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<br /> pay�ecrits nxay�w loiiga+r l��rcyi3ir<<l.i�t tite o13Siu�i af'l,cndcr. If nto�tigret.it��.t�rn�.cc cc►vc►a�;c(in Q��ct�cw��u������f fur�t►r;�:�►i�xi --
<br /> thtet 1 a_r�der ��+yuir;.sj�arovidzd by�un ins�ircr anpruvccl hy I caide�•og:dn txc«m;::;av�ilahle an�1+s ohtein�xl. Hcerri►uer thxtE pay , —
<br />� 111C}�tCnllitiiiv►Cyti�i'c���J IudiSilaiil i�iUiiguryv�f..'.9C::i:w jR f��.::I�CiY:ii ptL�t'It�El IC�S f?'°"_1•Vf'��H11��({}P PP����!!7'll�rp4 f�}p����411f/i��t' , .
<br />; ijuurarce cnds in.xcorctance�vith any wrttt�n agrc.,ni�r�t bctwcGi 13urrawcr und C..�nJcr or u�licablc lavu. V , —
<br />; �1.[mspcetlon. Lender or iss:iacnt m�►y mako rcas��nable cntricy upon And inspections of tlte Pri�peny�. Lcnder ahRll �Ev�^
<br /> Bqrr�wee noticc ut the time of Qr prior to�n inspectlon specif��ing rea�an3bie csusc Por tha i�ispection.
<br /> lp.Conden�natlan. The pr�c:eeds oi any uwurci or claim far clvnages.direct or canss:quential, in conncction witli any
<br />� e�n�lcinnation or other taking of'nny part et'th:i'�operty.or for convcyatu� in Ncu of condemnati4n, are hereby ns�ign:d and �
<br /> bhalt b��xid to l.ejtaer. . •
<br /> In the event af a totRi taking of the Prop�rty,the prc�ceais shall be n�pplieci to the sums securcd by tlus Security[nstrument, .
<br /> whether or not then due, with any exccss gaid ta Borrower. In the event of a purtiaQ takin�of t,he Property in wh(ch tf.ic faie
<br /> market vniuc�f die Propeny immecliately befurc the lnkiag is cqeal ta ar gi��t�r than the amount of tlic surns secured by tnls
<br /> S'cutity[nstrun���nt im.mcdiately before the taking.unless Borntiver[►x�d L.endrr athenvisr,agrec in wnt�ng,thc:,um�secured by =
<br /> this Security Instn►ment shnll 4�e reduceci by the amount of the proceeds muldplied by the foUowing fraction: (a) die totnl __
<br /> anioant of tlie sums s�ured iinmediately before the talcing, divided by (b) the f�ir mark2t vafue of the Property immediateiy
<br /> bcfo»e d�c taking. Any balance shall 6e paid to �orrower. �ln the even: of n partiai taking of the Fruperiy iu wi�ici, U�e fai� __
<br /> market vulue of the Pruperty immediately beforc the takis�g is less than the anmunt r�f thc sums sP.cured Immediately beture the
<br /> t�Sdng. unlcss Horro�vcr and Lxnder otherw�ise agrec in v+rriting or utzless npplir.able law othcnvise providcs,the procceds shall �,;,,_
<br /> • h�anplied to tite sams sec.ura!E►Y this Security InsiNment wh�ther�r not the sums nre then due. �°���_
<br /> If thc Property is abandoned by Bonawer, or if,aftcr notice by I.encler to Boaaw�r ti�at the condcmr,ar affcr ta ma'��an ;
<br /> award ur settlr a cl�im for ilarnages. Borrower fails to respond to Lcnder ivithin 30 days after the d�tc tlic noticc is�iven,
<br /> I,er►der is authorizeci ta collect and apply the pruceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> se�currd by this Security Insteu�ncnt.whether or not then due. �_
<br /> Unless !.e►tder and Borro�ver othenvise a�ree in writing, any opplication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or chtuige the amount oi s��h paynients.
<br /> �. c..._�...._--- o.. r a.� w���..i7U:.iL'.: ��:�r�i��..��h��i��fn•noo......,��,.r mn`lifirotinn —..
<br />- 11•DUftU\VCI t�ui�CIC113T�V� rv■vus�an�.c u� a.�.uma w . . � • • r-�••--••• __
<br /> of amortizution of the sums seceared�by this Security inscrumen�gcan�ed by i.ender tu a�y suixcssvi:���uie�ast af vuurrK�. �lsal:
<br />- nut c�Fernte to release the liab�lity of the original Horro�ver o.r 6orrowcr's successars in interest. Lcylder shall not be n:quired to _
<br /> c:ommene�proceedings against any successur in interest�r refuse,to extend time for payment or ott�envise modify amortization --
<br /> of the su�ns secured by this Security Instrument by �rason of any demand made by the �riginal Borcowcr or Bcrro�ver's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearanee by Lender in exercising �ny right c�r remedy shall not be a�vaives of or preclude the —
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> t2. 8uccessors and Ass�gns Bound; doint and Severnl LiabUity; Co-signers. Tiic covenants and agreements of this ___
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assi�ns of Lender and Borro�ver, subject to �he provisions of �
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants und a�reements shall be joins and scveral. ?►ny Horrowcr who ca-signs ►his Security _��Y
<br /> Instrumenc but does not execute the IVate: (a) is casignin� this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant And corcvey that �,�,
<br /> Bqnower's interest in the Propeny und�r the tcrms af this Security Instrum�nt; (b)is not personaUy obligated to pay tfic sums - =-.
<br /> sccurec}by this Scturiry Instrument;and(c)agrees that Y..end�r and any othcr Borrower may agrec to extend,modify.forbear or ""_
<br /> u�ake au►y accomm��dations�vith re�ard to the terms of this Sezur+ty Instrttmcnt or the Note�vithout that Borrowcr's consent. �•-��
<br /> �3.I.a�An Chu�es. If the toan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject ro a law which sets maximum lo;ui charges. C_'"
<br /> � � and that larv is finatly interpreted so that the incerest or other loan chaeges collected or to 6e collected in connectian with the �.-=_
<br /> , loan exceed the peraZittal limits,then: (a) any snch loan eharge st�all be reduced by the amount necessary to ceduce the cl�arge . �=L`_.
<br /> to che:permittcd limit;and(b) any sums alrcx►dy coltected fr.om Bonower which excecdcd permittcd limits �vill be rcfunQed to ;;-
<br /> Horco�ver. Lendcr may choose to make this refund by rceiucing thc principal owed under thc Note or by making a dircct �"-
<br /> payment to Borrower. l f a re fi►n d r e.d u c s�s . ri n c i a l, t h e r o d u c t i o n �v i l l b e trcated us a artial m a ment wit6out an ��`'T
<br /> p P P P P Y Y F.-_,
<br /> . prepayment charge under the Note. `=�'i-
<br />- 14.I\ottces.Any noticv to Fiorrower providcd for in this Sccurity Ins►rument shall be given by delivcring it or by mailin� ='''�
<br />_ it b;r.iirsY class mail unless applicaBle luw rcquires usc of another method.The natice shall bc directed to the P�uperty Addmss
<br /> or nny other address Borrower d�signates by notice to Le::ider. Any natice to Lender shall be given by first claxg mail to �
<br /> I.ender's address stuted liercin or any other address Lendcr dcsi6natcs by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this '
<br /> Security Instrument shall bc dcemcd to have been givcn to Qorrower ar Lender when givcn as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 1S.Gover�xin� I.��v; Sevewability. Tiiis Security Instrument shall bc govemed bp fecicral law and d�e law of the
<br />:_ j�ar�s�lictior�in which tlte Properry is lasatcd. In the event t31at any provision or clause of this S�.urity Instrument or the Note
<br /> co7fi.acts with applicable law,such cunflict shalt not affect o:her provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> �iven effect tvithout the conflictin�provision.To this end tMe provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> to bc scvcrablc.
<br /> 1G.Barrnn�er's Copy.Bonower siiali be goven one conformed copy of die Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br /> Paqo 4 0l 0
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