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<br /> En ":t..,,. C!�n e�asan-zartc nindin,n P�lI9�l�iii:t N4L:�_(�[l(ItC WI'iJS:::@f llt��f}311 E:i�Lit'�5}1L I___---
<br />._� Q{tA:U�[:I llii�GUIIIIf�V1'fs:Ififl111C7i,n„^i�y�(jti�v�1sai+�t.+:: �`+'��'n+�'S�"•^^-'-�_ •. ; ' � '
<br /> du�r,t::���ay.xl�Cc,r,tc1 tL•is`ll�fs�.t A3c;:t�sl�aii►�cnY:t�n ia�torr�with 714u�tw:or Cai�n..torr.�yproFr_d3ng to E..11 tho�'rr�rtriy it i�cntirriy or la
<br /> pxreel�pl Q�e option of 7Yur�•to.at Es:i�lic unetion,tn tlic highcst 1�iddur and for aa�h.ttowe�:sr.tl�o�ver of SaPe[ic:�c[n Gon�eri'e.���czus� �Y J._.`.„
<br /> '; 'tl;ixtcc whail�ta2lw_:�exfe�:i�r.�1�Enti!'Eh�siee fil��iur record.�n tho off�ce of the��gister uf Dcetls oS each ccwnty in whleh the Pt+ng�erty ---.-
<br /> _� „ 1S 6llUili'.fjr 8 1�(121Cb U!I,JCipL'11i�liji:i�iir,�i�i�f�:C�7,G;,::.:.�S'.:t�Slo It2.^. I:'_`Tl?°_�of rr°.��fi�°1+l7�4iviitg Fh�ix+�k anii�a��v`1bCiC l�l�$"�fU:l �.•....
<br /> A�ed is recorAed.conuinir�g x doscrip�lon of the t't+opesty�stoting that a brnaaln Nd of 7lvstee's elcstian w se11 or cnuse¢n be spld that 6=-��
<br /> - Y�dO()C[iy IO SS�Il9Pyl ll:e obiigut�an,HRCt ttiQ IA�13t�O�IIOt ZCSS LIIdJI O11C ri1UIlt�l,'LYvstee shall giv�Notice uf Salo.aa pmvlded by Nebrnskti .��,____
<br /> - Onw. �.��_��`:.
<br /> Atter Nutice o4'Defiult and laps,,of not lr.ss thao ono ntonth,Trustc�ahall give wriiien notice of the t��ne and place of ssle,particuDariy ;P���
<br /> clescribing the Fr�aperty ta 6e soid by publication of that Not?oe,et least fice times,onca a week f�r fivo consecutive w�eeYce,�h�last �`,=rv
<br /> ' pubiication�au Ga rai least i4 da}rs 6u,not rnare th�.n 3fl e3ays pdos to t�e sa!e,in a newspaper huving a gencral circulxtlo�ia esch eaunty �,:
<br /> in which tho Property to be sold,is situat�d.Upon sale,7tustce shai!ex�cute and deliver a deed of conti�eyanre of the sold Proporty ro �x�:^
<br /> the purelu�ser or�urchssers of the Pro�ety.Any statem�nt or necital of€act fn tlut deed,in rt9ution tu the ewcrCtse of the Wuver of S�Ie =__-
<br /> - ar.d sofe of the sold Pmperty.including�itals conamin�a�y m�zilic�r>personal 8ellvery and p�ihiication of t�e Nafce of Dzfaolc arKl ��;P_
<br /> = any mniling,publica�ons and posting of a notice of sale,and the conduct of sale,shall eor.sl'siute prima facic evidr.nce of complianca �
<br /> with Nebrnska statu�s anct sonclusive cvidencs of such compltance,in fAVOr of borea fide purciiasers and encumbrancers for value and 1�;:�'�
<br /> without notice.The T�utUx's Uad shall operate to convcy to t�e purc n a s er,wi d�t d�h t o f r e d�e m p t i a n,7 Y u s t ce's H d e n n d a l l r i g h t. "':: -�
<br /> ua���,.;� t►Q�„i ei��os��ctnr,his sucecssors In leunst and of ull peisons claiming lry or throug�or under them.in and to the sold ��".-
<br /> property inctuding sll such ri�t►t,tide,interest and claim in aRd to that sold Pmperty a�aired by 1lrusror or lnis successors in imoe�s'r ;,:_
<br /> suiiscqvcnt to thc extctttion of'Itustea.IirusUee ohall xpply the pmceeds of sa1e,first,w the cost und expenses of ex+ercisiag thc pa�r ��,:
<br /> s of sslc.as w.�ll as the cast of salc.includjag payment of'ii ustee's fees actually incurred;and sccand.to payment of the unpaid ba➢ancG �;°
<br /> of tt�Actual Amount of Losn plus interest.and the 6�alancc. if any.to the rson or ersons Le all entitled hereta. � ��
<br /> p� P 8 Y �.,�., _
<br />=_' And'IYustc;e crncnants fatthfi�Uy to perfarm tha'Cn�st!harein createA.
<br /> = H'�NEFICIARY. from timc to time.r�:�subsUitute a suct.essur or successani to any 11Yustee nan�d herein or acting hereunder to `:;::
<br /> ex�cute powers ec�eated vnder tl�is T�u�2�,ked.Upon xppointm�nti nnd witliout can��.cyanoe to the suecessor Trustes.sueaessor'Iltistee ;��
<br /> = sha11 be��e�ced with�11 title,pcn�'ers,end du�es conferned upon aqy'Ikustee t►erein:r�un�ed or acdng hereunder.8ach such nppointr�aent
<br /> wnci subshmtion shall be made by written instrument und executed by Bene6ciary,�c�ntaining mference to this'lYust Deed end:ts place �`_;;:;
<br /> of nxosd,which.when ncorded iut the office of the Register of Deeds of 4he county or counties in which the Propetty Is sttuaud.shall ,'�'Y'.
<br />��� }w rra�„�usjxr_.mm�f t�f mnfler aFA�SIItIDCIIt&.'1d LI1C SIICCCSSOt�IYUStCF..'Y'he foregoing p�ower of substiiutian and the proced�therefor �.,:°
<br /> sht�il no4 bU�xc(nsive of tho pawcr and proccdure pnavided far oy n^tiv tor�e su'vsd�uii�i��;a z�us.�.:::,,:r�y��,�,�a�,;a�.�;u.0 � _ _
<br /> � Y1r�stce oi'fYustees nnme¢herein. ��
<br />:,., .. �,;,�,
<br /> If Tsusxors votuntarily s'hnal sel{ur convey the F�uperny,,an whale or in part, ar n�ny interest in the Property or�y same act or►neans ..4�,
<br />-� d'svat themselves of title to thc Pc+operty without obraini��g dae wa�ltten wnsent df Beneficiary, th�n Benefic3ary.at its opiion, muy ,_
<br />- declare the c;ntin;bala�ce of the toan plus interest on the 6alance nr►rn�diately due uad payable.lYi:s optian shall not apply if(1)tha sale �•ir.
<br />__= of the F�ropcity is pemiitbzd because the pucchas�r's creditworthiness 3s satisfactory to Bcnef cinn,�and(2)thrst�urchaser,prior to the ��Y,
<br /> _ sale,hns onecutCd a written assumption agneement containing tettns prescribed by Beneficiary,including,if required.an incnease in
<br /> -_ rhn Rate nf Chergc..
<br /> °` This Tcust l�eal sliall ba oonstrued acc�rding to the laws of the Stnte of Neb►aska. '"";'
<br />��
<br />_ Trustor rcqi�usts thut a copy of a��y Nodce of Defnult and of any nmdce of sale he�+eunder be mailed to'Itustor by�ertified mail at the
<br /> nddrtss�as followe: •���
<br />-�'� .�
<br /> -; -- —
<br /> ° Evitknce of such mai{ing shall constitute evidence of ceceipt of that Nodce. �
<br /> „ The waiver bv ltustoo or Beneflciqry of any default of 7tvstos under this 7tust Dea1 shall not be or be deemed to be a�vaiver of any , '�
<br /> other or s�milar dzfault�subsequendy r'eeurring.
<br />= This Ttust!)ecd shsll inw�e co and bind in heics.legatoas,devisees,admin�suntor�,execu�to�s,successo�s arid+3ssigns of th,u parties
<br /> _� �R.I4W. + --
<br /> - Whcnevcr 3fie cantext sn�r�quires, singular wvards hall l�e constrij��in t1►e plural nnd vicc vcrsa,and tAe masculinc geader shall be
<br /> _° constcutc�•Zp includc the feminin�and vIce versa.
<br />:,;.� 1N W�'fNF.�S ^REOF, Tivsto�s signed this Deed of 7tust on tche d� nnd yeax first abe wrimen.
<br /> ;,t � Witncss__��� "� • A(�
<br />_',:;y ,., 2 �/� �-- 'Ilustor •�,
<br /> W7IIICSS �e/+k+�rAa✓'-' ���--�
<br /> "'� '151istnr -
<br /> ��
<br /> w�
<br /> ...:,
<br /> 3E9 ..
<br /> N.b
<br /> 4�
<br /> 1� �
<br />- siai�vr'nr,�ivi�sv+ � -
<br /> / ) ss.: ACKL�O►�NLED(i!!�E(�'a'
<br /> COUN'iY OF_ ?'����-�-� )
<br /> ROD;�Y TI. BE�K5TRQM �d �
<br /> Before me.a Naxary&'ublic.qualaficd tr,�said county,person;�lly came—
<br /> ,�,mrrtt F_ AR�KS�TROZI, x�»�.� a�rm ��rrr ,knaum to nt�to b�,ttic identical personfs)�vha sip�asl the 4'or�eguin� � .
<br />_ inshume5�and ackno�++ted��d le�e�s i'son diereof tU be i�is,her op thcir��luntary act 3nd dc�.d.t�mess my hnnd and No�tr,al�ea!on
<br /> �_ , �J --
<br /> • GE�aER�IlNiAii�•SGtc el iJ�tCtu4� auY P�btic of iR.st�:ot t�cb:a�
<br /> u
<br /> uu�►�,n�xT�p
<br /> � �roo��a�ia�»a
<br />