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' ..' __.'_'. ..'—_ _."_ _ _..- - .-,� __r.__,r� _ • __-_."__�--• <br /> -._ ... � --T •- <br /> ..-� �, .� .. . , . -' . _ . . . � . <br /> � .. <br /> ,�J- e.�`� .�,�:��w#CI . �=---= <br /> '"_ _ � T: - <br /> condenuiation or c�ther tnkin5 of aiiy p:txt of tho lFru�e►ty.o�fnr convcyr�tm in IiCU ef corcdcmnutian,sirc hereby a�sip�icc�and �� <br /> sli�II itv�1:iid to I.en�tcr. <br /> fn thc c:ve��t ui u totc�i taF�u� uf'ti�;: IT:n�:��7y. tl:c prcrc�ds �ft;+.l{ i�� np.eer.ct tn �lie �:u�na scGUrcP by iids 5cc�tjity �:�;% <br /> Instnimc��t,wi:e�her ar not tt�cn duc,with nny excess pald to po:ra�ver. lii Ihe cvent of n partial tnking of ti�c Property in <br /> wi�icli Ihc fair niarkct value of th�:PraJxrly immcdiatcly bcforc tAe tnking is cqual to or breatCr ihan the arnomiiR of►ha�;ums � <br /> sc�ursd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt immcdiatcly Ircfore ehc inkin�, DorroNCr mtd[.endcr othcrwis�;nbrce i�i+vriting, <br /> ft�e sums sccured by this Security Instnuttent shxU be rcrluccd Uy the mm�unt of the proceed�multiplir.d by �ise fnllowing <br /> fractiisn: (n)Wc tot�l amount of ti�e s�a�ns sect�red immodintely bcfara the takin�.dividcd Uy(b)the fair mar�cc:valuc�f�hc <br /> Property nniried��tely bcfnr�the taking. Any balancc shull tH: paid to [3on'owcr. In thc cvent of a pnctial �.1lceng nf the <br /> Property in which the fair mark�t vutu�uf tl►e Pioperty immcdi�tcly hefare tl�e takisig is less than i��r.amount of Qic sums __ , <br /> securzd immcdiately before the taking; unless Bo�rowcr annd Lendcr ott�crwise n�ee i� writing oe untcss agplicnUte law <br /> odienvisc provides,tiu:prasceds shall be nppli�d to the sums scsured hy�his Security Instn►meju whcthee a;nai the s�mis are <br /> thcn duc. <br /> If the Prope�Ky is nbandoned by Bono��er,or if,after notic��y I..endcr to Borrower thnt the condemnor offers to make <br /> un award or settle a claim for damages,l3orrower fails to respond to d.encier tvtthin 30 days after titc da.te the�tice is given, <br /> Lender is auihorized to collect and apply th�proceeds,at its opucm,ehher to restoration or repair of the Property or tp the <br /> sums securai by this�ecurity InsUUment,whether or not then due. - <br /> Unless �,ender and Bonowcr atherwise ngree in writing,nny applicntion of prosceds to prinoi�al shall :�o�e:.�t�=—�3 c; <br /> postpone the due date of Aie monthly payments refe�red to in pazngrsphs 1 and 2 or cliange the amount of such payments. <br /> 11. Dorruwcr Not Reteased; Forbea��ance 13y Le�der Nat u Waivcr. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> modification of amoniza[ion of the sums securerl by this Securiry Inshvment granted t�y Lender to nny succes�or in <br /> uf Borrawer shal! not��Cr:�►e tn release the liability of che original Botrower or I�orrower's succ,�5sors in inEcr�st L�:nder �,.z: <br /> shall noi bc �equired to commence proceedin�s agaius¢nny successor in inter�est o�refuse to extend time for pa�mcnl w• . ,����-;�' <br /> otherwise mc,caify amnrtization of the sums Fecured by this Security Instrument by reason of any tiomnnd madc by the originaQ, �__ <br /> or ��lasrc>wez's sue.ccssors in intc�est. Any forbe�+rance by Lender in exercising�ny:rlgh��or rPmedy shall nat be n �' <br /> waiver of or�reclude the exPn;ise of any ri€ht nr rcmedy. :.�.. <br /> 12. Su�c�ssvo�a and�sslgas Bound;Joint and SeveraD Lta6il►ty:Co-slgncrs. The covanAnts wnd agreements of this <br /> Security Ina3�rument shall bind and Ix:nefit the successars and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subjrct.ta th� prdyisions of, <br />• para��aph 1�7.Bon•ower� covenants artd.agreemr.nts shAtl be joint and several.Any Bonower whG co-signs lhis Secnrity <br /> ir.;rrarr,,.�;,�;;.si.�n�s:x°.^uie sl2P A?�,r�� ra�i�co-ci�mine this Security Instrument anly to mortgAgo.grant and convcy thm <br /> Borrowcr�s inten;st in the Property under the terms of this Securiry insuumeni; �oj is nui pc►SGi�ailj�uG;ibss�t�pfl;thc����ns _- <br /> secured by this Security Insmiment;nnd(c)u�rees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear � <br /> or make a�iy accommodarions with regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or the Note withaut that t3orrower's <br /> consent. <br /> 13. Laan Chnrges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a lt+w which sets maxim�m loan <br /> char�es.and that law Es finally incerpreted su[hat the interest or other laan cliarges collected oc to�e collected in conneceion <br /> with the lean exceetl ti�e permitted lfmits,ttien: (o)nny suci►loan charge sl�nll be�:duced by the amaunt neeessary to re:duce <br /> the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums nlready callect�d from Uom��ve�whicl�exceeded�oermttted limi4g w111 ix: <br /> refuiided to florrowcr. Lcndcr may choose to malce this refun�i by rcducing thc principal owed undcr the Note or by m�kinf3 a <br /> dimct payment to Borrower. If a�fund reduces principal,the rcduction will be tn:a[ed�u a pr�7ia1�Srcpaymcr.t ti�ithcut sn, —_ <br />- prepayment charge andcr tiic Notc. — <br /> 14. Not(ces. Any natiee to Bon•ower provided for in this Security instrument shull be given by delivering it or by _ <br /> mailing it by tirst class mail unless Applicable law requires use of another rnethod.The notice shall be directed to thc Property __ <br /> Address or any other address Horro���cr designates by notice to Lendcr. Any noticc to l.ender shall be given by first class _ <br /> mail to Lcndcr's address stated herein or nny other address�.ender designates by notice to Borrowe:. Any notice provided for __ <br /> in this Security Instiument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I..ender when given as providcd in this <br /> paragraph. ---- <br /> 15. Gevcrning;Severab9lity. This Securiry Instrument shall be �overned by federal luw and thc law of the <br />- jurisdictian in which the Qroperty is locflteti. In the event that any provision or clause of this Sece�rity Instn►ment or the Note _ <br /> canfiicts wieh applicab(e taw,such conflict shall not�ffect other provisions of tliis Security instrument or the IVote+vhich can ,�' <br /> be given cf:ect without the conflicting provisiun. To t!►is enJ the provisiuns of this Security Inswment and the Notc are <br /> declared�o mc seecraoir. � <br /> 16. at�rro�ver'S Copy. Borrower shall be given one confonned copy of the Note and of this Security Inswment. <br /> 17. 'IransYv,r of the Property or a Benef iciaf Interest In Borrower. If all or any part of the Property ar any interest in <br />= it is sotd or transferred(or if a bc:neficial interest in Boaower is sold or transfemed and Borrovrer is not a natural pe�son) ,t <br />- without Lcrsder�s prior tivritten consent,Lender may,at its option,reyuire immcdiate payment in full of all sums scc�r+ed by <br />- this Security Instrument. Hotivever,this option shall nat be exercised by Lender if�xe�ise is pmhibited by fecleral faw as of <br />= thc date of this Sccurity Instrnment. ' .: <br />= If Lender exercises this opuon.Lend�cr shall give Horrower notice of accelemtion. The notice sha[l provide a period of <br />_ uat tess than 30 days from thc date thu notice is delivcred or maiied within which BoYrower must pay all sums secured by this __ <br />_ „ Security Instrument. If�orrowcr fails to pay thesc sums prior to ihc exPiration of this period, Lendcr may invakc any <br /> i�emcdies permitted by this Securit,y Instmment without furthcr noeicc or dcmund on�orrowcr. <br /> 18. Borrowe�'s RigFit Qo Reit�state. df Bonower meets certain conditions. Borrower shnll have the right to liave • <br /> � enforeement of titis Security insmiment discontinued at any time prior to the e:rlier of: (a)5 dnys(or such other pesiod as ... <br />= Sin�le F�vnily--Gannfc MocJtreddic M1tus UNIFORIII LNST[{UMfENT--Unilorm Covenanq 4/90 fpnge 4 oj6 pnges) <br /> " _-- ! ... ._+F:�.._.. �_ . '_. "r- ' ... .. '? �-'�T'f'.�i•%:,'�"�''T."'���—�,-'"'_ .�.._^ .__.--• .. •---.�, _ <br />.ti- . :.c � ., , <br /> .�:. .. i'A,. ' • ,,'�.�, '' , .,- " . <br />'_ . .:�1't:�!,l'!. . � "•� �i :����:5'i/a�:- „ �.:i:'. .. - . , <br /> �". _ . . .. .. • f�•:{�' � .. .'i'=,�;. <br /> - . . . . .. . . . .1 / r, - <br /> .. - A�,�.t . . .. . . � <br /> F �:1. .. • . . .� ��I. . . .. .11.�. r' !. <br /> , . . .. .. . . . �.�1� .. _" .. <br /> ' '. � 1. .... <br /> .�� <br />--� '.�Li- 1 �/' . . .. . , <br /> . :.r... . ... . _.. .. <br /> �..'.... .. ... - ;'.. . . .. .. . . : <br /> • . • �.':. <br /> %�i . ,. . � , . , . .. 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