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<br /> wFws�nsidone�rtkftNS H un rnz ,�a n_,_._r���w �Y.iy�- w.» Cwxx�tY.I�Nbtaska('TnMRN'h MW tle�d�Nduy�
<br /> urync �R4S}1T. RIVTWLR n •n�*r ��aaP�rrsK�Te»r _.a corpnratlAn or�niad
<br /> snd�xhtinp untfa th�lrw�of�_ ►r�noeafrs, _,wl�ow�ddr�is_,?Z��SIIT�+ �.N'U9ZB.T8E�'�'. — _
<br />-- - _ �..►u� Tn�.x..n�rmsn�er� Sn.9Q.°-1�°� ��L��d�o �•
<br /> CONVEYANCE:For valw►�cNwd.Bo+towK knvotably pnnt��nd cot�wy�to TrusiM.In truat,with pawnr of ss4,th�r��l�xopKty,oi wl�ieh
<br /> Botreww� 1�liw(uly sNz�l, dsscriE�d bdow Mx! NI twNdinp�, fixttKN, and�xhtMip�d tut�x� knprowrn�ris thKwn aid sM ry�hte-ol•wrry,
<br /> — ��tMnNrt�, nrtte. iuuss. Ixoiits. {ncortw, Nni�!wnn, h�r�ditNer�nb, P�IyNrqa �nd �ny�p{xwtenancs� eh�roixKO bdor+pkq (sll eaiMd tM
<br /> --_� "{x�jV'L naavn �w�avn I��...r. cas�+•
<br /> �TY�f1�1Kt=f 1 A9C O bY.i1/ _ , _ • ___ _-- _ ---
<br /> LEOl1l OERClIi�Tk1N: uu.«► ICkv) cu*ce�
<br /> L0� BLBV�t7 (il), 11BlDSR60N SUSD2VISION, IN TIiB CITY OF ORAND I9I,At1D,
<br /> HALI� C'aUNTY� NSBRItiSlU#.
<br /> --� locatad tn County,HebraskA.
<br /> --- TfTIE:Bortower covenants end warant�title to ths proporty,except for .__
<br /> ='.R� --•
<br />_'""`'�_' SEGtN1FA OElT:Thia deed of trust�ecure� to Lender►opayment of tho �ecurod debt and the pertormance of the cov�nanu�nd �prNm�nU
<br /> '~ �� containeti(n this dsed of trust snd in any otiser document Incarporatad heroln. Saeurad debt,as used In this deed of trust,Includ���ny�mnunt� =
<br /> -� Bortowei owes to l.ender under thia dead o!truet or under eny Instrument eecured by this deed ot truat,end all modiitcationt,txtsn�tone Mnd _
<br /> """"�� tenewals th�r�of.
<br /> :��tiu The secured debt Is evidenced by Il.�at ell tnstruments and agraamente cecured by thie deed of truat and the dntea thereof.l: _ u
<br /> -w-i�iisi � � A S�R�iy aGO�Y hOTA nT�m SF,�7RTTY Af�R1:F.MFNT D�'T`FD �Y �� Y QQ5 --
<br /> l� ❑Wtun Advanai: TM above nmount la sscured evan though ali or psrt of it may not yeY 6a auhrenced. fui:�ra�edvancea ere
<br /> - contemplsted nod will be secured to the eame extent as if made on the date this doeA of trust it nxecuted. -
<br />}�e' ❑ Revotving Iine of c►edit epreement deted ,wfth initial ennual Internst wte of 96. F=-
<br /> i� '-.-
<br /> QII�maunts owed utider thia sgreement are eocured even thouph all amounts moy not yet be attvaneed. Future edvances unde► f_=
<br />��� the apreement ero contempiated and will ba secured to the 6eme extent ae if made on the date thl�deed of pu�t la executed. tii_
<br /> �3 The ebove obtlpation is due and�ayeble on Mnv i a� �oe a If oot paid earlier. ��
<br /> �c.. :.
<br /> `:� The totai unpaid ba�ance securod by this deed of truat at eny one time shall nct exceed e maxlmum princfpal amount of
<br /> ti e?o,ae ''�'
<br /> .�:
<br /> r••� �msrr �run��ro R2VA LIIf11tfRRR rur TV F2\/$_�f17If »�inn .Dollaro(0 p;5��_z3 1,piva intero�t,
<br /> `."`-,�'�,'� plus any emounts disbureer!under the terma of this deed of irust to proteai the security of this deed o4�rust or to�eHorm any ot tho - _
<br /> � '�' coven.nte cantalned In this deed of trust,with Intsr�+st an such disbursama�is.
<br /> - ��c: .
<br /> �"°-"� ❑ Ywirbt�R�t�:The Intereat rate on the oblig�tion secured by this deed oT trust may vary according to the terma of that obiigntion.
<br /> _r'-� ❑ A copy of the loaa egroement contalning tho torms under which tho interost rete may very ia ettached to this deed of vust and __
<br /> T.u�; . made a part hereof. ,.
<br /> :'�:''� n
<br />_ -� RI�ER9: ❑Commerclal � aQ^rc�NMFtnrr oF R�rr� ._
<br /> Purauent to the Farm Homancud Protection Act,deslgnetlon ot homestoed ❑ Is attached to thls deed of trust and made e part hereof
<br /> ❑ hae been disclaimed;the discialmer fa ettnchod to thfa dood of trust and m3do o part horaof.
<br /> s�-�.' �IQNATUAE9:sy nlnp bdow Borrow�r��w so th�tertn��nd cov�nent�cmintnad In this deed ot wst,instudiny tho»on p�po 2.�nc9�n
<br /> ,,,y�,1�' ,.�ny�idKr Ma r, a6ova�sipr►�d by Borro�+ot. n 1 n
<br /> _.�=-::,� l ' f���� ��'►c�th� -_
<br /> � :,� ��`
<br /> GO N ROKfi A • DBI���EtA J Hlt NROPB
<br /> .' � --
<br /> ,�
<br /> :���. �
<br /> -""��� ACKNONfLEDQMENY:STATE OP NEBAASKA, � County se:
<br /> ,.;
<br /> � � The forogofng Instrument was acknowtadgod beforo ma on thls i�.T dey of MAY_ 1 99S _
<br /> ,sV'�{
<br /> �� - b� ['00�' � T aROT{RNA[)PR f1Nif OBAAA :. ARAIL�NflOPR� .I1IICAAND ATf►1 WiRR
<br /> - . IT�ttetell
<br /> � CNpnnt�a (Nrne of Capontlon or p�nn�nNpl
<br /> - PrtrnnNp �f— — —
<br /> � :,r Ac�+ow.wpm.n� n S11/1pAN1��(,� on behalf of tha corporation or partnarehip.
<br /> My commissfan exp ���^m�E�Q��19,1995 1�,��/�
<br /> iSeatl +�� � �C y.�/ �L�Y" ` JINOtlry PLDiiel
<br /> 7his Inatrumnnt was prcpared 6y cHranN Kr.Rrrrr .--
<br /> m1083L�IKCASSYGttK.9,INC..GT.CLOUD.MN6890111•800397•73�tIFOqMUtP•MTU�NEO11Df81 �PL# 00006903 fplgslo/2) NEBRASKA
<br /> „ Cr.D� 0000000000 �
<br />