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<br /> �:.' . �.. .__q, N„e..n « �.. rn cflr��ar�i f;(?��a`tY�tlCiti. �'iC �it�t'.ililill 111111 f1,gCGt'J.�`-Cril1'� Rc !hi!4 �
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<br /> _��:_ .11����d iltiiU�tiw�wt r':........►.r..�..C_.',� .b'�.. �!• —wr`
<br /> - �xuriry In�truma�t �Il bintl �ncl brnefit the s�ccessc�'s�aa�aBns af I.�ndcr sir�d.�arrow�r�su�jxe w tb�yrovisicxuc u�
<br /> -_--=-��.� Wa►agraph 9.b. �osrower's oIDVenanis andl agreramcni� shyill Ix�,�oint xnd s�vexa�. Any k3arrorra who co-eigna thi� Security , ,.
<br /> ��.��
<br /> am o t ttnd Ca1va lhaa
<br /> �.;;,�, Iostrumcni but ckr.s rx�t exac�u tha Note:(a) is ca►�signing Ehis Securiry!►rsuuma�2 oaly w mvrtgag �t�► Y
<br /> --_ - F3acrc�wr,x's intertst ia lhs�'ropexry unckx Ihe tctms of this Security Ya�tnamen�;(b)ds not pe�sot�u�Y�2�10 pey�o swn� —
<br /> -- =.;��w;�;��• socurccZ�S�thl��ecuriry Instcumr�►t;and{6)agras nhat Leadu mid any ott�x 8�wer muy agr�oo to exte,mf�madl�y.fa�or
<br /> ..-�"_��� meka any acxamti�xx;rsilaas cv;µ'�.:.�:d t�:.�w sr.sms c��hte Ce,curity 1��stntment ortt�e Note withoo�.Qu�i.i�oixowcr'aconse:.� __
<br /> -"�=�'=�==:'�:r;� � �di ,fcx in�iss Security Insuvmertt sh�11 b��ivcn by da�ivering ita by rnaiYu�g it
<br /> ---__'�-,ti�6�� 13.Nolk�. My notice tn Bntrowet,(�io��dCd Addtrss or
<br /> - ��--.�+*:�`� by first cEas.9 m�ail unless appli�able law r'ea,uires us�af auother metltc�d.Thc notice shat��►e dirccud to e}tt Pcopeity
<br />--_=Y=�f�'"�t`_� any other addre,sy Bqnnwer drsignate.g b�natice ta I.er�der.Any nodcc ta Lendu shaU be.given hy fust clacs maiA to Lenckr's
<br /> -------°=�� addr�sa swwd l�ereux ar any eddresa Lender designate.9 by noricx w BOlrower.Any not'sce grovldod for in this 3sx:wity insur.��ncx►t
<br /> --_:�,-��� sha�l ix dame�to have ba,n given W Honnwu or Lr�►der wher►given os provided in this gar�qrsph•
<br /> -
<br /> __--2,��:
<br /> ;::;z��:�-�;�r::.,�
<br /> ---,,-��,; 14.G0YlR1E0�LAR�S!Yl18t1IIiL�. This Security Insuument shall be govemed by fedaml l�w and the Isw og
<br /> ==�``�"�r,:r�� , �s locatad.Yn the event that any provisfon oc clause of this Secuxity Instrunx�►t or t}ve Note .�_--
<br />_:y,,..,9�_y�,,_�_ junstliCdan in which thc Pr4gcccy .
<br /> conf�iCis with upDlicaul�iaw,suc�us,zfi.�i Sls�4l not sff�t pthrs�tmvT�.Q'iqns pf ihi8 St�CtilftY I�b��t o�7111C I�TotC whiCh c9A bC
<br /> --°=-==�::a° 8 p.ovisio�.io ti-.is air�f;��,`�;�}a3y. s,.t . x..��M�c�n�i t1�u NcAc ar•v u'',t�l�rod to : -
<br /> _ ��., �`C t'vc�-�:ii u'i�u:auir.o.-� s.;,s af th<„..�s._'�t;_ .,
<br /> -.t.. �T� �%l.li.11V b �
<br /> -_�r�iyTS^;�`-- I!O StSVC[BbIC. =-_-
<br /> .i` .'. . --
<br /> -�,� �;,�`ri. . � , ._
<br /> . .'w.,._,� y 1S.�orrower's Copy. Soirawer shall be give,n one conformed oapy of this Securiry Inswmrn� � . '
<br />__-'��.;,�-:.:_ .
<br /> � � 16.Assignment ot Rcnts. Hormwer nncanditionall,y essigns and tn�ns�ers w Lender all the rents end revenucs of tho
<br /> • '-`'' "'."- ^----..... �_._........�;,,t�.�.�,c i and�r nr Trstrlel's agents m collect che rent�an�revenues and 4ereby directs each teraint of the ----
<br /> � ---�a1 t'tvj�cxt�.uv�av....� vr tw... i pnAar'a nntic�ID B�IIA9Yfd 02 p30ILi1Vl�S QkeifC�vi --__
<br />_ �"�''�'}'�'��. ' �(Q�u1�y YaPi TU1�'W�IIiIGT Ot�QE�.I$l�Tdl41.rl�'nv�►s�y--^�
<br /> . . . ..+,�''" nny covena�at or agreemant in the Scxurlty Instrumc:nb Bntrower shall collect and rexeive all renLg and ravcnues of the i�co�erty as
<br /> _�. : ...,,�
<br /> - `„ �„ trustoe for the henefit af Leuder end aomowet.'i1►is assignment of rents consUttutcs an absotut�nssignmeni and.not an:a9si8nmer►t _�
<br /> .,. :, for acldidonal security on1Y• _--
<br /> � ';�. If Lendcr glvcs aoticc of hr�ch to Sorcowu:(a)all rente seceived by Borrower 34�all b�held by Boac�wer as tta�teo for � _
<br /> �:�-�~►•F��4' bcnefit of I.ender only,w be applied¢o the sums secured by tho�Sc;curity Insmiment;ib)I.cnder shall be cndded ta colYcct stnd .��.
<br /> ^�.' : .. �� . receivG all o:tho rcnts of the PropenYt and(c)e:.ch tenaat of die Property shall pay all rents due and ungaid to l.,e�drr or L,ender's
<br />• +'r�.+.?r . . �_
<br /> -'`'", �:•r'��' agent on Lender's written demand tr�the tcnan� �-�-i"
<br />_-...V- r....r+F�.•P.�• , v -
<br /> � .��'� Boaowes t�as not execut�ad anY prlor assi�ncrzent of the rents and has not and will not perforan F,ny act that watild prevent ;:�;;�:
<br /> - - •+ ^v
<br />--_-- ����,,.'`-���.. Lendzr�'nom exrrcis�ng its�ights undec this para�Ph 16. .. -.
<br /> �_-..
<br /> �..,.=:.. ..�.. �'`='_
<br />- -�°°���.�;•�"q� I.ender shsll not bc rcq,nired w cnter upon�tulce control of or mainuun tha Pcoperty before or a�ter�_i�r�ng notica of breach to L._�.
<br /> � .. ,�-'�"... inted reoeiver may do so at any dme there is a bicach.Any appli�adon of rents -_��
<br /> - ° '-�.::� - Borrowcr.Hovs�ever.Lender or a judicially uppo :,;�_,
<br /> , '�_" shall not cure or wsrlvo any default or invnlidnte any othet ri��i2 de remedy uf Lender.'tlus assl8aaient of rcnts of tho�roperty
<br /> �.� shail tem�inaUe whcn the debt securecl by the S�curity Insuumenc is paid in full.
<br /> �i'r_ , N��:�
<br /> _ " `� NON-UN�ORM COVENANT'S.Borrowcr and Irendcr further covenant and agree os fultowa: _
<br /> _ .�_
<br /> � 17.�oreclosr�re F�bcedure.l�f I.ender requfres[mmetlfa4e paymen3 in Eul�und�r paragraph 9,Lender may(avofce the .
<br /> �• , � power mt sa�and any ott►er rems�d�es permitted by applicnble law•Lender ehp0 be entitled to cutket all expeas�ts iacura'ed „
<br /> • ' in w�srsufn� �e rometli�s under thEs�aaragpap6 17, incLudWg,but not�3mjted to�r4ssunable attosacys'fets nnd cushs ot
<br /> � title evidence.
<br /> ' U the pmwer af safe is invoked, Trustee shpll reca�d a notice of deiaui! 6n each rnunty in whfrh eny part ot+the
<br /> . ., ,., Prolsert�'is locutad and shAU�a�l o�p�rs o!sucL notice in the mauner pmscrilicabie Iawp�Trust s t�ll give publis notice ot
<br /> otber��ersons psescribed by appllcabk Ww.A�1ter the tlme requfred 69�►PP
<br /> ���t��pe�pa And irn the manner prescrihed by a{�p1k�61e iaw.Trmstce�wtt�oat demand on Borrower,st�aU seU the
<br /> '� PcYS,�.^.r3y ot pulxl.�s�:�ction to the highc44 bidder at t�e Nme And pls�ce nnd uader the terms desi�nated in the aotice ot sale
<br /> � tn one or mure p�rceLv and in aay order Trastee determ[nes. 'Prustee may postpoee salc uf'si� er any psu'cel of the
<br /> :. ;",';
<br /> ' �� POgo 0 018 InItIaU:
<br /> • , � �•sH(NE) loz�zl
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