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<br /> " _,__�_-___.'_��_'_ __-..-...-. _'_'__—_- _ -___.
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<br /> UIVIFZJHM liUWtNAf111,.GOi fOCJGf 17f70 Lvt�ua� �.u�v-nan�a��v av�vu uo�vnvvao. --
<br /> � 1. neyn:es�A�9 PrU�ipas a5ed h�t�r�af.�arrowar�holl prompll�r poy wNcn dup lho principol of and Iniorc7o4 An ti�s {.T
<br /> Indcbtedno93ovidcncedbyii�oNoto,prc�nymanta�dlntecharg�3a�provldodinthoNoto.nndthoprincipqiofentlintsrtstnn �e,��:`�:
<br /> ��`� any Futere Advances s�curatl by tt�o Deed ol7ruct. ����'
<br /> ' -`���`�� a. E�undetorTexwandi�turl�nc�.Subecttoappilcn4iolewortonwrittnnwutvarbyLend3r,Harraweroi�olip�y1od.enc9er '
<br />' '�? onti�odnymomtilylnr�ta7ima�tooDprfnci���ondintoro�4nr�pnynbloundorthoNota,untllthoRlotolapaidin(ull,o3umQl�ert�in �x-
<br /> �'�;: .�„ ,,n" .. "Funds")fQtl@I I�Ulld-tW81fth Of the yBAny�tr�ct39 eno esnyyErneiiin widuii n�t�y u��aiu pll:.cl:�u.�T fi i3 Q'_001 TtL"�t'.,'•d �_��_�
<br /> _ 7.f,�:"�,fi�..
<br /> ,,... aT �. ground�enteanlheFro�serty,Heny.pluaonn-twefti�afyeerlypremluminatellmentaforhetardfnsurence,ptuacne-twelfthal
<br />'`°��'�"'��'`'�" yonrly premfum Instellmentc�(or mflrt4ege inaurance,il eny,all aa reeeonebly e�timafed iRitia�ly ond trom tlmR tu timb 0y �
<br /> �; �� Lender on tho basi8 01 ps5e�smona.v und bllls end reaeonnble estimntes thareot. 8--.0
<br />� TheFundsshallberoe����enln�tltuttonthedepositboracc�untdofwhicharelnsu�radorguaranteed,�yeFaderalqratate a^'��
<br />:,'�'��,NSCS,f�.��. _.�
<br /> ��„� ° . . apency pncluding Lender It Londor is such an MsUwtlon).Londe►ahnll apply the funds to pny oafd texea,oasa�s!nent�, ___
<br /> Ineurence premiumsan�flround ranta Londer mny not chergefnr so ho�di�ig end eppiyingihe Funde,anelyzing saldecco�.ent
<br /> - �• • orverltyingandcomailingeatdasse�am3nt�nndbtlls,unlessle�derpays6orrowerinteroslonthe�und9endegpslfCdbielew ..,,,.a.
<br /> � ° psrmff�l.4nderto�takseuahachargo.P.arroLJOrendLendermayegreelnwritin�atlheGcneotexecs�tlono}thi�DeedotTniat —
<br />=-•?�' '?:• " ! the�t Intereat on Ihe Funds cthall be pald t�o Borrower,and untess euch agteement la made or epp;icelbo taw re�ulras eu�ch ___
<br />:. v.,. � � inte�eat to be paid,L6nder shali not bo requlred to pay�orrowor nny interest or oamings on the Funds.Lenrler shtll give to
<br /> � " 9orrourer,vrithout charge,an ennual accounting of the Funds showing credi4�and de5its to the Funds end the purpose tor
<br /> - � - whichear.hdabittotheFundswASmade.TheFundsareplc�dgedasaddittonalsecurltytorthosumssecuredbythlaDeedol =_
<br /> .... Truat -__
<br />- �y� � - If the amount of the tunds hotd by Lender,togethor with the tuture monthly insfaliments at Funds payabte pri�sr to 4he due _._.
<br /> - ' �S' dates of taxes,assessmonts.Insuronce promfums and ground rent3,ahall exceod the emount required ta pay sald textls.
<br /> - , ��•�," ��.,�. assessments,Ins�rence premiums and flrourrd rents ae thby fall dub,such exceas shall be,et Borrower'e opUon.elttter _
<br /> - ' prompt{y re.�id t�►�lorcawer or cradited to Borrower o�monthly mstnliman4s of Funde.If the amount of tha Funde hotd by _'-'�
<br /> ___ „ �•�� Lendershader a�nyeamo�unt nocessyary to�make up the dofici�ncy pf 1 in�30 days from the da e noilce isimeiled by Lander to �T�
<br />�,R;z '' ;: " psy to Lsn =-•-
<br /> - Borrower requestlng(�ayment thereof. ---,.
<br /> ° Uponpayrr►entinfullofallsumssocuredbythisDeedotTrus�Lendorshiellpromptryrotundto8orrowerenyFundsheldby �:,,
<br /> _,:,.�,.•�-„`,� Lender.IfundetparagraphlBhAraofthePropertvisaoldortheProportvisofnerddseacquiredbyLond6r.lendQr�hW�fAp�ly �_,., _
<br /> __ ,���g�g.*tipr�.g�.�iotgt��ri�rt�thwaale�ttheproaertvoritseaauiult(onbyL9nder.andF�ndshetdbyLenderattheHmeo� =-�
<br /> - -„ applicatton as e credit ageinat u►e sums secured by this Ooed o4 7rust �
<br /> . � ,�`�7,�b�i 9, Ap�i�stloc�ol PaymtMs.Unless epplicabte law provfdes othervuiso,ell payments received by Lander under the Note �,,,;i`
<br /> �•� . anri paragrephs 1 and 2 hereof 3hall be npplied by Lender firat in paymento}amounts payabfato lenderby Bor�ow�runder "-
<br /> • '°-� paragraph 2 hereol,then to interest peyable on the Note,then to the principal olthe Note,and then to inteeost and principal on �-�.;
<br /> any Future Advances. �"��
<br /> � '�� 4. ChsrpN;l�lsnf.Borrowersshellpay alltaxos,essessmentsandothercharges,finesandfmpositionsatUibutebietothe rs,,,_=
<br /> �...,N..
<br /> t'°� Property which may attaln a prionry ove�thls Doad of Trus�and leasehotd payments or ground rt�nts,if any,in the mannor
<br /> �
<br /> ` provi�iad under�aragraph 2 hereoi or,lf nat�aid 8n sucb menner,by Borro�ror making payment,when duo,directfy to 4iie �:.:,�.
<br /> ¢aveethereoi.�so�roweranaii�tamptiyiurn�5,.�o�enoerai�noiicdsviamounisouaunoor�ni�pa�ay�aM�.B�iu'ii�u.ovv„' � y�
<br /> ' - � � BOffOWei 8h811 fY18k@ payment d�rectiy, dorroviar snaii prompiiy iuniisi�i�L'o��uar ts:.Ql�:,:fL��tiLlRB °.BCt=$=�'4'•°73t°.
<br /> ' ' Borrower shall promptly disCharge eny lien whlch hes pnoriry over thla Doad of Yrus�provided,that Barrower shal�not be _:
<br /> ' w�"�; requlredtodischargaany suchltansolongasBorrowershallagreeinwritingrothepaymontaftheobligationsucuredbysuch ',+,;�
<br /> Ilan in e menner uccap`tablo to Lendur,or shalt in good falth contest auch Ifen by,or detend enforcemont o1 auch Ilen in,leraal °`�.
<br /> � proceedings which cperate to prevent tP�e e�forcement of the Iten or forfelture o!the Property or arty purt thereot. ,,��,,�
<br />' �.'. ,:;,,,,..; ' S. 1d�rd Insutince.Borrowe�shall keep the improvsmonts rtow existing or hereafter erected on tha Properry insured _
<br /> � � agai�a'i loss by fire,hazerds included within the term"extendad coverage",snd sw^!�o:l�er hazctrds as Lender may►equire :°K
<br /> • - •��'��i; undinguchemountsc+ndforauch pe�lodseuLendermeY requfre:pravidad,thntLonders7��llnotrequirethattheemountof
<br /> � , , „_„�. .. such aoverage exceed that emount af coverage required to pay the eums secured by this Dcxad of Trust
<br /> Thtslnsu►anaecarriorprovidingtheinsuranc�shallbechosenby 8orrowersubjecttoapprovalby Lend�sr,provlded,that
<br /> � �` such approval ahall not be unreasonably wlthheld.All premiums on insurence polfcfes shell be paid fn the manner provided
<br /> . .. • �� "�:�.s�• under paragraph 2 hereof ar,lf not pafd in such manner,by Borrower making peyment,when due,directly to ttro Insurenco
<br /> �- crarrler. .'<>
<br /> AI!insurance policfes and renewals thereof shall be In torm acceptabte to Lender and shall irtclude a standard rt�oAc�ac�e
<br /> � clause In favorof and In torm uccepldble ta Lender.Lender shall havethe rightto hold the pol[ciea end�enev�els therBat,and �
<br /> •• • '� BarrowershatlpromptiyfurnlshtoLondere11renewalnoticesandallreceipisofpaidprem�ums.Intheeventoflo�.Borrewor
<br /> ' ' "�T � ' sheltglvepromptnoticetothe6nsurancecarrierandl�nder.lendermeymakmpro4foflossifnotmadeprompllybyBorrower. .
<br /> - •••��� • � �� UnlesaLenderandBorcawero4herwisoagreeinwritfng,fnsurance proceodsshallbeapplietttorestorationorrep3irofthe
<br /> :,•+...,.-.••..•�• .. peoperty damaged,provided such restoretion or repair is economically fea9ible end tho security of this Deed ot Trust Is not
<br /> � thereby fmpaired.If such restoratlon or repair Is not economically feasibte or ii the security of fhis Deed of Trust uvould ba
<br /> � ,. � impaired,the insurance proceeds shall be applfed to tho sums socured by this Oeed ol Trust,with the excess,if eny,patd to
<br /> �.� � Borrower.It the Properiy Is ebandaned by Borrower,or it Borrawer fafls to respond to Lorder withln 30 daya from tfie date ,
<br /> notice fs malled by Le�der to 8orrower that the inaurance carrfer oftors to settle a claim for Insurance bsnefits,Lendot Is
<br /> �<• �' authorized to ColleCtandap ply the innurance proceeds a4 Lender s optlon either to�estoration or repai�of 4he Properiy ar to
<br /> . , ' Y� the suma secur�d by thls Deed of Trus4.
<br /> -' � �`�- UnlesaLenderendBorrowerotherwisoagreeinwriting,any suchepplicatfonofproceedstoprineipalshallnotextendor ,
<br /> pOStpone the due dctte of the monthly instellments roterred to in paragraphs t end 2 hereof or change the amount ol such
<br /> � instaltments.If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property Is acquired by Lender,all righL title and In►9rest of Borrower i n and to
<br /> � • anyinsurancepoltclesandinendtotheproceeds4hereofresultingfromdamagetathePropertyRrfortothosaleoracquiaition
<br /> shall pass to Lender ta the extent of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust Immediately prwr to such sale or acqu�sition.
<br /> 6. PnraervatfonandMalntenanceo/Prupe�tY:Lea�oholda;Condornlnloms;PtannedUnllDevefopme�sts.8orrowershall
<br /> ' keep the Riopnrty in gaod repafr and shell not cammit wasto or permfi impairment of deterioretfon ot the Properly and shall
<br /> •- �� compty withtlieprovlsionaotanyleaseitthfsUeedotTrustisonaleasehold.ItihlsOeedofTrustisonaunitiner,ondominium
<br /> � ot a pfanned unit devolopment,Bortower shall�ertorm all 01 Borrower's obligationa under the declaration or covenents
<br /> " creatlng or governing the condominium or planned unit devetopment.the by-law�and regulutlons ot the condominiurn or
<br /> " � ptAnned unit developmen�e►�d cons!ituent documents.If a condominfum or planRSd unit dovotepment rtder is excuted by
<br /> - � Borrower and rocorded togdther with thls De�d of Trus�the covenants and agreements ot such rider shalt be incorporated
<br /> Into an�shall amend aad supplement the covenants and agreements of thls Uaed of Trust as it the rider were e par4 hereof.
<br /> • 7, ProtecUon o1 LandQr'e Sec�rity.It Boraov�ar fefls to pertorm the couonpnts and agreements contoined in thls Deod of .
<br /> 1'rusf,or if anyactlon otprocecding is commenced with materially etfects Lendor's intorest in the Properiy.including but not
<br /> limlteti to,emfnentdomaln,insotvency,code enforcement,or arranyementsor proceedings mvolving a bankrupt ordec9dent,
<br /> -- -- •- thon Londer at Lender'9 opUon,upon natice to Borrower,may make such eppearances,dfsburse such sums and take such
<br /> actfonaslnnecessary4oprotactLender'slnteres�including butnotlimitedto,disbursemantotreasonableattorney'8f0osand
<br />- � en�uponthoPropQr4ytomakorapafrs.IfLe�nderraquiredmoRgagoinsuranceas�aconditionotmaktngtheloanaocuredby
<br /> the eod of Trust,Barrowar shall pay tho premfums requfred to mafntain such insurence in eNect unt�l such time as �he
<br /> �� re�uframoretforsuchi�suranceterminatesfnaccordancewithDorrower'sandLendor'swrittenagreementorapPllCelbelaw.
<br /> Borcower shall pay tha amount of all mortgago insurance permiurris in the manner provided undor paragraph 2 he�aof. i
<br /> ----__----- . ..__� �.. . ---'---..�.._...... •tice ..e.e...e..h � ,.,:�►. �„toroat fhoronn chal►6�acnme additlonal t
<br /> any amuums v�avaTacu �y a.o��..o. r...o..a... ... ..... ••r.. ., -
<br /> �� indebtednosso�Bortov�er secured by ihls 0eed of Trust.Unross�orrowrer and Lender egree to other terms of payment,such
<br /> � amounts sh911 be payablo upon nolico from Lender to Borrower requesting payment hereof,and shall bear intevost 4rom the '
<br /> ' �� dateofdfsbureamentatthoratepayablelromtimetotimeonoutstandmg pnnc�palunderthot3oteunlesspaymenlofinterest I
<br /> �� at auch rete would be contrary to applicable lew,in which evant such amounts shall beap intorost et Ihe hlghest rete
<br /> permfssiblounrierapplicablelaw.Nothingcontamedinthisparagraph7shallrequaoLendertofncuranyexpenseortakeany �
<br /> actlon heraunder. �
<br /> - B. (nepectlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable emnes upon and inspections of the Property,provided i
<br /> � ° �• thet lender shall give Borra+ver nouce pnor to any such fnspection specitying reasonable ceuse therefnre related ro Lender's
<br />- " � - intero3t In the Property. �
<br /> .. .. I
<br /> 3 �
<br />