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<br /> .. .:(lq'�. ..i.oJCtl� � ' .� '' . . •. ' .. ' . .• �f"._''' .
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<br />.�wcwnH4w•-A:NMlaiM4hUYWYM101M ��.t��Hhi�M+fl►L$L�itr,4...^.r��-raE�s�st�� .�.a� ,.w�-.-,•",.,__:�.+.4M-t„ •c,.y •+-• -Ns.��q..z�s.u.�.¢w.:re�wad�tbda �_'�� �#- ••
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<br /> - � ���i= ..w::L'7��CaL` •..�I�R!::407 L�1^.���.L ;l I�10�i0;:^.ilv�l C�Al�. ;10:]C:lu�n:l c}Y':^�"h!�t�r�o,C7��,:CRC��G;t�OC"S!�:.i�•.:�iC�-9�1��0 I
<br /> _ _'a . . . +`�� .�' •, . . . . .`. __��__�L._�.. •'�`J r• 4«�1..�v ubiii�ii •o wi:w.:�.1 I�wn"1.Y�t�cQN C.'.u9 t2c:�.'�C:10 pinII=:tU L_'.
<br />� —: '.'--. -4- � �:C.:�^t�i�]IDy�:.nJ UI Ci1V(7C:17t{:71:ff�:1lI1GU�1L'i0{W[::.LIIVC:ij1 101CJILtf�V I�o�cY�• „
<br /> 1t•t:t IGC_il Q�3 C!S':*.52ttiSCIIm ctE��^od ta La Siexcrdous or toxto unG�i LSljl EfIVtfRnl11L11qL•�RQL'JO iC0I��01IVGy ec�ars9 ta 6t.7c`,i co °i-0e�crdaua
<br /> �'`�-'''� �11atr.riA!o'1. Ynsator IiQraby watrantb ens raprescnte to Len�9er tSiut thore c+ie no Hezntdou�lA�tcrlc!on or undee the Praperty.'�au�Yor
<br /> __ ,,,,,, ,_:,. � t3s;.�y a:����a to ia�:;lr,tfv end h�!1 h�emlc�=a LanA.er, ito directore, o101cc�ro, or�i�loyoe�end age�ito, [tSIA IIflv GlbCCC�SC90 to L�nda�'o
<br />--�Y,,:�ng"ry"'.� i�te�at,bnm a�td�p�inrt eny Mtd oA o►akao, damree�, loaes end Uahlllsiee�deEnp in aonnoatfo» wlth tha prawoncs, u�o,dl:paod or +
<br /> ar
<br /> � �qrnsnsrtl�4�ny Mr.aetdoue�l,utnrlelo cn,under,from oe about tho Proporty.TtSE F06iBadlNO WARRA�iT�E6 AND REP4IF.SHN4ATi0N3,
<br />--=`"°��;;�.�yk'� AND TRU5TOfl'&OBLlOATIUPlS VUHSIIANi SO'fHE FARFQRIPIa IiUD'cAiP�IYY,G:lAll siJ�IVIVL f{[C(3P7UEYAA��E�F YHI��F.ED aF , .
<br /> _ ��::Gr.i�r-..��:_;.= TRUST.
<br />'=;"`''�:4ty""�"- 1(�.Asolqnm�nt of Wonit.Yrustor hnraby aulQno to Londer the renRO,leeuee end proifta of tha Praperly;provided th�E Tt��tor ah�ll,
<br />-,.:_..
<br />=-'+�?s-�!� unli tlna ocourcnoo�of�n Ev�nt of q�hult hue�mder,hsw ths tlpht tu aolboi�nd rot�tn eur.h rante.Rs:���nd�roiita ao theV boaame
<br />-_-=.=.r�---�..
<br /> �:;��- du�end psy�hl�.Upon th�ocouueoea o�an Evant ol Dela�lt,I.�nder may,eithar in peraon or by epent,witli o�wEthout brinpinq eny
<br />�"��':`•:'�:`�a , ectlon or proasdtnp,or by�t�c�iver eppoSnted by�oo►irt e+id w3qhout npe�d to tho adoqu:oy af fta e�aur(ry, �neer upo�and t�k�
<br /> - ° �-^-*- .,�'�`''z�. po��w�s(on o) th�Prop�tty, o� �tny part th�rs6}, k�Its ow�nen» or In tho namo ol tho Truetse, and do �ny aote whlch it deemn
<br /> ;,ir�:�';,:1�,.: :;, necwe:ry ai dr�k�b1�to�aurv�sQis vaiu�, merke4ablliiy ae rs��tab(Uty o�tho P�aperty,ar enq pert thereol or htaest thoraln,tncreaee
<br />'-�-.,,�T.-` ,� th�k�own�th�r�irom or protwt tho oacudty h�nof�nd, with or without takinp poesrsalon ot tho Property,ew for ar otherwt9a aolloot
<br />' =,�t.����.� , S• th�nrtt�,ie�uu�nd profite thar�of,ho�udinfl thoas pest due aad unpafd,end eppty the ewne,taa coeta end expairtes of op�ntlan end
<br /> "� .:}.A;,�;,a � .�; naUeatienlncludGip rttotnoyi'tee�,upon any indobtednaeo eaaured hu�eby,nU ic�oue1�ocder us Latder enay daterrttlne.The untarinD upon
<br /> '°''"�'"' ���± ��d taking pofseteion of th�P�aAe►=Y� the Qallemion of euch rente,teiues�end profltv und tha eppltoetlon tbenof af ufatosatd,ahe41 not .
<br /> u�';_a;;:.�. .
<br /> ° cure or waiv��ny d�tauk or notH:�of d�fault hereundar ot Invetidete eny Aot done 1n rasponsa to euch do4eult or pur4uant to auch not(oe
<br /> -`:�:� o!dsfrult�ttd,notwithst�ndbp th�aontinuanoe in ryosa�n�(on o}the Property or tho aoRoatlon,reoolpt and appllcptlon of ronea,fs�uos or f.`�•.
<br /> '��� profit�, xtd T�uet�o und L�ridxr�haH bv entltiod to exerolaa overy�iflht Provld�d fot In ony oI the I.aa�►Inatrument0 or �y!sw upon ,,.
<br /> ;:,�,;�_� occurtr��as oF eny Hvmt af OoOw�i,4�ciu�i�ip withaut t:�nitatian eho rEQht to exerotee the pQwcr o!eaU.Furthru,Londe►'o dphh end
<br /> y. .:
<br /> � ��rn�dio�undu thia puapnph �ha11 be cumulattvo with, nnd in no woy a limitntion on, Londor'e riphte end ramedloa undor ony r.���•
<br /> '���� wubnrnant o9 IktN Md nna ncord�d apainst the Property.Lender,Trustea nnd the raaolver oball be(iabla to nccount only for th000 � .,
<br />,-,.� ,: •,,.
<br /> ' � �. �ento actueqy reoelvad.
<br />- ����-�-�---���•- 11.�wnt�a!Oalanit.Tho fo9ow�nu shall oona=itute en Eveat of Oolault under tM�lload oi Truat:
<br />_.�r.;,�.�,:r;,TMt. � •-:
<br /> _ , ,1. •. � "i 1�)F+�Ifurs lo p�y�ny k►at�llm�nt of prinolpal ot inte�e�t o4�ny othar oum eecurad iieraoy v�P�eii.'try�:
<br /> i,,,. - (b1 A 6rMOh of or de?nuR under eny proviaian conteinod In the Hote,thlo Oeed of Yrust,eny of the Lasn Insrttumante,or any f '
<br /> �°� ';>��F".. •� otheli�n or w►oumbr�nce��pon tho PropoRy;
<br />,;,jr.��, �. �� (01 A wr(t of�x�aution or atltchmmt or any cfmiler proaaaa aheD bs ee�torod eyeinet Truetar whidt ehal9 haoame a Il�n on the �. ,
<br /> ' ' Prapeoty nr�y portlon thareof er k►terest theroM;
<br /> '<<`' �-'>.=M�° (d)7h�n�h�N hs fit�d by or apahot 7'�uotor or Oorrower on eatlon undar eny proaent or futuro fsdenl,eUte or�thet atatue,Iaw
<br /> ` •=• ' '"�"�':u � or r�pulation rol�tinp to bankruptoy, innoNenay or uther ro11ef for dobtoro;or there ohstl bo ey�pointed eny tnistee, recetver m
<br /> ��� =='' Wuddutnr nf TniNne m 1'lerrow�r or uf eY oo enY Qert 07 9h0 PfOpO�ty,or tho tante,leaue9 or.Froiite cheraof,or Trurlat or Bor�owar
<br /> . -�7 <h.ft tnnk�rqy a�urtqd euianmenl(nr tto-a 6moQit of ctodiTOtu; � '_
<br /> 4 ��1'.Yke1�`f�, .
<br /> .,;,,,t p)The��I�,transf�r,laR�a,estlpnmant,r conveya�ca or further encumbrance of cll or a�y part of or any intorost in ths Mropersy,
<br />-- _. ,. .;;�,;�! F eitha voMu�t�rily or k►voluntarily,withou4 ttia expreau wrttten coneent oi Lend3t;provlded thet Ttuator thall6e permitted to execute
<br /> � ,. ��•' �Ise�m of ths Ptop�tty th�t doss not Qontefn�n optfon to purchsee and tho tertn o4 whtch doeo nut eYOeed one yeer,
<br /> , ,'':''. , �. 111 Abu►donment of tho Property:nr
<br />-,_:�:!,d1�,'r x.,i�. .+. (fl►��r�u�ta(��nt�r►hdlvidu�l,th�ia�wrto�, catr,tnmt�r,aR�(pr�ment, convep�nce ot encumbnnc�of moro ther► �s total �
<br /> �`�'�'�t '��"1�, of Y/A p�rc�nt of(il�corpontton)et�t�aued ond outetendlrip otook or lif a partnerchip)e totel of N1A perc�nR ot �
<br />-?����'���'� psntnvrhlp int�tNt�dutlnp Ih�p�ind this Oaad of T�urt remoho e Ilan on the Property.
<br /> ��L-`�� w= 12.Rean�ditt:Ilcaotxatton llpun Q�iwti.Irr the�vent of any Hvent of DoTuult 6andor moy.wllhout�otic:e�xaept t�roqulnd dy I�w,
<br /> `���-•TM���' d�cf�t� �Ii Indebt�dns+��ecut�d hW�by to bs due and peyablo and the eame shdl thareupon bsnome d�ne and pwy�6te without eny
<br /> - ..;�,_�--
<br /> --��_�_�- ' pruontment,dan�nd�protest ot nnttce ol eny lcind.Thereaitar Londar may:
<br /> W�-,�..��'. � Id Dwnar.d th�t 7ruotcw �xorctsa the POWER OF SALH pra�ted huroin, end Truetee ahal! theroefter cnu»Ttu�tor'a Intsrast
<br />-_��•��•"'.;�•. �;. in tfi�Prop�rly to b��old and ths procssde to be dlatrlbutod,nll in the mennor provfded(n the Nbbtssks T�wt Oiade Aot;
<br /> _.,���+.:_.'�•�� (b)Faatoi�� �ny �nd all �iahto provided (ot in a�tiy of tbo Loan Instrumonto or by law upon oacurranea of �py Ewr►t o@
<br />. -.-^�:=� D.r.utcia►a
<br />-.- -� t=-'�� (01 Commenoe a�eotton to(oroctoao thle Dead of Truet ee a mortpapa, eppoint e roceiver,or epeaiHaalty e�fotns�t►y of the
<br /> _..,•=��,n,..:..
<br /> -- � _._„r��3 covensnt�hereof.
<br />- ' `"r'"""`.` Na rerrudy h�nk►conbrad upon o�tMarved to��uotee o�l.onder(s Intondod to bo oxctuaiva o4 ix►y other remady her�in,in the�.ann
<br />��=�;'•r�'•'�:�� to�t�um�nto or by t�w providad ot permittad,but each efiell be c�mulative,shall ba in uddition to avory mha�romady gtyen hdreunder,in
<br /> �� '`�''�� "'� th�Lam tnstrum�nts o►now or hsra�Fter axistt�p et Isw or In equlty or by etatute,and mey be oxerclaad conwreer.tty,indepondfinQly or ,
<br /> ; :y. ,
<br /> '. . .y �qCCKfIY1tIy. - .
<br /> -"�'`� 13.Yrwca�.Th�7ru�tw ro�y raslgn et any timo without oauao,and Latder may nt eny ttme end wtthaut ww�appoint s Quaoasyor
<br /> �:�.• ;I•�;�- or aedet(tut�Trutte�.Tru�tee sh�ll not bs IiAbl�to eny p�rty,irtcluding wtthaut hmitatfon Lender.Barrow�r,Truator or er►y pu�ch�ser of
<br /> � `-'` � ��µ� th� PropNty, f�r eny bss or dxnapp unlaso duo to �ooklQSn or willtul miscondunt, end shall rtot ba roqulrod to tcke any aotlon In
<br /> -`�� �� conns�ctbn with tho�nlorcemen+i ot thle Deed of Trust unles�indomnified,fn wr(tinp,(or e11 cosle,compenaatfon ar expmsee which mey .—
<br /> ,�. ,, .:-�• �
<br />'�, .;,, � � � be e�smcl+►t�d thsnwith.In odditlon,T�uatao may b000mo o purchesor ot eny seto 04 the P�oparty Qudlclal or under tho povier ot oete
<br /> -+ Qunted hontn);postpons ths sdi ot aIl or a�y pu►tion o}the Proporty,na provldad by low;or eall the Frope►ty es a vuhola,or In oeperete
<br /> . . i;•'., •.,`�'• p�roels or bt��t Tnut��'�dhar�tlon. ' .
<br /> = � ���«,�1 14.Fas��td f�xp�n���.ln th�event Ttuutee eolls tha Ptoperty fiy exerclse of powar of enle,Truatce ehall be ent(ttad to epply any eale
<br /> .�•:::c:r,�,;.i�,
<br /> -•+- • •�^'r'•`s' �;s'•:�7't;: �ioas�salf flnt to peyment ot aIl ooate and expenaoa ot exureiatnp powor of se1e,?ncNdlnp ell Truoteo'o foos,end Lender's and Tru��eo'e
<br /> :<r.�,. ;._-__,,,•..
<br /> .:..•,J,.;;;�,,.: . �,iacrr:�y o fa�9,natudiy incur�a!to exta�t peimiited by�ppticablo law.In the avont 0orrower or Truntor exerc{aes any dpht{�rovidmd y
<br /> , •, � ,Lw Io cun�n Evwit of Ooteult,Lender ehell be antNled to raoover(rom Truotor o11 coato nnd oxponaoa ectuelly tncurred e�e teeult of
<br /> • '� Tru¢Qor'�dafeult,(noluditip without limitetion all Truetea'e end ettomey'a teee,to the extor�t permltted by eppliceblo(ew.
<br /> � 16.Futun AcAr+mc��.Upon u�uest.of 8orrower,l.onder may,et ite opHon,muka oddhfonul and futura advnncaa end rondva�oo�to
<br /> , , ,:�' Borroww. 3uch�dv�nc���nd rNdv�noas, with Intereat thorson,shnll bo aaeurod by thte Deod ot 7rust.At no tlme ehetl ths prineipot
<br /> smounl oi th�in�:�ineaa oaouecd by this Oe:d of Truet.not includinq sume edvanced to protect che eocurity of thl�Oaod ot Yru�t. ,
<br /> �': ;.�•���.,;,� axcead tha odpinal princlpal artieunt etetnd hsrein,or 0_ sa_a�.whichsver t�groetnr.
<br /> . 14i.Miac�llanwu�Brovl�lons ,
<br /> � IeD Honoww Nat Rel+��eei.Extenofan of tho tir�na fot paymaetit or moditieatton m7 the cumo ooaueed by thia fDaeA of Truet prentnd
<br /> by Lae�doe to any�uaoeaaor ke{nteroat of Dorrowar ehaU�ot oporoto to ra!ense,In any mannor,tho linbility of tAe orfpinnl 0orcower �_
<br /> • �"' � �nd 8ortower'e euccossota ln Uitaro�t. Londot chol�not 6o rcqvE:esD to oommonco p�ocoodlntte ogminat auch oucco�eor or�otuoe to
<br />,
<br /> � � �,�►um.e�,o.u.n.nz nr nslwiwlaa mndltv om�rtlznttnn ol tho sume aecurod by thlr nrsqd pf 7ruot byt rcasan of eny domandn � .,
<br /> - - .. • ---------�- •-. �_, . . .
<br /> . � me�e by the ort�inel Harro�rer nnd @orrowm'o cuccaseore In intoroot. � ,
<br /> (b)LM�N��QoWH1.'Without nfteotinp tha liobility o!any othar poraon liablo tor tho poyrtscnt of cnV oblipatlon here!n montEonod, I
<br />_ . � end wlthoul nftacttnp th�I;an or chcrAe of this Ooed of Truat upon any ponf�m of tho Proporty�ot than er iheaotoforo reloeaed ao
<br /> security lor the fu�l amount ot ell unpafd o6tipettuna,londar muy, from ttmo to Qlmo and without notice(i)releeso c+ny porson nu
<br />_ � ti�bta,tUl uxtmnd the mutur(ty or eltor aoy of tho torme of eny euch oblipntione,liii)grant othcr ir.�!�Iponcoe, (iv)�alcaeo ot roconvcy, •
<br />- . : n or cnuam to be�eie�sod or teconveyod et eny tfine nt Lendor'o optlon uny pnraol,portion oa all af tho P��►perty,lv)tukn or teloaso nny
<br /> .. -''- � athor addlllanal eocwlty far eny o6lipatlon hotcin montlonod, or (vfl moka compositiana or othor c�rrenaamo�te with debtoro in
<br /> � rol�tian th�rato. ,
<br /> , -- ; i..
<br /> - ..j , �
<br /> „
<br /> c+ec:�ete r..,,.c.tio �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ` ; � ;
<br /> .P ; .------------�---._._..--—.�__._----� ---�-----. __...._.---•._,�_------_..._
<br /> .--_____T______� -�--�. ..
<br /> �::�----- _
<br />