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<br /> '�,.,� rai�l�:;tur;,no�v o�'IICi'C�1gICT A��14 OF lI1L'(Tl"Ojri:�ij. /1U ieplccemenis nnd ndditians sha11 .dsc�b;covci•cd t�y tdiis S�cen�ity '- :
<br />' :-"�� �n�itttuacni. ni:y�:�2°f�raa°f�in�in mEcrred tu in tl�is Sccurity�115ULille�lt na I�L."P�������� k.
<br />��.lv_;...�r
<br />- -• BI�Rl�01V�Ct COVLNl�IV'F'3 il�nt�orrowcr is l;��vfully seiscd�of t}ic cstnt�hcecby convcycd n�zd t�as thu ri�l�t to t�r,afit L.,_,�
<br /> __.,�.t,,� and cnnvey die Properry and that tNe Pcoperty is unencu►n4x;red.excs�pt fur encurnbrnnces of record. Horro�vcr warrants ancl `_� -
<br /> _- ���ill defend�rn�rnity the te�te to the PKO�.rty anainst all clalns ancl deninnds,su�ject to nny ene►im�ra�u�s af record. u��,
<br /> �.:,�-
<br /> T'rpS 5FCUIdITY I:VS7'RUMENT combines unifa�rn covensntb for national use Hnd non-unifam� covenants with
<br /> limitc�l.va�iations by judsdictian to cnnstitute a uniform securiry instrument covcr�ng r�e11 Nroperty. -
<br /> -�� UNIFORIva COVENAN3'S. Boctruwer ana Lender covenant nnd ugrce as follotivs: _ -
<br /> _ l. Puyment�f Prdncipal�nd Inierest;�'repayment and Lute Chargea. Boaower shnli pramptPy pay whan duc the —
<br /> - principal of and interest an tl�e debt evidenced by the Note and any prepuyment nnd late charges due under the Note.
<br /> Z, i4tnds�'or'(bxes and Insu�a�ce. Subject to applicablc!aw or to u�vritien wuiver by l.,�nder,Borrawer st�all Pe�rl
<br /> L,cnder on the d.1y monthly paymcnts are due under the Note,until Q�c Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(aj y � y �
<br /> � taxcs and nssessments which may attain priarity over this Sccieriry Instrument as 1 lierr on d�e Pro�x:ny:(b}yearty lcasehol� 4
<br /> payments or gruund rents oo che Property, if any: (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yeurly flocxl
<br /> -- '= insumnce prcmiums, if any; (e) yearly mongage insurance premiums, if 1ny; and (� any sums payable by Aorrowcr to
<br /> --- Lender,in accord;uice with the provisions of pusagraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage incurance premiums. These
<br /> items are called"Escrow ltems•." Lender may,aY any time,collect and hold A'unds in an amount not tn exceed the maximum
<br /> amoun¢a lender for a federntly related mortgnge loan may recluire for Borrowet's escrow nccount under the fcdcral Real
<br />--- --= Estate Settlement Froced��n��Act af 1974 as amenried from rime to cime,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless unother
<br /> lav�that applies to the�nds sets a lesser amount. If so,L.ender may.at any time.collect and hold Funds in an amount nut w �-�
<br /> exceed th:, lesser.�rr�►ount. Lender may estimate the umount of Funds due on the basis of current dlta nnd reasonable
<br /> estimates of exgenditutes of futuse Fscrow Itcros or oiherwise ir+accordance with npplicable law. • �r f•.t
<br />..`;;� i�'�1a �utids slia11 i�e held n�nn institution whose depaslts era insured by a fede�til agency, instrumentcslity, �r en�iiy ¢ �_
<br />_;,- � (incl�acfin�,Lender,if Lender is such An institurion)or in any 3'�rderal Hame L.oan Sank. 9.:ender shall apply tlie Flsnds 3o pny �
<br />--- the�scrow items. :C,�nder may not charge Borrow�er far hol�iang and npp�ying the �'unds,ani�urAly ana1yzing the csc7a�v �___
<br /> - raccount,or vesaffyin4 the Escrow Items, untess Lender pays Barrower intereat on the �nds an+� �;u,plicable law permits __-
<br /> _ . Lender to �nako such n charge. However,Lender may require Sorrower to p�3r a one-time charge�or an indepenc�erit real =,,
<br /> ° estate tax reportin;service used by l,ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable la�v provides oth�rwise. Unles9•an F_,_,�
<br /> � agrcement is made or applicuble law requires interest.to be raicl,[.ender shall not be required to pay Bonower any interest or _- _
<br /> = ea�nings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid an the Funds. Lender c
<br /> - shall give to norrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the F'unds,shawing credits nnd debits to the Funds und the _
<br /> _-- - pi¢pusc[or wnici,cuci�i u'c�it io iltV aCII��s�as mads. Tf2e Pit.nd°9i?¢�e�grrl ag n�lditi�nal secttrity foi all SWris SCCUCCd by
<br /> � this Security Instrumcnt. °-
<br />__�p if the Funds hcld by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicaNle {aw, Lender shaU uccount to __
<br /> Borrower far the excess Funds in accordnnce with the reyuirements af npplicaUle fa�v. If the nmuunt of the�"unds held by -�;
<br /> �`" [.cnder nt uny time is not sufficicnt to pay thc Escrow ltans w hcn due,Len dcr may so n o t i f y Borrowcr in writin g,mid.In �,.-
<br /> -�•��. such ense t�orrower sha91 pay to L�ndec the nmount necessary tu make up the deficiency. Doreower shaU make up the ,�,L_._
<br /> -- deficlency in no more than twel�e manthly payments.nt I.cnder�sole discretian.
<br />----- Upon paymcnt in full of ull bums sccu��cd by thfs Sccurity lnspumcm,Lcndcr shall pmmptly r�fu�d to BoRmver any �A
<br /> - Fm�ds Itctd by l,ender. if,under paragr�ph 21,L.ender shnU cicquire or sell the Praperry,Lender,prior to the acquisition or �.;_
<br /> -__ — snlc�f thc Piolxjiy,shaU .�pply any Fattd.°.held by Lender at Uic time of ucqt�isiti�n or snle as a crcdit ugainst thc sums �;:.-
<br /> - secured by this Securiry Instrume�u. �°c'--.
<br /> 3. AppLicutton of Fayments. I.�nless applicable Inw provides oihenvise, all payments receiveci by Lender under �_,.
<br /> p�graphs 1 nnd 2 sliall be npplicd:Crst,to any prepayment chargcs due�mder the Note;second,ta amounts payuble under �r�;
<br /> �.
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to intcrest due;fourti�,to principal duc;and last,to:uiy lt�te charges due under the Note. �.=;-
<br /> ����� 4. Charges; Liens. Bonowcr shall pay ull taxes,assessments, char�es, fines and impositions attribut�ble to the ���--
<br /> --_� Propr:�ty which may atttin priority over this Security Instrument,s�nd leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower �rn-
<br /> T-°-� shnll pay these cbligations in the mzuuier provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr,Borrower shal!pay them on ,r•:
<br /> --� time directly to the per�on owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish ro Lender all nat(ces of amounts to be paid under .��'
<br />-, - this paragraph. If Boao�ver r►takes chese payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furn[sh to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> __-- the payments.
<br /> -� IIorrower shall prum�uy dtsch:irge uny licn wtrirh has priority over d�is Security Instrument unless Bormwer:(a)a�rees
<br />- - in wriring to the paymec►t of the obligatioM secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in goocl faith th� ..
<br />--- = ii�n�y,�i������s�fi�:��:��foscemen!of the!'sen En.lega!p*MPP�inos�vhich in the Lender�s opinion operate to prevent the __
<br /> �-_� f
<br /> -��=��� enforeement of lhe lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement saUsfactory to Lender subordinaung the lien
<br /> ;_�s�:�
<br />- ��,.� to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that 1ny pa�t of the Pcuperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br />-----_= over this Security Instrument,L.ender may give Borrower n notice identifying the lien. Borrower shull satisfy the lien or take
<br /> -_ �..:� one or more of t}ie acaons set forth above wid»n 10 days nf the giving of nouce.
<br />��� S. �Iazard or Property Insurance. Botrower shall kecp the improvements now existing on c�reaftcr erectu!on the
<br /> _ _ - Property insnned ngainst toss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and�ny other hazards.including
<br /> °�� floods or flaoding, for which Lender requires insur,utce. 'i'hIs insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> _�'4?!_� Fbrm 3U28 9/9U (poge 2 oj6 pages) '„
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