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<br /> -_--- '•raiuca�:6 � ' __"��`.3
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<br /> W , ����� 4's���y ����y� �
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<br /> , , i Q. Cu:[:�c�,:s�ti�lstiz. 1'I�o Wiucco�n u9 nny ati��nvd or cla�m far �a�,�;�,;,.d�rcct or Gan�;:qu;:i�Sl^I,in co�in;;t:tl«»r�;,;a nriy ; ,
<br />_____ ,. _ _� c�nt3�n�n;�po��oroihcrto�iinEiqtlhoE'rwperty,orparithorcol,orfnrcor�voyancolnllnuolr.a�id�:����Gtican.nroh�"iCii�1C=�!;�f4cJ �_
<br /> �°--- -- t nnd�b�rzll Wo patti to 4cndcr. �
<br /> � In tho nrcni ot n totnl takin�of Ilto Proporty,'.ho proceads al�nll hs uppilc�i to tho r,um�eecure[i hy thfe Lleerl.at�'n�_t,wiih
<br /> tho oxco�n,0 any,�r..td to Rorroe:er.In 1ho cvcnt ot o pnrti�l talcin�of ti�(�f�ropcory,unl�a3 GDPfOkYCP(liti�LC(IdCP filfif:rwi�o '
<br /> F ngree in v�ritln{�,�hora ehAll be�ppUod t�tho sume eacure�by thls Uoed o1`Pnasl suah proporilon o!6h»pracen+�4 es 1a Q�quai to �
<br /> thalprop�rtlanwhichtheamounlolthesumasecuredbythlsl7eedotYrustimmodlataJypNOrfotheda4aa4teN�ngbeerstot�c� F���=�,;�
<br /> � I�iir rr��rkot vntue,o11ha nropnrty inr�iediataly prlor to tflo dnto 01 telclnp,vAtN Iho i�dlanCfl o91itE�[�rUt�ecie Gai���1�33orro�ve�. (
<br />: � � II tho Proparty fa abandonud by�or:owor,or If,after notico by Lendar to liorrawev thmt tho aortdemnor olierata make en a.�•=_-
<br />�'"s°'�'�� ��. •'� �. award ar soale a clotm(or damagea.8nrrawer feile to raepond ta I.ender wfthfn 30 deyi aKer ths date eu�ch nc�tice Is m�lled. -_ _-"
<br /> • �-' ' '�� Lendet is outhorlx�d to colloct tlnd apply tho procaeds,nt Londn►'s optlQn,ollHer 4o re�toration ur re�efr o1 the propariy Cer 40 =-
<br /> �-_:^- tt�e��!ms secured by this Dead o1 Trust. ,<i-�:`
<br /> �";°$r�'`'"''".' Unless Lenderand Borro►verotSzerY�fsae reA fn wr�tin eny auch t� plicntlon of proceedstoprin�ipa!ehell notaxtend or �"�-=
<br /> A 9. P t;:-�_
<br /> :�;f� ' , postpono tho dua date of the manthly instnflment3 reterred to In pnragroph9l enc9 2 hereol or change the amou�t o}nuch
<br /> „ " mstaUmonts. • �'+�.'
<br /> . . 10. BonowerNotRel�a�rd.Extenslonoft�ot6mAforpaymentormodiflcationaftsmortfzetlnnoitheaWm�secu�edbythie `°�
<br /> � • Ueed of Tru3t granted by Londor to any suacessor in IntareSt of Borrowe►snal!not ayerete to reteeet►,In any manner,fhe ����I�_ �,
<br /> , - liabilityottheortginel�orrowernnd8orro�rer'ssuccessarsint8rest.Lendarshallnott�ete�ufredtocommonCepro�eed(nge �,f���_�=.
<br /> ,� against auch successor or rQtuse to extend time for payment or olherwlse modity emortizatiore of the euma eeCUred Esy lhls --_
<br /> . . Do�d o1 Trust by roason of eny demend rrade by the orlginal8orrower and Barrawer'8 succeaaaro in tn4erest �'�;:.;
<br /> � •. 11. Forbsaranco by L�nd�►Ma1 e Welv�r.Any lorbearanco by l.ender in exercising any n�ht or remedy hereunder,or y:.,,��
<br /> �lherwisa attordet�by oppllcable la�u, shall�ot be a walver ol or precluda the exerclae o1 any eucP�right or re�er�edy.Yhe c;�::;
<br /> �"- • � rocurementoilnsur�nGeo}thopaymento}texe�orott�erllenaorCharg9sbyLtsndershellnotbeewtltvero}Lender'eNghiRo ��y�'�=
<br /> � ".� acceferaEe thA maturity of the in6ebtedness securod by thfs Aeed of Trusx. �'"" `
<br /> - • �• 12. P.e::��:�u��er.s::!�»ro All remsslies provided in thie Oeed of Tn�st e►e di�tincf aTd cumulativs to eny ott�er rinht or ��"�:�
<br /> -ts
<br /> - --~ remadyunderihis0eedofTrustoreftordedbylaworoqufty,endma�ybaexercisedconcurrently,independentlyorsucce�aively. - •
<br /> -�� �. ., 13. Succ�a�cw�ndAwipn�Bound;JdRtanslS�v�nlLtabf�ty;�pliorts.Thecovenant�andagreementsherelnaonfatned
<br /> „ shall bfnd,and the rights hereunder shall inure ta,the respe�tive successora Rnd essfgns of Lenderand Eiorrower,subject to
<br /> ,. the provisions of par�graph 17 horeof.P.II covonanto end agreamenta ot Borrower shall be tofnlAnd s9voT�l.The e��it.oneand '
<br /> - ._ _ heed�nsB O�thp rA�A�reahe et thls need ot Tru_t ers te!con�enienc�nnly en�ere not to 6e used to Interpret or dsfine the -�••��•
<br /> . { provisions hereoi. " � �. ��.Y�
<br /> . �4„�. � 14. No41c�.Exceptfo�anynOticerequired'underapplicabletawtobegiveninenothermenner,(e)enynotiCetoBorrowor
<br /> � ,} 4�. provldediorinlhisDeedofTrustahallbegivenbymailingsuchnoticabycertifledmelladdressedto8orr�WeratthePropariy
<br /> Addreso or et Auch other address as Borrower may designate by notice to l.ender as provided herein,and(b)eny notice to
<br /> � � '�� . tendQrshall6ogivenby certifiedmail,returnrecefptrequosted,toLender'saddressstatodhereinortosuchotharaddressas �
<br /> � lender may designato by ndticeto Borrowor ns provided herein.Any notice{srovfdod for fn thi�Deed of Trustehall bedeomed
<br /> .��; to have been gfven to 8orrower or Lender when given in the manner deatgnatad herein.
<br /> •14.1 "Request tor Notice.Truotor and beneflclary requestthat e copy ot eny nottce ot detault end notico at en�e mede ar
<br />. .
<br /> �"'-f executod by Ihe 1 rustea pu�rsusnt to tne provisians nereot�e S�nt to the��ustor ano Efeneticiary ei inair raspea-�va ma��ing l
<br /> �"" addresses set torth above."
<br /> 15.UaHonn Dead o1 Tnist;Govuolna Law;Saverabifity.The form of deed ot trust c:ombines unitorm covenunte for
<br /> �� x� natipnal use and non-urtitorm covenants�vlth Iimited variations by jurisdictlon to constituto a unitorm seCUrity Inatrumont
<br /> covering real property.This Deed ot Trust shall be c�ovarned by the Iaw ot the jurisdiction in which the Praperty i�located.In
<br /> tho ovont that any�rovision or clause of thi3�Deed ot Trust or the No4o conflicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall�ot
<br /> attect ather provisfon9 of 4his Oeed ot Trust or the Note which can be given eHect withoutthe confltcting provisions,and to thiS
<br /> . � end the provisfons oi tho Deed of Trust and tha Note ere declared to be severable.
<br /> 18. Barrows►'s Copy.Borrower shall be furnished a contormed copy of the Note end ot this Deetl of Trust at the time a1
<br /> •• ' - execution or eRer recordation hereof. „
<br /> ' 17. Tr�naft�o11h�Property;Astumption.If all or anypart of the prqpertyr or an int�rest therein is sold or transterr�d by
<br />� � �, Borroworwithoutlendor'spriorwrittenconsent,exc•l]���i�y,(S hecigationutellfe� rertcumbrancesubordinatetathisDeed
<br /> - ' -� ot Trust,(b)the creation ot a purchase mone securi i�i'tat s4 �bli ����o�d appfl ces:(c)a transter b devise descentor b
<br /> �Y ��... .
<br /> operationotlawuponthAdeathofarointtenantor(d)t�eq��1t q�nyj�8�bfioldint r��t9tthreeyearsorlessnotconteiningan
<br /> ^ _, optlontopurchase,Lendermay,atlender'saption,decFl��a114�e9(�r�lssedured �+tfiTs,DeedotYrusttobefmmedieteiydue
<br /> � ��•• and payabte.Lender ehall havo wawed such option to accelerate it,prior to the sale or t�ansfer,Lender and the person to
<br /> ' � .. ' whom the Property is to be sold or transterred reach agreement in writing that the credit ot such person is satfs!actory to °
<br /> � �, Lender and thatthe fnterest peyable oro the sums secured by this Deed of Trustshall beat such vate as Lender�hall request If .��;,{:
<br /> •�� Lenderhaswalvedtheoptfontoaccele�ateprovidedfnthisparng►aphl7,endif8orrower'ssuccessorininteresthasoxecuted .
<br /> . -:.�, a w�itten a3sumption agreomentacceptad in writing by Lender.Lender shall release Borrower irom elI obllgations underthis
<br /> � Daed ot T�ust and the Note.
<br /> +�?� If lenclE�r exerclse9 such option to accolerate,Lender shell mail Borrower not�ce of acceleretion in accOrdanCO with
<br /> . Y' � � paragrepi�14 hereof.Such notice shall provide a period o}not Iessthan 30 days trom the date the notica fs meiled withln whlch
<br /> Borrow8r mey pay the sums deClared due.If Bor�otiiot fails to pay such sums prior to the exp:rAtlon of such period,Lender •
<br /> •�;�;.;;i "`* may,without further notice or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedles permftted by paragraph 18 hsreot.
<br /> „ " • NON-UHtFORM COdENANTS.8orrower an�Lendar tu�ther covenant end agroe es Qoltows: :- '
<br /> ��;�._ 19. lleceteratlon;Rem�dle�.Exce�t as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of eny covenent or
<br /> " �• agraomentoi Bo�rower in thls Deed of'rruat,including the covenants to pay when due eny sums setured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Lender priorto acceleratton shall mail notir,e to Borroweres provided in paragraph 14 hereof speCifying:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br /> ' ection required to aure such breacN;(3)e dato,not loss than 30 days from tho date the notice fs maiiod to Borrov,er,by which
<br /> .. .,'" such breach must be cured;and(4)thattailure to cure such breachon or before the date epecifled In the notice meyresult in �,.,;.
<br /> � "' accelorattonotthesumasdcuredbythisDeedotTrus4andsaleoftheProperty.ThenoticeshallfuhhorinformBorrowerofthe
<br /> �ight to refnstate efter acceleration and tha rfght to bring e court ac8on to asser4 the non-existence of a default or any othor '
<br /> , defonsoof8oirowertoecceleretionandsale.ltthebreachisnotcuredonorbeforethedat�apecifiedlnthenotice,l.endorflt �
<br /> .. Lender's opt�on may declare all of the sums secured by thls Oeed ot Trust to he fmmedlately due and payable withaut further
<br /> • _ � demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedles permftted by applfcable law.Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> ' collQCtellreasonablocostsendexpensesincurredinpursuingtheremedissprovidedlntheparagraphl8,tncluding,butnot �
<br />- � . limited to,reasonobte attorney'S fe�s.
<br /> • • • If the powar of sale is invokad,Trustee shull rewrd a notice�1de4ault(n each county In whiCh the Praperty or some part
<br /> , . th4reof Is located and shall mai!copios ol such notice fn the manner prescribod by applfcabte law to Borrower end to the other I
<br />_ peraons pre3crlbed by applicable law.Atte►the lepse ot such timo as may be requfrod by epplicable law,Trusteo shall givo
<br /> pubtic notice of 9ale to the persons and in the manner p�oscribed by appliceble law.Trus4oe,wlthout demand on Borrower. I
<br /> challsellthoPropertyalpub�icauctiontothehighostbtddQratthetima�andpleceAndunderthete►m�designatedinthenotico ,
<br /> � ol sale In one or more percels and in such order as Trustee may datermine.Trustaa may postpone sele of all or any parcel of �
<br />- ' the Property by public annauncemen4 at the time and place of any prevlously schaduled sale.Lendar or Lendor's doslgnae �
<br /> -----_„_-- may puranase me r-roperiy eii any�iio. �;-
<br />- UpOnreceiptofpaymentofthepricebid.YruatQeshnlldelivertothopurchns�rTrustaa'sdeodconveyfnfl thoPropurtysold. ,
<br />_ The roci441s in the 7rustoo's de�d shall be prime tecie evidence of tho 4ruth of the statements m4de therufn.Trustae sholl apply I
<br />-, ' ` theprocmadsottheseiolnthebllowingorder.(a�toallreasonablaCOStsandexp9nsesofthosale.including,butnotllmitedto.
<br /> �� " " Trustae'9teesotnotmorethan �ofthogrosssaleprice,rvasonubleatturney'sfoo�andcostsottltleovldenco: �
<br /> (b)to all sums socured by thls Desd of Trust:and(c►the exce�s,il any,to the person or persons legnlly ontitlud thereto. ;
<br /> " 19. Bortower'�Rlaht to Relnatete.Natwlthst�qding Lendor's acceleration of the auma secured by thls Oaed of Truat I
<br />� ' � 8orrowerahe.IlhevethenghttohavovnyproceodingsbagunbyLandertoentorcetheDeadofTruatdlscontlnutrdatanytfmo �
<br />_ ' priortotheearli�rtooccurof(I)IhefifthdeybQtorothosaleotthePropenypursuanttothepoworotsalecontninodintheaecid I
<br />_ et Trust(if)entry of e judgment enforc�ng thfs Do�d of T�uet if:(�)Bovrower paye Londer all sums whlch would bo thon due �
<br />- under thta Deed Qf Trust,the Note and notes securing Future Advancos,it eny,had no nccoloretlan occurod:�b)Borrower �
<br /> i cures all broaches ot eny other covenants or agroomonts of 8o�rower contafned In thls Deed ot TruaC(c)Borrovior pays all
<br />�` - � reasonableoxpensosincurredbyLenderand7rust000ntorcinpthecovenantsendegreementsotBorrowerCOnhlinodlnthls �
<br />= �, Doed of Trustand In enfnrciny Lender's and Trustoa's romedies es provided In paragreph 18 horeof.Mcludfng,but not Ifmitad
<br /> to,reasoneblv attornoy's fees:nnd(d)Borrowertakes such actlori es Lender may reasonably requfre to essure thut the Ilen of I
<br />� ' thfs Deod of T�us�Londer's Mterest In the Proporty end Borrower's oblfpatlon to pay the eums secured by thle Deed of Trust
<br /> � shall contlnue unimpalred.Upon such paymentend cure by 0onowe�,this Oaed oi trust end the obligetions socursd hareby
<br /> a
<br /> . �� shall remain in fu11 forco and etiect as d no acculeration had oc�urred. '
<br /> • �
<br /> 1--
<br />