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<br /> _ �5- i0�92 -- --
<br /> 17. Traris!'�r of the Property or a Beneficlat Anteresi in Borrower. If ali or ar.y part of the
<br /> is sol�or transfemed(or if a benefecial interest ir. ' ��or any interest in it
<br /> Borrower.s sold or:,ansferr�and Borrower is not a nai�,eral person)without
<br /> I,ender's vrio: written consern+, L,ender r,�ay, at ;;� option, require irnrsx�diate paymeat in full of all sums seeuced by this
<br /> Serurity Instrum�nt. However, zhis optian shal!n�t be c.xercised by L�d,rr�f eze,clse is prohib�t�d by �'�� �aa,as af tho date
<br /> of this St�r�ri?y I��tntmM±r, tPd
<br /> If Lender�xcrcises ihis option, I,ender stiall give�orrawer nocioc of accetetation. 'TFu r�ti�shall provide a periai of not
<br /> tess t4an 30 days from the �ate the notice is deliverai ar mailed within which �rrower must pay alt sums secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrument. [f Borrower fails to pay thPSt sums pri�r to the expiration of this period, I.ender may invoke any tr,tnt�ies
<br /> , permitt�l by this Security Ieut.�u:nent wiehout furthcr notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> � 18• Bart�ower's Rlght to R�Instate. £.' Borrowcr mcets cr�� conditions, Borr�wer sh�ll have tbe right to have
<br /> enforcement af this Security Insirument discontinued at any tim� prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such oth�r period as
<br /> aPP���h1e 1aw' may spec;ify fa�r reinstatemenq before sale of ihe Pra
<br /> Secucity Instrumenc; or(b)ez�Cry of a judgment enfarcing this Security yn�strume� Thost c�ndid-YS are that go,�W�r��. a� �is
<br /> Lender a�f sums which then wouPd be due under this Security Instr,�ment and ehe Noie as if no acreleration had c�ccvcredp(bJ
<br /> cures any defat�lt af a,:y ;�ther coven:�nts or agreements: (c) pays adl ex
<br /> including, but not limited t��, ma,�nabie attorne s' fe�; and d takes sv�etion��der ma�lnre sonab�urity Instrument,
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument Lender's ri hYs in ttte Pro y ) �u�re to assure
<br /> th�s SAcurity Ihstrument shall c�ntinue unchan ed. LT �� � BOnOW�r's obli�ation to pay the sutns secu;wi by
<br /> obligatiflns secureJ hereby shall rernain fuily effec ive as�no acce eraU�h�d��rHow�eve�ns ngnt to re nstate sF,all
<br /> . not apply in the case of acceleration under pa:agraph ;7,
<br /> 19• Sale ef Note; Change of I,o�c Ser��i�r, '£t� Note or a psrtial imerest in the Note �tagether with this Security
<br /> InsWment)may he sold one or more timos witho;�e�ric�r ratice to Borrev�er_ A sale may result in a change ir.the entity(known
<br /> as che "Laan Servicxr") that collects ;nonch�y paymez,ts dne under the Note and ihis Security Instrument. There also may be one
<br />� or��chan$e,s ut the Loart Servicer unrelated to a saic n{ihe Note. If therz is a change of the Loan Servicer, B�rrower will be
<br /> given�vritten nae;ce af the ct�ange in acrncdance with paragra�;h 14 a'nove and applicabk law. The natice will state ihe name and
<br />� :.dc+ress of the rrew L,oan SPry�cer and the address to whi:h paymwats sho�zld be made. T'I�e notice will alsa contain any other
<br /> inior�,ation requirec4 by applicah,le law.
<br /> 20• �azardous Substanc��s. Borrower s,'�all nc�t rause or perr�It the pre°.:nce, use, �isposal, storage, or rele�ee �f any
<br /> . Nazardous Substances un or i,� the Property. Borrower shall no€ do, nar a11ow anyon� else to do, arything affecting the
<br /> ProFerty that �s ;n violation o; any Environmental Law. 'I'he prececling two �ntences shal! not apply to the presence, ust, or
<br /> storagp on the Propert� of sm:ill quantities of Haa,ardous Subs.ances that ar� generaily rxaRnized to be appropria:e to nort*�a!
<br /> residential uses and to maintena,�ce of the Pmperty.
<br />; Borro�•er shall prorY�pNy give Lender w,*in�n r.otice of any investigation, claim, demanc_ law•suit or other action by ar.y
<br />:� governn�ental or reguiatory a�,ency or private party invoi•rir.g the P:operty and any Hazardous ;�;hscance or F.nvironmertal Law
<br />° of which Bonower nas actaal know;;,�g�. If w,rreswc.r ►ean�s, cr is notified b an
<br />+� any removal or other reeneclia�tion of any Hdzardaus�ubsa��e ar�ectin ��pro �y governme^tQ; or regulatory authority, that
<br />� ai� �ecessary remedia! actions i�acco.danc�,�.vith En��irc�rnental Liev,g • � y�S °��'' B°nower shall promptly take
<br />� As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Svbstances^ ,are those substanc�� defined as toxic �� hazardous subsiances by
<br />" Environmental Law and the fr�llowing substane;es: gasolir►�� kemsene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesiicides and herbicidc;, velatile solvents, materials rnntainin�asE�estos or formaldehydP, anc! radio�cYive materials. As used in
<br /> this para�raph 20, "Envirc.nmental Law" mears f�eral laws and ]aws of the jurisdiciion where the Property is tocated that
<br /> relate to health, safety or environmenfal protecti�n.
<br /> NON-lINIFORM COVENANTS. Bc�rrower and L,erxter further caverrant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies, I,ender shat! �ve notice ta Borrow�pri�zr to arceleratBon fol�owing Bornower's breach
<br /> of any covenant or agreement in this Serurity Instrument (but r�ot pr�Qr to acceieratton under para�raph �7 un�e�
<br /> appiicable taw provi�es otherk�ise), The notice shati s�ecify: (a) the eMfsult; (5) the action recpuired to cure the default;
<br /> (c) a date, rsot iess than 30.days f;cm t@�e date the r,otfce is g3ven to Bocro�ver; by which the de�anit mnst be cured; and
<br /> • � (dj thst failure tn c�re the default or. or before the aate speciQied in the notice may result in accrleration ot the sums
<br /> secured R;y thls Secuttity i[nstrument and sale ot the Prnp•_�rty, Thr_ notice shsil! further inform Borrower oE the rlght to
<br /> reinstate after aeceleration und the rig�i ta bring a rnurt action to asseR the non-existence of a default or any ota,er
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceltrution and ssle. If the default is not cureci on or betore the date specifled in the notice,
<br /> Lender, at its option, ma,� requlre immecliate paympnt in fuli of alt sums sect�red by this Stcurity Ittstrument withuut
<br /> fiurtber demand and ma invoke the �
<br /> entitled to collect all expen.ses incurred in pursu ng the remedles�rovt�ded n this itted �y �P21jclndvding �nder shsll be
<br /> to, reasonaE�le attorneys' 4'ees and costs of 4itle evidence. �g P + , but not[imited
<br /> If the pnwer of sale is involc�ed, Trustee sha11 re�ord a notice of defaalt in each county in whicl� any part of the
<br /> Pro�erty is located and shatl mai! copies of such notice in the manner prescribr,d by applicable !aw to Borrower and to
<br /> !hp other peexon4 prescribcd by appllcable law. At'ter the time requlred by applica�le law, Tn�st4e shall give pnbtic notic�e
<br /> of saie to the persons pnd In tt�e manner prescribed by appl�cable law. Tr.:stee, without demand on Borrower, shall sel!
<br /> the Property at �ublic auct±cn to the highest bidder at the time and place and under t:�e tenns designated in the notice of
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trvstee �etermines. Trustee may postQone ssile of al! or any parce! af t6e
<br /> Property by public annoimcement at the time and Iace of an S
<br /> �urch�tse t�e Propetty�t any sale. p Y P�viousl� scheduled sale. Lender or its designee Anay
<br /> Form 3028 9l90
<br /> Ppa 5 ot 8
<br /> �
<br />