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<br /> __` k'c "` w,n.n.ber.�u. . 'irw'�yipn:.,,:.°: qnlf,Y� r . � : _.
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<br /> F1c.i�r���ti•,:r :slrill prnnmtlY Bivc [.c�«!�:r a:i�ftni nc��icc of�aiy inve:,tig,�tion. claifn. dem�ttd. lmvsnit or othcr actics�i by a,ly p="���_-
<br /> <,�a�„s;er��::�: ��3�s:�:;;�l:?„�� �� �u�v nr ;iv.:tc u_uy lutulvluc ti��1'�o{�:�rty t;nd any Lliizu►�lum,4uli:.t:u.ti�nf•{e.rvin�suri���t;t! I;ra ,r
<br /> t . ' {'
<br /> �F tivi31�'i�,'..',ritrwc��I;a=�acural�k��+iulc�Jb.:, [V��.:ui�ut�.4r Ic:��ds, ut•i°,nciilicii by ;�ul��cwCilfillC31lf1I u3• r4,;td::tutiy u����wrety. Rlr! � .---
<br /> ti�y r�:�nnval nr otl�cr rc��tc<li�+tinn af;ny I[ur;i�Auus Subtit:tncc aftcctinb�hn f�t��sp;,�4y is iicc�ss.iry.i3orn•nvo�•sliall pr�:��ptly tukr =--
<br /> a�l r�c�cn.ary rcinafinl;►s:ticns in accurdancc wl�h 1;�►eicr�nnK�ual I.aw. --
<br /> As usecl in this�u�rnprt��t► 20, "IluianJauy Substu�x:ev" urc duisr huhstu�iccv cicfincYl uv toxic ur I�aiai�luus,ubstuncci by
<br /> E'nviru�uixnt�l I.uw a�xi thG foElowing suhstanccv: gutiolfne, �;cr��srtic, ulhcr fln►nmabac u'r �oxic �ttrolcum `�r�xlucts, t��xic
<br /> ��lciJrs aixi h�efiicl�tev.volWQir u►Ivent�, m�tedal�conlwining mstx��tns nr Porre�uldehydo,:uxl ruclii�:tive nwtnrivas. A��asecl In
<br /> �hlv �rAUr�ii� 7.0, "I�IIVI(O1D11CI►lAI LUW° t1Y:JIlY CIYICPAI IGWti i1TF!I IIIW9 lif II1L'�llfd'N.III'II011 WIIC�C (Ilt; ITCO�KFIy Is I��c.iteQ th:�! -
<br /> rrlMte to�th.sa5rty�sr environuxntul prote�tfon.
<br /> IVUN•UNIFUAM COV�NAN'1'S. Horniwer und I.cnder Itinher cmeiu�nt iuxf sigrrn us i'ullc►ws:
<br /> 21.Accelerwtlun: Itemedlrx.I.endc�c�l��ll gir�n�tke to Anrmwer�xior¢o Kccrle�U�H�f��llowin�[S+►rroh�er'�brMCh _f
<br /> of aay arvmwel or aRcc+emrnt In thl.v '�ecpdty In�trurnent (but �N►► prk►r tn Wca{eratlon under pwr�gr�ph .l9 dalt�r+
<br /> �ppllrrble I�wp��vld�.w otliawlse). The twt0�:e shall speclCy: (wD t6�c def��uit; (h)the wctlon reyulr�l to care the defiwU;
<br /> (c)N d+�te,ncN I�+t tiu�n 30 dAyy[rr�m the�te t�e notice fe gfven t�[iorrower, hy whlch the defwult must be cntYd;and
<br /> !d) ttwf f�liure to care the cktautt on or Ixfare the dste speciiic�!n the notice may ��esult in Accelerat�on of tl�e sum.g
<br /> aerured by thi�Secur�ty Ieultument and sale oi the Property. '1'!te nottcc�hulL further inform fdornower ut tf�e rlgl�i to �-
<br /> reicatate t�ftrr e�celeradon ��sl the eigl►t tu bring•n caurt action to �ssert the non-ext�tence ot p de[ault or Nny otha� _
<br /> de(ense ut Barrower to aoceters�tion end s.^.Ie. ➢f the defpult�s not cured on�r t�efi�re the dute specitie:l In t9►e n+►e9ce, _
<br /> i,encler,At its option, n�Ay requt�+e immc�diete Ewyment in 1'ull of all :,u+ns secured 4fY this Security Instrument without
<br /> [urther demwnd o�xl may involke the p�ower oi�le and any other remedles permictcd G�y npplicable law.Lender siwdl be ___
<br />' entitled to coltect xll expcns��s incurred In pursuf ey�the remedles provtded!n th45 paragrnph Zi,inctuding,but noR limital
<br /> to*reason�bfe attorneys'fees�nd casts af t[tle eviden��e.
<br />, IS tf��we!�o!snle is t�voka�l, Trustee sha10 rccord u notice of default in each cou�ty in wFikh any pArt ot the
<br /> prnperty ts located and sh.nll mail copl�of such not[ce in the mQnner prescdE�ed by appl(c�ble Iaw to Borrawer and tm
<br /> ihe c►ther persons prescribed by applicable law.After the time requfreel by applicable law,T�st�ee s1�U give aul�ii�nodce
<br /> ot sale to the per�ns u�xl in the man��er prescrfi6ed by applicable Inw.Tnistee, �vithout demt�nd on l�orrow�er.sflalt sell
<br /> t�..v�Y.s�,�s��hlic anction W tbe highest bidder ut the time and pls�ce and�under the tcrm9 d�.sig�►stai In the notice of —
<br /> cole in ooe or more uaneL9 ond in anv order Trustee determines. Trustee may pastpone sale of all or aay pxrcel of thc _
<br /> Yruperly by public annouikement ut the time uud pleee of any pmvQOUS�y scneau�en saic. i,ertuer or i45 aes�gnee may --���
<br /> purct�se tht Property at any sale. _
<br /> _ Upon recript ot psiyment aP the prfce bid, Trustee s1w11 deliver to the purchaser Tnutce's deed conseying thr _ _
<br /> P�eperty� The recitxls in the'fr�stee's deed shall be prImp facte evldence of the trath of the statements rnYde therein. (�_:
<br /> Trusta stwl!apply the procee�Lg of the sale in the following order:(a)to nll costs end expense.,af exerclsing the power of ___
<br /> sA[e,and the sxle,i�xlud(ng tl�e payment of'the Tn4stee's fees uctually incurred,not to excecd th��of 50.QO or �
<br /> of th�oriucln�l amount of the note at the ttme o�the decturatla�of de[ault,und ra�sonable attordeys'fi�.s as permtttrd
<br /> by law;(6)to all swns securcd by this Securtty Instrument;and(c)any exccss to the perso»or pe�sons legalty entitteti io �,,:,
<br /> it. �'`.:,:
<br /> 22. Reeonveyenee. Upon payment of ull sums secured by this Security xnstrument. Lender shall rec�uest Tcustee to �
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall sunender this Security Instrumenc and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Securin�
<br /> Insuumtnt to Trustee, Trustee sUull reconvey the Property without wamanty and without charge to thc person or persons legally
<br /> eutitled to it. Such persvn or persons shall pay itny recordation costs. .
<br /> 23. Substltute'Trustee.Lender,at its optton, may from time to time remove'Crustce and appoint a successor tnistee to
<br /> any Trustcc appointal hercundcr by on instcument rcrotrl�l in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. Without ���=
<br /> conveyanee of the Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power nnd duties conferred upon Trustee herein �:"`.
<br /> 1nd by applicable law. �''�`'
<br /> 24. Request for Notices. Borrowcr rcquests that copies of the notices of default and salc be suu to EorcowcPs address �` -
<br /> whict►is the Property Address. ' "`-
<br /> 25. Alders to this Securety Instntment.If onc or more riders an;executed b Barrower and r�ecotded to etttcr with this �y�
<br /> y & �r:�_-
<br /> Security Instruntent,the coyen�nts nnd ngrcements uf each such rider shall be incorporated into Ancl siiall amciail��r,d supplement il,i:`<.-
<br /> the covenants and Rgrecmcnts nf this Securrty Instrument as if thc rider(s)were a pan of this Secure�y lnstrument. '"`�"'°
<br /> 1!�v,r
<br /> [Check applicab}c box(cs)] �;,-:-.
<br /> ❑Adjuste.ble Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider 0 1-4 Fanuly Ridcr �°��
<br /> re;:::,
<br /> �Graduated Payrnent Ridcr Pl�nncd Unit Devclo merit Ridcr �Biwcekl Pa mcnt Rider '°'"'-
<br /> p Y Y w�-�..
<br /> [�Balloon Ridcr Ratc Improvc►ncnt Rldcr ❑Secand Homc Ridcr -.;�;.,
<br /> ❑V.A.Ridcr �Othcr(s)[spccify] °
<br /> -Notice of Default
<br /> f>`Yi;�
<br /> >:.;,
<br /> �,.,:
<br /> BY SIGNYPdG BELOW,Bnrrower ace�pts and u�cees to tlie ter�ms and eovenants contuinai in this Seeurity Instrument and f;�'•���
<br /> in any rider(s)cxr:cuted by Borcower and r�cordcd with it.
<br /> Witnc�ses: I,:`,��,:
<br /> L����a�.-Q � _. (Seal) �
<br /> Jonathan Paul rose •�u'�0`�•�`
<br /> Ct,-.�-Z,�� �-� � (S:al)
<br /> Chi Chcb Lqon � •eocruwcr
<br /> _(Se;il) (Sc;il) i ..
<br /> . -f3orro«•¢r -Hurrmvcr
<br /> �
<br /> Count ss: i
<br /> STAT�OF NEBRASKA, Ha11 Y t
<br /> The furegoing inst�vment w�s acknowledgcd bcforc mc di s 1 day of �qay • 1995 • �
<br /> byxonatha� Pe�xl Fooe. a singYe person nnd CI i Cha �yon� eingre erson ' �
<br /> Witness my ltand and notarial se:il at �rttnd Is' n e � m s id Coun ,the dute aForasaid.
<br /> My Cu►nm�ssiun f:xpires: 04/O6/9d
<br /> rre flalmy tn�blic
<br />- ��o011rI�C,�AfIf011 �
<br /> r/hMRa1�I�� coQOa o�a Form 3028 9I9tl ,
<br />�e �
<br /> 5
<br />