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<br /> - -_ -7 S.H�n!rr Pro�erty i��oe. Bomnwa sh�ll kcep tl�so impnovcment�now exWing a harstter arocSOd�n t6c Propscty ` _
<br /> - -- -- ----�
<br /> -� -- inwi�od e�gainst bsa by fire�huards incluckxl wldiin�w i�+rrn "exe�sdul caverage" and a�sy a�hnza�s, including a _, _
<br /> _ _�� • �k�oding�for wtdct�I�Ma ro9ukes inaur�ne�;.7'his insurmce shall bo m�inuinod in d►o amounts eod fa the puiods ttut I.ender
<br /> -= raluins,'Ihc insunvice carric7 pROVjding the insvnu�cc sh�ll be thos�en by Barower subject to l�der's ap{xovel which s�Wi no� -
<br /> -� be unre�sonably wlthheld. If Borrow�x fai:s w m�int�in aoven�ge d�Cribed abovs.Lender may. at I.ea�da's axian, obt:in _
<br /> _ -j°�� cov�^,gc co prdcct L:.�xla's rights in the Prn�e�ty�n�.c�edancC with pangreph 7. ._
<br /> - •:r�:�I .
<br /> -__-�.aee,m�n. A�l{[13t1faIK�C P�uClt9 811(�[CIICWil!Sh�l�bC aCCC�k t0�.C(If�CI'J11d Sflal�1llC�lldE A SJA11d8fd ITi011$!$C C�LL9C.LitAdlt Slt�ll
<br />—=-=;���+��� have the right to hold 1hc oolicies and rttKwals.If Lender requires.Bor�nwer sisall�xomP�Y 8ive w I.cr�der�II ieceipts of paid
<br /> �'.�.'°�+.?`,'i,'���
<br /> _--: premiums and rone�vAl noti�ces.In tho avcnt�if bss.Borrower sball give prarnp¢notiae W t,'ic insurance carr�x and Lender.
<br /> j�°� mry mdcc proof of bss it na macb P�PUY by Borrowc.�
<br /> -_�}--� sRwll(ae a p plied w raston�tion a c�epair of the
<br /> - - Unies�LaK1er and Bomowu olhawise agrec in wridng.insurancc P m a a 1 4
<br /> -^KV=-�- F'ropeitY d�un�B«!.if the res�o�ation or c�cpa�ir is oconomically fdsibk and Lendu's socurity is nat k.SSared.If the��tcxation a
<br /> =;���;�Y� rc�air ia nut ocakwnicxfly feasiole or I,c�xirr's seti:u�iiy wouki ba Iwx,:.a9,th.:,insn.-�Rsa^..�s�ti°� M��v�t��-�'-"�'-'►�g -
<br /> -=T�� ; secunA by this Security 1nst�ument,whdhu or not thrtt due. wifi� any exce5s ptid to Borrower.If Borrower ab�nd�►s ihe —
<br /> ....r::, _...�..,;. ..�_ PconatY.or daes not answer within 30 d�ys a notice frnm[.e�ki Q�at the insurance ca�rier ha4 off�ed to sttt3o a clsim,then -
<br /> - -! a��..._:.,....,.....�.,,,,.�,.�. r..��.�r.sy����hr.�+nrlyda tn reazii or a�starc:fiw F•v�.iy ur i��►ay suuu scx:wru i�::-
<br /> _--�—��,t,- j,�c+e.:i::u-�`ur w.aw.u...............,...,.....�.------ _
<br /> _ .. ,,, �, by ttds Securiry Inswme�►t,whcUxr or not Q�en dua.11ie 3Q-clay peried wili begim whai the notice is given. o.-
<br /> ..'N,;t �',��; � ; Unless l.cnacr and Ho�mwu othcrwise agrec in writing.a7►y applica8an of prorAeds to principal shall not eaetratid or posy�o�ro
<br />--.. - � • the due dale of the monlhlY PaYm�nts c�eferced to in parag�ent►s 1 and 2 or ebanAe the artaunt af the payments.If a�n�Sa par�gr�ph --
<br /> �s �.-� 21 �e Pco�x.rty is acquirod by L�ncka. Borrnwer's right w any insu�anco pofic'�es and procoect3 resulting from d�mage t4 the ---
<br /> . •.>, Pra�rty piior to the acquisition s3�a11 pas.v to Lcnder w the exte�t of tae sums secuced by this Sa:►uity Instrurr,,,r:t'a�rur.adiately r__--
<br /> � .", prior to the ac9ulsition. _
<br /> � ;t b.Uocapatec9.Presenatbro,Ma[otenancx and Protection of t6e Propertyi Iiorrovrer's Laan ApPl�wUon:Le�. _--
<br /> — .sl.•'�,.- HO[[OWCi SI18�j OCCUpy.cs0�I�15n,auu tt�tnc .vYca"rj iai°+.i'„'iG:ti7�o�'�S�! 7�'�°7!tlllt ci*W�daoa aker lhr e�teClltl�Ot ---
<br /> , . ., .;� th;s�ecvrity Instnunent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrowcr's principal residenc�for at least Qne year aftr,r thc _
<br /> ' •r�� dfltc mf oocupancy.unlcs.s Lcndcr otheiwise agcees in writing, which consent shall nmt be unrcasonably with'hclii�aar uriless
<br /> ex�enueting�ircumstances exist wlrich are baynnd Homower's control.Boraoaer shall not de•.smny.damage or impair um�e Prope.rty,
<br /> - �� allow rhe propetty to deteriorate, or commit wasus on the Prape�rty. Bamuwer shail be in defa�►lt if any forfefuu+e acdon or —
<br /> .•�. -'. pcoce�ling,wt+ether civil or crimtnal,is begun that in I.ender's goud fait�s Judgment could resu(t in forfeiture of the Property or -°
<br /> - �• otherwise matuially iml�air the licn cma�by rhis Security dnswment or Lender's secnrity interesG Borrowu may cure suGh a
<br /> ._A•-.�. ��ii. . ��•
<br /> .,. , � default and reinstatc. a4 provi�d in parageaph 18�by causing the xtian or pnx,eetiing to bc di.smissed with a raUng that,in �
<br /> .:� •. .„. • Lenda�s good feiSh detcinw��prccludes forfeihue of the Bomawer's snterest in the Propecty or other n:aterial lmpairmcnt of t���
<br /> : °," .", the iicn ct�ated by this Security Iiiswment�r�ettder's security intrmst�oirowei shall also be in default ff Boaow�r,during thee �;`:r;
<br /> • � . .� ,: loan applicatinn proccss,gave materially false or inticcuratc infom�tion or statements co Lender(or failed to provide I.ender wich •
<br /> -- . . �. any mat�ial information) in connectian with �he loan evidenced by �he Note, including, but not limitr,d to,r�e�presentadons ;;, :
<br /> _ ,• • -R onnceming Bocrowrt's occ�pancy of the Ptoperty as a principal restdence.If this Secority Instnunent is on a Iet�sehold,Bcxsnwa ±�'
<br /> � • . sha�comply with aU the provisions of the lease.If Borrower acquines fce Gtle to the Pcopercy.the ic�set�old and the?i,e dde shall
<br /> ' ..�•,^,• not mcxBe uriless Lendel agnxs w the mergei in wriang. . .
<br /> . . . . �;•;:
<br /> : 'tli,,;.� 7.Protection vf Y.eader's Rights in the Property. If 8omnwer fails to perfoRn the covenants and a�reemcnas ovntained iu
<br /> - .•;'�.s,`! this Scciuity Instru►nenb or thcre is a legal proce�xl+ng that may signlficandy affcct�xnder's rights in the Propert�r(su�h as a
<br /> ""� gro�ec4ing in banauptcy�prob�,Ye,for condemnation or far�eimre ur m cnfarce laws or Q�gulations),then Lender may�do and pay
<br /> Fcv whauver is necessacy co peouxt the valuc of the Pcoperty and I.ender's rights in the Propetty.Lender's xtions may include `',,�
<br /> � " • . paying anY sums secural by a lien which has priority over thi� Socurity Instnimen� aPpearin8 in court, PaYing reaw�ble
<br /> . ;'.., �ttnmcys' fecs and entcring on the Yroperty ta make repairs.Although Lender may takc acaoT undcr this para�aph�.Lender
<br /> ' does not havc to do so.
<br /> —, � . pny am�nunts disb�used by Lender under this paragrsph 7 shall become addiuonal debt of Bomower st��ured by tl�is Socurity "
<br /> ' Insuumcat Unkss BorroW�er and Lc�ider agee to other tcrms of payment,thcsc amounts sha1D bear intcrost from thc datc of �
<br /> disbwsemca�t At the Note rate und shall be payable.witt►interest,upon no6ce from Lendcr to Horcower requesring payme�►� ;
<br /> �� ;. B.MortgaRe Iaturana. Id'Lender reqnired mortg.ge iASUrance as a condition of mafcic�g tt�loan secured by�his Securiry � �
<br /> �` Inswment, Borrowet shall pay ths premiums requirod to mainsain the mort�age insurauce in effect If.tbr any m,�son. the i
<br /> , � �
<br /> — martgage insurdnoc covcragc required by I.cnder lapses or oc�scs to be in ctfoct,Bom�wc�shall pay the prcrt�iums required to
<br /> � obtain coverage snbstantlaUy cquivalent tn the moctgage insurar►oe prcvicwsly in et�'ect.at a cust subsnntially cquivalent to the
<br /> '' cost to Borrower of the mcxtg,age insurance previousl} in effect, fxom an altetnate moctgage insvrer approved by Lender. If ,
<br /> • substaatially cc�uivalcnt monga,ge i�s�rance covcragc i�not available,Dorrowcr shall pay ro i.endca each month a sum cqual v� ;
<br /> —. . one-tweltlh of Uxs yearly mongage insurance pr�miuYn bein8 Paid by Borrower when thc insurance cove%ge lapsed or ccased ro , '
<br /> — bc; in effect.L.cndcr will accep� usc and ectain thesc paYmcats as a loss resr�rvc in Geu of ma�tgagc irisuranoe.Loss reserve i
<br /> - �.
<br /> e��u�e� nim
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