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<br /> ------�..'- Ix:�xler's ��rinr wiittcn cs,n�ut. �nilec roay, ut it, opEiuu, c�c{nir:; i�,��r;diute p:�yu�.�.tt iu fu11 of ai! �:w���; �:�.tA�.�l F•,y s��i� •
<br />-__-_ —u,:.,.,:j 8c,:m;ry i�r<hu!!,cr!. F1iiw�vL�',1D9i�uptinn shall u��t f�e cxcrci�ccl by T.er�cicr if�;�crci�is��n,h�ilsitcrl hy fetlera4iuw u.i of ilh;dAt� --_
<br /> _ _ ...
<br /> �—= i
<br />.. ..--- --� ' (�l{ttt'�a�a.!lll�y f11�{�i1li.viiT. `�-- -------
<br /> �� If l.e�xler excrc:ises tiiis option, I.e�idor shull�evc E3urrawer nofice���aceeleration.'I�ie nr.Uce sha�i_pmvicie u�jx���r������ri —
<br /> less than 3(i days frum the clatc Ilic ncitice is dclivcreci c�r mailcd within ��hich Rorrower rn�.cse puy all sum.e s.a.;uro3 b9'this
<br /> � -�7�� S�CUI'lly IIISI(ilf11CRI. lf I3on•«wcr f�fi�ta p�y thcsc�ums Z�rinr tt�thc cxE�irution oi'this perial. i.crNlcr�e�ay invoke an�r rcmr,�iies
<br /> pr.rmitteA by this Security InStrutc�ent without furiher eotice Ar demar+<t on 13irrrowcr.
<br /> 18. }3nrrower's Kig'tit ta Reinstate. If i�rrowcr mcGU ccrain cafidieia�s, �arcawer shal; havc the'right to have _
<br /> enEureemc3ri uf this Security Gtstrumert diseun[inucci at any ti�ite prior to the eartier of: (:�)S duys Qor ss�ch s�ther perioci .iti
<br /> -- -- ° itwplicablc {aw may s�.:cify for reii�.stutemcncl hefnre sa4e of the PraC�r+�[y pursuant to any puw•er of s:i!e cnntaincd in ttii5
<br /> — Sccurity Instrun�ent;or(�)entry of a jud�ment enforcins this Sec�rity Instrun�ctt:. Tltose.conditiony nrc that i'soreow�r:(�i)E�a,rs
<br /> L.erKicr all sums which Uie�3 wotilct be clue wxier this Srcurity Instrument and din Nate as i.f no uceeleration t�sxi �eurrecf; (b}
<br /> curr.r any defaalt af any othes covenants or agrc;.ments; (c)p�ys all cxpeoises incnrred in enforcing Eliis Security Instivine�►t,
<br /> - ir�cladine, but not Ei►nitcd to,rcasonablc attorneys' fccs; and(d)takes such ar.tiof�as Lcr•cicr may nasonably requirc t��assurc
<br /> that thc tien of Shis Sccurity (nstFUment, L.endcr's rights in ehc Properiy and 23orrowcr's oblig�tia�to pay tbc suzizs secura9 by
<br /> thi� Secu*ity Instrument �hall continue unclutngeci. Upon reinstatement by Tiorrotiver, this �ccuniy Instrument ar,d the
<br /> obligations u.curr,d 9icreby shall remain fully effixti��e as if na acceleration had accurrecl.Huwcver, �{�is raght tn rcinstate shall
<br /> --- - nat aFpiy in the case oi aca;tc�aitu���i��c�ps�a .N !s 17.
<br /> - 19. Sale of Note; Ctrange of l.oaai Servicer. The Nute or n�aniul interest in the Natc (together witli this Sccurity
<br /> Instrurnentj may be sold one or morc times�vithout prior uotice to Borrower. A sale may result in a chuuge in the entity(known
<br /> '°v"'""`""" `�' us the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments duc under thc Note vid this Sccurity Instru�ncnt.Tltcre also may be o�te.
<br /> - -�=��, ur niore changcs of th�1_osh Ser�icer unrela?ed tn a��ie nf dte Note.If there is a cliangc of the Loan Servic�r, Borro�ver wilf be
<br /> —_�_:;�,�, �icece writteii notice of the change in accordanee�vith paragraph l4 above n�id applicable law. 'Che no�icv will suite the namc anci �
<br /> "�'`"�' �iddress of die new Loan Scrvicer and the.ddrLss tu�vhich paymcnts sliould be made. The notice will also con[ain aoy aEfier
<br /> �� - information required by applicable lativ.
<br /> � 10. Hazurdous SuU�tai�ccs. Borrower sliaU not cause or pennit the pmsence, u.c,disposal, stor�ge, or rcic�sc of any
<br /> `�" H�aardous Substances on or in die Property. Borrower shall not do. rzor allow dny�ne else m do, anything affecting the
<br /> --__- Pro�e�ty that is in violation of any Environmcntal La�v. Thc precEdirrg two sencences shall �ot apply to the presenCe, usc. or �
<br /> - storabe nn d�e Pro�erty of small quantitics of Haxan�lous SuUst:u�ces that arc gener.►lly rcca�nized to be apprapriate to normal
<br /> -__- ._ -== r�cidential uscs ansl to m;untcnance of the Property• , .__._..:..._...�.__u�:,... ., --
<br /> _.-"�'� �• p �Y � -'"-- •.. • • • ol:�� airnmiw; anwaua��a vw�.s ��in � °•j -
<br /> �sorrowcr shali rom i ivc L.cTnlcr .nu�cn ratic::�..�� sa:��s:;�.u•�r., _ ..i-n, �
<br /> -'-"�"' _ �ovcrnmental or regulatary agency or privatc paity involving tl►c Property and any Hvardous Substance or Environmentul Law
<br />- �----�----•_---= of�vhich Aorro�scr it�s act�aal kno�vledgc. if Borrowcr learns, or is natitied bq any governmental or rcg��latory uuthority, that
<br /> -_-- __ any removal or othes remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting tha Praperty is necessary,Borr�wer shall proroptly take
<br /> - --�' all tiecessury remedial nctions in accordance�vith 6avironmenkl!Law.
<br /> _N���: As used irt this para�r�ph Z0, "H:uardous Substances" arE those substances defined as toxic or liaz.udous substances by
<br /> -� -._-- - Envirenn;ental Law and the follawing substances: gasoline, kerosene, othcr flammable or toxic petroleum proclucts, toxic _
<br /> �� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, material5 containing asbestas or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in ��,
<br /> =----_=�-�°��� thi5 para;raph 20. "Environmcntal I,aw" me;uis fr;dcral laws and laevs of the jurisdiction where the Propevty is IoGated that
<br /> _=���+�+�� relate to health,safety or environmental protection. ---
<br /> =Y��r��� NaN-UNIFORN!COVENANTS. Horro�vcr ar�d L.ender further covenant and agrce as f�llows:
<br /> ---�°"m°"'"��=� 21. Accrt��t.ion;RemediPS. �.ender shWl give nottce to I3orro�ser prlor to accrlera4ton following BorroHer's brearl� ___
<br /> "';.'-'_'��'��� of nny covenant or �greement in this Stcurity Instrument (bnt not prtor to uccelerntion under ��aru�t'aph 17 u�iless ___
<br /> ---°---_•+! applicable luw prov[des othenr9se).The notfce shail spocEfy: (3)Nie default; (�)tlie uction required to cure the default; _
<br /> ----`�—'��-�! (c)a ctate,not less tluu�30 days from flie date thc not[ce Is gEven to Borro«�cc•�by avhfch the defau6t mi�st i�c�red; and F��
<br />=��°��*`��� �.j� (d) that fatlure to curc thc de6ault on ar heforc tfie dntc speci�ed In t6ie notfce mny result tn �ccei�ration of tlic sums
<br /> r��
<br /> -_- �-=��� secured by Qh1s�ecurity Instrument and sale of the P'r�perty. �he notice shall further inform Bnrcower of tiie right to !,_ _
<br /> --_;-�';�� refnst�te afte�acrelerat[on aucl tlie righY to 6ring a court ac�lton to assert tlie nome�.csteuce of n d�fault or �ny utiier -___
<br /> ,�_,�,�:;', i defease of Eiorrower to accelers�tic7 and sate. If the det'nuit is noi cured on or befon°. the datc spccf�ed in the notice, ��
<br /> �:.-�-_�i [,ender, a!its option, may requirc immedl�te�tay►nent in fuit of all sunis secured b�� this Security Iustrument without � :_
<br /> �r�s; j f�nther dei�and and ma [nvoke the �ver of sale and uuy otlier�eme�l4cs permitted by up��lcaL+le law.Lender shc�li be
<br /> °�_.�� e n t i t l e d t o c o l l e c t a i 6 e!c p c n s�i ncarred in pucsu9n g tlie reniedtes provided in this para{;rupls 21,includin�,but not limited �w'
<br />- ��_:r;„�;��� t�,reasc�nable attor�eeys' fces nnd wsts of t(tic cvidence. i._, =
<br /> -; „�,e. � If Qhe poK•cr of sate(s invcaked, 'Prustce shaU record n nottce of defnult i��euch county in�vfi�[cL uny part of the ,�_
<br /> _.qrF.w�:���3� � Froperty is lacated u�id sh:►ll mail cupfes� of such notice in tiie manner pressribed by upplicable law t�Dorro��er aend to
<br />- -�""''`?�'�`•��= } thc�other persons�3rescribed by applirable li��v.Atter thc ten�e reyuirc�l by applicable Inw,Tevstee shall�ive guL^�4c notice
<br /> "..:r��iY+%�JL'� 'i
<br /> -�:•s:'?-``,�'"�...•. _ , of salc to tlie persons and In tlie manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustce,without demand�:�8orrau•er,si�a11 sel
<br /> :.yr�+r�:`�::�.._. � ,
<br /> -� t���.. a tt�e Pruperty bt public nnct{on to tlic hf�;hest bidder at the t{mc and place and und�r tlie tcrms d�Ig:!atcd in the nntice of
<br /> `��•�_ ��� ' snle in one or more parcels and in an}�ordcr Trustec deter�niites. Trustee m�y pczsipone sale of n!6 or nny pnrce!of thc
<br /> ' ��= Property by publte annomicement at the ti�ne and place of a�yy NrevIQUSIy sched�!x�d sale. I,ender or its �es;�,�iee ���ay „
<br /> j1 �
<br />-�-a-.-.�-_-�..�. � • purchase tlie Property ut:my sale.
<br /> • r�"��;,
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