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<br /> � - dpLp_'d, ..a""'
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<br />.._"'..."_"._'... ___"'._�_._ _""._ .__._.._ . , � �1—_� �� ' �� . �. W�..._.
<br /> _._._ . . . ..... .. ___ __._ '.�._._.. ._. .
<br /> — — —.-- — — _— — —_--n.��Mr++.-'_"nt.,.:�.,. _
<br />.—_--_-,_--__— � '
<br /> - g�.» �.�3���
<br /> -- --- p�nn,aw n�.y na bn�er be+reRurxee,�t�e opbn a c.�maor.+c a�o�t�r�e�,wr+r+a ari«+�n�t�n�roe aaAau�c.na r«the per+oa
<br /> �-_ __ - ; �hM•Ip��d;n�+ra�)tKOVk�ad b.y m in�urr amx�nvod by f.er�dcx�in ba'.amar kvfJlaibk+�nd i�ot�dl.9ormaKr�du►i2 pry tha
<br />_ _ premium�requ�c+ed b m�int�in mott�a�e ina�u�noe in ettect,�r io pe�o�'ide a k�a ro�ava,wuu da mquiramrni rur��«.�+
<br /> -
<br /> insw�nt�e end�in axordirnoe wiN�wy wtiftcn�taxrfa�t betvreen Atxtowa f�nd I.hba'at ap�lic+�M�e'M�w.
<br /> 9.Ywpocdoa� I�d�dsr or its�ent nu�y mt�lce reaeas�b aitriea upon and uyxttkme of thc Pro�perty.I.enrfer eh�ll pve
<br /> -�'!� 9cxrower�oe at 1he time of or pria w en f�po�tirx�speaifYin�ra�bb c�ue fa the inspocdoe�.
<br /> - 10.Co�deMrwtioe. Tfio pcocood� of any nwm! cx claim[ar dunagt�.� a Aon�equat�t, in �onoeclSai�rqh�ay
<br />_ . ,_ _=�__� a�ndemnu3on or a►ttha t�kinB af w►y port of tha Pm�aty,a[a cartveytinco in lieu of ca�drxeuuuan,ire�arebY asri�rd aad
<br /> sh�lf bo p�id W I.ender. __
<br /> — In the tvent of�w�l Wd�g of the Fr�eity.Utie proce�da stWl bo eppliod to�he swna eocured by tht�Sec�rcitY In�. '
<br /> wttieUKi ar Rot lhen cSue,with my excrsa paid tn Acxrower.In�he event of a pruti��t t�l�ing of Ihe ProputY in whk:h d�e fanr m�rket
<br /> va�ue of the Ptopaty immedlat�ly be�'ace Ihe�te�cing is oqual w a qreates ilun the unmunt o�'tha suma xxured by d�i�Se�uray'
<br /> — Instrw�nan immodi�t+ely befa+e the osking� unkss Barrowa and Let�dcT othawise c�gree in wdting� the sums sacwad by thia
<br /> Security Ir�suument a1W1 be reduad by tha amount of the prooeoda multiplioA 6y the folbwing fractbn:(s)the top�l�eriount o�'
<br /> --�-------� ie`r-c SWTis s�,�ut'� ft�::�s��.C�l��folp thi�t�ing,divEd�l by(b)�hn fair mmrket valua af du A+opectY imnxdlhtelly bet.'ore doe -
<br /> -- —��„'�� �ng.A,�►�t(�I811CL'S�tBII�i0�1J�tQil'OWCI.In Ato cvrni of a partial t�icing.of tha�y�which the�air�:ket value of tha
<br /> ^�±;;'i'r„` n�' P�a�vssy ic�mcdiately 6eforc e3ae ta�g i.c 1F;ss than G°� amount of ehe sunis sacwrnd iu�ia�ety 1.�efore d�o t�king u�s —
<br /> -�� ;,� R¢xmwei amd E.�ik�ar otl�cmise a�an vti•r'iiin3 or unless appl��b:la l�w o'3�erwian p��vide,a,rJh��?�ex.cLc sl�.�1' mt�*l�i�t➢2�Q.h,v • �.A,
<br /> �.__.L,_or...,:ti.r..mn���xu�irr�lvi nr nnt the sv�a[�n1Y�a1a d110.
<br /> ,� -- .- ,V -:(y+ 5talauaaou�vm�sU awo..........y«�__ �. ' ' � ��.).. --
<br /> � . �`. • lt 1he 1'sc+�e,�y is aban�nner3 bv AoTr�-wer.or if,�ra mat'sQe�y b.cncl�r ta l��rrower that ttu eaeckmntxr�oftr.zq im ar��,x w�,; � �, ..:
<br /> ;'� �' Amv;vd or sutk��claiin fa�s al��n�s�.a�Borrower fails to a�,c�n�tm l..ea�rlar.�r3t}ii���+s3�as aftu the clate ttM not+ne,:i�i,�;ly�;�aYulp`�,', : ,�
<br /> ll ". ix.;st�thcxazet�to CoL"e.3 an��F.�'ty the pmcoeds,at its uption��i1'�er no�r�zono2+nn.�zs strpa'a of tho Pm�xxty ar ia thc-��secured� . ��`,-
<br /> 7
<br /> ""�'�ri�•?�� . Q�.�;�,�h,.�Soc�lrry lrrsirvmtn�,�vl:cther or r,�t u�cn dna. � � . ' . ,: .
<br /> ,j�'�'I: ''. , ' ' .�iTnless➢.�ntizr an���arras��i atheawnsr.;�gr�e in w�sitin�,anY BPAliceaton of prcoaeerls�to P�wig�l.stsa�!noc Maim�a poatpone =__
<br /> ,;,,('�, ....
<br />';,::�:;,.r,.r�:.' uhe�ue date of tha month?y+;ptijme�nts�e€trrecl to fn�+a�r,aphs 1 and 2 a change�`u umonnt o�F sw;:7��ay�nx,nts.
<br /> �::.r_.,`.:«.:: ,' lt�,uw._,���►!yM 1trL�a�a�£For6t�ratece By I.endtr Aiut o Waivtr. Extensiun of thc time for psyment a mo�diC�tinn
<br />,'%'iw�.,�t�+�i� ,
<br /> '.;r:�;;.�..;�.;.�;; o€amortiration of tha sums secured by thLg Security InstruR�nt g�anted by Lender ta any suocesxx ln int�st of BaroMra xlull
<br />`; `•.;'� -r�' not o to rcic�.se the liability of th�original Borrower or Borrowcr's succcssors in intere.4t L,ender ahall not bc roquired w
<br /> `•.. ;r. • PuetC
<br /> ��'� • cammence procoedinEs against any sur.cessor in entcrest or refvse w extend dme for payment or othawlso mc�dify amoctir.�Uor►of
<br /> ;�, �� - �;' „' the sums secured by th�Saurity Insuumcnt by reason of eny d�uu►d mado by the o�iginal Bomnwer or Bortower's su�xe�a9ors
<br /> ' 4��`�'"� � in interest, My fofiearanse by Lendu in cxcrc!sing sary right or remedy shall not he a w�ivu of or pceciudc the exaciao of eny
<br /> - �-�`���':;�,' right or retnaly.
<br />--'`�°�"""'�` 12.Su�xeseore ood Assign�Bnuad�loint pnd 5everd L(AbUity:Casisurs.'ilx cavet�nt� 'at�d �Btoatxt►ts of thi�
<br />:,---�:r.i.*r .u.:�X�
<br /> _,,,...}.,L,,,,� . Security Instn�meat shaU b�nd end beneCt Iho successors end es�tgas of Lendcr end Borrower.suisjxt to the provisioiu af
<br /> : ..,.......� paragraph 17. Borrowcr's cavcnants and agrccmcnts shal! be joi�t and scverel. Any BomoNer who casigns this Socutity
<br /> :�t�:� Insuumeat but docs not eaecuu the Note: (a) is co-signing thls Sxurity Instr�mcnt only to moctgage,grant wul ccmvay thst
<br />- .. : . .,�,: Bcxrowcr's intuest in the Property undu the terms of this Sccurlty Insuument; @) is not personaUy ob6gated to pty the sums
<br /> " � � �`'' secured by G�Ls Secu�it}r Inst�um�stt;and(C)e�ees that L,enda end any other Bor[owcr may agro�to exttnd,nwdify.fabcar a _
<br /> -"`'+" " �' make any acaommodations with regard to thc terms of th:�Seturity Instrument or the I�Iote without that Bomowa's�onsr.n�
<br /> _w n�..,.. .. ..,...
<br /> ' r 13.LQan Char��. It the loan secu�ed by this Securiry Instmment is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan c ges,
<br /> �:��.,;• -
<br /> '���,;,;��-- and ttuu iaw is t"inally intcrpreted so that the intcrest or other loan charges collected or to he collecteA in connecdon with the loan _
<br /> ' �t,;;��':. exceed the permiued limitv,then:(a)eny such loan charge sha41 ba reduced by the amount necessary W reduce the charge to the
<br /> � �.��!�%.::. geimiued limit;and(U)any sums alrcady collected from Borrower which eaceeded permitt�ed limits will be refundoil to Borrowu. ;;,..
<br /> � �'�' i.eader may choose co make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by m�lsing a dircxt payment to `r_
<br /> , t �,_
<br /> • - Borrower. If a refnnd reduces principai,the reducaon wiU be tceated as a partial pre�ayment wit�out any prepayment charge
<br /> • ' • � ,� under the Note. ����`,
<br /> . r. 14.Notices. Any nodce co Borrower provided fnr in thLs Security Instcument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing i: -
<br /> . ' by Cirst c1a5s mail unless applicable luw requires use of another methal.The notice shall be directe,[l to tho Properiy Addmss or
<br /> ' any other address Horrower d�signates�y nauce to I.cndcr.Any notice to Lcnder shall be given by fust cL�ss n�ail tA Lender's
<br /> address stated herein or any other address Lcnder designates by nodce to Boraowsa.Any noticc provided for in this Securiry
<br /> InsDrument shall nc decaned tn have bcen givcn to Borrower or L,ender wt►cn given�.s providcd in this paragraph. '
<br /> � � 15.Goveroing Law;Severabtlity. This Securiry Instrument shall be govemcd by fedcral luw nnd the law of the
<br /> � ' juriedicrion in which die Pcoperty is locnted.In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instr�ment or the Naus
<br /> , conflicts w1U�applicabie law,such conNct shnll not ufFect other provisions of�his Securiry Insnument or the Note which can be
<br />, . � given effect without the conflicting provision.To Qus end the provisions of this Secuairy Insttument and the Note are decL�tred to
<br /> be sevetable.
<br /> ' Form 302o O/o0 �'
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