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<br /> G. C;rriot . '. , /
<br /> .. — - — , ....�,w �g,.�ct�,�._ . .;u,_urtttso���cl,�f r.�;r�i�. ,�f,),�n'fD •t,r;..�r,;, .: ,��._ , .r��� . ,� �.
<br /> -- --;, N 7. 11 ShOI:�►rorr^I IC°I:�w:c!mr.in:r.in u.�,�,��,:�,:.�. :e� _. :�--'� � � - ..._...,- - , _
<br />'':.v�:.�_.;��� h�»urt duo w:clnr n{��I6r ntnFt{��(l��nr uu�t d;::�i hntara<ir:Lr;:i;.r�f,ur d)s�r 1nt'In t{�o('�r;�;,c ty Ir�{"tC'i P;p"7i,af�j P":inrrq cn:�:eP.�•.��+�••._.••.'.•''•• -
<br />. .,5,4,u{y��r,�,_ - ., _ _.
<br /> l,'.(;tCr.r�rrttu of t4tla'Yiuct Or.::d,thsfi Cciidcr u�iny F�4 Ita upt,o���nry r,+lrl�(:�':'l1Ui�C:O�S�f.lillUiu7�tf.!16:7,I�ipll;J:itij�t�•1[SUSQ f�*t:;��!��j�,i�i.19�ii;ilt:v n to;�n�'"
<br />"_".'=�-�����trY��. ruid Qir.buenn f:uuP�nurr�a nied cr.kn c�iah r�o2ian n:�le dr.r.����,n•,ur.s:::ay tn��r�itr,ce ic�Inta;c::t�•��i6uu1 a;.,:�in;�,:r t.i i�.e.t��',,;i�,,tdi,Bt.�•3 c.,+�i,:n ar 7���+±,•��I .�,�-
<br /> �- enA:iacolerate the debt sr.ctirnd hnreby Uoaaue�«f eny ►nch 1�1uta of tite Hottotvet. A�:y nirinUntg FU Cllabu�ce;l(�y IhN Lc�t�der (d�xli c.:n:SR:uro
<br /> — --_
<br /> � ;"' 'p�� � cddlUannl li�dtbt�dna��nf[iorroelc�t cor.urcd t�y Uds'1'��+at Uncd nn:l rlus:�bnar Interef,t 1'rom 4hn dnta nf dirhaure��ient ri tfio r++ts pxyMble��iular t�e
<br /> -,s.,,�..m��� Note. NOthln�tlUiiinl�i�ti kk ti�l,:N:.�.:(��:.ph L'h':1 tcn���rn i nn�1Wr tn i�+n'.n nny t.uul��Is:�u:C:ntant�at tc:.o r.�sy m�slnn�•rt�:�-.unv��Y. ��.
<br />---� -- 0. Lon�fer mny male m amwo to Uo mndo run�unnb�e:mide�up�n nnd Inepectlm�of tAe Propaity. � ��
<br />_ .,� �. Tho praceods of anY owurd or clairn fnr domn�oa,cllreot ar oonse�l��ontlai,In oor.neution wlth m�y cundamnation ar othor t:tiki�cQ of I��e Pmpn�ty,
<br /> �f ot port th�roof, or(ar oanvoya�co in Iiou of aondanr.+atlort, ure borohy aselpned ur.d eheii be pnid to I.enAer�o th�nxeent ol tliu fu(!emnunt ot t`ne
<br />-=-.-a��;� romotninp unpuld indohtednasa soourod by this Trunt Oeod.
<br />" .���x 6���� .._
<br /> — It the Pr�porly ie abandoncd by 6orrov�oi,nr if,nitet�zotica by Lender to Borrower th�t the candemnar otfors ta mako an rwerd or nettla�n cldim far
<br /> -�`�.�.,� Qamapea,Borrowor fuils to respond to londm witl►in 30 deys efter tito dato suah natioe fs mnilad.Lendor i9 euthotimA 40 oott�at and oppfy the procevu�
<br /> -���'-��'�`'�`�!�� to tho eumn 000urod by tfiln Tru�t Dood. �
<br /> .�7=,.i'�k ��. �
<br />====°��'-���v�"� Condomnation proaaoda or awor3s shnll bo cro�itod to tho la�t mntudng inotal!mnnto of the Ind�btedneen socured nnd ahall not oxceed or po3lpone
<br /> _�':.Y�ni�'�rv,� tho duo d�to of tho instnlimontc ioforrad to in porapraphs 1 and 4 horoof or ohonpa tho omount of suoh Installmente.
<br /> °_„_�'a! iD. If lho londar Insuoo a pnrtial rolaaco of this'I'ruat Ooed,tho proaeods ruaaived tharelor shall be oredltod to thu leat maturinp Ina4alimentn of the
<br /> -- ° indabtodnossoecurcd hotoby. �
<br /> ,.-,o:.:i:Siij�F'�� . .
<br /> ^""��mruL�s, 11. If I.ondor citha�volunturily or involuntnrily bonom�s a party to nny euit or loyol procoeding rolnting to tho Proporty,Noto ot thlu Truat tieed,t+hmi
<br /> � ��"�'�`���� Borravro►will roimBureo tho Londor far ali coste and,io the oxtont potmittod hy Inw,tuaeonnbio attornoy foos Incutrod by the Lendor relati�p xo suit
<br /> c`�?�P r���'„ or loflol procoedinfls and said sum::shall ccnstituto ad@itlonc+l indobtodnoss socurod by tl�l�Tru�t Deed and bear ir�terast at tha nte payable unde►the
<br /> _-;;s,s-,i�wua��:�.. Noto,untll paid. _ °-- -
<br /> `�:f;+ja:;; ` -_ --
<br /> ��.r,',. 12. Ae additlonal socudty Borrowur toos heroby nsclgn,tronafor and eot ovor to Lendar,In caso of dofault in the performa.ece of anN ot thr�tem�s or -
<br />'�„{,�• _ � l`t�•„ conditions of thls Truat Dnad,tho Noto, or tho torrns of eny Indobtodnass socured horo6y, ell of tho ronto,rovenuos and nny incoma ot eny typo
<br /> __' y"`>� �vhotsoevor to 6o dmived irom tho Propony,Including land contrnot poymente. Landor,in peteon,by ngent or by rocefver, without regard to tha
<br /> �,�!;ti�;',{�_, soNancy or(nsolvonuy af tho Borrowor or tho valua nf tho P►oporty,shufl bo entltlad to talco posaosslon of, �opulr,ront nnd manopa tho Proporty and �
<br /> •'.,.;, , to oolloat tho rents,rovnnuns on�Incomo thorofrom end it may pay out of sald Incoma al!exponsos ot repnlr and eoste inr,urrod in ronting an@ mannc�ing __
<br /> "?�'�.'��� '��} .� the Praparty and aollocting rontals+ond Por poyment of Insuranco pramiums with ony romninlnp bafdnce to bo appliad to the last mnturing peymeraa _
<br /> 'ti'.:';t� F, of tho debt soourod horoby. Upon prasontinp e copy of th'.s Trust Dood and demnnd to eny(essoo,ton�nt or orontraot purahaser of thn Proparty,suoh
<br />•?_s_.�.��'' .,a.eoo ahau nav nU rnn�s.navmonts and arofits acorued or thorcaftor accruing to tho Lnndor untll furthor notlea from tho Londor.
<br /> �.,t?�;�` -.�.�, �• � 13. If aIl or ony part of tno rroQorcy or an�����o�esi it�aro r.ia 3a�lad,sa!d�,!ets!^_^nt!?^!^r nthaTwian r_nnvovnll.nlianated o�furth0[ortct1l11hDI8d
<br /> - �+ � �•� oithor voluntarily or invotunterily wlthout I.ondor's prior writtun consont,or If tho Trustor Ir�a corporation und there In o chanpe in ownerehip of 60%
<br /> • � � � or moro of tho corporntfon's etook,or ff tho Trustor Io u partnorehip and thoro is n change in tho mombarehip vt u diseolution oi tho partner�hlp,
<br /> .. -� ���. oxcluding lal a transfar by oporation of luw upon tho daath of a jolnt tonant or(b1 tho grant of any IoaDOhold fntorost not contninlnp an option to
<br /> " � purchaso with a loaso torm of two ycers or Inss,or(c)tho aroation of tha purohaso monay socurlty intoroflt in housahold appllances,than LeMer may. _
<br /> "� f nt Its option,doclt�ro all sumo sacurod by this Trust Dood to bo tmmedintoly due and payablo. In tho ovant tha Lendor consente to any such change .
<br /> ' �,,, '' in owno�shlp,control or dlssoluUon or trnnsfor of eIl or any purt of tho Propurty,thon Lender mey et its option adjuet the intorest raco to tAo prevai�ing
<br /> - ` �"��?tl. *' • � rato ot intorost thnt fa chardod on now eocurod loons of tho typo socurod by thfs Truat Doed at tho umo of tho chango In ow�ership,control,diesolution
<br />__�_C;�,,,;,,p�,,?yo uf tranofor ond may aharpo a tmnsfor foo. `--=
<br />�- s. . . � !'�� T
<br /> 14. Upon Dorrowere bronah of any oovonent or Agraomont of Borrowor in this Truat Ooad,including tho covonanto to pay whon duo any sums bocurod ���; ?"
<br />--�"^'" "'`T"°'�'' � by thls Trust Dood,Lundor at Its optlon may doc�aro aIl of tho sums socur�d by thls Trust Dood to bo Immadiatoly dua und payablo wlihout turthor °`"-�-
<br />��:N..,_N:+.,r... �.. demand and may Invoko the powor ot eale�nd/or any othor romedles parmlttod by applioablo low includi�p tho right to fomoloso thls Truat Dood in �•�-
<br /> ^`�= tho mannor provlded by taw for tho foraclosuro qf mortgugos an ra�l ostnto. Londor ehAll bo ontitlod to colloct ct+raasonablo aoste and exponsos
<br />