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<br /> •--� c:yra�.nU nn tit� [cr.wcd d:,•.;2 t-:Si-:� du�. Ua'ccs �,:;;ar:-� er.9 I.c�.J.r �.•�ra o21;:;i:;::_�, rs�
<br /> Y. P,.�_...,..�. I",;rm:;r C^tC^'l ID Ol.^.!t0 (':l p
<br /> ..
<br /> » p:;�r�;^nta Lcndcr rccCiu�c�rora C:;xcr.�: arr (�:C•:����::..';. it:.,t:'�2 e:i!I i» �`�fi::l�r0irct�nC�o9 th3 cceurcd�j btoccurp Pur an��c���1��.,f:•r<t:!
<br /> ---- - --� �;;;,:;;�:;;a c':a:�:°s:C���.31An1t4_I f'W:flIL'I Sp:...��:::t.cn.:..�;�D¢o Principcl.li�-. G P�v � - ' -----•-
<br />' nat rcduc�ar mccuro r.:,y cciioGu`.�d p3C��t';�i�i���'14i�;�^.CUtCU C:b:�s pr.:o in i�:�. .'-. „l.
<br /> " �� �"' 2.CI6�%)13 Q$iVIIbE tlHa.f?orrawar w�li{f6v��I fAttrt'i�HyFBYYfli611tB, �nd uthvt chsr�s�ntYr[butckfa to th� r¢periy��he��dito end�v!:I dofr,it:i tlit3 y_,:�,
<br /> :,_.° �. " to ilio prot�cntV ot1alnst c;i�y clafmy�vl�:ch�.au:U C��pa;r t'ny Vc o�YiT'.�de�d of truNt.Lc�.der r�iay rcqu:ro�arrov:rr to as3l�;��tny rl,)hY9,cleln��ar =
<br /> =���_,..Y+�'r�sri•�i�y defoosea whlch 8arruwer mty have aqainst pRrtiaF�r?io ei�AP�V lebur cr m&terials to Im�;rovo or eneir.tuin th�proporty. �„_��
<br />�y-:'%;��;..:-�' _,��
<br /> � '� 3. Guiirsnrso.Corrower �+iil ker.�tho pro��sety ins+trcd undct term�eccoy�cable to Londar et i3orrow9r'e expanso nnd tor I.tinder'o benaht.Ait
<br /> -t-����•;.'=ti"+�'�:'..:+ 1117IIF�l1CD p01iCiE�6'it�ii inClutie 0 Giaiiv�ii i�i::�� ':y.:Ll:.tl.:�!D�'.'�T G}�rrA'�.�rRd't�l1!1 1'..911°111C�83IAS6��yd0 Oi R3 tI18IASLTRt�Ofl HfiJ LGGII �--'-�_'
<br /> In�uronco poiicy.Any In�urtnee praceud�msv'�e�ppii�d,wlthtn Lendu's diacret�ort,to oith�r tt�e r�tsontion or r�pxtr of in�demeped prop�riy -
<br />"''''�"�=.'l or to tilo secured debt.lf lendnr requirem mortpuge Insurance,Bonawer eyroe�ta malnt�ln wch Inturancs for ai lony ef lend�r raqulreo. �
<br />'_�,"��1��'� ' ' �
<br /> ���i_ 4.Pro�ety.Qorrower will keep tiie prop0rty U eood condltlon nnd meko oll�epelte roe.,ann6iy necaaeiry.
<br /> a�t�?j�',�. G,Exp�mss.Borrower eqraes to pay all Lender'e oxpensee,tnctuding reeROnab!e attorneys'teee,tf Bor�ower broeke any cavemnYS tn lhia deed �
<br /> �.,,{„__,,��i„ of trust or in any o4ll�atlon eecurod by thlo dcad of trusY.Borrowar v�tll pay chese e:nounts to l.ender ne provi8ed In Ccvenent 9 of this daed oi ��
<br /> ���* r '-• trust.
<br /> urn,�`:, <�s � ` �
<br /> }�}StA►s.�y.k� g,q{pr S�cudty fnt�tuto.Unlese Borrowar flr�t obtains Londer'n wri4ten eonsent,Dorrowar vvilt not mal:a or psrmit eny chanaee to am,/prinr ___
<br /> •; --� ' aecuriRy Interosta. Borrowat will par4orm all of Dorrowe�'o oblipationa undflr eny prior mortQapa, deed of trust of other e¢turity agrasment,
<br />�,:_;lti!��'"�..�n:.,d;�. ��� ---
<br />_�,,.,,,•_r�,ti. including 8orrower's covenenie to mr�ke paymant3 when dus. ___
<br />�-_,,,�,a,•rt-;c.
<br />'_��is�`t� 7.A�sipnment of RMU�nd Profiu.BorrowAr escipne to Lendar tho rents and Frofite of-the progariy.Unlasa 6orrowor and Lender have epreud __
<br /> ���-'�° ^ otherwlse in wrftinp, Borrower may collaet and retain 4he rente as lonp as Qurrowar is �ot in deteult.If Borro�ver dataults,Lend�r, Lender'e
<br /> �;:•;...,...
<br /> �.. � ` a8ent, or a covrt appof�ite�raceiver meV teke possesaion and manepe tha praporty end Collact the rtnta.Any renie Londer collectR chsll b�
<br /> =� ����!% appilad 4irst to the coste of manaptny tho property,Including caart cocta artd ettomeys'teea, commiselono to rentYi agenU, s�d any otiur �----
<br /> -" � necessary retatec0 expenses.The remelning amount of rente will then epply ta payrrtante on tM aecurod debt a provld�d tn Cown�nt 1.
<br /> ,,�t'— :C• $.' .._. �--'-':..:•
<br /> :,-�.��r:.�: , , 8.li:s:��:..�. C:.:...,..�.....t"'...P!�."�llie!t Oeedrrmtnte.Rarrower a�ree�m aomply wEth the Droviclon�of eny lease H this�eed of truet i�on =�
<br /> '=-y^'_ :r?�. undor the covenante by Iawar or repuieto�c of chaccondoroi nium or plann°�d unit devetopmentnt,eorrawer will porfurm a!i oi orrowar'e uuuoe - -
<br /> �,
<br />'�`"`"'sr�"��1' 9.Authodtly of t,RnrMr to Padorm for B�trawer.If Uorrower failts to�porform ttny of Borrowar's duttee unde►this doe�of trust, 4.ender may __y
<br /> -�r.yui},)+'a;.�.,��. pertorm the duties or causo thom tu 6o po�tormod. Lander may cipn Bau�iwsr'a nsr:a ap y cny amnun*_tf naeasaery for Rorformunco. (f enV �- -
<br /> �,r:srY,17�: conctructton on the�ruP9rtY Is dtaoontinued or not corried on in a roasanable mannnr,londer may do avhetevor le n3cecsary to protect Lend�r's =
<br /> '��!:� � sacurity t�Ytorost in t d proparty.This may include complotin9 4ho construction.
<br /> i: ,, ,.:.�,'t8+(�'',_'�',t _ �-.
<br />,�;'��;j���-- ,; Lendar's failuro to pertorm will not produde Lnndar trom axerclsing eny of its otNar riqhts und¢�tho lew or this deod uf trust.
<br /> .•4i..�.
<br /> �'+-=r�.,�� 'I'��{ Any nmaunta paid by L9ndor to protect Lor�d�i's socuriYy interost wfil ba socured by thla deed of Uust.Such amount3 will bo due on dnmend
<br /> and will bner InteresY from tho date of the payrnent uotil paid in full a4 the Intorest rote fn eNoct on the decured debt. ' __
<br /> ��,��_ x >>.., -.-�_
<br /> 90.D�t�ult�n� Aea��ntlon.If Borrowar fails to maka any payment when duo or broAks any covenante undar thi3 deod ot uust or any
<br /> ' ,'!. ` ._ obil atton sacured by thts dned of trust or eny prior mortpaga nr deed of uust,Landor mnV accolarate tha maturity of tho secuted dobt and
<br /> -'� Q8I09no Inmvsuiaio po�n�mni o��u��ioy'o�v'v�a::�.r-=�•-°•�r oala anrl nny ntFur ramediea�ermittad bV oAAIiCObiff lew.
<br /> �, `.. �,`�h -
<br /> _ - � �� ��.H�n���m�;;;,;� i��R„ai��r'..;s�t-.�Sts�:xg�e_�!•��nt���e�f¢pta��t►and nels 6e sent to eech person who Is e porty
<br /> � I�eteYO,at tl�s adzlr2as of each euch person,as set forth horein. .
<br /> ,t���.^ ;'sl�'� -
<br /> 9�.Pow�r ot S�la.If the lertdor Involces the power of salo,thn 7rustee shall tirst recorclln tho offtca of the reqister a[deade o4 each county
<br />__;�;,;�,�v�;,.�>�t, whoroin the trust property or same part or parcef theroot is situc+tod n notico of defeult cfln4�ining tha informatlon requi7ad by law.Tha Tru4tee ---
<br /> � 3 shell elso mail copies oi the ipvice of doteult to the Borrowor,:4o each parROn who Is a pnrtlr haroto, and to other pnzsans ae4�oactilx0 by
<br /> � f ��'�,� ' epplica6te la�v. t�lot less than one monih uker the Trustae racorde the notice of do}eutt or two months(f the ttust �lrpp8riy �s not in nny ,
<br /> •r±?� •�? � ;:�• ineorporeted city or villape ai+d Is use�in tueminp operations cnnied on by tho vustor,th�'Frustea ahall give pu6lic notice of sele to the persona
<br /> :..,����;�c`.�„ � -
<br /> + end in the maa��or pr6scribed bY�appptica6.e 1Rw.�'ruste�e,without damand on Borrower,shotl sotl tho pr�porty at pu611c auction to tlie hiphest
<br /> �-s�;.K��y,r�y���`�?.:;:.. bidder.If►eQutrotl.by the Farm Homestead Protaction AcE,YruStase shail uitor the proper�y in two sa�arato�atea es roquired 6y appifcab�e law.
<br /> — -- Truntee may poatyone aate pf all ar any parcaf of tho property by public ennounsement of the time and placo cf any prevlouety achedutad aele. �
<br /> �°"� '�"�, Lender or tts desi�nee may pyrchasu the properiy at ony sata.
<br /> ' r� ` � Upnn tecefpt of pay+nant uf tho price bid,7rustae shail dolivur to tho purchasor Trustoe'o doed convoyln9 tho proporty.The rocitia►s contalnod In �s-;.
<br />" =� � ��-�?��- '�' Trustae'e daed shuil t,o prima 4acte ealdienco of thn truth of tho stetomants contained thorein.Tmstoe shnll apply the proaeeds uf the snte in tho
<br /> --T �'�'-"��T° toltowinp order: Ia3 to ail oxponses of th,o solo, including, but not Iimitod to, reasonabie Trustee's fees, reasonabte ettorney's tees and �-�;r:
<br /> .`�Y,..k f.+i .
<br /> _�r �;� , rofnstetement fmASti Ib)co atl sums sacurod by this doad of trust and(c1 the balanco,ff any,to the parsons IagaRy ontitind to receive it. �
<br /> �� -`g- • , •
<br /> °° °��_«��� ':; 73.Fonciusuu:At londer's option,thts deed o}trusi may be forectosed in the manner provide by applicabte law for forecto¢ure of mo�ti¢ges .
<br /> ,:=F�'"_x:s�.�, on reel property.
<br /> �-��'�'-�-- 14.tntp�ction. Lender mey oMer tho property to Inspoct It if Londor pivos Borrower not{co bofarehand. Tho natico muet stato tho reusanebio � J`
<br /> ;�''f�'�'�� oause for Lender's Inspectlon.
<br /> ��:r-KR?�'`.
<br /> ��5,+�; z r� 76.Condtnx�tNon.6orrower assigns to Londor the roceads of any nward or cloim tnr ds�mag as connectod wfth e condomnation or athnr takfng
<br /> .w? . ��' of ail or eny qnr.t o}the properi}r.Such procoads wiP be appilod ea providod In Covanant 1.Thf9 essignmont is sabjoct to tho torms of any prior ,
<br /> . W��;',i security ogreflmnnt. '
<br /> �:y� V
<br /> NY'�"7��'� ag Wmady uD°n Borrowo rs Ydefaul,�Ysndo�r d�oos�nct weivo unyr ight to latui�considor iho ovtont e dofault(f it hepaens�gn nY�B�not oxercising
<br /> =�^r::.� :.`�fi`
<br /> :-;��,�'.:o• .�
<br />°+-� �- hr'�� 17. Jdnt�nd S�wnl Ut6il3ri; Co�siyntn; Suacessois nnd A�attpns Bound. All dutlas undar this daed of trust oro Joint end aoveral. Any
<br /> `-'���-�'i'��F'S'���s 8orrower who c0-signs this dood of trust but dooe not co-sign tho u:�darlylng dnbt (nn�umentls) does so oniy to prnnt and aonvoy that
<br /> I A�t,.^Y_'y�:;.,,+,,;�j Borrawer's fnYo:a�t in tho propatty to tPio TrusMO undor tho torms of thls daac!oF trust.In ndditfon,such e Borrower egreas that tho Lendot nnd
<br />,�,�._�.,,�,. • a��y other Borrower under thls dend of trust may extvnd,modi or melcv any other changos In tho torms of this doed ot trust or tho socurod
<br /> •.�r� �.,.�._: ;•' debt without that BorrowoPs consont ond without reloasing that�orrowor from tho tonns of this dood of trust.
<br /> ,,1�,.{ _
<br />��.;i;����:.; `,i� _ �ir+ ° ;+�he duties end bcmetits of thla doed of trust shall btnd and tranafit tho suctessore aod ass'fl;�s ot Lendar nn9 Borrower.
<br /> .�, :
<br /> ` ' '•'? 18.Notico.Untns3 othorv�iso requtred by lew,eny notico to 6orrawor shall bo gfv�n by dolivcring it or by,mailing It hy cari6od mail uddrosaod to
<br /> _�„�s�;^„•�,.;,�.�. Borrowar at the propenty eddrosa or nny othor addrosc that Borrowor ha3 glvon to Lender.Borrower wul plve eny notice to Londar by cartiflnd
<br /> - ,f,�,�, • mail to Londnr's addrass on pape 1 of chis daed of trust,or to any other a3drosa whlci�lertdar has designated.Any oth4r notice to Londar shatl
<br /> , , Ee sent 40 l.entinr's eddrass es 6totod on page 1 of this dcod ot trust.
<br /> -- •„�, ' Any nntice ahall�x deemed to havo 6eon qivan to Borro�rar or Lender wh2n Divon tn tho manner ateted aQwve.
<br />`��::J;.:�:�_t . 18.Tunst�r ot tM Prop�rty or�BeMfic(d(ntenst tn tM Soerowu.1�atl or any part of tho propnrty or nny tniorost In It ts sold or transfar�cd
<br /> � � � '�� paymant�It�h�o•f3orio vor�istnot o n turnl porson onddo 0enoftcial tntnrosi nrtthet6orrowor t9 cotddm trnnsfor/roQ Howevore Lendormm�y�n t
<br /> damund paymont In tho abo++o situattons it it is�rrofifbitod Dy fc durn l law as o t t ho da to o f t h i�dco d o f V u s t.
<br />-.._ ,. _�� yp, R�ccmaysnc�.Whon tho obtlDation socurc0 by this doad of trust has boon pafd nnd Landor has no furthor obllgatlon to mako ndvancos
<br /> - undcr tho insuumonta ar rcomorric cocurod by this dcad o}2rust, tho T�vstoo chat� upon writton roquast Gy Me Landar,ruconvoy tho uust
<br /> , ,-__- p%parry.Tho Lcndcr shzll�alivor to tho Borro�vCr,ar to Borrowor'a succoasor In interost,tleo Vwt dead ond tho noto or othor ovidonco oi tho
<br /> . ---- _._ . _...--�---�-°--•�• ' " ,,,,,,.�
<br /> -- •-••_ . � .. Qp!�pn so sSRSr�ev.Raf�v�!af m.on yvT a�.�.o.......o.:..:...�.�_
<br /> 21. Suceseiar Tn�st�o. Lundor, ot Lander's o�t[an, m�V rcmova Tmstco and apFnint n succossar trustaa by 4irct, muiline� o copy of tho �
<br /> � substitution of trusiQO as requlrad by npplicaQ+le aw,and thon,by Silirc tho su8�titution o1 Vusico tor rocard(n th�qfliCa o}tho roptstor of doatis
<br /> - ot Qach�ounty!h which the uust property,ar com-91��rt thoraoi,Is s�tuatad. Tho euccossor trustoa,vrithout convuyaneo of tho property,shalt
<br /> " succccd to aN tha powcr,dutt�s,nuthority¢nd titto of tho TrustQe namcd In tl�a dced of trust and of any succassor vustao.
<br /> :i�:� „ •• � I ,
<br /> „ ., � I
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