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<br /> Y. [R!Fpktij7�Nib�,r�iu�t u� t...�.:t�.+. i�wj r.�...r._r_.��•1• ,.
<br /> Finrcow•er ixkioe rat the ti�ue e�f ur�ri�r to �n inrpectinn specifyiug reasniuble�ac�se fnr tlie inrpeceic�n•
<br /> I l i, f'i►ndennjatiun. 'Chc��rucccds ,�f any awar:f nr c�aii:�fc�r dn�ti�agcs, direct or cunsccSvei}tial, in amix.�ct►nn with any
<br /> mixtemnatiun.ur otticr takis�E of any pact of thz k'ro��crty,m'for c�nvcyancc in licu of'soadGmnztion,arc herehy:itis+Er+u s l uii�i
<br /> Sh:Il lx;pai�l to Lcatticr. --
<br /> In lhe evc:u�f a t�tal taking of:�ic F'ropercy.thc rr�cccds shail bc applic�:a Ehc suius sec�rcd by 1I3is Secw'ity L���+t►vstiknt,
<br /> - wliethcr or n�t cfxcu dc►�, witi�r�ny cxcc:�p�ic3 t�IIvYrowcr. In�he cvciu of a partial tnkia?of thc 1'ropcny in which thr f'air
<br /> market valu�.�f thc Property im►�xdi:ttcly bcfare tl�e ta:ceng is cqual tu ur grcate•r ehan di8 a�noant of the sums s�curr.l6y this
<br /> Security tnsuument im;ncdiatcly beforc ti�e taken�,unlcss Barco�sec an�1[.encl�r otbcrwise ngrcc in�vriting.die sums sccur�c!by
<br /> tl�is Security Instrum�em sh�ill be reduced lay 8ie amount of the proce�ds multiplicd by Uze followin�;fraction: (a) d��tocst
<br /> ;�mount of'thc �ums sccurcd imm:diately bcfon thc takeng, cDi��icled by (b)thc faic ma��Cet value ot't6e Peaperty ii��nicdiat�:ly
<br /> befarc the taking. Any hzlance shall bc paid to I�orrowcr. In thc cvcnt of:�parti�it taking of ttte Pro�v:rty in which thc fair
<br /> markCt valuc of die Property immediatcly bcfarc thc t2king is Icss than the amo�+nt of the sums secured immediatcly before tlx
<br /> taking, unless Iiorrower and Len�ier othenvisc agree in�vriting ur uutcss appiicah�c Is�ather.='ise PiQ���te�, thc pmceeds stiall
<br /> t�e applic�d to the sums secumd by tl�is Srcuri!y Inswment whetl�er or not tlie sun�s are then due.
<br />"� If tliE Property is abandoned by Borro�ver,or if,af'ter notice by Lendcr to Borrower that die condemnor offers to niakc an �.�
<br /> � awa►Yi ur �ciilc a clait�t fo,-da:n:gcs, B�noEVEr fe.ils ta rc��nn�l to l.ensicr witf�in 30 days aftcr tlic d��e the notice is �iven, .
<br /> = Lender is authorizad to collect a�td applv the proceeds�at its ogtion,either to restaration or repair of tBe Propecty or to thc sums
<br /> � secured by this Security Inssrument,wliether ar nut then due.
<br />