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<br /> s.:.v-aa,z�_zrnsa_.i ir
<br />=-��'u`��"� of Grand I91and, �
<br /> -- Y���� Lot 17, Hlock 1, Contin�ntal Gardens Subdivieion eo t�•he City
<br /> -_-_ = Hal l Caunty, �1ebxaeka. ,
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<br /> ;�.e;;�;;_:.,,.���.� onsemonts.rente,lssues,Protits, _
<br /> ' �1�"y+ � T4GETHER with elt buildfngs,tixturoa ond Improvomonta n�w or horonftor oroatod thoroon and oll riphts-of-way,
<br /> �''""''�:`.' ±' incoma,tenement�,heroditomnnte,pdv��o9es,app.�rtononcos,royafUos,and minoraf,oil,Das end wetor dght fo'��oa B�a�Wa�v°ea,and ell of wh{ch,
<br /> ' '� • with said land or any part tRtlreaf,and the hom�atoad or marital Intoreate,I}eny,whlah Intatoste ure he�bby —
<br /> � inctuding replacemonte and edditions thereto ahall bo deomod to be and romain e part of the proporty oovorod bV this Trust peed:end e!1 of the -
<br /> . ,� � forogoi�g togethnr w�th sald property oro horefn roferred to os tho'Proporty." M v 13 ,19��togather _
<br /> . .. ; .
<br />_ _. , ,,�,,_.. ,Z TO SECUR[to 4undor tho ropalrtnont of iodobtodnese avldenced by BorrowoT'o note dated ��
<br /> ` ,togothor wtth Intorost at tho rnto prov{ded thoroln.v�•t�lh n flnnl maturity,ft
<br /> with ony ond all r 8 ewets.modHlautions,and extenstons thereof and substltutlons or oxchnngos thorefo►,lhoreln referred to as the"Note")In tho
<br /> +• %.. princlpal sum of ��
<br /> '�_;{ � �� ���Q�,Q,nnd os souudry for any futuro advanaa�t ha x m n y b o m a d o b y L e n d a r t o Borrowor �-.
<br /> not soonor paid,oi „�t j•�;.
<br /> • trom timo to tlrt►o ansi aa seourity tar the payment of eny und aUr't n�l��dnclpnl°amounttof h oreb votreaftod Notor Which may ori�o,all ot.said sums ��
<br /> .�� not to oRCOOd Irt tho nggropato o sum aQuel to throo timoo tha o g p
<br /> - "�'? p horoby convoyod ured Aas tl�o rlght to grant end convoy tho Proporty.that tho '`�
<br /> -�+�n BORROWER covononte thnt Borrowor Is lawfully soitod of tho Pro otty T rna t
<br /> : ��' ProportY Is unortoumborod by any mortgaga,trust doed,oontra�t to puroheeo,oi otho►wiso,excopt for n nnP� e-t
<br /> , " In fovor o} Columbua Federal Savinge Bank
<br /> . Borrower covonAnts to complY with ull tho torms
<br /> ' � on whtch tho unpald balanco on thls dato doos noi oxcood 9 ° and to meko aIl paYmonte thoroon bo}oro thoy bocomo
<br /> � � �� and Drovisions of any prior mortgagte,truat dood or oontroot to purchaso,upon tho PraportY
<br /> '� � dollnquunt. If no namo or umount ia insortad In thla purograph,tI18t1 BOf�O Q�3I118t All CIOITB 8f1d�dOtn�da pr��r���na af any k�nd upon tho Property.
<br /> � � Borrownr furlhor covanants to wnr►ant t�nd dote�d tho titlo to tho ProportY 0
<br /> ` �� Borrowor nnd Londor furthor covonant ond agroo as followe: ;
<br /> � a whon duo tho principol nnd intorost on tho Indebtadnoss ovidoncod by tha Noto. ',�.�,'
<br /> 1. Borrowo�ehull promptiy p Y
<br /> ; � 2. At loo�t ton doys n�fQ��tauos lovio3 nnd'assossmvnts lovfud upon thie 1Tru t Dood or tho dobt wh oh h slocuros.r a3sossod aga�nst tho Proporty,
<br /> • � . or eny part thoreof,o
<br /> 3, gonowor ehull koop tho Improvomonta end bufldings,ff nny,upon tho Proporty insurod, wfth o aompu�V ar compani o9 iQU aywith loss paVablo tor
<br /> an omount�ot loss thnn tho unpajd b�tancn on tho Indobtodnuse socurod by thle Truet Dood wlth o etandard mortgn8
<br /> � tho Londor. Horrowor ohal!dollvor eald pottoy or policfoa to tho Lendor.
<br /> ,
<br /> In tlio oyon iof o loA��o��v oln t t'ooegDly th�nsura,nco proc ndo to ropofrror raploco tho damap dtP oporty}if oconomia tyeoo�blor nd t tsocrurity �
<br /> -- ..oi..,.mulnco tho domnflod Proporty or ropnir ar wplacomont
<br /> --- - -°� =-_-
<br /> - --------�-._-- -- it�vo.m.......:►-.._. _. . �•--•-- '--.__.....
<br /> ol th+s Ttust Daod would not bo�mpalrcd. If tho Borrowoe ia m aorouii w o�o...o..�:="�- - • �--
<br /> , would not oconomfaally fonoiblo or tho uooudty ot thie Truat Dood would bo impairod thon tho inauronoo procoods ehatl bo appiiod co ii�o�oo..••�•�••'o
<br /> . or upon complotion of sucl� I ,
<br /> paymanto duo on tho Noio. �f tho inournnoo procoodn nro fn oxooso ot tho total nmount duo nn eoid Noto,tho oxooss ehnll 6o paid to thu orru�vor.
<br /> {nsu�anco pr000ads for�opnir or raploeemont shnll bo pincod fn oocrow with tho Londar ond disbursod by Londor during
<br /> , repai��dnosa so urad ho oby.fn whola aQ i1n purttltlhon o I�rlghtp tl to�nd Into ossst of thu Borrowor in a d to g�cn%su o co P���V o poilic oos ishtt/p ss
<br /> , mdabto
<br /> to tho Landor.
<br /> 4. For thn purposo of providing o fund for tho paymont of toxo3,spocial assosemonte and Insurnnco promlums,Borrowor ehall doposit with Londor,
<br /> � . an tho dutos thut pnymants aro duo on tho Noto,nn amoud b tho nu bot ot poymonte on tho Noto that wfll 6ocomo duo p lot to tho doto whon�uch i
<br /> tho Londor.Ioss emounte olroady cloposltod thorafor)divida Y I
<br /> taxos,nssoasmants und fnsuranao promiums wfll boaomo duo onJ pnYablo. 5nid funde will bo hold by tho Londor in o non�intarost boaring oscrow I
<br /> ncoount tor tho putposoa sot fonh abovo. It tho amou�ntLo faor�tho mount n co saryfto m ko up�tha dotic oncy Smonts ond insuranco promiums as I
<br />', .� thny bocomo duo,tho Borrowor�hall upon roquoet,p Y I
<br /> " 5. Uraoas aDP��ca f�an°unts pnyoblohto Landor�by Borrotwor undar paragraph 4 horoot thon to�iMOrost pnyablo o thorN tohthon�to tho principol�ol I
<br /> hrst m poymont o
<br /> ' tho Noto,and thon to intorost and prineipnl on ony(urthor advnncoa or othor indobtodnoss socurod horo y. I
<br /> --.�a--- '
<br /> ' � •��■ wx��a:ritiiiwidti��°."��=�t�Ytt�iwstx�t,•�-�----- �:._
<br />