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<br />• ._,;_t�.�_.,::, « i. YhS� eotiveyanes U �at�a u�s�d ¢uD,�ect tw t4+o Puathsr tyus� 4h�at t1�o sole�YP��to� ¢i��11 curaln ie� ���..
<br /> ... �'�'�'V.�,' qulet and ps�ce�bl� pa�tnta�ion of tt�abw��(ru�t�and d¢e�irlbod pra�tt�iy�t►c�take t!�prof 9Le YMreaf fo - _
<br /> ;;:r_�:;A,,,......�.. _._.
<br /> ti.-,- .,.:�,- .•:a=,- dto c_-:].�_��•^„tt *h�s£e�:4er�1L t�s�� (�any W�b�nt of sn 1��486l�ar�t cks rr�e�40 s;ate or !� tho parfors�nce ��u�_.
<br /> --_ -.�,""�"��` of iny o4�th+i cciMn�ntt ar condi4toE��ca�stelc:�J tE�r�ln c� t� 4P+10 wW ��Yeu�to ��sd� +t�o ¢o c��u��tk: �==_�
<br /> _�:�u,;-,�:.;--�_ _.
<br /> -.c-;
<br /> �� • � .•"'�,r refaRwv�w�t of the Mnaf icliry o�any oth�� haid�r a( �p9�natt. tPa Truat�e ar any saEatt4ut� tru� *t o
<br /> '' ,. �` any �nd a1) �ofts �nd expenxm� fneurr�.i. Includlno r�atonabt� attar+uy'o rN�. on scec�unt ot �ny litlq�4lon �5;�_�-.
<br /> _"`}�..�'./�,,.�y whlch �y ax�Ssw Ntkh �a�ac4 to tM� Trwt or with r��p�ce to�th� 1nd�Et�ss�vtdtnatd by tNA nott. ttw -- -..
<br />:�, .1 ...•M�F 7""�A� P'IJ_...
<br /> �:�,�:_ .,�,�..,�� protectlen tnd �lntenana�o� th� property h�rsin�bava d��c�lbad oP In obtstnlny paASasslun af taid prop�rty .�:;:
<br />_'= '•�"• ,�,.• aftar ta�y aele r.l�lCS��y t��e3e�s QieroOeafte� qrovided. _�,�',.;
<br /> �,;; ��;...:»;,.�... :.
<br />,;,*t���1�.�;-."��4'�'�- +�
<br /> M_M-•
<br /> , . �::;- �;; .. Z, Uesoon tt� 4ui1 pay�snt ot tk� indeJbte�sa�s �videneed by a�1d not� ard tl�e Intereat tFwrean. tt� ,,
<br /> U n
<br />�;�,�-.•r�•-_.. .� `-- pay�ent of �11 atMr tu+� t��ln prcvldr�J for. ths ee�ay+xenL of �il wontQS�dvgnced o� exp�r���d pu►twnt 9�0 �;,:��
<br /> . f�; . • : ,_��, sNd i�3ie a� thia lmtrunant� +►nd upon the p�yr�ent ot �11 othsv pru�r cost�. ctarpo�. eex�lssion�. a�8 �'-,;�=
<br /> �e'�"a, � �x nt��� tIN �b�sva delcrlb�d pra;�rty tMlti b� r�Ye�aed�nd rtcw�voy�0 to us4�t 4ht4 cost uf tfN Tru�toh s,;:_�i�_
<br /> ("7�,,rk��.:1�1' 'i...- � �' -._. •
<br />-_ '�'`" �' `��x A° 8. Upon dsTtutt in any n4 4h� er�vQi+�r�¢s e: c.x�iticna of thle In�n�ens or n�t tt�nota o� lesn ;-J
<br /> _...., «,: _�_
<br /> �{ P�:s�!�,:�,. .'�,,, � �9rcNtnt ��cu»d htnby. ttn d�ntficl�ry or Ms asslgn� wy aithout n��ty and Mithout reg�r� to tt» �-_
<br />"`�' � '�"� ^ edabuiey of ��urity for ti� 4videbtadrtesa eecured. Nth�r penonatly or by a�tlortNy or�p�nt wltha+!Erinpin9
<br /> ,_.,;.
<br />_�. _. ••••• '• any �etic�i or pracce�f�� or Dy a �ec�lver to D��ppoiated by t4w caurt. mtbr upan nnd tek�poste9ela+ot �;{
<br /> .,_ , 'V
<br /> ' .. .±� •• -----.... � � .....� ��ui ein a,
<br /> q�.�_. ,,,,,,,*. .i�1eh It���leiarlt tkw Prd1-04r to p�oteet th�neur ty -
<br /> - .. , s�ta yivy���� u. L�y y'..�.. . _..- °- —� -^- ....._.. _ ,
<br /> , . R
<br /> htreof, and •itMr Mlth or Mithout tek1� posaetsion of aid�roperty,colleet e�+d reeoiv. �Pp •-���:a. �;,.
<br /> � ' ':;q•'�' -:-_c=":
<br /> ' royittla. ts�uh. and proflla th�noi, 9ncludi�y �tait� �asr�d�nd uny�ld. uid app1Y ttw tan�. la�cosib a
<br />" '<<'::;;;''''��'' oparattoro �nd colSeetten. ugun!ho lndsb4adneea acurW Dy this Deed ot Tru�t, ��id ��nt�, royalEta�, t��wa, =��'-
<br /> �:�
<br /> ,,.,,,,... � y nt of Au�?s .�_;`.:
<br /> , .�+;f�• . .� snd. protit�, b�ir�y f��y a�t�ipn�d to tM �ftalary �s fureh�r t�curit tor ti� D+y*+
<br /> . " , tndebt�drw��. Fannts� oY �tphti u�� thi� piraprap4��PetiT not cese a'aal��my daf�ult or notice o�
<br /> t� _.:
<br /> � , '._
<br /> d.f�alt hxr�ur�r or invaltdst��ny�at don�ounwnt to sueh e�o41c�hut �hall M cu�utatiw to any rlQf►t and ��
<br /> ' � �e�dr to decUro a detault and to c:as� not�a oi deiou3's io�•:e���::� •�=!_�`•=!:='="'•"-"'; '-`r'° ` .-
<br /> �:: Ur. �nd ne� G ex�rcised concurr�ntly � a'•
<br /> ,��.v',`r eu�autatiw to any other vtght�nd/o� ra�nedy her�vnder. or prov9ded ay ,�;��
<br /> � ' . n or lndep�ndenxly. Expenses incurred by Beneficlary harnunde� fnelulinp rasor+�ble�ttovney's teei sha11 De �'�-.�;,�
<br />- • • . securcd hareby. ,1{�,
<br /> " " �. ?t» iru�tor 6aven�nL� and syreat tMt 1f he thall f�31 to p�y sdd tnde6t�dnees. or my psrt __
<br /> `••� � � " ° � the�tof� MMn dw. or alw11 fa11 to perfora iny covenmt or�pre�ment of tMt tnttevnent or o! 4he P,vow.�°and . '�'
<br /> ' �ot� Qecure+f her�by. 4he enLire tndebtedneaa Aarehy secured ehall I�-sadlatelY htcas+�due. PaY ,.
<br /> � " ' `� coilecEtble at ttw optton of tha Benetictary oe��s�igns. repard7te9 af�atur{ty. end the&neftctary mr �,
<br /> es�lgny �+y�ntar upon s�td proporty�nd eollect the rents md prpffta tfKr�of. Upan su�h dafault In ps�+neot
<br /> '. , ;. - or perfonKr+c�. and D�fo»or tfttr euch entry. tM Trustee, actiny 9n th�ozeeution ot thia Truat afta�tM = ;:
<br /> ' notle� �f d�f�u1! has oetn ►�cordad. =h�11�ai1 a eopy ot tM claf�ult to ach qrsoa� �ho 1• �Wrty to thla :ti:
<br /> ' : . . ::f."•• f�.:teuNent, at tM addrao sst out 1n tMs tnstruoint. as �nii af to any qrto�+�+1w has�'f9ue�te�!�ny notic�
<br /> � • �� _, ,� `� of d�tautt �nd notice ot *aU by ncardinp sald rpwat �'or notic�ti�th tb n0i�st�r ot deedt� In tl� eounty _
<br /> �V ° ,; ai� 10 ahtch tMs laatr+anent 1s recorckd. iud ait�r the lapts of ttme MI►1eh la requirrd by teM afte� �11�oD the
<br /> .. . , ' :� nc+tte�, th� Y��ate� sfia11 Mw the po+rar to i�ll uid prope�ty. +►►d it sh�11 Oe t�s Troste�'s duty to a�11 f,
<br /> eald pro p ert y `��d tn ta:r ot eny dehult of sny purttuser. Eo resoti)�t �b11e auction. to tht htphe�t
<br /> ~" bidd��, Hrst ptvlrg T'�va ueakt' nottc�of the tU+s� tarrs. �ndsD����dtft tEuttd in the CounLy�oT 4poNt9�n1
<br /> `M1.
<br /> . than onet d+r�lnp �aeh of sald llv�eKe�cs tn � nRrsPaDe Pub ,„
<br /> " � � subdlv{Hen in Mhtch esfd proNrty 1� NtWted. and wMttan notic� ot olt IN11 b*aafled to e�eh p�rsan�ta
<br /> �� ts a par Ly to t h t t t e s t n�nt at tf�tddress eet forth har�lo. (8'nd th� Eenetictary or any ptreon on Deh�1f
<br /> ;s ��� of thr Wrqtietary wy bld md parcle�ta�t weh�te). Sueh rsolo M111 Do hald�! �tutt�bU pl+c�to ba �"
<br /> s�l e�ted D y tt�BtrMftoiary Mfthin nid county or polltiui aubtliviNon. 1M T�usta 1tM�Y'cti c°�veyanc� �
<br /> � executo �nd d+ltwr te 4fN purchss�r at sueh eo1�a suillcles�L ea►vey�ns�t ot :�fd Prop� y.
<br /> . ohall cont�ln naftals as te th�happaning of d�Pautt uDa� Mh9eb tt���aeuttob ot 4!r po++�a'of �alt hrr�tn ,
<br /> ., qranled dep�nds: �nd tM t�aid Tn►star MreAy canstltoi��md ap�aArf4� the Twstee�a h1��gan! en��ttorn�y
<br /> in t�ct to �ko u�ch rteltels end to exeeute aatd eanvoyanee ind Mn�y cov�nant��nd�areaa th�t tM
<br /> racitata to �d� rha19 be t�lnd9n9 and conctusivo upnn the Trwtor, ind e�td eonrRy+nes sMll bm �ff�etwt to
<br /> ' DAV at9 e4ufRy or rlflht of pedeaptlon. hanastead. dn�r. rfpht of appr�fseeerot. rnd eil otl►�r�iqhts �nd
<br /> ., °2r
<br /> :
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