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<br /> -__- �� �}��(��IF `���U�iY VIf6"y'� 6=�r�lFfrii:Afu�^6���.Ec:i �......:�
<br /> THI9 OEED OF YR�1ST,le medee as ol the...��.h.day of M�x ���-��y���
<br /> � tite TrullAr���.��4..�y,.Gd'�::�...�—���1�•� a-Shult�2_ �f+s�ahsnd rnel r,i fa r.........-.. _�•
<br /> -___ 586 � 18th St Grand Ielan�BrAln"Trus��"��r�i��r more),
<br /> ---�-- - , ti.no:�m^illrtp cd!"rc��I�_r. ...
<br /> the Truste�, Fiv� p��ti,�;Rk, �,hY'■■k■ Cp��it,ian -- •
<br /> � _�� whose m�lllny addrare la P.0. �o;� 1539 f'sroad Icland. HE 6G892 (��n"'�ru�i�s'q,a�xi -
<br /> - the Bzneficlery, _ FivA Poiate Bsnk .
<br /> � whoae malllug add�sa Is 201� F�. Ak nadWell Grand Iclorcd, NE. 6RS02-1507 (hare�"LCndar'ry. -
<br /> FOR VALURBLE 40NSIQERATION,Inaluding Lender'e extenslon ot credlt identifled hereln toJ��� 9hultz
<br /> - 6 Angela G Shultz (hereln"Bo!rower",whether ono or more)and!he tru�t heraln created.
<br /> the recelpt of which la hereby acknowledged,Truetor hereby irrevocebiy grents,transtere,conveye and aasipnn to Truetoe,IN
<br /> � TRUST,WIThI POWER OF 9ALE,tor the benefit snd a�eeurity of Lencler,underand aubJect to the terma gnd conditlons hereinatlar set
<br /> - _-----------:- y forth the real r rtyr.desCribed e�followa: r _-
<br /> - H�BRASKA
<br /> -•- °:=��.�`�
<br /> .
<br /> --�_....�.
<br /> --- ._
<br /> ---T�:rar�-t �� '-••- '��•+ e......... ..............�n •Inh�o ...I..Itann�mvi anm�AA- ._ _-.
<br /> .� �i'��1$'�Z:� Togother wlth all buildinga,Improvemenie,nxiurny,of�aaa,s��o�w,,.........n-••-,���--••�-••--•••o-••-.�•••
<br /> -�� — -- nancoa lacated thereon ar in enywise pertaining thereto,and tho rent�,Issues and prof ts,reveratone end�emaindere th�seaf,and
<br /> -- -:�� such personal property that is atUaehed to the Improvemente so as to consUtuta o ilxture.In�luding,but not Ilmited to,heetinp end
<br /> __-T=;�° cooling equipment;and together with the homestead or marital interests,if any,which Intereats�re hereby�eleased and walved;ail
<br /> --�-�•�^��"�;��7 of whlch,includin fl replacemente ehd additlons tNereto,is horeby declared to be a part of tha real estate aecured by the lien of thia
<br />=- -��,�;� Deed of Trust and all of the forego!ng being reterred to hereln as the"Property".
<br /> `.���., "f+��
<br /> -•<�',�;'z`,,ti'? Thla Ueed of Trust shail Secure(g)the payment of the princlpal sum and Intorest evidencod by a prom�ssory note or srodit
<br /> '"��� Ney 1�9th 1995 Autquet 23rd 1395
<br /> '°'-' '. ,��";•� °;:, apre6mentdeted ,having e maturiry datd of ---�
<br /> ,`:�:':' -;'.,:t:_, �
<br /> ; �.� ,;: ,..;,�::;, .�. b�760.50 ,and an and all modificatlone,extenslons and renewals
<br /> �.- � in the original principal emount o1$ Y
<br />°�?:•; t ' �`'���'�';,� �,' thereot or thsreto end any and ull future advances and readvancea to Barrower(or any o4 them if moro then one)her�under
<br /> , , Y• •>.,v,''3�.
<br />-�'. u, . :/.-�� �+ pursuant to one or moro promtssory notes or aredit agreements(hereln called"Note");(b)the payment of ather sums advAnc y
<br />"'''1{x�'���'��^'x�• � Lender to protect the Security of the Note;(c)the pe�tormance of ali covenants and agreements of T�ustor setforth hereln;and(d)all
<br />-�:._�..�..4„�.in". . -
<br /> �,�,;;��� • �.� presen,and future indebtedness and ohllgetiona oi Borrower(or any of them ii more than one)to lender whether dlrect,indirect, �
<br /> � °•'I�'�-�' , absolute or contingent and whether arteing by note,guaranry,overdraft o�otherevise.The Note,thls Deed ol Trust and any and all
<br /> �'=� � �. other docuents that secure the Note or otherwise executed In connectlon therewith,including without Ilmltatlon guarantees,security
<br /> ��� �•: tii b. • --
<br /> �.J...�.r::�.i�•'O}�N!'.� �-
<br /> _. .�t; , �.�,� : agreemonta end esslgnmente of leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan Documents". � =�--
<br /> . Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as followa: •rf-
<br /> "- � t. P�ym�nt af Indebt�dr,�u.All Indebtednesa secured hereby shell be paid when due. ,,,-
<br /> . �• �•. .� - 2.TEtb.Trustor Is the owner o}the Property, has tho right and autharity to convey the Properly,and warrents that the Ilen :�
<br /> - � • - ' �" 'S ' created hereby le a first and prlor Ifen on the Property,except for Iiena and encumbrances set torth by Truator in writlng and
<br /> ��'•,'�"` "' �" delivered to Lender before executlon af thfs Deed of Trust,and the execution and delivery of thlo Deod of Trust does not vialate any
<br /> __ .�`','.:'"•.�°.•�", � contract or other obtlgatfon to whlch Trustor la subJect
<br /> • ,�• � ��P` ,. 3.Tex�s,Atwum�nb.To pay before delinquency all texes,speclal assessments and ell other charges agalnst the Property
<br /> ' `'` � now ar hereafter levlad.
<br /> ' �' 4. insuranc�.To keep the Property Insured apalnat damage by fire,hazerds included wlthin the terrn"extended coverage",artd �'
<br /> ' •� such other hazards as Lender may requlre,In amounte end with companfes ecceptable tu Lender,naming Lender as an additional
<br /> - • ' nemed Inaured,with loss payable to the Lender.In cane of losa under such policles,the Lender Is authorized to edJust,collect and
<br /> � compromise,ail claims therounder end ahall have the option of applying a{I or part of the Insuranco proceeda(f)to any Indebtedness
<br /> • . Y�%� secured hereby and fn such order es LenGer may determfne,(II)to the Trustorta be used for the repefr or restoratlon of the Prope►ty
<br /> � �� or(i i i)for any o t her purpose o r o b J e c t s a t l a f a c t o ry t o L e n d e r w i t h o u t a N e c t t n g t h e 1 1 e n o f t h t s D e e d a t T r u s t(o r t h e f u l l a m o unt secured
<br /> --" �, . , hereby before such payment e��er took place.Any applicatton ot procaeds to indebtedness shall not extend or poatpone tha due
<br /> • dete oi any payments under tho Note,or cure any deisult thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � � � 5. Eaerow.Upon wrttten demand by Londor,Truetor shall pey to Lend9r,fn such manner as Lendar may desfgnato,sufficient
<br /> � sums to enable Lender to pay as thoy becomo due one or more of tho followmg:(I)al I texes,as3essments and oSher chargea agafnst
<br /> i3 the Property,(il)the premlums on the proparty Insurance requlred horeunder,and(III)the premiums on any mortyage Insurence
<br /> .. � required by Lender.
<br /> � . 8. Maint�nanc�, ReDstrs and Compli�nc�wilh Law�.Trustor shall koep the Property In good cvnditlon and repair,shall
<br /> � prompUy repalr, or roplece any Improvement which may be damagod or destroyed; shall not commit or permit eny waste or
<br /> - • doterloratlon of the Property;shall not remove,demollsh or substentlally alter any of the Improvements on tne Property;shell not
<br /> - � comnUt,auNer or permit any act to be done In or upon the Property in vlolation of any law,ordinance,or regulation;and ahall pay and
<br /> . t prompUy dlscharge at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charges levled,Imposed or aesessed agalnst tho
<br /> --- Property or any part thereof.
<br /> " � 7. Emin�nf Domein.�.ender Is horeby as�igned all compensatlon,awards,damnges and other paymenhs or relfet(horoinatter
<br /> -- • "Proceeds")In cannectlon wfth condomnadon or other taking of the Property or part thuroof,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemna-
<br /> " tion.Londer shall be entitled at Its optton to commonce,nppear In end prosecuto In Its own name any action or procoedinga,and
<br /> '��' � shall siso ba entitled to make eny compromise or sottlement In connection with such taking or damago.In the event any portlon of
<br /> " _..��w�..�..�e.�ie...e��..n ►n cnniv oll aur.h Pmrlaeds �
<br /> -- - - ----- . . . . . ... . . .... .-•'-- '-'�-'''
<br /> ' ° tite PrOperry�e eo tsKen or aamagea,�onadr snan�ava�nn vN�w�o����w w�a a..�....o........-.--�--_..,-- _��•.------
<br /> ' aRer doductfng therofrom all coate and expenses Incurred by It In connoction with sucN ProceeJs.upan any Indebtodnoss cecured I
<br /> hereby and in such order as 6endor may determine,or to apply all su�h Proceede,after euch deductlona,to the restoratlon o!tho �
<br /> •� Property upQn auch aonditlons as Londer may detormine.Any epplicatlan of Rroceeda tv indebtadness shall not extend or postpono �
<br /> the dua date of eny paymente under tho Note,or cure any deteult thoreunder or horeundar.Any unapplfed funds shall be pald to I
<br /> ' � Trustor. �
<br /> — „ ° ' ,. B. PMormanr,�by L��der.Upon the occurrence nt an Evont of Detault hereunder,or It any act Is taken or logal proceeding ,
<br /> � ' commenced which materlally aifocta Lander'e Intarest In the Property,Le�der may f n Its own discretton,but wtthout oblitietian to do
<br /> � , so,and wlthout notice to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout retoasing Trustor Irom eny obllgation,do any act whtch Truator has
<br /> egreed but feils to do and mey also do any other t�ct It deems�ecossary to protect the security hereaf.Trustor shall,Immedintely
<br /> upon d�mend therotor by l.onder,pay to Lender ell coate and expensee Incurred and suma expended by Landsr In connectton with
<br /> � the exercise by Lender of the foregoing rfflhts,toA�ther with Interest theroon at the dofeult rate provided In tho Note,whfch shall be
<br /> " fldded to the Indebtedness seaured hereby. Lender shall not incur any I{aDlllty becauae ot anything it may do or omit to do '
<br /> � hereunder, �
<br /> ;�,;, , �
<br /> �'
<br />