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<br /> ---- 5. Diazar� oi� ihrope�ty Insurat�c�e. IIorrow�r shali kcep tlie improvementg now existing or I�ere.�f�er erected an ti�o
<br /> ..._:___:%��""� Property insurcd AIIAin:�t los,by Gj•e, h.�szr�rds includcd�vithin Nte tern� "extended covcr;.�e" and eaiy nther li��:trds. inclndinr; ,,,�..�.:
<br /> ...
<br /> _ ' _
<br /> (loods or floalin�,fur wl�ich I.ender r..quires insurance.�`his lnsur�nce shall tse►nnintained in thr•nmount�unJ�'ui��i�a��ia:� _-
<br /> —___—_ that Lcndcr rcquires. Thc insumnce ct►rrier pravi�ing the insm�ance sl�all be chosen by Bonower subject to Lender'c appYOVaI
<br /> _� �vhich si��li not be unreasonabfy Evithheld. If Don�o�ver fnils to maintaiai covernge dcscribed nbove, I�nder m,iy,nt�ndcr's _
<br /> -- _ option,obtain cavem�e to prot�ct L.cnder's riglits in ihe Praperty in accordancc:wlth paragraph 7.
<br /> === All ins�u•�nce policies und renewals shall be Acc,�ptable t� Lender and shall include A standarJ mortgage clause. l.ende�r
<br /> _ -�,;.9 s13a11 hava the ri�ht to hold the policles:u�d renewals.If Lend�r requims.Ho:rower shall pro;ngtty give to�.endcr all rccei�ats of f
<br /> - -- paid premiums arxl renewal uottczs.in the event of loss,Bonower shall�ivo prompt notice to the insurance currier and Ixndei•.
<br /> "" Lender�na}�make pronf ot ivs9 ii�iut m�de promp2ly by I3orrower.
<br /> -
<br />