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<br /> -- � WI'l'Ni?�tiEi'1'N:T�ts�t,'liruator.b y theso presams,docs grant,i�argefo and�ell.convcy�ndi confirsn wGh Prfivcr of Salo unto 7Yustee t1�e �_=-
<br />:=��i:�:���:� �ca1�isu�ctly,titcludi,e�r.11 bailQin�s,ijnpru J;,s»c��t�,aad fixtur�s of cv� lcistd naa or her�caftcr erested or�lr.cc�l vn Ui�r�n f prolr_rty �`'"`"
<br /> " � ���� �.UttStt}r,�ititid Gi IlCiiidSwii.
<br /> ----- (hrx�it;,r r�ierrod to cu t�c'i'roperty••)situatc in...�..,.__._______— ------- 6.=.--
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<br /> - °- I'ussession of the Property tiavIng now been deli�ered to'd4ustee: �' �..;
<br /> —_�_-� g}Cdi this bax is checked, this Rte�t Deed in eubject to a prior tmst deed dnted���1Z ,19.4�_, executed tr,� �.
<br /> -- .SS�N�_.AN� wTFr ,au trustor(s)to ;r;:
<br />_.�;-...�, �tOHER Z t�R�iERMAN .as tn�stee for h`ys;
<br /> =�u� the benetit of i�ENEFIC� MORTGAGE �0.. A N�BItASK� CORPORATIQN , as ueneficiury, - �
<br /> ________ securipg payment of a ptnaussory note in U�e principal amount af$�4..5.OD..D_Q— That prior trust deed was r+ecordctl on '
<br /> , 19._9[� with t2ie Re.corder of � _ �L _� Counry. Nebrnsku in Sook
<br />-;;�:� �__ N�_page N A INST. N0. 94-105227.
<br />:-.�:,,,�„ 'I1D HAVC AND'PO HOLD the same, with all rights.privileges and appurtenances to surh Property belonging unio Ttustee,und ���
<br /> --^ -- executor�,udnunistrntors,heirs,successors and assigns for'hvstee forCVer.And Trusror in this Tlrust Deed capmssly waives,r�lcases
<br />---� _--- and teiinquisnes unio �":vst�:,a11:ight.tiR�,claim,:niese°t,t�r,�fit r.ed sstate��:hat�ver,in n�ui to thr�„cmeny�vhich is eiven by ar __
<br />__=T_-��:�� xesults froin a1113+vs of the State of Nebraska pertainin�to the e�smption of homestead.And Tivswr cavnnrints with'Itusteo U�at hc will
<br /> =���-:� fo�+ever warrant and defent4 the titic to t�e Property egainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> n�� ..
<br /> IN TRUST H�01►EVER, for t�e purposes described, ns follaw�s: 'Ilustor on this daUe hus executed u promissory,�l�e or Iaan :'.,,
<br />- '-'�� Agreeynent(tteteafter"Agreement").which evic•'.er.ces n lofln in the Actua].�lmaum nf Loa�i of 512.:a.�.�.�45.--(hert�aftcr r�efemed �
<br /> 1�±�±� to as the"Princiqsr�"),together with interest on t�npaid balances of the Frincipt�]from Hrtee ro time ontsuu�d;ng at tlie Rate of Charge set
<br /> , - --- - forth in the Agreement,the Final Due Dute being� 05/17 ,2000 ,n�l of which is payable at ehe office of
<br />-_�-""�� BCIICfICASIy.
<br />..,�iA'.;j�;'�:' .
<br />..,.���..� In the eti�nt of the deaih of one of the TYustors,at the optcon of Benefcciary,the unpaid balance of the ActuN Amount of Loan.to�ether
<br /> �•�"�y_� ` wich ecciued'ente�esta immediut�ly may becoms due and payaale.
<br /> l�� Untii the filing af a'Nouice of Defaoli.7luswr s`hall:(1)pay ull present s�nd futurc ta.res and:�ssessment,v,�eneral and speciat ugainst
<br />����'t:)'l. . �
<br /> �" thc Property before the taxrs bccome delin�uent or ncrionable;(2)kecp all unprovements erected on the Froperty insurcd us may be
<br /> ' .`x n;z:,:n:s!from tiur�e to tlme by 8�rseficiary n�ainst loss by fice Arcd ather haz�lida,casualdes and conringencies,in such amounu and for
<br /> '-" �� suc,�;.�eriocls es at+e rcasonable an�may be m..quired by Beneficiary,misl to kecp nq policie�df such insutance in furec or efiFect upon the
<br /> ,:..•;,`�� ' Property wnstantiy:tssi�n.°,d und dclivcrcd eo Benefccinry,nnd(3)pay and comply with all the terms and conditions of nny lien,claim
<br />.. . . _J� _C�L:_T_._�T�J� �.1��. ..C��uL I'..�� �le
<br />-. . ..�_."_. �.. �_ __._�_.��� ���� �.�.
<br /> --.. ,� ...- Qt Ii1Q�ICiII1C5S iIi7T i[IIy OG scltlVl tV tsi 7wtc�ncn.utctri.c w wts r�aas aicvu w auvn an nn�ow�a Era�nr.u�.a�i..::...o.................:.^•S� ._.-.�,
<br /> ..",� indebtedncss shzl[becorae du�.Upon failum of'itustor to keep ony a��eme�zs made in this 7lvst 17eed,8eneficiary may pay accnfed
<br /> � '�;:i '� taxes und insur�nce premiums or pay off ,any lieas or c1cu�L� oe indeb.edness, ns the case mny be. The money so ea�mdod 0y
<br /> Beneficiary for U�is putpnse shall Qear intere.5t nt the Rnie of Cttar�e and sltal!be secured by this Tivst DEed.7tustor agrces to r�epay tC�r,
<br /> - ,� snme ugon d,mand. Upore fu.lune sa eo do, the�oan immediately shail became due and p�yablv.at the optian of Hcr.eficiary.'[tiustor
<br />•-t""���' � � specifically confers upon'Itustee that I�•er of 5ale us pcovided in Nebrasku law.tand sMll tetain possession of the Froperty un�coilect
<br /> � tfie rcnts nnd revenues therefrom until filing of such Natice.
<br /> ' '"' " 'rivstor�will pa}r und kecp curcant the monthly insta�ments on tho prinr trust deecl artd ro pncvcnt nny default thereunder. 'rivstur�
<br /> ^ furtrcr ag�c that shauld any default be m�de in dic paymen¢of�y instalments of princip:�ar aoy interrst on�he prior nvst dced,or
<br /> , " shou2d nny suit bc comntenced oe oUtcr action taken to fo�ciose the prio�t�ust dced,�hen die amount secn�cl by this'Itust Qecd shall
<br />--�«�',,��'.'•' become cwd bo due a►ui paya6le in full nt any tim�the�eafter. at the optian of Benefrciary an in nccondance with the Ag:c;ement.
<br /> .�=m,'�+,�`�. ^ fiencfeciary,at its option,tnay pay the scheduled monthIy instaLuents or_the prior tnist decd anJ.to th�cxtent of t1►e amount so paid,
<br /> "` •% � t�ccome subro�ated to thc rigt►�s of the beneficiaty identified in the prior tcust deed.All payments made by Heneficiary on the loan ,
<br /> • • sccurcd by ti�e{�riur trust d+,cd sh;tll be,r intet+�st�t thc Itate ef char�a untEl paid in full.
<br /> � C'or 4 NE 13-15.Ecl.hiyy'91 I
<br /> . .. ,
<br /> I
<br />