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. � ' i�,j'�'�.�'"v�� `� a^t`y IF:(�:��5 i�vp.. . .... .... fr ;r� . �t� }i- ��t7�l�r S��f�YI;`ti . � , . ,,. . r <br /> ' . _'.', .�..rl y}.i0' S1c`��( �S . � .. - . r 1�!S; li- i-P�S:1 r;�f;����.• �.-� . . <br /> ,. il b.•ct o-�< i% �it t.. , vr¢`. .. ..._..t�r ..��,w � <br /> . . '` _a. .iZp i�f, .f(>'±:V i '(C,+' . ' ;Isl;S�t(•�: . - r'l. � . . �., . � <br /> � ,:.jJ n. . '�s ��; 7i, � •.r.. .. ' , � .. ..._ <br /> , . �t �fie��� ti 1 _ '������ � ' / � �ii• . . . � . _ -' � ' '. � , °M `~� !'Y _ <br /> .. ';..� <br /> , � � <br /> . . <br /> . w •...�..i�..�...�, �II. �.�.iwr haf�YF 1 -�+i�w�,�w� � -ra�6r �e-:,ss1W'r�ris/ , . <br /> ,�„r-...._.�.�.....::i la....!'"�'��_"��4�t. �'a':�_t.......�� _� ,.4�.�'1''°.:f�f.� ... p!'!5'�"d��'! . _. <br /> '�� `L=�� n� � 11134�7 k�`�';'';:'�� " • <br /> z.. <br /> � 1 ....L f.........�J+: <br />-:--:r�"'."_"_'......_.... —�����"��.. ..., _. <br />-��%�8"��-`�`r'�'`�r� substantially cquivalcrtt mortgnge ln�;�,;�.�cv�-erege�is not availablc,Bonowcr shali puy to Lendcr cach month a sum equal ta ="�,�� <br /> onc-tweltih of the ycarly mortg�ae i��s°�J�.�`n=P�►niwn being paid by 8orrowcr whcn thc insurancc covcrage tnpsed or ccased to ��..': <br /> bc in effect.Lcndcr wili acccpt,usc nrcd ret�lin thesc paymcnts as a loss rescrvc in licu of mortgage insurancc. Loss reserve _-- <br /> paymcnts n ny na lan�cr bc rec�uirc�l, at thc option nf I.,cndcr, if ntortgu�;c insurnucc covcra�c(in thc umount and for thc peri��d . •- <br /> that L�:ndc� rcqul�c�)pravidal hy an insur,:r appruvr,�l by L�:ndcr ugain bccamcs avnilablc und is ob[ainul. Aorrowcr tih,ill pay _� <br /> .•�°, .,M;_ ; : �.• thc premiums rcquirrd ta maintain mortga�c insurancc in cffect,or to pmvide a lass rescrvc,until the rcquirement for mongngc , , _ <br /> ,�;�^�:�.,�.;,y,�, insuranr.c ends in accordnnce witl�eny written agreement Uetwezn Rnrrawer�nd Lender or ap�;liG►ble law. , � - <br /> �=T==•*.'-��•,w 9. Ins�►r.ctlon.Lendcr or its nsent �nay muicc rcasonnbte cntrics upon and inspcctiuns of thc Propcny. I..endcr sh�dl givc \� '�:; • - <br /> ``� :.�:�.�.,_�...-,.�.�s.,.� Borrowcr notico ut tiie tiinc of ar prior to an inspcction specifying reasonublc causc for thc inspection. ; i , ,� <br /> _-= f0. ronclemnatlo��. The proeeeds of any nward or claim for dumages, direct or eonsequential, in connection with i►ny ;e.. �.• v,.'�.�,��;i�` <br /> .,:.-,.:-�.y�;r: <br /> condemnatioiz or othcr tnkfn�of wiy pan of tltc Properry, or for c�nveynncc in licu of condemn�tion, urc hcrcUy tissigned imd w�- <br /> =T�_x,�s;��� shull bc paid Io Lcndcr. �� <br /> :,r -=-� In the event of n rotnl Utking oF tho Property, the procecds shall be npplicd to the sums securc�i by this Security histrumeut. • '��''°�' <br /> ,._: <br /> =�_�•i;.< , whether nr not then Juc, with imy excess p;iid to Borrowcr. In the cvent nf a purtiul t�tking of the Prnperty in which Ihe fuir _ ", � � <br /> ;�,_;��};,;,. 1 market value c►f the Properry immedintely bePoro the ts�king is equul to ur greuter thau� �hc amount of�the sums,ecured by tBis .� <br /> '.`'�� Sccurity Instrumcnt imnicdlntcly before the taking, unless Borrawer anc9 I.cndkr otiurwi�e ugrce in writing, thc�umy sccured hy <br /> ���• this 5ccurity (ns�rumcnt shidl Bc rduccd hy �hc amount of Utc procecds mulllpllcd hy thc fnllowing fructinn: (r�) Ihc total „ " <br /> � .'.'';� umount of thc sums s��curcJ immcdiatcly hcforc dtc takins, dividcd by(hl thc fnir murkct viiluc of thc hroperty immctliatcly �� <br /> • ;,•;r_�- bcforc thc tnking. Any halrmcc sl�nU bc paid tu �orrawer. In thc cvent �►f u partial taking uf thc Propeny in which tho fair , � � <br /> - '�•����•';• •.� markct v:duc of thc Property immcdiately Nefore thc takinb is Ie�,s than the:�muunt of the sums securcd inmialiately b�fare the . • ,��� <br /> `•r,,r�''� � taking, unle�5 Borrower und [.ender athcrwisc agree in writing nr unlesti appticable law otherwise providcs, the proceccls shall ��r,:;•.,.�• ., '�` <br /> • t�:applicd to the sums sa;ured by this Security Instrurrv�m w�hether or not the sums urc then duc. • •i•' • " <br /> _'�;'• ' �' If the Pmperty is abandone.d by Borrower,oP i(,�fter nasice by[.cnder to 8arruwcr that thc condemnor offers to niakc un :",��";`h�,,.,� <br /> -"�_�..,;..;�a.: � award ar sctNc a claim for darnagcs, Borrower fails to respo»d to Lend:r within 30 days after the date tt�c natice is give�ti, ,,�.�:_ <br /> _ � . '�- ? L.ender is authari�ed tu colteci und appl,y the proceeds, at its optian, either to restoration ar repair of the Property or ro the sums . �"'��ri��--- <br /> - � ' ? secarecl by this 5e�urity fnar.rumeat,whether nr�not then duc. , .�. �..��r---- <br /> , �'�' Unless Lender and Bonowcr otherwise ugree in writing, any application of proeeeds to principal shall not extend or '•""�""`=``-- <br /> S�' P F� Y P Y P S p o P Y � „ -"�_ .-- <br /> �'' '' ost ne the duc dnte af th�monthl a ments referred to in ara ra hs I and 2 or cllanoe the amount of such a ments. � : ;.,^:;���,-_: <br /> �'�' � 11.Bnrrower A'ot�teleased;�orbeacance By I.ender Not a Waiver.8xtrnsion of the time for payment or modification �`� . -a•��'`, <br /> ..•, • �;.._ �f anionization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument gran�ui by Ixn�ler to any successor in interest of Borrower shaU � . ��=r;�' ;�r <br /> ... ...., <br /> . ..... -- <br /> `�� � �� + not op�rate to release the liabiliry of the original Bonower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender sh�ll not be rcauirecl to �__-l-`".�'�� <br /> ---��.-'--}- �0^"":.,^^^ '^^^^'�:^^" ^^^:^`�•'^••`••^^^P`^':^:~•°-_°. --«�u,�iu eaienci umc tor payment or othenvise modify ;�mortization ' �f��!��?°� - <br /> ...Y.��..w...b.. ..b.»..... ....J ................. ...��.��.�r.��v� <br /> , of the sums securod by this Security Instrumcnt by reason of any dcmand made by the original Borrower or BOITOWCi 5 �r, r:`�,;,k� -""` <br /> successars in interest. Any forbearance by Leuder in exercising uny right or remody shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the , �+ <br /> , ; cxercise of any right or remedy. ` �' <br /> . ...;�. � 12. Successors nnd Assigns Boa�,�; �olnt and Severnl Liubllity; Co-slgners. Thc rrnenants ar:d agrecments of this � :,�`;��- <br /> ''� Sccurity Instrument shalt bind and bcnefit the sucecssors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of ' <br /> ..-. �, <br /> .. <br /> ' � paragraph l7. Barcower's covennnts and agmements shall be joint and several. Any Borrawer who co-signs this Security , � <br /> - ` IS2SIi��I??nn� h�� �Innc ruit�g����tt���m Nnt�!� (al ic rn-cianino thic C����rity IncmimPnt�nly tm m�rtaaar ar�nt anrl �nnv�v ihai �'�.� <br /> - - -- ..o....� . . , <br /> i Banower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b1 is not personally obligated to pay the sums '''f' � <br /> ° �.�{ secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thut Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify, forbcar or ��;:u, <br /> .,.,,. make any accommodatio�is with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. '''�" <br /> �•,:• 13. LoAn Charg�s.If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets muximum loan charges, � � �`�. <br /> '"' and that law is finall inte reted so thnt the interest or other loan char e5 collect�d or to be collected in conrtection with the ��'+�;��j,.' <br /> . t;�c;.': Y � rP S • . .!p.;r,�.� <br /> • �,?'r•.`��" loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)uny such loan cha�•ge shall be r�educed by the amount n�:cessary to reduce the charge ,,. , <br /> ' ��'�� to the�sCrmitteAi limit: and (b)any sums ulready collected fram Borrower which exceeded perniitted limits will be refunded to ' �,.� � <br /> • • • ,:r �. Borrower. Lender may choose to maks this refund by reducing thc principal owcd undcr the Note o� by making a direct � <br /> • •� �"'�:� payment to Bonower. If a refund reduces principal, thc reduction will be treated as a purtial prepayment without any ;:;;ti{'� <br /> �• • prepayment charge under the Note. '`::.>�''�r� <br /> r'`�;!� • 14.Natices.Any notice to Borc�wer provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by dclivering it or by mailing ":?l�r. <br /> • `'��. it by first cluss maal unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address , • '�:�`t`,i� :��� <br /> , ' ., c>r any other address Borrower desi�nates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Leader shnll he given by first class mail to �f,,� i.,, <br /> � � L.ender's address stated herr,in or any other uddress Lendcr dcsignates b�� notice tu 8orrower. Any notice pmvided for in this , ���-y��`.. ••• <br /> � ""^'- Securit Instrument shall be deemed to have been �ven tu Borrowcr or Lender when �ven as rovided in this ara ra h. • •%��� •" ' <br /> ' . �'•-`�'�� 15 Governing Law; Severnbiiity. This Ss:curity Instrument shall bc govcrncd byf cdcral law and thc law of thc �t��`�� <br /> ���� jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that uny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nutc � <br /> •' .�''����'. � conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrumcnt or the Note which cun be � � <br /> ` � given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument und the Notc arc decl:ucd ' � <br /> � � to be severable. I • � �._�� <br /> . `!'.I � 16.Borrower's Copy.Aorrowcr shull bc givcn onc confornicd copy of thc Notc and of this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> .�,,, <br /> - ' �`' 17.Transfer of the Property ur a 13enef�cful Interest in Borru�ver. If all or any pan of thc Property or an,y intcrest in it •" �' <br /> is sold or transfcrrcd(or if a bencficiiil interest in sorrawcr is ,old or transferred and Borrowcr is nat u narural person) without <br /> " . .. Lender's prior written cansent, Lender ma y, �t its o ption, re quire irnmediate pa yment in full of all sums sec:ureci b y this ( . <br /> . ° Secu►•ity[nstrumcnt. However, this option shall not bc excrciseci by Lcndcr if exercisc is prohibited by fcderal law ati of thc datc <br /> � ;,. of this Security Instrument. I , . <br /> '.i° If Lcndcr exercises this option, Lcndcr shatl give Aorrowcr noticc of accclerution. The noticc shall pmvidc a period of not � <br /> '�'� • Icss than 30 days from the date the nutice is delivered i�r mailcAl within which Borr�wer must pay all sums secured by this <br /> � • <br /> � Security Instnimcnt. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to thc expiration of this period,l.endcr may invokc any rcmcdics � <br /> - permittcd by this Sccurity Instrument without furthcr noticc or dcmund on Aorrower. I <br />�- ,� 18. Borrowcr's Rlgl�t to iteinstute. If Borrowcr mcets cenain conditiuns, Borrower shall have thc right to havc " <br /> . ' '.�:'�'�" enforcement of this Security instrument discontinucd at any time prior io the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such nther period �s i <br /> ' � applicablu law muy speciFy far reinstutement) befure ssle of the Pmpeny pursuunt tn zny p�nver nf salc r��ntained in thix � . <br /> ," , �I Security h�snvment; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. 'I'hose condition�;ure that Borrower: (a)�ayx � � <br /> Lender all sunts which then would be due under this Securiry Instru�ucnt and the Nutc as if nu aceelcration had occu:red; (b) <br /> � , cures any defnult of any other covenunts or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incwnd in enforcing this Security Instrument. <br /> +' including, but not litnitcd to, reasonable attorneys' fees;and(d)tukes such action as L.cndcr may rc;►sonably rcyuirc ti�assure ' <br /> �• � ,�I thut the lien of this Security In�trument, Lcndcr's ri y�hts in thc Propcny and Burmwcr's c�bli 6�ation to pay the tiums sccure�i by " <br /> �. this Securiry [nstrument shall continuc unchan�;ed. Upon reinstatement by E3orrower, tliis Securiry Insnumcnt and thc <br /> �_ .. ...� _. . . ---- -- <br /> - --- --� vunvmwna�c�:uiai i�cieuy ai�uii rcmam iuiiy ci7cs:i�vc u�n"no acccicrauon nau occurmd. i-iowevcr. cnis rign<<o rcin+la�c,naii - ----- . <br /> not�pply in thc casc uf acccicratiun undcr paragraph 17. <br />— I 19. 5ale ot 101ote; Cl�unge aP I.oan 5ervicer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the IVc�tc Rogeth��r with this 5ccurity <br /> , � Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borcowcr. A ;ale may result in,i chanNe m the�ntiry (knuwn <br /> as thc"Loan Scrviccr") that collccts monthly payntcnt�duc undcr thc Notc�md tl�is 5ccurity Instrument. 7'hri�al+��may hc unc � <br /> ' � , or morc cl�anges oP the I.osu Servi�rr unrelatect w a salc uf tl�e No�e. lF thcre i,u chan�e e�t'the Luan Servicer. Bnrrc�u•er u•ill hc ; <br />_ " givcn written noticc of thc rhangc in ac�corduncc with para�r�ph 14 a6ovc:�nd applicablc I,►�v.Thc noticc�vill �tatc thc numc and <br />— • _ uddress of th�ne�v L.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should bc madc. The notirr will al,u cuntain any�,thcr <br /> ' informntion rcyuircd by applicable law. <br /> 20. Hawrdous Snbstnnccs. Borrowcr shall not causc or permit dtic prescncc, usc, dispo�al, ,tur,t�r. ur rrlr.i.c ot'any <br />- �� Hatardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall iwt do, nor allow anyunc cltic ta dii, cmything affertin� thc � <br />° , Property that is in violution of any Environmcntal Law. 7'hc preccding t�vo sentenrrs shall not apply to thc preticnrc, u�c, ur <br />'- starabc on the Property of small yuantitics of Hac;irduus Substanccs thc�t arc gcncrally recognizcd t�� hc appropriatc a� nornial � <br /> - resiJcntial uses.tnd to maintcnancc uf thc Property. <br /> �f Papo 3 0�d Form 3028 9/90 <br /> r,J � .. <br /> �. � <br />