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<br /> A.Flrc,I�IoRrd(R�A�tb�er Hp�taard.Ims�+.rxnte. 1'it,rrowt,r shal!insurC all itr.pcavc+t�nt�on th�z•.t�r�sarl.wiru� now in .
<br /> . esistence br subsequen:ly ezectad,againsi any har_ards,casi�alti�es,and csnGng�!:ius�i�ludinq trrR for whir,h L+rndex raqair..c =
<br /> ---°- _"°" -'°�"' insuranr.c.This insi!ranr.�shatl be nk�ir:tsi�ed in tiie amc�tint�_an;i far ttvc pericxis�u�I.tnder scqaizes.rwssYOWiex sbnll a�AO fns�x+r,
<br /> --�±� a�&imgrovernents an d�r Proputy,wk�eth�r now in t.xisi,em',e or sub.ieyueauy srcc�.��tainst kx�e hY fbad.s tA thr exaaut n5qui�qr! .
<br /> -- --_-�" by the Secret2�y.All insurance sh�;l he ca�ied eriGi corrpanies,:p�,tnvr,Si.i�y Ir.ndex.'i'hc inqura?ut p��licles arid miy xenewals '
<br /> -.=���'; shall bc hcld by I.�i�du and shal!incis�de loss payahle ctau�e,9 in favat•0'�,.8�+f.irc a£orm a:ce.�Nai�lin eo,j�:nticx.,
<br />�"'u� In thc event,��loss,nonawcr sh�il give Lcndc: imme,cllntc notict�!�y xnail.�.cnder may makr..�f af fos�if npt m�. ':
<br />-�=�=:�'�f!,� promptly �y Borrowe,r, �rh i.n.surancc cor►a�ar►y conccm::d is hc.rGhy��atiEpri•rr.-ct and dircctrri U:nralc��ayme�t for such Ja�s , '
<br />�,�,,,,,_;�':�A�".�,y dirzctly ta l.cncicr.inste.�c!nf tn Aarrawcr a�ta ta Lcnd�r jov�dY.A;l nt'�nY P�t of the incurdncc}�roe,ads may bc a�rli�la,ny ,. . . _
<br /> _�_,,�..�.�..,. Lendcr,az its option,e;ther.(a) w the re�.t^tiort qf dir,incic:Uir,�nef;s u�u�r;r.thc Natc and! fhis Scxuriry Instrun�tr�t,Cust to srtry. -
<br /> --- - -= dclu�qucsnt amouncs applaeci�n the ordcr ui�uagraph 34:snd thcn tn�ee��apmeno.af principal,or(b)tn tAe rest��ion or rq�air o:
<br /> --:a��a �ha�manetl.Tj�i'tlna:r{�t.A�v;�ppt;carion�f the urroceeds ta�hc principal.spall nat extend or ac►stnnne ti�due dau oP th�m�nthly ,
<br /> _-���'�':m,:T'��� 1�Yments which arr�rafer�e�f.o in para�rph 2.or chan�a thc�nmunG af���R;h pay►saents,Any excess it�suxxne�+Ex�x•,uds over sn
<br /> _ ;�A��.va,=..
<br /> �:�;"�ii.�;d� amount rcquirui to pay all autscsndiag 1��:?azalne.,�s�andcr the Notc anr!Yhi�Soc:urity Instrumant shaU be Waid to ihe en�dty k�e�tia�.
<br /> ----=='''w..,,.a:..� en�t(cdthcec:�o. � . .. ' _.. .. —
<br /> --:;.�,.�.-_�• •
<br />: � •, a,n..• Ir► the cvent of f�recZesurc of Ihis Security Inswrumcnt or oi�4isr uansfer o� dtle to the Property thaz c�,tingufshcs¢!ce
<br />- =`:���. .:, indebtcsiness,all right,dtle an3 interest a�'8orrower in and to insurance policics in force shall pass w lhe purci�asex.
<br />�.t� ,:�>��x.�,; . _ .. � .: � _-_
<br /> 5.OCZOj�ittll'a�PtCSC�'88:io�1,MNIri�C�1St�tC�:ARU 1'['iltiCCit011 U.t��i.nperty;6unirwe�r s�.o�a Ap�f;;,z..��;�.��SO:i..
<br />_,;. `r:: .�.�_';. • —
<br /> �,, Boaowa*shall accupy,establish,and usa Ili�Pro�;rty as E3orrawer s•prineinal resldenco wi►hin sixry d�y�utte�the execution ot'
<br /> ;,. , .
<br /> �-n_----J-•�;�W M:..n�r1 ahull�nnrinua rn�v_r,mv�Ivs P��r�ortu�a Rnnnw�r'c nrinrinal:anulanr�t Fi±r+R lwnes�•�Mra�.°.-
<br /> uuo Vanrutuj �-a'I '� �r---. - �w. v..a
<br />�- i_ .�`�._/ '� d3fC Of OCGII�D3S7GY: I1�S4 lI1C $CCIG13fY II81C/[I11Il1eS 1�1LS ICGIIl[GIlCI1L Wvl C811a.. IlildlLS: �IACC�`'�Ilp f0[_ aQITO}y��Of t�I11CS3
<br />-�;,��=::�. :,.�;x.a�:.r•
<br /> � ,�,�.�;.y extenuating circumstanees exist wfiicb. Pde beyoncl �onower's conttol. Borrower shall notify L.ender of any oatenuaa�g
<br /> � ` �-•��v:'^ circumstances.Gorrowec sh�ll not comm�it waste or dc.sr�oy,dam�e e�ssbst?akally ch�n���te P�►o�r1y�r siiow thc Praceriy dc3 �__
<br /> • • ';; deteriora¢e,rcasonabIc wcpr anc4 tcar cxceptcd.Lcr.der may inspect the Fcapert;r if Jie l�roperty ts vacant or abandoned or ihc loazi: —
<br /> ��,�� �• �•s. ��' is in defaulG Lender may.s4lce reasonable xdn�ta protect ard presetve such vacane c�s abandonad ProjKSrty.Borrower slzall aLso
<br /> '., �`'. be in default if Borrower.duxin�the lpan applicadon proc�ss,gave maierial►y fals;or inaccurate information�r st�tements to -
<br /> �'' r' Lender(or failed te�providc I.GnAer�vith ��y maLerial informad.on)in cc�nne�:6on with the toan evidencc�l by the iVpTO,.c�zc.�udin,�, __
<br /> `����••• `•�z��°�� bue ttot limited to, reprESentations.concerning Bonower's occupancy af the Pro�rty as a prin�ipal restdcnce. If this Sec:uaty __
<br /> � '" ''''��''" � InsUUment is on a lcasctv�ld, Borrower shal!comply with Uic provisions of d�e Icase. IF Bnis�uwcr acquires'fce titte to the u=
<br /> '�:'.,`��`"'�` Pro 8 agrees to the merber in�aritins.
<br /> _ ,. , ,.,�, perty.thc leasehold and fec titic st►all not be tner ed u[►less L,ender --.
<br /> > LL , ,,,,� � b.ChArges tQ Ror+rower and Fcotectton of i..ender's Rights in the�'r�perty. Borrowee shall gay all govemmental or _^
<br /> municipal charges, f�es and impositions thae ar� not included in paragr3,ph 2. Borro�ver shall pay thcse obl6�ations an time
<br /> ''" "t�'"�"" �' direcdy to[ho en�ty wtiich is awed the�SaymCnt.If f�iltue to pay wo�sl3 adversc{y affect I.ender's int�erest in th�Pro{�rty,upon L�
<br />_,. .��.. ,� ,;�, �s�:
<br />_ = ., L.ender's request Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to{.ender receipts avidenr,ing thes�payments. _=-
<br /> �'�`��' � If Banowcr fails to makc these a mer��fi�r t�e a ments uircct b ar^ rti �2,or fa�s to crform an other covennnt� �H�-
<br /> , ,f.�` . P Y P Y �! 3'P � � P 3� - ,.
<br /> .'�.= and agreements contained in this Security InEmimeut.o.r there is a le�nl gruceeding that may si�ni.�;�ndy affect Leatder's right�in ��±?
<br /> ; ;,zy�. the Property(such as a procecding in bznNz��nV:y,for candemnation ur Qo enfonce laws or regula�ans).theai�.ender may do and e��-'
<br /> ,�:w.
<br /> ..� pay whatever is necessary to prou.ci the valu�of thc Piroperty and I..ender's righis in the Pcopeny,including payme�t of taxes. .�,�
<br /> � ha7ard ins�ranccs and other iiems mentioned in para�cr,ph 2. ,
<br /> .� ��
<br /> - Any amaunts disbursed Ly Lcnder undeT this parag,r�ph sI�bocome an addi�ontil debt of Fiorrowcr and bo sccurcd by t�is
<br /> „ Securiry Insuumen�'Ihcso amounts shall b:ar intcrest from t�te d�t,�of r�isbursemcnt,at the Note rate,and ai thc opuan of Y.end�r.
<br /> ° ° � sP�all be immcdiat�ly due and payable. �
<br /> _ " �. • 7.Condetnnation. 'I4to praoeeds of aa�y award or cla+m�far dama�es, d'uect or conscquendal, in conn�d.on with any I
<br /> condemnatian or other takin�of any part of the Yroperty,or for com�eyance in place of condemnadon,are hereby assignul and �
<br />. ° shall be paid ro I.ender to the extcnt of ehe full amount of the indebr�ness that remains unpaid under the IVote and this Security
<br /> , instnamen� I.ender uhalt apply such pro�ccds w Uic m.�iuction of t7te indebtedncss under We Noto nnd Ihis 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> ,�" Cust to any delinquent�rnounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3.and then to prepayrtwnt of'principal.Any appiication
<br /> „ of the pror.ceds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due dat� of the�monthl�y payments, which are referred to in
<br /> • �-4R(tiE)(o2t2) Fapo s ot o �nmaie:
<br /> ' -.—��--� �-
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