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<br /> _ � C��a?tc9ory oa� aun c�3�c� aasr,�P ao er,� ��r��tac:, 04 cn� 4c��_�ec?::;�a r.:,cs� cc���c� c, ao ena •..
<br />_�_--_•----.----- ro:,¢ors4les► o�� �2�aiv of fh.x pP�t��By d&ni�a�. 10 e{lII 6Y�£;RS �f 8 iPIqBQa'¢ Q3[a Oi oi�.s��cnaC�r• `�� L.,.,`„
<br /> � , . � .
<br /> • ` 04 t141x 4t� ea4� grc�a�Sg 1n ox¢in�atcizr.:at ot 4P.� 1r�smLeCRxaa �ecus�!t.rcby. All rl(!hS, 61t1e, �""`•:`:'
<br /> �'-:;;���;.: . �nd 4n4�rrit of th�T�v:ttor in �rtd Ro my in:ur�nce polfoi��thcn �� �orco il�oll a;;.'
<br /> p�9s �t thr a�tion
<br /> e.,�s-
<br /> u" ' ' of dfl ��aaf9cl�r� to tho�archaac�or B�na4latary. N
<br /> �--:
<br /> ��.lt���, w,�v.
<br /> �° +4�:�� ; f. Fit will keop the ��1d pr,o�i�es in as pcod order rnd aondltlon a�Lhey rro rwu�nd al1) aw! ._
<br /> "� con�it ar �i�tt any w�st� thoreof. ��ascmbla w�ar and t�n�susap4od, ortd 1n tfw�vent of the " ='
<br /> : � �'
<br /> �- •� . �'�:_
<br /> -'���'� , i�tlura ot the �rwtor to keop thr butl�lr�s on��1d pro�l�es �nd ttas�ta b� er+�ted an �Nd �•:,��
<br /> �"'`'��"' 9 the Bemfisl�ry wy Mke �uch �apaira �� 1� tM h',
<br />:y���_U:;�cm'��r� , � prr�1II��. or Uprcvaacnte th�rean. n poad rmp�lr.
<br /> '' t - ' ; � M n a f l c l a�y'p d t s o n t t o n i t �y d a a n+a s a u�r t o�t f w��,,;.�:p r u d w�t f a n t t s enoT. tr+d en y iva '
<br /> f ... �� paid tor tuch rtp�l�� ttwll 6e�r Intariit frow 41�d�t�of p�ya+ent �t tt��at� �ps�lP9od tn tfw v J
<br /> �-_' ""-'`; , � ratR, nha11 fs�dus �nd p�yabia on de�and end�Mtl bn tui7y tecurrd dy tM�Deed of T�ust. , .°
<br /> ;;;,±:;:, :r..,.''i � .
<br /> �„r�,;t�.;� iO. •R.' g. {le M111 not MILII6UL lFIO Q1'�OT k�ILLCfI CLi11E71t q� Llfs BCfIrHE��Py YO�Ui1E�1'I�y CrfiLO or petwit
<br /> :°r+� - •�-;�. � to t� a�aat�d ap�fr,�t ttw proper4y �ub3e�t to th90 Desd of Tru�t any lieny 1nf�rtor or tup�rtor 40 ,:�,;;,
<br /> i6,,�. c' �� 1,O tM H�n of 4h1p Oeed ot Twst �nd turthar th�3 he Mtil keep+nd�a1M�9n t!r s+�w�ira+e f�aa�the �,G.,,_
<br /> •����': c1of� of all person� 0u001yinp Lbnr o�issterl�ls �1ch ai11 eM�r Inta tM constructton of any�nd ,�°Y,�
<br /> -- •• . -:.r:_ �
<br /> �` �• "���� ••- . �1) 6uttding3 now be1cg arected or to be eracted on �s1d praaiaaa. �L'°�`
<br /> '. ,-,,.� �..
<br /> ;�.+..,�. .�; .
<br /> ,-,� '_.r� . )'
<br /> , h. He ptl� not ront or aaatpn any p3vt of tA�rent ot aetd pro�srty or c��litN, ret�ove. or �
<br /> ,_i;��.;�_�n� �;� �ubrtsntt�ily yltsr any Outtdirrp rlthout tM�rrttten cantent ui th��ilciary. . . i;`_�
<br /> �,_. , .. , t
<br /> :�: .,.,.�. � t:,,.-
<br /> • ,� .`•:f{� � 8. In th� �vee�t the Trwto� fa11� to p�y any 6ederal, st�te,or iocai tax aas�Afaent. Incmae 4�x or ..
<br /> • � ;� otMr t�x 11eR, cha�p�, ta�, o�otMr�xpense eharped 4o tfa prnp�rty FyrHa�bov�d�scMOad, tM B�n�ticlary ..=;
<br /> ';, ;� t• Mreby auLharl=od to pay tho i� and any�ue w p�19 by the 9emf lcfary of�li bo addM 40�nd baca�+ a
<br /> parL ot¢tM prtnalp�t Mo!mt of tM 9nd�bt�dness�videnaA by s�td prals:ory not�. 1t the 1'wito� �h,19 pay
<br /> ;��' . ,;; md d/tchir'p� tM 1txbDt�s� �videnced by�atd pra9caoty note. �nd�hai1 qy wch sw� sed ah+ll dlsetw�g�
<br /> _—,—_ •• --•--' --� ..-�- --••�- ----- +--- --'�-""_'-- -�--�..._ --•-°'-- --��»....�.�.. .�.� �.r .. o_.... �.
<br /> ---- �1� ►�I�Y� Y�N ��it1� �tfY ��N YV��1• •Y01� �rti�nr����� VI�wn��y� O���V�M��ry��N rw ���r' ����� N�� YI •� ��♦ � __
<br /> 1� '� � °�` . than, u�an arltten �eqnest of the BeneticUry �nd tM sur�ender of the Oad of T�u�t and tPN no4e to tht -
<br /> � �1'�. T�ustee. ths Truata� thall. dter p�yoent by Trwior ot tlie Truatee'o feee. �econvall tM property to the
<br /> -• iruator. ar to tlw pe�ton or person9 lcp�lly entftled thereto. �?:�
<br /> '=,
<br /> 'a;t`.• . c !a. Th� T�uetor covanonts tA�t he it ltKiutly tei=ed md po�feased of and has th� rtyht Lo�all �nd
<br />''��13�". ,��`� .. wnvey s�td property: that tt+e ae�ne ta tPee Vmn�il encunbra�ees exc�pt ttsna and encu�br�neaa noN of •".�>Y�
<br /> �'�r;"^3"•�`- �� rtcord; and .•.h�S he hereby bin8� M�sslf and hl• aucereson in lnterceL to r���ant and d�fend tha title ,;,,
<br /> � ' � � afaeesatd tfieroto �nd �varr par3 tMraof apalnst tl►s la�,rful clalm� of �1� persons �t�aRSavar. �
<br /> �,...,.. .._, ..,. , , -
<br /> 11. FOr bstter �eeurl4y of th� indebtedn�ss t�r�by steurad tM Truitor, upon ttN•�quait of the
<br /> �,,�•,.'. . ;.. ; .�.� 9nneftcl�ry, ito �ueeuson o� asstgne. �hall exaeut� tnd dellr�r �supple�nenLal�ortyape or �or4,��pae `
<br /> � . � covRring any �dditton�, t�p�avaent�. or b�tterw�ntt ie►ade LO LIfE pi0Q0�Lr ht�liMAOYa af�C►IDE�tIN9��1 .
<br /> •°-- "`'"" ` �� prop�rty �equt�ed afte� the dat� horoot (�il 1n fo� ut�sfactory to Grmte�). Furttwrwon. �Aould truf4ur r•=
<br /> `"` :�Y.'"' f�11 to cur� �ny dot�uit tn tix�pay�ent of � prior or tnfertor encue4�ance on tFn prop�rty deseNbsd by thta •�••.
<br /> � " �•�,,,� lnstru�ent. Truatar Mraby �pnea to pemlt B�nettet�ry to cu�e euch d�f�ult. but 8ensfic'iary is not
<br />::���'t��::. :- � obHpat�d to do �n: +nd �ueh adv+nea �hal) becon�s p�et of tlx, tnd�btedn�a� aeuml by tht� tmtweent. .
<br /> . ':,�r:.
<br /> .� : :, ",�;:: �ub�ect to thn srone tanM �nd eonditlons. , .,
<br /> �
<br /> � 1Z. Th�t •11 exard� of Q��s 1n conneetlon atth �ny corade�m3lon for pubHo uso of or 1n�ury to any of
<br /> ��� aid proparty �n lwreby asstpned and sM11 De pald to Be�efteiary. �n�y,a,ty sna sr�o co ay�.ns ot cn� .
<br /> ' � 1rtst�1lAente laet �se under said note. snd the Benof/ctary 1a hereDy�uthoN[ed, tn the naee of tM Trueto�
<br /> to �xacuta�nd d�tivar w90d acqutttanoes 3hnreot and to�ppeal frae any tuch a�ed.
<br /> � 13. The irnvacabls �1pht to eppotnt i eubetttute Trustee or Trustea� 1a hereby exp»e�ly pr�nt�d to the
<br /> ° - 8eneftclary. Ms �ucca�sors or astpna. to be txercised st any tlme heraft�� �ltheut speolfytny �ny ro�son
<br /> --- . tPwrefor, by t111rr� tor reeord 1n the offtca Ktwr� tM• 1naLruaent 1�recorded� suGsLitutfon oT Tr�stee.
<br /> " , 9rtor to recardtnp !@►�tu4�tftutlon ef Trustte. a eopy of Ehe tnstrun�n2 ot tM su0�tttut9on ot tlr�tuec�ssor
<br /> �� Trustee �hs11 D� walled to 4he T�ueter ond�il peraon� M�c�hav� reaueated notice of detaul3 n�d nottc� of
<br /> : eal�by P111�y Quch �ac►uoat with 4ha ottico of reptato� of d:atla oaho�o LMa Q�d of T�uoi �o resortt�d.
<br /> - . ' ` � ' -4- f.
<br /> , �� •
<br /> .
<br /> __ � -� -
<br /> � � —__._.-_ - ----- .__.._. _ .._�.__ , ��- ..?-:- .. . •---- . -- . .� � .
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<br />- . . .. ' � . � -- ., -- - - � " � . "
<br />- "-° .. . .. . ,. . :. „ �, � ..,
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