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<br /> - - --- �, ;{AZard ot �''roperty 'rnsur+�u��. Go�ruw,., sE:�ll i:ccg the i�rrruvr.?n^nts nnw cxi�tin�; or ic::�.;a r�ctr�t 011 tI1C �_ :_
<br /> Propsrty insurc.d ugninst loss by fir�,haznrds includcd withis itn.s rance shall E c m�ta ned in t}eAamounts rsnd forstt c�pe rcjds
<br /> ilcorls or floodin�,for which l.cnder requires insurnnce.Tht _ _
<br /> �sttiat L.enelcr r�quires. Tlic insurance caerier provtding thc insumnce ahall be chosen by�orrowcr subjcct to [.endcr's a�provnl _
<br /> --- . ��Aiicir shnll not be unreason:ibly �v�diheld. If Borrovrcr fails to�e�aincnin•covern�e described above, Lender may, at•I..�ndcr's
<br /> -___.
<br /> -- option,obt�in coverngc to pratect Lendcr's rights in the Propercy in�ccordanCa�viih paragraPh 7•
<br /> -' All insurance policies and rene�val5 sliall be acccptable to Lender and sI�a11 includc a standard mortg�ye clause. Gen er r
<br /> ---- _ shall lzav�thc right to hold the policie:�and�newals.If Lcttder requires,Dorrower sliall promptly give tn i_endes nil receipts of —
<br /> := paici pre�ninms und rene�va.l natices. Iri the event of loss.Dorrower shall�ive pronapt notice[o th�insur.�ice carsier asid Lender. -
<br /> I.ender�nay make praof of loss if noc made promptly by Ronower.
<br /> Unless l.cnd�r and B��rrower otherwise agm,�:in wripng,insurance ptoceals shall be app�ied to restorntion or repair of the
<br /> - = Propeny damaged,if the restoration or cepaie is eeonomic�yY feasible and Lender's securiry is not lessened.I:F the restoration or
<br /> , m�?ir ic not�cononuc�lly feasible ar L.cnder's security would Be lessened,the insurance proceeds slhall�e applieri[o the sums `
<br /> •- sec�xved by ihis Sccurity Instruntent,whcther or not then dup, with :u�y excess paid to Bors�ower. if Aorrawer nbar�dans the
<br /> --.- Property,or does not answer�vithin 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim,then
<br /> °"°"'��"'' Lender may collect the iosurance prm�eeds. Lender may use the procceds to repair or �estorc the Property or to pay sums �
<br /> _,vt;,..;-� ��"�:.
<br />_ -____ ��c���,�}�y this Security Instrument,wheiher or not then due.'The 30-duy pera`��wof b���seto priacip 1�sh�.11 nat exteml o* �-._
<br />-T=�=��Y� Un]ess l.ender and Horrower othanvise agree in writing, ��y ap� P �,
<br /> ��-_ postpone the duc date of tUc monthly payments referrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.�If
<br /> ���r'� under parngraph 21 the Property 3s ucquired by Lender.Bonower's right ro any insurance policies nnd pror.eeds resulting tj•om �
<br /> --__-=='� danc�age to tk�e Property pr+ar to ehe ncquisition shall pass ro Ixnder to the extent of the sums secured by:his Secucity Ii�stmment �f-�
<br /> �.� immodiatefy prior to the ucquisitian. � y� ,�cs�tton; d.case�tolds. __
<br /> -------� 6. Occ�pancy,Preservatiun, Mntntenanc�und I'rotectton of t9�e Pra a�r P�id nce�within�tv davs after the ex�.cution of _-
<br /> ---- -''�� Sorrotvershall occupy,establish.ail0 USC tuc i tv�n.�y ua�+u���+^`°'• °t'•'•°r-• -
<br /> ------� this Security instrument and shall continue to occupy[ne Propsriy iw������'�P�A"!�?�rPSidence for at least onC year after
<br /> __�"'°' the date of aceupancy;aailess Lender oth�erw►s$�grees in writin�, which consent shall not be unreasonubly withheld, or unless
<br /> - °`°�� extenuating circumstnnces exist which ate beyond Barrower's cnntrol. Borrower shnll nat destroy, damage or impair the
<br />_�- -= - Property,.nllow the Property tv deteriamte, or commit waste on the Propery. Borrower shaA be in default if any forfeitur.°. -
<br /> ��:f•�• action or proceedin�, whether civil or criminal.is besun thai in Lender's good fuith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> _ Propeny or odienvtse materially impair the lien created by this Security instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrowor may
<br /> -__�_-_, cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in pamgraph 18,by causing the a�:tian or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />- ---- that, in Ler.der's goc�d faith determinaaon, prec►udes forfeiture of the Borrawcr's interest in the Property or other material �!
<br /> :--.._-_-�-,.� impairment of the licn createrl by this Security Instrwnent or Lender's security intcrest. Borrower shnll also be in default if Y�_,
<br />-• ��,�;.�. �.
<br /> Borrower, during the loan applicasion process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to i.ender(or failed �`
<br />�'-=�=_� to provide I.ender with any mnt�rial information) in wnnection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited �T
<br /> �_ �,�_� to.representauons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on u �V
<br /> ---__ �;� lcasehald, Borrowcr shall comply with all the provi3ions of the lease. If Bvrrower acquires fcc title to thc Property. thc ��
<br /> - leaseh�ld and the fce title sUall not merge unless L.ender agrr.es to tbc merger in writing. t��'�
<br /> LL�� �� =�-'� 7:��ntcciton of Lender's Ri�l�ts in thc Fropesty If Bun�oWer fails to perfnrm the covenants and a�reemen�s contained in ��y„_
<br /> --�--=� this Security Instrurnent, or there is a Iegal proceeding that may si�niticantly affect Lender's ri�hts in the Property (such us a �Y_,
<br /> �;;:;°,� ,�,�.
<br /> ____ _ procec�ing in bank►vptcy.probate,fur condemnatic,n or forfeiture or to enforce laws or re�ulations), then Lender muy do and
<br />-_+_-����E'�� pay for whatever ts necessary to protect the vnlue of tite Property and Lender's rigius in the Property. 7aendtr's actions may �"�R��:'
<br /> ------ "� include pay�ng �r►y sums secured by a licn �vhich has priority over this Security Instrument, appet�ring in cou�t, payin� '_,�..`
<br /> �=���!:: reusonable attorneys'fces and cntcring on thc Property to inake repairs.A[thaj�h Lender may t;ilce acuon under this para�raph :�;,
<br /> -= T,L.eadcr does not have to do so. . .
<br /> -�--�'`:j� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borro�ver secuccd by this ,, ;.
<br /> - -"'��'= 5ecurity Insuument. Unless Bvrro�ver and Lender agree to otlier terms of pa�•ment, thesc mnounu shall bear iaterest from the '
<br /> --_�,�-
<br />..:;:�,; date of disburscment nt the Note rnte and sh�ll be p�yable, with interest,upon r+otice from Ln:nder to Borrower requesting
<br />- ��-�
<br />- _ _ �__ �►ayrnent.
<br />--�"�"''�''"�� 8.Mart�agr Ensurnnce.!f I.ender required mortgage insur.,nce us a candition of making die loan sccm�ed by this Security
<br />-��:��;����. Instrumene,Borrosv�shall pay thc pmmiums requircd to n�intnin tbe mortp,uge insurance in effect. If, for any reason, thc
<br />- L��'.. mortgage insurance cx►veragc reyuicec! by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Boreower shall pay the premiums required ta
<br />=:�:is;.3r�h ..,
<br />--A::�,�:�,.."; obtain covetage substantinlly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially eyuivalent to l e
<br /> �� -:":�R:`. cost tu Burrower of the mortga�e iivsurar�ce previously in etfect, from an ulternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> �'°`;'' '; ' � substlntially equivalcnt n�ortgage insur.u�ce coverage is not availablc,�orro�ver shall pay to Lender cact�month a yim cqual to
<br /> j, .,.:.r�:. � one-t�velfi�l�of Ihe ye��rly mortga�e insurance premiurn being paid by Borro�ver when the insuranc�covera�e lapsed or ceasai to
<br /> n
<br /> --•- bc in effect.i.ender will acccpt, use and cctain thcsc paymencs ati a loss rescrve in licu of mortgage insurancc. Loss reserve
<br /> Form 302� 8l30
<br /> .y!•,-�'�' „
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