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<br /> ra�t��myaltiex.miner�tf, a�i1 �nd gsa cighl� and �xofiur,w�tor r�hb sM ��nd!nl� fuums »ow c�•hore�i�e� a �i�t,a�t,:tAe .
<br /> rF-i�(i�li. '!_ � f••t��k'+jt'. A��t.,n;:����iiCillS i��:;k.^.I;�I.�iiii�C SIIJII�ZCa.'�iXr Cti:CrCll�'�t j!!JS-�[Yi.:S:.1.1' EI'SfLlilY1L'Re�.-pl�1G�{�:C.rU!�:j'r;��lfij�' IS CC.��'"''�:.1�n. y; .}----
<br /> -------------------?.. r - ... .�,..
<br /> — �IIA SOCIlYII}�r11S(fU1T1C11�&O l�lf)��t�IG'��'� :. .
<br /> -_-- -- , TiQiiItC3WF.1�t GUV�:'rAN'f'S ttust�c+remser is l�u,fr�iiy seiaati of Ihc esta�c hrxrby convcyed�nd has!hc r'r�(ai eo grur,t a�ad .
<br /> ��:�„
<br /> � C4riv!:y !��i'c.*pc�rly 2I�d liult lhr:Clro(►Ctly 15 ur�eOCUmbCrt�l��xczpt fa e»cu�(nMASecex af rncoe+d.�orrowa w�rra�ao�t w�i
<br /> -.= dc:fu��l�cn�rally thr titk;ttt!hG!'topc.rt}(,��t[ist atl cl�imSBnci dCmattds.su�Jcx:{.ao eny cncumt�ances af r.xord�.
<br /> -----;-- � � '
<br /> __ _
<br /> - -- - -
<br /> '-_ _�.... 1,P�yrnent�a�P Prin�ipA1�Interext�acA➢.Ate Chprgt. l�wrc�wcr shell pay when dae Thc.priuicipal nf.anc) ir+�st on, dx� -
<br /> —;.. debt cvictencerl by tl�r,l3utP;Nnd,lata charges due y�uier the Note. .
<br /> � -= 2.Mouthl�Payment9�f�'uxes,Ir�surar�ce apd Oliter Cha�rgtx. �onower shali inr,iuA.e �n exh,;monGhly paym�enl, -
<br /> - _—= t�gci}ier with thc principal and lntc�rest a3 sct fflrth in..thc Noto and any late charges,art�s�Callmcns af any (e)tax:�a ancl spacid
<br /> __-_� asses.unents kv�cr!or to ba leviccl against the PcQP'ertY.tb)leaxhaid pay►nsnu ar growed nnts on the ProperEy,and(n)prrruiwn�
<br /> � ' ....n...�....n�.A - � .. .
<br /> �°�.�." �f':;�$
<br /> _ -_ f�:i.��u;..�..:,,t�°.:[ . ��,.,...p.yi�.-..
<br /> -:==—__.�7 ' —.
<br /> _ ._-,�,,.,�M1,,,Q,�:� E.�h monthly insl�liment.far it�ms(a),(b).and(c)shafl e�val one•Ywciftt�of thc annaal anwunts.a4 reasa�bIy estims�rd
<br /> -- .� hy 1[.snder.�aa ar,zniTnr.su��«���_ur tr.uc,uii:ilu:��c�tic�r�,1 h�;1�c',c:af not more!}�an ane•sixt}a ef rh�cst�maud aanowus.'I'ise � - _
<br /> �r�;�r- fuU annual anxxunt for�.�,.h itcro shall be accnm�ato8 by I.end�x Kifhin a peeiad cnding onc mont�befora so�ilaa wouid�be^..c�nte .
<br /> °�'"�f Y'�.``k���.� delinqucn�I.cndcr sh311 hold thr,�m�unts collscted in tcust to pay items(a),(t�),and(c)be�fnre thRy ba:ome sieiinqurnt. .
<br /> ^��s - - s If At any timc okta total af Qir,payments held by d.cnder for itr,ms(a),(b),and(c),taget2�:a witfi the futiue r►xx�th[y�Ymefi�s
<br /> ��-�.� __
<br /> _�:,,;.�,,� x�, tor sucn items payaoir.io i,r.+�ucr p�iur iu�i►c uuc�3ui�of such itetns.exczeds by tnote t1tr.�:one-sixtt�the.es�,matcxl a�r�u+ii ui
<br /> ;.::::µ;s. �:�,.,^_,;r'� paymcnts requircd to pay s�ech items wher� due. ond if paymenLs on the P7ote are currant,trien t,endex shaU sitfiu retw±r ttx
<br /> � -:
<br /> �.,,�,•t��a,,y.�-;�;. C1[tz�s vvci vPec-ai�e.'u`i ui u'v �5umisii�i Ndri��ciiia ui i.ictiia uic�+Zi�cai OVG'ORO�SI7CL�1 Of 1jIC C,`.Ll2:af�t rni+ve�.etta.tA_su�•e,vr�vnt . . _
<br /> r-a^--
<br /> ' "� o,.��.,u.,��u,rt�3!��i��.�!�f i�rirrmurnr, Tf t1�n tntal nf th�:�?ymrntc�ade hy Rnn'�wer fnr item[a1,(b)_or(rJ:is.
<br /> ,,,g���«r�=: : F''•"" +
<br /> M, •, �,��,� insufGcient to pay tho iwm when due,then Horrower shall pay tcs I.e�ider any amount ner,ess.3ry ta make up the deficier�cg on a
<br /> ., . .,.. �;: � iii;fa:e the c1aW the item•become5�luc.
<br />- :,� �-.�� J -
<br />-_;., �.. . ;�`��� ��__-_
<br />��.«�::��.{;.� •. ,r •As usecl•in tliis Secutily.Insittt:�tcnt, "Secre3uty„ means the Secretsuy ef�Har,�sing and TJrUan De�e��c�me:nt or t�is or ha
<br />� �"''� '"�`' "+ des4 nee.In am ear i�z svhich the Lender mast �^ $mort a e insar.�nce F;..ium w the Sectetary(�r n.-�� qa in which such
<br /> =:,:�;�.:.�' .n��.,: 8 JY P 1 B fi IP�"' ..Y
<br /> �- ;'�"�:3;,r�?`��:� premium would hava bcen rc:quired if the L.ender still held th� Security Insenrment),each mc�nthly paycnent shaA also include
<br /> „�•`':u°"",_r cithcr.(i)an installment of thc:unnt�mortgage;insurance premium w be paid by Lend�r ta the Secretaxy,or(u)a monthly chatga = '�
<br />_ �.y� �"�r;��;,.,.r ., _
<br /> �. q•:,:,. �.
<br /> � t • instead of a mongage ins�uance premium ii`th3s Security Instcument�S held by the Secretaryr.Fach moathly installment af� tha
<br /> •` �����`�' ��- mortgage insurance (�remium sliall be ia an am�unt sufficient to accumulatc the full nnnual ma�yQa�e insura�tce t+emium wi�h �'�--
<br />::4C6J:l:Y.�_"��'i.�'. C "6"P P �`
<br /> �.:•:: Lendcr one mor.th prior to thc date the fuU annu�l mortga�e insurancc prr,mium is duo to ihc Scxrcta�y,or if this Sccusicy !'
<br />:�`•,,;,:,:.::�:�.�`;, � Instrument is hr:ld by the SecreGUy.each monthly charge shall be in an amaunt equal to one-twellih of one-half porcerd of thc • e---
<br /> `""'_••"�,t':� "'r " outsti�ndinB principal balanco due on thn Note. F_.___
<br />_--_R-�-+...t-.,vrtx�2..ct�.•r . ._
<br /> t':
<br /> - "�`"-�*�`� If Boaowcr tendcrs ro L.cndcr thc full payment of all sums secured by tlais 5ecurity Tnstrument,Boirowcr's aacount shall be - --:.
<br /> ''' ' ���"��`t; • creditr.,d with ilie bs�lunce remainin for all insta]lra�eat�for items t�3.(b)�and(c)and an mo
<br />:���*;.� ,�� 8 Y �BBe lnsur:xxc premium instnll.ment
<br /> �° ����• �, ��.-�'-� that Lcnder has not became obligate.cl to pay to tlie Secretary,and Lender sha➢1 promptly refun�!any cace.gs funds to Bonower. �---�
<br /> Immedifuely prior to a forecloswa s�la of the Property or its acqu�sidon by Lender,Borrowcr's xcount shall be creditecf with any ���---
<br /> - �P1
<br /> ;' � bakince remaininB for all instatlments for items(a),(b).and(c). t��^-
<br /> t _.
<br /> �� " �� 3.�ppllcatian of Pm�menfs.AU�aymcnts undcr�+srs,�aphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by I.ender as fc►lloas: �r�`
<br /> �.W
<br /> :'„ First,to tho�nortgage insurance premium to he paid by L.ender to tha Secsetary ar to ti"�e rnonthly ch�rge by the Secretary •
<br /> ,.�� instead ott3te monthly mortga�e insurance prsmium; �l
<br /> � " Secon�c,to any trv�es,special�.ssessmcnts,leaschold payments or grou�d ren3s,and fire.fload and other hazard ins�rance
<br /> " premiums,as rcquir�.d:
<br /> ' Thircl,to intcrest du�under the Note;
<br /> . -' Founh,to amortizarion of tha principal of the Note;
<br />. • Fifih,to latc charaes due urtder tIae Notc.
<br /> , �•4R(NB)(ezi�� Pape2ot0 Initl�ie: ---
<br /> ,. • I
<br /> - ----- - r--_
<br /> �-�----......----... . .._ ., _. . _...__...- -------r-------_..---�---•---�----_-• -�._._. •-------•----•--........._.._..._ ......___J
<br /> � , . ' „ � �� „ _ �,
<br /> .. .. ° _ . ' ' „ �
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