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<br /> _ l�i:iII3'R W��jel(11I tr�)fiil,�iiGti:iTi���S3��W�T 17�1't':7it:r i'��:�u:n.ii�w sili;Er.::iy.s•'r,+�,e c:.ic:e,;.'-,�t,—a�.-:»T,:��; -_
<br /> -' ti:<tt:rcr� nc;w ar Ir•.:i�eaftci� s� plit t�f�ili•� jrrukn;dy. Ail �c�ta:c•r.ieuts a��Q u�iu�tlt�n� e,i�;�(l ,'.'�.iii i�;, �t,�;cic,'< ',�� tl:i�; Sc..;:i:;
<br /> _ lusm�mcnt. All�f th�fm•�;�;nin�l.rrcfcrrcd to imthFti St�;iuity InQ�nirreent a�tT�c"f�r�ti�xrty." ••
<br /> (u'.vr•,.py••ni•(SFfura•rfe�"M:.�tWil!'YO?..�r�.. ��,�..Cde;j��aj�.,�pl'�hepqna•� ���lltki}tCU119fPr:�C+i�:IZ)::s:lZ::. .�.�iti[•J'.�.iil:::ili� --_
<br /> v.........�:.... .., i,
<br /> convef the Y'roperty nnti that the Propert,y is uix�tcumberett,exce�t for encumbrances of retord. &�rrc►wor wxrra»tu�uid will
<br /> . d�feud ge,icrally fhe titic to the P:oixny.against nll claims and dem�ncl9,sul�jeet t�any cncumb��uccs or"recu�'d.
<br /> `L'H1.5 SE�URI'TY INSZRUM�NT combii�e.s uniform covenaots foF natim�l asc nnd nnn-un9foriii covcnantti with ii�nitzi!
<br />- vmriations by Jurisdiction to aunstitute a unifunru sccurity in,tnm�erd co�rcring reat prorerty. � '
<br /> UNIFORM!C(aVt?NANTS:Borrav+cr and l..cndcr covcnant and a�r,e as foflowc: -
<br /> , �. Pz•S�rr.e.�2 e�PrZu�EFQ!e�?�l�t?2^_!'e5ty Pt'n_t9y!�!lCitt An�'1 I,nRe Clrurg�. 13orro�vcr sit:ill pro�n�tly �iay w�icn duc N�e
<br /> principal of mxi intcrasti,on the de�t evidcncul by thc Nutc and n9iy prepaynnent und latc chargcs due uniler t1�e��Nnt�.
<br />- �. Cu�id.v ior Taxev and Insurancc. Sabjoc[ to nnplicable law or to a���ri;ten vvaiver by Lc:uder,.Bor�ower�:hall pay to .
<br /> I,cu�er on the day�nonthly payn�ents arc due:undr.r tlie Notc,until th�Notc is�aid in full,:�sum('Tunds")fur:(;1�VC.1K�Y I�JCCS
<br /> a�d nssessntents which may attuin priority ovcr this 5ec:ur{ty Ins2�ument us n licn on tlic�rop�rty;(b)ycarly lelscl�old paynxnts
<br /> or grow�d rents an tiie Yinperty,if uny;(c)ye.arly hazar�l or proper�y insuranc�prcmiums;fd)yc�dy flood insur�tue prcrr:iu:I75,
<br /> if any; (c)ycarty mortgage insuc.�tnce premiums,if any;:md(t) a��y sums payable by Barcower to Irndcr, �n sceordance with
<br /> - tho pruvisions of p:►ragrapfi 8,in lieu of the paymcnt oi mortgabe lu�ura�i�j;�cc��iu�s.These itcros r,.��11cd"Esc:ae:::e:r=."
<br /> i.ender may,ut ony time. collcct and hot�Funds in an atnoun�noc to exceed thc niaximum am�unt a lencicr for a fe�cr�lly
<br /> retated mortgage loan ma�� m,quire for Betsower's escrow acooi+nt undrr the federal Rc:il Estate Settlem�nt Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amcnded from timc to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2GOl.ct seq_ ("RESPA"), unlcss anothcr law d�at�pplics to th�Funds
<br />_- sets� iesser amount. Tf so, L�:r.xtcr n;ay, ut uny t�rnc, col�rc:��td h�ld Funds in an n!!?o��nt nnt tn exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lendcr may estimate the amoufit of Nuads due an the nasi�.af currcnt data and teasonable estim�ey of cxpenditures of futx�ra
<br /> Escrow Items or othcrwise in a¢cordance with applicable law.
<br />� The Funds shall be lield in an institution whose deposets nre ins►ved by a fedcra! agency. insttumentality, or cntity _
<br /> (including L.enrlcr,if Lender 3s such an iastitueion) ar in nny Fccieral Home Losn Bank. L,ender shall apply thcs Punds to pay thc
<br /> -- Esciaw Items. L.ender may not r.hargc Borrower for holdin�und applying the Funds,annually ana�yzing �he c;scro�v uccount. or _
<br /> � verifyin�thP E�crow Items,unle.ss Lender pays 6orrower interest an the Funds and applicable iaw permits Lender to makc such
<br />- S Cff�C. �'.IItil�JSC. I.:.rsrr r.«y SL'tj'�tt•��!n�..'.rt� iii Ynv S C�iic-2i�i: C�Saiiu fr.r ut ir�3c�xd°vii��°!�G:�.°.�S.°..�.f�.*':T�lIIo ca,�yi�Q _
<br />>"?�• used hy L.�nder in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. ilnless �n agreem;nt is made or
<br /> - � applicable law rcquirs interest to be paid,Lc,:ndcr shall not bc rcquirecf to pay Dorrower any interese or�eamings on the Funds.
<br /> � �arrp�ver and Lender may agrce in writing,hov�ever, that.interest sh�ll be paid on the Funds. L,cncler•shall give to Donowcr.
<br /> witho.ut charge. ati annual accounNng of the �unds,showing credits and debits to the Eunds �nd ihe purpose for which each
<br /> debit ss�the l�unds tvas made.T'he 3�unds are pledged as additianal�tcurity for alt sums secanred by diis Security Inst�nment. _
<br />- tf the Funds�ield by Lendcr exceetl thc amounts pe�mitCed to be lteld by applicable la�v, Lcrufer shall account to�iorrowcr
<br /> - for the excess Funds in accordance with the re�uirements nf applicable law. If the nmount of the Funcls held by Lender at any �
<br /> '° time is uor s�fficient co pay the Escrow[tenu when due,Lender mny so notity Borxo�ver in writing.and.in such case Dorrower _
<br />-= shait pay to l.ender thc amount necessary to make up the deficiency.Borrower shull maice up the deGciency in no more than _—
<br />_
<br />