� . . .. ^
<br /> :.....� , - . -__—_- _.
<br />, �a.< :�9�J't^��rKi.F/ - _
<br /> Ir, � ;�, y , ..�f; ., ... . a"'"=•' ---
<br /> �. + _
<br /> 9. Mss�w�lsre lA�frM.TruWor rhall k�p tfes Praparty le compN�nc�wlth rll�ppUC�bl�(aw��ardin�r+a�s�nd►M�al�
<br /> r�latl.rt�g tn IrxlwirW hypl�eH Ar�r►vironn�►f�l prai�ctlo�(oollqe�vNy rM�►�d to Niw�dn�ut"�mlronmanW tarw"1.Tr�MrM
<br /> kMp MM Prop«iy kM hpm,Ul wWhnuM dMan�d b b�h�rau'daw or toxb ur�HM�ny EnvkanmonW I.�ws(aDtlicdwlY r�Mn�d to
<br /> A�vMn�s"Fl�nttlour MaMrisb"�.TruMor hM'�6Y v+am�nt�und r�p►�nl�Io L�IK/M!MNw�w no 1'I�dqFa��on a
<br /> s:n"_~tt!��r�^�'���!!!^r he��l,�or�to tnd�rnnNy�nd h0�d h�nniiMt L.�rW�.Ib dlnc9o»,oMc�n,M++p1o�rMA and�M�,�nd
<br /> �11�tIN'fS�M01'�1t��111K���MMMR����«�i1W�11 C�IPM.C�f�1�Y,It1MINi ii�ii�{�iiwxirww w��w.y���.:..::'..:.�"+.::`:.-=�: '
<br /> a,.pr««+�.,uo.,a�o�a•�+�aort a`°'y H':"'°°'."+�•�+�a a,,u�,troa,a abo„c�a,.�►op.�+y.'r►�Fo+a�ocw+a
<br /> g�py11+E pECpP1YEYANCE OF'PH18 QEED OF'�RUST.
<br /> 10.Aa�K af RMM�.T►uRtor herN�Y e�i0ns to L�nd�'dw nnts.luaM��nd piotlb o[th�Proporly;prcwld�d 1h1tlt 7n�
<br /> b�c'am du nnd p4yable.Upan the xcu�sncs oQ1 i�Ev�int DMt 4 L�nd�r may,s11hN I�p�rson or �q�nt,wi�qi o�r wi1F�
<br /> brinylrtp any�ctlan or ptocNdtnQ.or by a re�c�iwe►�ppofnt�i!sY p court and u�tlhout rtpurd!o!hs�kR�%Y at Ha�cw�1Y�� -------
<br /> upon�nd tak�pos++�a�la►ol the Propaty�or any P+�n th�nof�In It�oxn nam+or i n thr nam�M thr Trw1N��nd do er+Y�wl►Ich k
<br /> desm�n�cMt�ry or de�rabN►ta pre�ervsth�valua�tn�rkMaWllty or r�tnt�billry of t�M+propstty�or any p�ut tl�roof or��Miwtlh��
<br /> Incrsat*the incam�tharetrorn oi pratect ths aacurlty henof�nd,wlth �r wlthout taklnp possNSlon of 1!N Pr
<br /> otherwl�e colfect d►e ronte,fauoa and prot!ts thsreof,Includlny thaw paH du���d unpald,sntl�p(sly th�um�,IMr cab u�d
<br /> m d�tsrmlr�.T�hs antsrinp,upo�ti and tektnp po�a��on ot�the Pro npe ty,�dNctlon af wchr�,all�����
<br /> appllcaUOn thersof a�ato�esafd,ehall nmt cure or walve any detault or nodce of dNault her�und�'or fnvalfdalo�ny�Ct doM in
<br /> rs�{�ome ta wch dNault or pursuant to such noiice of dei�uti eiid,ra7�+tttin:�dt.:�tha ccntlnu�^.ce[n�r_e!e!!An M M�F�oo�ri a
<br /> ths collsctlon,�ocelDt and sppllceflon ot eantb,laauea or�rofits,artd Trunee and lender shall ba sntided to exeralw dwry Npht
<br /> provld�d torin ar►yu1 the Loan Dacum�nte or by le►w upon occurroncsola�y EventolDefwtt.lnclixflnp wfthout Ilmlt�tiontt��tto
<br /> s;ca,t;;E;t�sa p;,��;at aa;�.Fw�har.LsnJer'�rkhts end re�medles under thls paregraph ahall be cumuletive with,and In no w�y e
<br /> Um�tai�onon.l-endei'srlahteandremedfe�undsrenyaaslgr�msntof{euss�Rdrenterecordade�yainaiG�'iF����� •�.�+'��.T�"�'� `_
<br /> end the recalver ahetl be lieble to account onry those.w�ia acwa�iy rearivnd.
<br /> 11. Ewnb ol DNw1t.ThR tollowing ehall conalltute an Event of f►eteult undar thla nAed of TrusC
<br /> (a)Fallure W pay any inatallment of princlpal or Intareet of any other sum secured hereby whon due;
<br /> (b)Abreecha4arAMaultunderenyprovlsloncontalnadlntheNote,thisDeedoTTrust,enyoitheLoe+nOoaumer+b,orsny
<br /> ather Ilen or encumbronce uRon the Property; —
<br /> (c)A wrlt ot execu�lon or attachmont or eny slmllar proceae shall be entered agalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or eny portlon thereat or interest thereln;
<br /> (d)There shell be tlted by or agalnat T�ustor or Borrower en actlon under eny present or future foderal,gt�te or othx
<br /> staiute,iaw Oi ioyUia2i3R iSSo2:Rg!O�.°slkt!lptC;.!n!^Ivw�r_.y or other rellef Tor debtors:or there shall be eppointed any trustes,
<br />- recelver or Ilqutdator oi Trustor or Borrower or of ell or eny part of the Properly,or the rents,Issuea ot protlts ther�oi,or Trustw
<br /> or Borrower shal)make eny generai esslpnment tor the benetit ot creditors;
<br /> (e)T7�e,sAfe,transter,leasa,asslgnment,conveyancu ar turther encumbrance ot all�r any part of or any fntereat In the
<br /> PrupeRy, elthar voluotarlly or Invofuntarlly, wlthout ihe express wrltten conaent of Lender, provtded that Trustor ehall be
<br />- permltted to ex�ute a lease ot the Property thet does not contaln an optton to purchase and the term of whtch does notexceed
<br /> one year, '
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g)If Trustor Is not aa indtvldual,tho issuence,ea�e,trensfer,eastgnment,canveyance or encumbrence of more than a total
<br /> p}.r,_____percent of(If a corporatlon)Its Issued and outstanding etock or(If a partnershlp)a lotal of percent of
<br /> pertnerehlp Interesta ddring the perfod thla Deed of Trust remafns a Ilen on the PropeRy.
<br /> 12. R�m�dN�:AccN�ntbn Upon DMauit.In the evont oi eny Event of Default Lender may,wlthout notice except es requlrsd by _
<br /> Iaw,deaiare nll Indebtednes�secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shell thereupon become due and payable �
<br /> � without any preaentment,domand,protest or noUce ot any ktnd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Dem�nd that Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE grantad h4reln, end Trustee shall thereafter cause T►ustor's
<br /> - Interest In tho Property to be sold and the procesds to be dIS!rlbuted,all In the manner provided in tho Nebraske Trust Deeds --
<br /> ° Ac� _.� .-
<br /> _ (b) Exerclse any and nll rlghts provided tor fn any of the Loan Da�:umenteor by law upon xcurrence ot any Event of Default; �,_,..
<br /> �•;:
<br /> r� and�o�Commence an action t0 torectose thls Dead of Trust as a mortgage.appoint e recelvAr,or speclticelly entorce any of th� ��.!
<br />;�:� covenants�areof.
<br /> No remedy heroln conterred upon or reserved to Truatoe or Lender le intended to tse exclusive of eny other remody hereln,In the �-:;a-
<br /> E::—
<br /> Lqan Documents or by law provided or po�mltted,but each shall be cumutative,shell be In addttlon to overy other remedy gtven _
<br /> risreunder,In the Loan Docucnents or now or hereaftor existing at law or In equity or by statute,and may be exerclsed Concurrentty,
<br /> independently or successiv�y. �
<br /> 13. T►u1�tN.The Trusteo mey restgn nt any tlrs►e wlthout cause,and Lender mey at any time end wlthout cuuse appolnt a
<br /> successor or substltute Trustee.Trustee shall not bo Ilable to any party,including wlthout Umltatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or eny
<br /> purchaser of tF1e PropeRy,tor any loss or daniage untess due to rockless or wlllful mf9conduct,and shell not be requlred to teke nny
<br />_� action in connectton wfth the eMorcemsnt ot thfs Deed of Trust unleas Indemnlfied, In wrltfng,for all cosls,compensatlon or
<br /> ;� expenses which mey be assoclated therewlth.ln addltlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny aale of the Property Qudlclal or
<br /> under the power of eale granted hereln);postpone the sate ot alt or any portlon of ihe Property,as provlded by law;or sell the
<br />-= Property as a whole,ar In separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlacretion.
<br /> � 14. F�N�nd ExPauM•�n tho event Yrustoe setls the Property by oxerclse of power ot sele,Truatee shall be entltled to apply
<br />;; any sale procoeds first to payment of All coste and expen3es of exerclsing power of eale,Inaludtng a11 Trustee'e feea,and Lender's
<br />- and Truatea's ettorney's toes,ectualty lnc�+rred to extent permltted by appllc.abl�law.In the event Borrower or Trustor oxorclsos any
<br /> '� ►lght provlded by la�v to cure an Event ot Detault,Lender shall be entltied to racover trom Trustor All costs and expenses actually
<br />:� Incurred as a result of 7ruator's dotault,Including wlthout Ifmitatfon all Trustee's and ettorney's tees,to the extont permitted by
<br /> :� appllcabl�lew.
<br />-:� 15. Fut�re Advancte.llpon request of Borrower, Lender may,at Its optlon, meke nddltlonal and future advances and re-
<br /> advanCes to Borrower.Such advances and readvences,wlth tntere�t thereon,shall be secured by thla Deed o4 Trust.At no tlmo shall
<br /> . ._. ._._�._�_______..�.....�ien�..�r.��or�ntlncludlnanumaadvancedtonroteCtth868CUrlty01thi9
<br /> - tnepnnapaiamoun�oT�ne���uc�,��,��Qao.�..,..o..,.,»..�..�__. ..__-•..$0,.�0. 00 . -
<br /> Doed of Yrust,exceed the orlglnal princlpal amount st�tod hereln,or�_� whlchever fs greater.
<br /> 16. MhcNl�n�au Provt�lon�.
<br /> (a) gaROwe►t�o1 psN�i�d•Extenslon o1 tho tlme for payment or modlflcatton ot emortlzaUon of the sums secured by thls
<br /> Daed ot Trust granted by Ler+der to eny succossor In Interest of Bor�ower Ehell not aperete to rolease,ln eny manner,the Ifablllty
<br /> o!tiio orlpinal�onawer and Borrower'e suacessors In fnterest Londer ohall not be raqufred to commence proceedings epnlnst
<br /> � auch�ucces3or or retuse to oxtand tlme to�payment or othomise modlty amortizetlon ot the sums eecurod by thla Deed of Trust
<br /> by reas�on ui any damands made by the orlpinol Borrawur end Borrower's euccossars fn Intorest.
<br /> (b) Leeid�r'�Row�n.Without aNecttng the Ifnbllfty of any other pereon 11&blo[or tho payment of any abllgatlon horein
<br /> mentloned,and wlthout aHectlnfl the Ilen or ch�rge o�thls Deed ot Trust upon er�y portlon of the Property not then or thoretoforo
<br /> reteased as sacurlty!or the fult emount o1 all unpsld obllgattona,Lender may,from tl:ne to tlme end withoui notlae(1)reloaso any
<br /> pereon so Ilable,(fi)extend tNe maturlty or alter any of the torms ot any euch obtigations,(III)c�rent othor Indulpences.(fv)reloaso
<br /> or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lendor's optlon any parcol,portlon or all ot the Properly.
<br /> _ (v)teke or release any ather or addlttonal socurfty tor any obllgatlon hereln mentlonod,or(vl)make composltiona or other
<br /> ,.� errengements with dobtora In relatlon thereto. , ,
<br /> s ' �
<br /> . r
<br /> I
<br />