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<br /> ,,� �'�';•� �ua}�r�pS� 2. or Gf��u�}�c tii� nraailnc af such �iaym�cr�t�.'Au�r exccss pmccrds ovet on ainount rr..r�ulra9 to Ix►� �ll �n�l�iaaWL+►g
<br />.,.... ........... ... . .� : 4�r r•.� �*��.� _ _tw.r ^�dA.. A.•prni � ...-.
<br /> '�Y r,w..-.:
<br /> ._ .._____ _.
<br /> - - ___,..-,••.��9 f�1t�G•�IICS4 91ndQt Ih0 iVOIC Aila t�li9 SdCtatiir iiiii+u+�itaii b�i:,n�,.i�,w�...J M..,G..,u�3.�..-.�C.....� L_._._.
<br /> . "'�i���'r�� a 8.Fez�. l.c�idcx m.ay collcct f�s a�:�chargc9 nuthQtizr,tf�y I�a Secrtiary. --
<br /> ��.�.p_-�.'.J
<br /> --�'. � :` 9.GrounQa Cor Acctixi�ttlnn of qebt. ___
<br /> t.::-:�rF:�;,�.�r.�` ��a�.. --
<br />.,;;�`�;,;:;� . i , (W)e�iefanit. Lc;r,�may. exc�t r�.v 1;;���►e.d L3�r��i«t�O�s iwu�by �:�Y'�ICtaSj�j!!�h0 Car+�R��Ayftlr"Rt�CSql1Is9, _
<br /> :-�:�,yr•��� �� r uire immediate paymer►t in[u1l of all sum9 axuied by�his Stxudty Instnllnant J .
<br /> : .t�...,.,..�.�....`� tt! �..�
<br /> -- .��:��.'"�'� (i)Bo�rower dcfauIta by�'alling to pay in fUtl uny QnontP�SY Payment requirid by this Security Insuununt prior to dr �
<br />`,;::,.;�r.:.��_r�.:�. . ment,.or
<br />.,Y,,,�rt�„�.��, �r, on�he due d�ta of�he racat montiily psy
<br />,:=r:i�;�. � ,5�,-... (u) Honower defaults by fajling, [or a period o£thict�+ daya� to perfom�sny othtr obligutlonv cnntalned In thi5 _
<br /> __,:�'•� : Secudry InstrumenG
<br /> -;T��= '. :;� .
<br /> ----�����"';;��:..��' pproval. Lendrr shall iF 1�� . , r.�
<br /> (b)Sak Without Credit A , A��bY aPPllcable law snd witfi rina ��us�i u� _
<br /> �.��:����s�Y'�'.� Socnctary.re9uim imn�dtate PaYment in full of a11 sums secured by thL9 5ecurlty Lutniment if: __
<br />_ ,. � (i)AID or p�t of the Frope�ty,or a�encgcial Interest in a Iiust a6vui�g ail or patt of Use Pmperty.is sold or athecwise �,
<br /> ,L=��-�',.�:,;�:,�;� tu-.uf:uurei7(ui,5er ihw�by Ge:�isa ae des�,e+�t)fay�.`►�Bcm�r:°:.a"� �..��
<br /> � - (u7'Ihe Frope�►y is e�ot ac�upiom by r�►c p�cie:ue�ar Fy�:��s r�f3�e;;�grinrap.!r�4�!�r,r��e�!.M�.°„�•^s �;;;_
<br /> N,:�•:..>:�.•,�}a�'� grantee does so occaPY tiw ProgenY but uis or her credit lu�nax beeit approvad i�accordan�a with the requIremeiats �._
<br /> ,.,4� ;��., of the Secsetary. _.---
<br /> .� •�'..� (c)No W�ver. I&circumsttu�ces occur that wonld pe,m►�it Lezida to require immed3atc payment in feill,bui I.ender dos,9 = --
<br />' „` � ''»'�� not reguiro sach payments,Isnder does aat waive its rights with respect to subsequent events. _____
<br /> _ '+� (d)Itegnlations of HUD Secretary. In many ctrc.�mstances �egaiaaions issucd 'oy uic �oc:���r �',;: Q�-oui;..��'o �
<br /> , � rights in the caSe of payment defnults w¢oquira immedlate payment in fi�and forecs�iso�f not paid.'!'fiia Socurity °�.�
<br /> •- '' InsErumer�t dnea not euthorize ecceleratlon or foreclosure if not permiued by regulation3 of tho Secretac}�, f;-.-
<br /> � _,�•� ,�iJ :�
<br /> • (e)Mortgage Not Insar�ed. Boirowar a�rees that should this Securiry Instrumcnt and th4 Note secur�thes'eby aot Too �..:
<br /> � :�;;,:; � ; eilgible for ensuranoe.��+der the I�I�tional Housing�►ct within 60 days fmm thc daw hereof.Lendcr may,at i�s optlon and
<br /> :�,:�:::�•- ° ..-
<br /> . ,..:k. •,��.�:° notwEthstandIng anythidg in psragragh 9. rcquire immediata paYmcnt in full af all sums secumd by �."'�is Securiry
<br /> -� a. -s • C• Cm �o.t 1+ nn n nvo Qh et ��•`}'�.
<br /> . ' .-:-=� -=.-� U1St171ipf.T14 rt wtillCn siuikt►1Cut GY nny eiiu��afiu.i,u�""iS.C. .h�.....iCSAt}I�«..�..�L'..�C:,,..t t�.GO G�..�..�SQ^i 9�...9 - -:
<br /> .�. „ _,,.•.� hercof,declining to insnre[his Secudty Instrumeat and the Note sscuced thereby.shall bo deemed conclusive psoof of � -:��
<br /> • �• such a�eligibilIty.Notwithstanding the foregoirng,thls opdon rusy not be cxe�ised by Lender when die wt�v�ilability of =
<br /> insur�nce is solely duo to I.endcr's fail�re to remit a mortgage insurance prcmium to tTse Secretary.
<br /> ,,: . _
<br /> .: ,.�r
<br /> .,. , .. . ,;._ . IO.lteinsta2emem� Boaowcr has a right rn Ixs reinstatcd if Lender 6sts mquired lmmediate�ayment in hill because af ,
<br /> 'U;�.�� .., ..�;':: Boaower's failurc to pay aa amount due�as+�er the Nots or thiv Securit�j �lnsuumen�'It�is rIghi npp9ies evea aft�r forecla°eua ,.
<br /> . `..�:i' pmcecciings are insdiuted.To reims�ate th�a Se�urity lnstrument,Bocrower st�ll tendes in a lump sum sll,�nounts requimd ta bring
<br /> ' Bormwer's acec�unt eutrent 1nc3uding,w the extent they ere obligations of Borrawex under thls Secivity Instrumen2,l�reclos�ue
<br /> ac
<br /> '. � ��;��,f.<.' costs and reasona6le and cusromary attomeys' f�es and enpenses properly assoclated with the foreclosure proceedIng.Upon �
<br /> , 'J'1(;=<:;� rcinst�msnt by Borrowcr,this S�urity Insuument and Ihe obllgadflns that it sec�shall remain in effect as if Lendear had not .
<br /> � ��;��'` r�,quircd immed�ate payment in full. However, Lcndea is not requ'ved to pem�it reinstasement if (i) L.cnder hag accepud
<br /> ' reinstatement aftes the commeucemcnt of foreclosures proce�lings within two years iaunediacely preceding the commencement of
<br /> :';�i,.� " � a cunent forocZosure proce�:tling� (n) re�nstatement will precludo foccclosure on different groun�s in tiie fuwre. or (itii) :,
<br /> `���- . , minsmtement will adversely affect the priority of the Ifen created by this Security Inst�imen� �`����"
<br /> . � 11.Borrower Not Released;Torbearance I�y Lender Not a Waiver. Extcnsion of the t�me of paymcnt or modification
<br /> � of amord�ation of the s�ms sccured by this Securiry Inswment granted by Lender to nny sucsessar an�nterest of Borrower shall •
<br /> • ' a�t operata to rcleasb:thc liability of tDia originsil Borrower or Borrower's suoc�ssar in interest 1+endar shall not be required to ���,;,
<br /> commenco proceedings against any successor in inteaest or�efuse w extend ame for ps►yment or oWeswise mt�idify�unortizatIon of +�;�.
<br /> the smns secured by this Security Inswmens by reason of any de►nand made by the originat Bonower or�orrower's successors
<br /> in inteaest.awy f�rbea.,.r+..nce by Lender in�e�cercLsing any right or remedy shull noi be a waiver of or�►zeclude the exercise of any ,
<br /> , ':;�::•�� dght or runedy.
<br /> %: - Q�•4Ft�NE)foz+21 Pupo4o10 Initlale:
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