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<br /> ------_— 1. P�ytr�aRs. 6�xrowss e�qr�a�ta m�k�Mti �ycvunir on itr� �peur�r�4 d+ht wlwn ciu�. Ur� I�Crawa�nd I.urK,Mv xqrra aMirw{w. �y —
<br /> --=_--_ - pwym'rn�x le+�+�rMCwVw•tram[9orro+�ru or ar B,�rrorvw'�b+�tl+i wiM bR�p��IfQ�t4}�Ityl itt1fM1M�AMIIfMl91 OYMl�MI fM ��HN�fRtl fMMiI ..
<br /> oncMHfw o1 kRKMi ne pthwipN,woa�i ro�set,snd tPNn t�a pr+�rtiaipd.lf pr-i�l iw�Yry►Kn o/itw awaKed dMbt nawr�far rrr/n�+ww+,N wiM
<br /> not ndua a�xa�w+Y�cM�k�ed MY�++�'R unt11 tha s�0u'«A,d�bt M pMd In h�p.
<br /> ----- 2.e�1►pbrt'1'IYr.1lona,rwr �wiR y�y�N t��a,a��+ty aM�y�r o�wryN atNtbu4�bb ta eM wh�n dw�rM w+il dHand tit+�
<br /> - c�foix�i����whic�� rowa m�y w a4�ut A��it�whoiuM�d�R d�id ot tn�et.lw�d�r n►ay r�quN� �v M w�ira�anY rl�hb.oMMM w
<br /> � pply I�EtK•w rreat�rial�to krrprorro w m�htitNn th�prop�ty�.
<br /> _ = �.Mrw�nt�. NonowK wIM kMp the prryw►ty kww�d ur�dn�nw��eo�pt�E1�ta LMwlw �t /arown's�wpM+��nd la L�ndw'� liwMiAt,AIF
<br /> - Inwrar►c�paMCM.•hdt+nek,a..wta�amor�q�e�au.«in r.vor a lend...t..++d�►w+11 e.n.n,.d,.�o..p.yss a..a,�►�.a qn.iw M,a+
<br /> _w Inax IM M�eu�rid d�t.�lfwle�r���ei rt��t��irn��ardr�wv•�ww Ya�t�iuch�ins��f�or u la�np�i�4��io�Y
<br /> :_���� 4.hopwty.8aroww wIN kNp ttw propsrtw In poed condttiort wnd m�ka aM rep�rf��nuawbly n�e�sury.
<br /> 6.E��.Bwrowar pnw to p�Y�!I LsndW's�xp�ur� k�ckidirq r�rsa�is�ttarnys't�a.If Borroww br�Nu�ny cowMr�ts in tfiM dwd
<br /> ______________, ot vwt a In�ny oblip�tlon a�axrd by thia d�M of trwt.�arrowM wH1 p,�y tMa��nwunt�to L�xfu u provkhd in Cov�rx 9 04 el�io dN4 af _
<br /> truu,
<br /> — b.IRbr S�ewity kwnst�.UnN�s Borrow�r firrt ohtain�Lendar'� wrftten comaM,OarowK wfH rtat mak�or p�rmft any r.h�nas to wny prfRrr:
<br /> e�rity intK�at�.BorrovrM wiM p�rfovm�il af Bmrowu'a obiip�tion� und�r�ny pria martpap�, d�ad of trwt or ath�r��euity ��nerrt,
<br /> i�dudirrp Borrowat's cownant�ta m�kM paym�nt6 wMn dw.
<br /> _—= T.Aui�pmwnt ot R�nts�nd Rolits.Barrovnr usiyru to Lend+r tM rMto�nd prafit�ot tha prn{�ty.UnNw 8orrow�r and LendK hav�qNd
<br /> oth�rw�se i�wrkirp, �BonuwK may cakect�nd r�tNn Nw nnt�ss brq s� &xrov»r A not k�dats�At. IP Barow�r d�lwka, Lwid�r, ��r�r'�
<br /> ,_ ap�nt, a a court�ppokrt�d ncsnEaw�rI�maY tak�pota�p�lokn�d�Nn�d manp� tM prop�rty and coNsci tM r�.Any r�nb le�node�nrt�coN�cts �h�ll W
<br /> — ���re���4.c�is�Q Tl�r�rein�Tn4��uPnt of ren*_e �!t��y M Mym!�e!�a�i3Of b tet�KeK}�ck.M��fvkk�A M�'�nv�t 1���
<br /> m-- -� B.IMSN�oides•Ca�don�rrw:Pirrr»d UNY O�vMo�ts.Bo�rowwW�eu to comnty wfth th�provi�of�ny I�aw if MI�dwd oi tnat u ati
<br /> - �lau�hold.I�U�is cNed of tnut i�on a unit t��r.ondomkAum a�pann�d w�it d�vebptn�nt,Bor�ow�►wiN pKiorm aN of Barcown'a dutls�
<br /> r�������� under the covenantR,bylew�,a�eputntions of tM condqminlum or pl�nned uMt d�wlopmant.
<br /> '_�____
<br /> __--- -----�
<br /> _.�_ ._ ._ y. N�}�y�LM�to FWfami fer porcowa. ti Borrowa f�fia to�eriarn my oi BotrowW'�dutle�txidsr tt�d�ad of trutt. Lwww may
<br /> ------ - •-----._�..- •--� ---- - -- - --......u���.�.�,;.....a�.«.�..... n.....
<br /> x� --�" Pe►tam tne�ea or cwsa tnem ro ue{rmiun��m;.L�tin����v�a.tl��..:..�:..,.s........,w �...::............ ,.-.._...._.. .. _
<br /> ``=�� w, cansVUC�lon on tMprope�ty Is dlscontinuad o►not curfed on In�raaione6te mennar,Len�er may do wh�teva Is�swKtecy to protsct L+nder's
<br /> -=°�-�"�� 6ecurity I�txe�t in th�prop�rty.Thl�may tnckids compbtinp tM carutructian.
<br /> �:;.:�-�y�na
<br /> -__- — Le►xkr'�(�ilure to peMorm wfil not prec'ude lender frorn exercislnp�ny o1 ita otfix dyhts under ths taw ar tMs de�d ot vun.
<br />�`-z�'[_ .;
<br /> �,,.>.,r AnY emounte pdd by Lendev tn protect Lend�r'�securtty fnterost w�ll be aecurs�by thie deed of trwt.Such amoanU wiW be d�H on d�m�nd
<br /> . arwl wfll bear interest frort�tho d�ta of the payment untii pRld in tuil et tM lnterett nts in eftect an tha eecur�d d�bt.
<br /> �1:
<br /> +x'�.�a��+�"• . 10.D�tadt�nd AeeM�taHon.It Bonower fati�to malce any payment when due or 6reaks �ny co•rana�tr under thi�dNd oi uust a eny
<br /> M'•; , ' obligetion secured by this desd of Uust o�r any prbr mortgega ar deed�ust,Lendar may eaefente tM maturity oi the secund debt��d
<br /> .:`�,���:,+,,�,.�r•.. .'�, iimi�ii'w iTiTicuiaio Ni7i��'viia ai�iiiiy tii'rvno 2�i'v j�v:�o OZ Smo ci�aC�va..o�i�6T�rvo�"'SSi�2'v.'��:�'.'y.�.�"v".v.v� �.i••. - ..
<br />,�t�".�.�,,;:s;: . �. 11.R V P
<br /> oqwst for INotic�of Def�uft.It is Mreb requested thna co iea of the naticea of de4euft and sale be sent 4o each percon who f��parcy
<br />" �'= �` ,, hcroto, at the addrosa of each such person,aa eet fortfi haroin.
<br />:'yi; , .
<br /> ��':���'. '�. :� .��. 12.powN of SM�.If the Lender invokes the power of eafe,the Trustee ah�ll flrst rocord in tAe offlce of tho ruyi�ter of deedi of each caunty
<br /> . :�;•:�� , wherein the truet property or some part or punrol thereof is si3uated a rtotice of defeutt containing tho in4ormtftian requirbd by I�w.Tho Tru9tea
<br />�� ��E:•,�.,:'... ��, shali atao mail coplaa of the notfce of detautt to the Borrower,to eich porson who ts a party hereto, end to other perconY npr�seriEed by
<br /> -�-�:, 3n., ..,r •� eppiicl�ble law. No4 lesa thsn one month after the Trustee►ecorde the notice of default,or two months ff the trust property ia not In any
<br />��"..�:'a•"�:�'� incorporated clty or vftlage end is utad fn farmtnp operation�carded on by the trustor,the Truatee 6hall{�ive puWic noUcs of sak to the peraono
<br />-` 'S' � and In the manner prescribed bY�appplicabte law.Trustee,without demand an 8orrower,shall seli tM proparty�t publie auction to ths hlpheet
<br /> �����''��'� bidder. If required by the Farm Momestead Protection Act,Truatee sha!!oHer the property in two separate eales as requtred by appBcabM law.
<br /> �<�+''r'�r�r-�� - Trustee may poatpcne sele of eli or eny porcel ot the property by pu6lia ennouncement et tha time and plece of any prevbusly schadulad�ale. _
<br />__:�„,,,.,,,_:�,� Lender or ita desipnes may purchaae Me proporty et eny seb.
<br /> � � �'�� Upon�ecelpt of pfyinent of the price bid,Trustee shalt deltver to thA purchasor Trustoe's deed convoyfnp tho property.Tho recitieia contained in
<br /> � ••�' Trustee'&deed ehall be prime facte ovldience of the truth of ihe etatements contnined therein.TNBLQB 6ha11 appiy the proceeds of the rale In the
<br /> •��5 • '�� followinfl ordor. (a) to all expensea of the sete, includinp, but not limited to, roasonablo Yruatee's feea, reaaonablo ettomey'a tees and
<br /> : . ;.Y,{' rein:to2ement fees;(b)to ell sums secured by tfita deed nf trus4,and fof tho balence,ii eny,to the persona Iegaliy entitled to►ecelve it. �-
<br /> �- a: � �4 13.For�ciown.At Lendor'o option,thia duod of trust may 6n foreclosad In the manne►provlde by epplicablo law for formcWsuro of mortgapea
<br />- .�.�•,r,.:�,a*��ti� onreal property. ���
<br />-�� "'r'; -;��-c%S 14.fnsp�Cdon.Lender may enter tho property to inspect R If Lender gives Borrower notice boforehand.The notice must state the reasoneble �'�"
<br /> " ' `" ;S,'::;y:� causo for LootloYs fnspection. _
<br /> ;E._ � _rr.� „_.
<br /> �j�i 16.Co+�d�mnatlan.Borrowor assig ns to Lender tho prooeeds of eny eward or ctalm for damagos connoctod with e condomneNon or Qther takfng �
<br />_ •+�0r•• of ell or any pert of the properry. Such proceods will be epplled as provided in Covenant i•This essiflnment is subject to ths terms of any prior •°��.
<br /> security eD7eement. '
<br /> _. , ,-,� 16.W�Iwr.By exercfsing eny remedy eveilablo to l.onder, Lender does not gfve up eny riphte to later uso eny othor romedy. By not oxercisi�g � ;
<br /> . „ -�„ any remedy uAOn Borrowor s dafault,Lender doea not waivo eny right to later considar tho event e defeult ff it happeno again.
<br />. • 77.JoirK�nd S�wn1 Ll�bilitY• Co•slyner, 8ucc�ssors end A�siym Bound. All dutioa under thia doed of truat ero Joint end severel.Ae�y
<br /> Borrowor who co•sfgns thte deed of trust but does not co-sign the underlying debt Instru:nent(sl doos so oniy to greM and convey that
<br /> Borrowar's interest in tho property to the Trustan undnr the terma of this deod of trust.In addition, such a Borrowar aprses that tho Lender ond
<br /> _ , any other Borrowor urtder thia daed of trust may oxtond, modl(v or mako uny other chaoass in tho terms of this dead of trust or tho socured
<br /> � dabt without that Borrower's consent and without roleaelnp that gotrowor trom the terms oi thla dee�of trust. ••
<br /> ' Tho duties und benefite of this deed of truat ahall bind and bene(it the succosaore and assigns o}Londer end Borrower.
<br /> •S id.NotDa.Unle68 othe►wiso requfred 6y I�w,anV notice to Bo►rower shall be piven by delivering ft or by mailinp it by cortlfiod moil eddressod to
<br /> Borrower et the proparty ad�resa or eny other eddross that Borrowor hae givon to Lender.Borrowor wfil givo eny nottce to Londar by cortifiad
<br /> • mail to Lunder's eddross on pope 1 of this doad of trust,or to eny other nddrose which Londor hes dosfpnated.A�y othor notioa ta Lander sha�l
<br /> ; me sent to Lander's address as ctated on pege 1 of this deaU of trust, y
<br /> Any notice shell be deemed to have been given to Borrawor ar Londer when given In tNe manner eteted ebove. I
<br />. 19.Trsmt�r ot tha Pro{�rty or s B�n�flcld Interest�n th�Borrower.If all or ony part of tho proporty or any Interost in it is sold or tr.anstorrod �
<br /> without Lender's prior writton consont, Landor may demand immediato peymont of tho securod dobt. Londor may elso domand immodintc�
<br /> paymont If the Borrowor Is not a natural porson ond a 6onoficial Intoroat In tho Borrowor is sotd or transforrod. Howovor, landar mey not
<br /> . damand payment in tho ebovo 5itueilons If it Is prohibitad by fedarol lew es of tho dnto of thls dond of trust. ;
<br /> '� 20.R�convsyanc�.Whon tho obtigation eecurad by this deed of trust has boon paid, end Lendor hns no further obligaUon to maka advances I
<br />- ------_�-___----- uinivi ii�o uwaumm�io oi d iodo'mmo oei,vGmi u�uuo u'ooi�'vi u`uoi.i`ue�iueiw o��nii. ojsvi�e�.uoTi ioyuoai u ino i.binioi.ioi,oifvdjr ii�o uu6i �. ..
<br /> � ' � property.Tho Londar shall�ollvor to tho @orrowor,or to Borrowor's succossor In Intorost,tho trust dood and t�io noto or othor ovidonca of tho
<br /> oblipation so snHsf�od.Borrowor shall poy ony racordntlon coste, i
<br /> ' 21.SucC��sor Truftw. LendeJ at Lendei's optlon, mey romovo Trustoo and oppoint a successor truetoo by flrct, mailing a copy of tho ,
<br /> substitutlon of ttustee es roqufrbd by epplicabtA law,ond thon, by Siling tho substitutlon ot trustoo for rocord In tho oNico of tha rogister of dnods •
<br /> o}oech county In whlch tho Vust proporty,or some part theroof, is eituated.Tho succossor trustea,without convoynnco of tha proparty,ehall
<br /> succoed to all tho powor,dutios,r�uthonry ond titlo of tha Trustoo namod in thn dood ot trust and of nny succossor ttustoa.
<br /> � /Par�e 10l 21
<br /> - OANKEBS 6VSTEMS.INC-.5T.CLOUD.MN 68701 11�804J97•73471 FOAM OCP-MT6-NE 8119/91
<br /> V �
<br />