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<br /> �� �'O�i3 E3�:;:�F7�Yi�il;.;'�.1�r�ic3�c�af IC�o.....�3 d��ol t•1.��'.....,.�.._..-_.�� --��:.,��5�O�A�i__,�6y cs;d cv�ia;�p — ..
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<br /> . ... ,. .�.. , tho Yt�cYtcr,�:rl�,-.—�!yl� • : nSL�L.��LY��..,eSa...A�II.i�.fi�' Nun�fn�,�n[L T�1i f n — �.....�.,.m.--. .
<br /> .'"`:''��L.j''�_��'� wl�ore ma!I;rtp addrecso fe 1�1�4,�,,,,,.�QGta t' . � ,n.�ral$.,1T�Ln--�..���- lhareln"Yruofov,°��hatiur osao oe morol.
<br />__-�vr��tie'.`T`•�� �.. ..
<br /> ,�aF:i��•,c, Arnnd Ii,n��k. Ii��i;n�nC�� :,—^---�-^�°�""�'�
<br />_---�`'�.mv.3n��s .. .
<br /> = n......a r.,�.,..a uc 6pgQ1 (t»rein'Trustes'I.�nd `
<br /> __-=--__—_�, whaa�meillnp eddr�er ta 1Q�t7 Whee2��Av�, d . r�_ ---.�----� .
<br /> :�"`°�, �y �, ..
<br /> -- =__—.=��`: thsE3sruflcfary, T�he Overrinnd NaC�anal Sank • .
<br /> �f�:;� _-- ,
<br /> ,�. :,y;.
<br />-'-'�Y'-�� ��' whoa�mal{inp oddta�o b p � Box 1G�8 GYand Ie18nd NE 68802 lPeerein'Lencler'1.
<br /> i-:Y�'�,�LL.t.^� —
<br /> __F������ FtlH VAIUABLE CQi�S1DEFATIOdi,Liniudbp lcn�cr'a oxtcn:lan of aredit IdonNlied horeln to Norman„�.�QnnE±tt
<br /> �"'�:� '�: '�� an kia c��gbnet ' (heroin"dorrowor".whether ane or maro)end the ctu�t heee�n crcated,tha '��°� "
<br />=;`ixf;y%._,�. t y a ,
<br /> __... �� �,J y roceipt of whicii t�haehy aoknowlodped,T�etos horeby irrovouebty qrente,trenetors.convoye and aaelpns to Ttuetee,l[�9 TRUST,WITN ^
<br />,���`?' . K•.. FOYdER OF SALB,for tha bQneftt and secutity o}lender, undar err�d eubjeot to tho terms er�d aond(tione hereineftar eet tonh,Ihe real
<br /> —=���'��_°s_ ptoperty,deearibsd os toHawr.
<br /> -=��� I.ot Four (4) in Block Thixteen (13) in Bo�ge and Hill`e Addition P.o the C:�ty �f
<br /> _—°�:� _s,�. .
<br /> �°_�=�•_���4{`� Grand Yaland, Iia5.1 Coun�cy, Hebaaeka. • �
<br /> -'�".�,s--
<br /> �,
<br /> - _-_-:_«;��r�
<br /> •�,. +�n����� �
<br />'_ ..F._ 5,,;-c�G-�— ']: _..
<br /> :n��'..' Tcpethor r�vlth efl buildinps,Improvorrionte, Iixturee, etreeta, oi�oyn.passapewaye,onaemente,riphto, prlvilepee end eppurtanenaea
<br />— ,-"tYr,�•. looate�U�erean oi Ni anywiae perteintnfl lherolo,end the ronte,i�suea end proiite,reversions end roma{nders ttieraof,snd eueh poremiei
<br />..,i�j,i�::.j ti' '.��..�^
<br /> _ _ „ , property ihat Is ettechad to the knprovanec�te eo aa to conatitute a tixWro,l�cludinb.but not limltad to,heat(n9 end 000iinp aquipmmt; F,
<br /> end topati�e► �vith tiie homeateed or maritel Inteueate,if eny, wfrich(ntereste ere hereby reieeaad end wa(ved;sii ot whictl,inotudinp
<br /> _ "'�.:;,;�' teptacanant�end eddit�on�lheretu,is hmeby daclered to be a part ol tho rael eatete eecurad by tha Uen oi thfe�eed a4 Ttuot c»9 all of .
<br /> , -i;" . .
<br /> '�;�T+;, :�,�,i, ' the farnflok�p bainfl�ofernd to hxein e�the°Vraperty'. - - �- E; :
<br /> ?<� �'� Thb Qeed of Truat ehe0 neauro(s1 tho peymant o1 the prinolpot eum end incarosi w�p.wo o�. vNi��+r���:� �• r%�� :
<br /> , f —
<br /> - . . �'.e�kr�4[+ ��:��.
<br />, ..- .... ..aE _ ..
<br />--�.:r:�•�. ::•.:�,• epreanent d�ted Mav 13. 1 95 —,having o metu►ity dete o9 j�in,�t 9� �nl� � '��"�w
<br />-�" ���'��'"'����`1f` H�the oripfnal ptktot�pa)emount�f 0 9 0000.00 , end eny end efl madifiaettane, extenstone end renewole �
<br /> �•, .Y•
<br /> �• -1���' 'n. thernof or thnreto en�anY end ell future ed•.x�cee end ruedvences+to Borrower lor e�y of thom i1 mors then one)hereun6er pureuant to
<br /> ���'s�;•-�>'Y.�•�. �?. ;
<br /> '`,_�f,.;y5,;;4.,�,,;F+ : one o�moro qtarninsory note�or aredit ep�eemente Qheroin oelled"Note"1:lb)the peyment o(othe�oume edvencnd by Londer to proteat ,��;'�
<br /> �,�t�i 1 ' '�;.�' 4he eecurity of the Note;(0)the pa►formence cd ell oovenente end aproomenta of Tnietor eet forth heroin;end (dl ell pteeent end futuPm � .:.
<br /> _,..,.',(. ;::��t`E _,�; ind�btsdnN�end abHyntione o}Borrower (or e�Y of thom i( moro then ono)to Lender whether dlreot,in�lireat,ebeo(ute or eontinpon9
<br />:.r,F;;y�;.x�.�f.,,;k,, en�whether erieinp 6y note,punrunty,overdreFt or othorwiev.Tho Noto,th(s Uood of Tr.�ot ar►d ony and elT otRor documanto that eecura
<br />___ :_�,,.k,,,,*�,.,, the 4�1ate or othe►wino executed in co�neation thorowtth,fnatudhA wtthout Itmitatlov►qvmrmnteee,eecurity o�roanente mnd eeei�nmante
<br /> _ ., .....,�.- ot leaae�and rsntt+.�hall be reterred to horoin eo the 'Loen Instrumonta".
<br /> ;�•� '�� , �4 Trustor oovsnante end epreee with Londer ee followe:
<br />-,F,-',�:�-• •. �:.� 1,ps�rra�t o4 9nd�bt�dns��.All indabtadnaee eecurod hareby ehall be peid whan due.
<br /> ''"'�:-'"""'-"����"•�� Z.Titl�.Truetar te the owner of the Property,hee the dpfit e+�d euthority to cunvey the Property,nnd w+�rr�nt�that the liai aroeted
<br />--.-�=.-�,:,:�*�„�.
<br />�:•� _,,;;�7;t,,,�,,, O�eceby ie s firot end prio►Ilen on the Property,except lor Ifene end enaumbTenoee eot forth by Trueto�in writk�p c�d delivered tn Lender
<br />_ � � _ ,.__,t, ba7o�a exeeutlon of thie Gsed of Truat,nnd Yhe executian end delivery ot thte Deed af truat does not violeta sny aontraot or other
<br />_=*����� ��x�"�%;be abityetfon to which Yrteator b eubjoat.
<br /> � ���,'�..� 9.Taxa�.Aaatemsnt�.7o pny beto►e delinque�oy all t�xeo,epeoiel saaeesmente end ell other chsrqas a�einet lhw Pcoperty now Qr
<br />�:�,.�:
<br /> :;':r. "r;.,• `' heree(tor levied.
<br /> � � A.Inwtano�.To keep the Propefty innured agoinat demape by liro,hotn�do, Inoluded within lho term "extended oovoreAe", s:��l .
<br /> q'= � euch other haz�rds es lender mey roquve,in amounto bnd�viiti compunfoo accoptabto to Londer,ncminp Lender ee en additlonel nmm�d
<br /> • • ••= insured,with lons psyable to 4h�e Londer.in ceae oi loes undor such polioloe,the Lender i�euthorizad to ndjust,aoileot end campramiso,
<br /> _- �-;°Y�;�`�' e0 ofekna theraunder r.nd oheD fi►eve the option of epplyinp o1D or part of tha inaurance proovede(i)to eny inde6tednesa seoured heroby „
<br /> -=Y�.' •� �-• •-�-• end In euch o�det e�Lender mey det�rmine.lii! to t{�e Ttuetor to be ueed fot the ropa(t at roatotetfon of ihe Property or iliU tor eny olher
<br /> `�`�� �.. �•'; parpoes or objeot ea:isfeotory!o Lende�writhoair olf ootinp tho lion o1 this Deed of Yrue4 for the full esraount easurod hereby beforo each
<br /> '��"-�� ' ��N�! �eyment ever tma'<plece.Any epplioetlon al proceede to indobtedneea ehel)not oxtand o�poetpono the due date of ony peymente unda�
<br />': ` '•�-� tAa RoYe,or cum eny deteult lhereunder or herounder.
<br /> .. '��, .4,�.:� �^
<br /> T.Eaorow.Upon wriQten demand by I.ender,Tiuntor ehalf pay to le�►�dar,in euch mannor ee Lander mey denlpna4o,eultictont eume
<br /> � `!�';' __�.; .;:� to diahte Landar to pey ne they beeoma due one or more oi the Ioilowtngs (q eU taxea,oaaoaemente and othe►ehetpee nQet�st the
<br /> -. ^..,,i .._._ _.. PropeHy,(Iq tf�o�rantume on the property Insure�ce roqulrod horeunder,end(iii)the p�emlume on eoy mottgope inaurenae raquired By
<br /> . .,�:r ,_.N.' Lendsr. I
<br /> �.'��i�.,� .,.�,.�`..: 9. Mdnt�mno�.R�p��nd CmmpN�na wl1l� Law�.T�uetor ehatl kaop tho Proporty In pood aondiNon end repeir,ehall prompUy
<br /> �� � ragofr,or replKOe en�Emprovement whlcF� rner be de�ngad or deatroyod;ehatl no! commit or permit eny weete o►do4ertoretton of tho
<br /> "`1�' �:���� . peaperty;ehali not remove,demoiish or s�betanlie}fy elter ar�y of tho tmprovomente an the P�operty:she0�ot oommi8,au4lor or permit
<br /> �, ,�;y .� ':M1 ,J�;: nnt�ect 4o be done in or upon the F'roperty In viotetion of ony law,ordlnanao,or ►opc�lotion;nnd ahnll pay and prornytly dischartle ot
<br /> _ . .- -.....a. Truator•e coat end nxponee ell liene,enaimbrencu�6nd chergo�leviad,imposod or oseoosod apelnet tha Property or eny perl thereoi.
<br /> - 't. Eminent �omain. Londer le hereby aselptsod nll companeatio�, avrarda, dnrnopoa ond othor�aymante oe relioi lhore(natter
<br /> � � "Proaasde"1 tn�unnootton with condemnotion dr othar tnkinp of tho Pconorty or part tharool,ot tor ccnv��enco Gi tlou ot condomnntion.
<br /> --- Lmder ehall be antit�ed et ite option Qo canvnonce, oppear In and proaecuto tn ito own namo eny eatEon oi ptoceedinps,ond ehall elso bo
<br /> ontEtled to meku eny campramica o�oottlommt b cannootlon with ouch tekinp or damago.ln the event any pottlon of ti�e Proparty la ao
<br />. .� __.a.y���.���.:r�.t�....t�....1•t.oiu�tn�iinnrMinn.!��ne[1r nll aLL�}1 F�GCQQdB.ctteu daduntdno thorefram _
<br /> _..•^• __ LaRVO vi vaiaagou�i.mm'm m�a+n..o.o..e vry....�.....�__'_�'_'__'•_" _._. . — ..-_
<br /> . ' oti costc ra�d oTCpcn�ca Incurrod by i!fn conneetlon with euch P�ocondn,upon nny fndobtednesn oeCUtcd hmaby and In nuch ordar oo I .
<br /> " • LorYdor mny dotormEno,or to npply�!1 cuch Proceeda,ofter such deduotione,to tha raetoretton ot the Property upon suoh oanditionn o�
<br /> • La�der mey dotermine.Any eAplicalion oi�mcaeds to ir+dabtednoae ofiail not oxtond or poetpono the duo dete o}a;�V Daymonto undor I
<br /> • the Nota,or curo eny deteult elearnunder or hereunder.My unepptled Ginds ehe11 bo petd to T�ustor. �
<br /> 9.Perto�manre�y iende�. Upon the occur�enco ol an Event oi Doteult horounda►, or i} �^.; eot in tokor►or legel prooaedinp � :..
<br /> . eommanced whloh�o�etorially ei{eate Lendat'�inforoat in the Property.Londer mey in Ite own dioaration,but without obliQetion to do oa. �''"
<br /> end wGhout nottce 10 or demend upon T�uotoa end without �oloos(n{�Truotor irom eny obtipotlon,do eny eot which Yruator he�agraod
<br /> - � , but tefie to do end mey elso do eny otlior eat i4 Joa+ne noco�sor�to protoat tho scnurP:y horoal.T�u�tor nhail,Immedlotor�upon dcm�nd
<br /> thcrefar by Lendet, pey lo Lcnde►ail coa4e and exponsee incurrod and eums ox�endod by Londor in conneotlan with tho oxorCiea by
<br /> ' Londer o}the(oregoing rfpfite,topether wilh Entoro�l thoroon nt the doluult roto pravidod tn tha (Vute, which ahnll bo eddod to the � '
<br /> . Indobtodneaa eesarcd here�y.Lcnda►eheq not incu■eny liebility boceuaa of enylhtng It mey do er omit to do hereundor. � •
<br />_-� •� --��� hQC1l07A�itnt,;r;:�aturef0e:.91Rev.0lBO ..
<br /> =-_. I _
<br /> .- ��oea r�vsand oua c�ccT.+c���t�un,+�+sswy��escderN ttr�c�+1 F'e:rc11 I
<br />-- `A
<br />