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<br /> .T..J UNIFONh1 COVENl1N1'S.Borro�v�r and Lontlor covonant ond aprc�o n�Iclloe�s: �,'
<br /> � � � 9. Rey��t�cp9 09 P�9�clpsi and (iltcrc�l. �oiroeror�hall promplly pny v�hc�n du� tho p�inclpWE of nnd mtEra;,v on fna
<br /> • . Indob4cdnc�3avldonaadbythoNotn,prupflyrnentandletachargosnsprowdadfntheNoto,andthoprir.cfp;�IblandintEres4on
<br /> �� any Futura AdvanGCS aocurod by tho Dood o4 Trust. "
<br /> ' 2. Fu::d�taeT�;t��c,-�dt���u��r��.9ubi�ctroep�llcsblale�ro►toewrittenv�aiverbyl,ender,�arrow�raNallpeytolertdor �,��.•
<br /> onthpdaymcnthiylnctr�ilmontaol prlr.clpalpndlnterostaropey�+blounderthoNote,untilthONatoiapaldintull,o�um(he�91n �
<br /> � "furada"� cyu�l to ona-tv�vfi�ii o4 tho yca�l�:czc:.::nd���c��r�t�nts��hlch msy ettein�rirnity avc�r lt�la aaxd ot FruaL and -:„-_
<br />= r,..,�. flroundrentsonthoProporty,ifeny,plueone-twelft�ofysarfypremtuminstallrrionts(orhexardinsurenc�.R�u�one-tw�tltfiot ��
<br /> - yaavly premlum Instaitments tor mortgage insurnnce.�t eny,all ea rsaeonebly estlmeted fNtlally ertd(rom time ta Yme by „�,,;:
<br /> •.� ,��
<br /> � . �'�'. Lon�er on tho bnsi3 of nsssssmonts and bfll�and reasortsbls esffinete9 thereol. �
<br /> � � 7'heFundu�hellbeheldinaninsdtuUOnthedepositaoracCOUntso�whfcharelnsuredorc�uarnnteed,byeFadero6otstete w=-•
<br /> �' ' • epency(including Lender i}Lender ia such an institation). Ler�der sheli�pply th�o funds to pay safd tnxes,aeae�amants, �""4=
<br /> Insu�nnaepremfumsnndgroundrente.LondovmaynotchargeforeoholdingartdopplyingtheFunde,enatyzingeafdaccuunt w_,
<br /> �� �� orver8yingnndcompilingsnideasas�mentsandbflls,unles3lc�nderpayaF3arrawerin4erestonih9Fund�endeppliceblelaw ��--
<br />- pormitsL�ndortomekosuchacharge.8orrowerendlendormayagreelnv�ritingntthetimr�otexecutlonofthiaf)eedofTrust =__
<br /> �� � that interast on the Funds shall be peld to�orruwer,and uNess suCh a�reement ia made or 9pANcelba law r�quiToa c�ch �
<br /> , Interest to ba peld,Lender ahell not be r�quired to pay Borrowar eny interest or e�rnin s on tho Funds.Lenddt ehat I flive ta =
<br /> Borrower,without charge,en ennunl accounting o!the Funds sho�virtg credlts and da�its to tha Funda end thopurpoee lor _-___.
<br />:_ � whlcheachdeblttotheFundavrasmadA.Thefundsarepledgedasaddltionalsecudryfortho3umssecure�bylhis�e�Jo1 ___
<br /> • • • TrusL ----
<br />_ • If the amount of tho tands hold by Lender,topother with the Cuture Qnonthiy instaliments of Funds payabto peior to the due - -
<br /> dates of taxes,assessments,insurence premtums end ground rents, shall exceed tha amo�nt requfred to pay said tepcoe, __
<br /> i� ' . � " essossments,Insurance premiu►ns and ground rente a3 they fall due,Cuch axcess shall be,at Bor�ower's opt3on,elther
<br />-..�-; .. promptly repaid to Bo►�ower or crsdited to Borrower on monihly Installments o1 Funds.lt the emaunt of the Funds held h� --
<br /> Lendersnallnotbesui��ctent4npaytexes,assessn�nts,insu�anceprc:siiumas:sdgsoundreRtse9thgYfallc�t!9.HorrOVK9rtshAll
<br />-°;� . ' pay to Le�der any amount necessary to make up the defleiency within 30 dnys from the date notice Is malled hy Lvnder 10 ,
<br /> , Bonower requesUng payment thereot.
<br /> UponpaymentfntuliofellsumssocuredbythfsDaedofTrusGLondarshallp:orr�pilyretundtoBorroweranyFundaheldhy _
<br /> - � • - Len1dev.�Ifunderparag�rwaphleher•a�of4hoPropeAVissoldorthePropertyisothervrisoscquiredbyl.ender,Londershullepply , __
<br /> '�� '��J° '••' n�IC�lpll"f11����1�4M�YW�y��ri�trrAi�welsott�Q4f►oop►tvoNtsacqulsit(onbvLendmr.andFundsh�tdbyLenqeretinetimeo� °__-
<br />_ •- epplicatlon as e cralit against the sums secured by this Doed ot Trust •
<br /> 3.Appllcallon o1 Payment�.Unless appliceble lew providas othe►wiso,all payments rec�ived by lender under thelVnto •��=°
<br />- ' �� • end para,rapha 1 and 2 her�ot shall be applied h�y Lender fir�t in pnyrnent af amounts payablo to lender by Borrower undor _
<br /> paragrep�2hareot,thontoUterest�ayabloontheNote,thenlotheprincipalofth�Note,andthentofnter6stantlprinctpalan =----
<br /> : - '�; any Future Advancos.
<br /> " ' •• �b. Chsr��s;Usno.Oorrowersshallpayalitexes,assessmentsandathercharges,finesandimposition�'atiilbutsblototho . �'�=�_"'_
<br /> • ' Property whfch may e,ttefn a priarity over this DE►ed of Trus�and leasehotd paymenL�or ground�Ants,it any,ln the manner ;
<br /> .
<br />� provided! undeoparNgraph2�Ftereaio�:1�not�n�d�os�c�hme�n�nsr,�b�Bo�►�ou��sdueunderythtao aaruAhunnd`in heevont
<br /> — � K°�°°:::q�o:`....... ��,:.:;.:�^:;. ,:......... __...__._.. _
<br /> - �,oi:a..�i'oh&11 tis&�.,��is't�Z!Ll4tsC!!�,8�lsOw�' she!!�ram�ily h!rn�ah m Lender reCetpts evldenCi�S�suCh payrt1�1119.
<br /> " � Botrowor shall promptly discharge any lien whlch hes pnority ovar thls Deed of Trus�provlded,that Borrower shall na=Go
<br />= requiretltodischarge�ny suchUonsolongas8orrowershallagreminwrilingtothepaymentottNaobiig3tionsecur�dbysuch :__
<br />_ ' Iien in e manner ecceptable to Lender,or shall In good Yalth contest such lien by,or detend entorcement of such Ilen in,iegel __
<br /> . . ;, � proceedings which operate to prevent the onforcement ot the Ile�or fodeiture ot the Proporty or any part lhar@ot. --
<br /> 5.Hea�ra!In�ur�nc�.Borrowor ehall keeptha improvements now existing or horoafter ereated on the Pr�perty Ins�ered i���-
<br /> ` aga9nst loss by fire,hazards fnciuded withln the term"oxtondod eovorege",and such other hazerds as Lender may require �-_.
<br /> .�•�.:��,. and in s�ch amounts bnd tor such poriads as 4ender may require;provided,thnt Lender shall�ot requlre that th�amountot �
<br /> such coverago excead that amount of coverage require.d to pay tha sums secured by this Dead of Trust
<br /> • , Thlainsuranceca�rierprovidingthelnsuranceshallbechosenby Borrawersub�ecttoapprovalbylender,provtded:thet -
<br />