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<br /> — �iiPon ceccipt oi payn�at oi thr: �rke bid, Tn�ee s�a{l �kliver tc the �ucd�a�er T�rnstee's deed rnnveyi�g the
<br />, �P�Y• 'i'he reeftals in the Tru�tee'a deed shall 4�e pciiaa tacie evid�of the tivt6 af the statements madc ther�o.
<br />' Trustee sha11 a�ply th2 pe^ac,�eeds�f thi sale Ia t�ac f�lowing oMer: (a) tn al!��sis and ex�of exercesiag the power of
<br /> sale, and the sas"r, inciudFng the payr�te�t of the't'r�tee's fees acinal�,q dncnrred,4ot to exceed
<br /> of the principai amount of the note at thc tfine o!t@�e deciaratfion ot defa�lt, and ressonable attc;..�ys tees as %
<br /> �Y��; (b? to all sums secured b3'th�.Q S�xmity��r►eat;and(c)sny exoess to the � Perneitted
<br /> it. ptrson ur petisons legally entitied to
<br /> 22. Recunveyance. Upon payment of al! sums secured by t}�is �rity Instrument, Lencier shall request ?'rustee to
<br /> rcconvey Lhr. Propery and shall ,�rrender this S��urity i�sirument and a!1 rwtes evidencing debt sr.,cured by this Security
<br /> Tnstrvm�nt to'I'rustee. Tru�tce s}iall recor.ve,r the �roperty without warranty and v��tt�ut charge to the pe;rson or petsons legally
<br /> � eRtaded to;t. Such person er petsons shalt�ay rar,y �xcacdadon costs.
<br /> 23. s�a�st(►.ute Trustee. L,ender, ;,jE i�.y ;T;,:;.,,�, �y frorra tirne to ticne rerr�ove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee t�
<br /> uny Truscer a�pointed he3-eunder h,y ar i,�s�:•z:r��:��s �cordeti fn che ocunty in�vhi�h this Secucity Instn;ment is recorded. Without
<br /> caneeyxi�c;e. �f tnc F':ciperty, !i�succ,��.cv:{• � -,..:;:" ;l�tt suce:ted to all the titie, w �
<br /> anci by nS,�riicable law. po er and duties conferred u n Tr�stce herein
<br /> . 3.�. �r_qraest far ;"�otice�� �oc-r•c�wre- r�c�u�:s;.; €hat copits of tht natices of default and s�ie be sent to Bo�rowPr•� address
<br /> which 3s t:;e Praperty qdd;�s.
<br /> 25. Riders to tt�is Security Instrwnent. If one or more riders are ezecutal by Borrower snd r+ecordea ;3p__�_r ;;�t�1 �I11S
<br /> Seeurity Instrument, the cov�enants and egreements of each such rider shait be incoirporattd �nto and shalt umerni snd suFplement
<br /> the cavenants and agrecmt:�ts of this Secarity,Instn;ment as if the rider(s)were a part of this Secur,'ty InsUumeni.
<br /> t�hec!c applicable l�ox(rs)j
<br /> �:4djustable Rate Rider [�Condominium Rider
<br /> �Graduated Paytn�nt Rider ❑ 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> �Planned Unit Development ltider []Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �Bailoon Rider �Rate Improvement Itider
<br /> L�V.A. Rider L�- Second Home Rider
<br /> 0 Othcr(s)(specify)
<br /> 3Y SIGNING BFLOV�j. �R�,wer;KCepis and agrees to tht terms anci covenants con4unw in this Sectlri�� T��!:,�;��i and
<br /> in any rider{s)�xecueed by Borroweranci reror�ed W��;�_
<br /> VS'itnesses:
<br /> �`� - , �
<br /> ,• �-, �sea�>
<br /> G% JENIv LFER L MATHEWS -Bonower
<br /> -- _(Sea��
<br /> - -Bomower
<br /> --- —_(�1) _ (Seal)
<br /> ' -Borrower
<br /> -&>rrower
<br /> The foregoing irstrument was acknowledg�before me this 12TH C��nday of MAY
<br /> bY JENNIFEt L M!,?8E1S, AN ONMARAIED FERSON , 1 9 9 5 . I
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seai at GRAND I ST AND, TiEBRASKA in said Co �ty, the date aforesaid. �
<br /> �
<br /> My Comrr;ission Expires: , '
<br /> � GEN64Ai NOiAA1•Ststt 41 NeDr�slu N�'Pub:ic
<br /> �� RANQY 1.SAATHOFf �
<br /> 1ir Cam�.fsp.Alx.30.I99�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ➢
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br /> . Pave e o�d Form 3d28 9/90
<br /> � �] ,
<br /> �
<br />