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<br /> ...'�a'rrA,k . �arw�.( �'�Mt '�'" ��'
<br /> . .� . .......r�d•. , ;':'r!rp��a, .`.�},�-�)-tr. S . �Y:4���??�'�„ . .A., -p S•a:�i c-rn.,..n��
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<br /> _•--�..�....,-.-n,-,-e..��..a-....� _ . . " _ ' •.�-n�._....._._.i.__......_'__,_.,.._. . .__. ._ ...
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<br /> 'CFIIS[��E.D�F TRU�Y ia made thi3 d� of._�+�+���...,�-----
<br /> ,...�.r.. �
<br /> ;�,, --•� �� a�r�1ren t{�e'Pru3tor, ...I:�►�y_:J�r nr�:��a�it: �n .� Me Cl�ko ,�,
<br />--___ ���iutsbaix��arkt w�.fe ..�.,._._..... �. t_.
<br /> . ._ _ .�
<br /> _._,�.�._.�. (hereln"�orrower"D,Fire'f1�+r�enk,Nsllonal Asaociatlan,
<br />_ �1� Omuha,Naaruska,(hareln"Trusi�e"),and E3ena11ciary,Flrs7ier Bank,Netlonai Aasociation,Qm�ha,Nebraak�,e �
<br /> �� ' corporation argeniz�d an�extstfng under thq lewa of`The United�tates o?Am�ric�,wheso eddreas Is�17�0 -
<br /> -=y�; Fgrnam Street,CYm�he,Nebraska,6B1l�2-2183(hevein "l.endQr"►. _
<br />"�— B��A0IAIER, in consid�retlon of tho indahtodrteas herain reclted�nd the+trust he�rein creatad,Irrbvocabl� _-
<br />____� grants and conveys to Tr�s�t �,in trusf,with power ol9alo,thetollowireg desceihe�i property facated in tt�e Gounty �
<br /> a� .W _ ,s4tste ot�lQbrayka:
<br />- � A �ract of land vom�rieing a pa� of the Northw�st Qua�tez' (tVt�)
<br /> --_-= of Sec:t.ion �a�n�.y aix (26), �P El.�ven (11) No�th, Range
<br /> 'I�n (10) W�st of t3ye 6th 1P.N1., in Ha1L C7aunty. Nebraska. irore
<br /> ------� P?'-�"��,tarl.y cl�scr�.bed as follaws: Beqiru�.tx! at a �SOint an the„
<br /> _- tJorth�rly riqht-a�f-�umy lu�e on the Union Pacific Railmad cJar�any. .
<br /> - - said poxnt b�ing 225.0 Eeet SoutYxeest�rly £�an tY� inter�e�:ism
<br /> -.=:�=.---�' o£ said riqht-oi�ny Z3r►� caitla thM F�Jt lirw Qf s��3 i�rtY_�st - .
<br />--...�_....,. Q�aarter (I�t): � Northerly parallei tn said �asz 3.u,� v� �.i� �- _
<br /> --- T�IC�1W�8t _QUc�JC (�$�� 8 C�].S�T1CB O� Z��.p ��2�i �16'I10E..' SOlx�1" —
<br />--��--- �,�ster.ly paralle7. To :�aid ri.ght-of�way 13.r►e, a Elista� of Z12.5 _
<br /> feeti thP..nce :;otYcerly �Oati'alle.]. to said F..�st line of tYre Saut�s�
<br /> `T� Quaxter )SV�) . a d3s'canoe o£ 225.Q fcet, to �aid riqht-of-�nr.�y 1ine; _
<br /> ._. — tY�s�ce Noz�heaste�cly alozx� said r.igh��oE-�way 1i.�. a �i.st�ance a£
<br /> -- — •�n r r....a. s... �.L�. ..1.�.... nF L.�i nni nt*
<br />-- = d..�a..� ico.. .,�. .ao�. t....,..... .._ ..�.7..,._---..- ... . , _ .
<br /> �� ,.
<br /> '. --.._ �I .
<br /> -eYia_]l<1 . � • .•
<br /> •=f[':� 1
<br />�.-::l�C�ij'f�. � .
<br /> i�'�
<br />...����
<br />--:_��
<br />..-::;;� - .
<br /> �_�
<br /> :'no
<br /> _ �m�
<br /> -- =�r'..�� ' -
<br /> �'�`��'°�' 927.2 West Hig3ltvay 30 Grand Is1.�a�d _
<br />-�i":";�,� which has the address ot . -- _
<br /> _�..;-:•��� Neb�aska 68803 I5ueaq lC�ryl
<br /> -- r=�x (harein"Property Addresa"): `"
<br />�`"""�� ISUCS e'nu Z�u GoGn
<br />.-;:.+:•_u�:.`� �-
<br /> -:�-� TOGETHEi�with aU the impravements now or horeafter erected on the proparty,and all easements.riohts, �
<br />�;�'.,` appurtenances,rents(subJect h4wever to the rights and authorities given horein�to Lender to colleot and apply -
<br /> �;;�� such ronts),royaltles,mineral,oN and gas rigHts and proffts,water,�vater rfghts,and�vatar stock,and ell fixtures `
<br /> � � now or hereait�r attached to the property,all of which,including r�zplacem�nts and additions thereto,shall bA �
<br /> '>:�c� I
<br />::':,was:�� desmed to b4 and remain a part ot the proper4y Covered by thfs Deed of T'rust and ail of the toragoing,togat6�er ,.
<br /> _��'�� with said property(or the leasehold e�tate If thts Oeed of Trust is orr a lea�hold)are herain roterred fo Qa the :
<br /> - -. , ,,. ,.Property,,;
<br /> �
<br />. ._7,.irLi�4 � -
<br />:-•�.x= ��� 'CO S�CUFiE to�ENOER(a)the repaymen4 ot the ind6btedness evidonccd by Borrnwer s noto datnd
<br /> �. _',j. t�y ).5► 1995 (herein"Note"),in the principal sum of ���' ��� � �0���'"
<br /> .��`�� _----�---($20,000.00)---� pollar3,wfth iMcarss4 ther�or�,providinfl for monthly Installmants
<br /> �� of prfncipa{and intorost,v�ith the balance of the inde6todness,If no�suoner pAid,due and payablo on
<br /> May 15, 1�56 , ;the paymon4 ot all o4hsr sums,with ir4arast thereor+,adv�nCOd
<br /> in accordancm herowith to�+roiect the securfty of thls Deed of Yru3�and the pertormanco of the covenae�ts and
<br /> � � agresments of�orrowor herein cantafn�;sh0 alt rQnewnls,extenstons and madiffcatians thflr�of:ar+d(b)the
<br /> repaymsnt otanytutur�advances,with interast in therQOn,madeto Eiorrower ioy Lender pursuantta p�ragraph 21
<br /> � hereaf(hecafn"Futuro Adv�nces"►.
<br /> , Q � � BORROWER covenants that 8orrower ta la�vfully sefxed Af the estate he�aby�conveyed end has ttto right to
<br /> �� prant aed convey the Properly,that tlio Proporty Is unoncumbared,and that Bottower witl wArrent and defend
<br />- 't peneralty the tiUe to thc�Property ggainst�II clafms and c9emands.subjsct to any declaratlons,aasemenSS or
<br /> �'�i���;-':: restrtctions Ifsted In A schedule ot excaptlons to coverago in unytitle tnsurance poltcy insuring Lender's inleres! ,
<br /> fn th0 Properly.
<br /> ''1...... ....... .____ .._..---�•-- _.T�..____----------,..__-�------------ -----------._--_.�_,,____.�---..____ _ _._�_._�..__
<br /> - - - --- _.,.���_..._._ ---_------
<br />