. ��r�.?�rr►ent shall oaMt'snua �+��:��.�nged. U�n rcins'tatem��z�,y.��nowu. iai9 u�tCwrni,�Ia1�i�iti��u13 �dil� fui0 ObulZd'iifria�Si.-i:tiiaic
<br /> ;`'ti�°J�Q��� 9��r�b�r shall r�main fa�Uy e�de�x�i;,�as if nm�ceierarion�hz�l��e�c�.�red.However,this ff3gn1 Y�aeinst�te�fiaall not apply in the case mf
<br /> ,
<br /> ,-l.!?�`'ly`�i,. ; 7 r,
<br /> ,��.� . �c;�e�eradon am�:xr,qn�+r,apb 1��. ' � -
<br /> U f�,t.. ;.s�; �?+.�s�k.�'t 1`�ota;�hAmEt m1 Lu�Szsry3c�r.. 'Iiie N'at� rr.a.�pnr.a,►l �inirtcs! in.the P1�i:, �jfo�.�t�er wilh this Sri:ar;tqi. .
<br /> fx �Ca.l v i _.,�ii;n, ` �
<br /> "'�.`Il:�.l,.�iiS:,:,o`�ii,n'.:v� Q7JRI711T.1l111��i]LTSI��C[d�(�OTd�L 01 Q3i�iYC Y17P}�8�89t1iT013Y Y3TIOS A10I1�L qID.B�.L�lIS!\Vd;t.A�+1:,r��ey resulc.i��s��shnngo in raaz¢nury ticna��� . . ---
<br /> �� ;,"!^-,--„r;?�}� u�s-ihe'�.oan Servicex")th�t.�ollects monlh9�FnYmrrts a��a arnt�r 03t81�ak nnd thls S2�zr�tyt�a�.z mc�t�hete�7�n,�mz�p tw one cr�:, ;, ! . �k ';
<br /> �! �� �/tt:{��;'�1�,il,;���. .,� .
<br /> .�;:;;,��,�.:,:,•�;� �v;S,?,% u�are.changes of the Loar�5a-vicer�lntcJa't�tl ta,u�sak:of the Note.If•thesz is a chAn�o nf:ihF�iu1�drvi :Abrr�w+er wiil l�e
<br />'f i�..i�y�'}1CV��� �'��.�:.•1 � 4M.::�.
<br />,5::;;�;`;;•:�`•��'',r,� ,•, C��cn wriucn natice of the eha�ge;la�cc�ardnnce aith p.�rti�gr�ph'l4 a2�ti�a a�d applicabie law.�'�e nopce�;suna'ih�name end
<br />_ ,`,:`":°l�%�,] ti. ...: �tltlre.�of the new Loan Servicex and�'�a�clitress to��,h paymcnCs shoutd bo made.'I7�e nm3;ra�cvitf..a'L�,Contuin any other
<br /> °� .rj iruorrteadon rcquired by applicable law.
<br /> ` • Z0.Hazardoue 5ubstances. Borrower shall nat cause or permit Ihe presence. use, disposal, swrage. or relense of any --
<br /> �"' "'�� i Ha�rdous Substances on or in tha Property.Bormwer shall not da.nor allow anyone else ta do.anything affec�ng the�oaty
<br /> � � ' -�' that is in violaHon of an�r&nvinunmental Law.'Itio precedin�cwo sentences shall not apply to the presence,u.o.or storago an Q�e
<br /> . :. �. rropert},oi small quannv�:s o�'Fir�oous aubsiiuii:c5 ii,ni a�o g�tuaS;y:�cg:zr�!!t:.��FDt�st:.S�%ic:c.�ss�!swEt�;l:! �;.,
<br /> h end w maintenancu of the Property.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly give Lendcr writtcn notice of any invcsdgattan, cleim, demand, lawsuit or otha ecdon by any
<br /> " � 8ovcmmen;nl or regulatory a ency or privato pany involving�ho Property and nny Ha�ardous Substar+cc or Environmeaitel Lsw
<br /> " � of whkh Bonower ha9 ac�knowicrge.If Borrowcr Ieums,or is not�flctl by eny govcmmcntal ar regulaary authority,thst any
<br /> � �_ . removal or othcr rcmaltation aF any Ha�.ardous Sub�tancc atfocting the Property is ncccsstuy,�oirowar shall promptly tako all
<br /> necessary remed'sat aedons in accordanw with 6nvironmental Luw.
<br /> � Ae used in th13 paragraph 20� "Ha�ardous Snbstances" ara those snbstAnces de4inal a9 utxic or hazardous substences by �,
<br /> ' . ' 8nvfronsnenWl I.uw und tho foilowing substances: gnsoline, k,croxne, other tlammable or wxta peiu+nleum pn� ducts, toxic �,,,-.
<br /> c �.
<br /> pesticides and herblcides,volatile solvents.materI�ls cantaining asbestos ar fomnaldthyde, and tadioacpve materlals As used In �.;_
<br /> thi�parngreph 20,"Bnvironmental Law"mcans fcdcral laws nnd laws of the jurisdiction whece the Property is located that relata r.;.,,.
<br /> , to f►eatth.safety or envlronmencal protection. �=�
<br /> M'•::_
<br /> � NON-[TMFORM COVENANTS.Borrawcr and Lender further wvenanc and agree es follows: �;�-'
<br /> . '. 21.Accekratlon;Rea�'dies.Lender shalB give notics to Borrower prior to ncceleration folb�ving Borrower's breAC6 0! '�
<br /> . +�ay covenant or agrament in tht�Security Iestrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unlesss '
<br /> • applicabk law provides otherwLse).The notke st�all specify:(a)the default;(b)t�e action requfred to cure tbe defAUlt;(cy
<br /> . a date,nat kss t6an 30 days trom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by whkb the dtfault must be cureil;and(d) ��
<br /> �� that fwUure to cure the detault on or betore the date spectfled in the notke may result in aecele��►fbn ot the snms securerl "`�
<br /> - ' :r' by this Security Instru�ent and sak ot the Property.The notice s6all furi6er[nform Borrn�s�of thc right to reinstate --
<br /> . �� wfter accekration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence ut a default or any uther detease of .
<br /> � �orrowar to occekrAtion and sale.It the default is not cured on or before the d�te spec[fed iu the notice,Leader,at i�s
<br /> optEon�may requtre immediadte payment in full of aU su�e►s secured by this Security Instrument wi4hout further demand .
<br /> ,�. . and may invoke t6e power o!sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shull be entitled to collect
<br /> aU eapeos�iacurred in pursuing tht remedEes provided in this paragrap5 21,includtng, 6ut not limited to� reasonab[e
<br /> attoracys'fces aad costs ot t�tW evldence.
<br /> . IP the power of sale is imvoked,Trustee s6at1 recard a notice of default fn exch cauuty in which nny �nart oP the
<br />` P�operty I�iocated smd sU�U mnil coplcs of such notice in the monner prescribed by�pplicable law to BorroNer vud to the
<br /> other persons prtscribed by appltcabk law.Atter the time required by appliceUle law,Trustee ahnll give publ[c notice of
<br /> sa�e to fhe persons an�i in the manner p�rescribed by applicuble Iaw.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shaU seU t[iu
<br />- .�. � Property at publk auctbn to the hfghest bidder at the time and place Artd under the terroa desigoated in the eotice of sule
<br /> �
<br /> , • Fo�m 3018 ei90 I
<br /> �•6R(NE)lo2tx� Pep�6olo mmab:
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