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<br /> (� ,emone the Rrsntor, gs,� 33i[(l.,, o a
<br />- - `, pAAYtEB:'�"hU peed of 1'niat I�msda on �N an._.;,,. ; � _-_
<br />�_----- _I'Baerow�r'I p ._--
<br /> m ===o_ � c��aaa u;Saz::n utr:.flL::n�;.`R.j1IF° • '_'.r"r._.__ �� •=--
<br /> ART�Nn R-flDAS'.I{� A�iTQ24NSSl
<br /> � whos�roaidencs�ddret�fs�e r,ox �9e_px+�++�+ Twlsnd u,» . County. M1lehraeka('Trusteo'6 and the B�nefic(ery,
<br /> ___=.-� • ,a corpdrartlon orpenlzed `_
<br /> --__== �jQMR T:El�F;�$J�1LY�L�S & L.Qn�ACQA�AT?�N_
<br /> � 22, R[11M'}1__Y.o�t.$��mnn.�r- -- -
<br /> :�`="'-16r'�� nnd e�J�tinp under tha lew�04._ �:�RAGxa_._._r—.whoaa ddAnas Is_ - - (�Len�aP1. �
<br /> .—�_ S3RAN0�9IJ�DZT1� uRR@,�.,�'�A KpA02-1t)
<br /> CONVEYANCB:For valua ncnivnd,Borcawer irrevccnbty prant�nnd corivoya to Tru�tee,In Vutt,wlth powa ot�ds,th�red proparcYe of which
<br /> — nor�uwur :a IawOuiy oei�ed,d:cr:��d Ca!a:•: e.r_1 el} b�i!din`e, f��ureo. and exiotin0 and iuture Improvemenis therenp�nd�U ti9hta�of-way.
<br />-"—""'"-='!+?� easements, renta, Iseuaa, profite, inco:ne, tenemerrtm, heroditamenu, privlleps� end eny epRurtenmces theeurtta beluu�l�w i:t� ..�,...�.tL•�
<br /> - --�---�--- "praMrry"!. �l3Ati'^ TSE�A� ' .Nebratk� �9B.d3
<br />-.��:::.���:3�E PAOPi:BTY AUD�ESS:_,$.Q]9 w �tiTj�----- ' ic,ry� � ti�a cuasl
<br />--�•�•��•••m l�{lA�OESCWIPTION: Istra:o �•.�
<br />_:,�5;�;��t� E1i8T 42 FRET OF LOT 3 NJD WSST 14 FT OF 7AT 4 OF THE �
<br /> ,�,_>;,,,,.. FRAN2Pa1�7 9iJPDIVIBSON ----
<br />_-;',��{'„'���;�:. � _
<br /> ���� �
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<br /> —iov��l)
<br /> ��-"'"==� • County,fVabr�ska.
<br /> -------- loCated in__
<br />�._�_`'r'r� .�._.
<br /> �:�:;. TITLE:Bonow er covenants end waiiants title to the property,axcept for
<br /> --�_..:;,_� � r
<br /> ,n�r+i�•,�
<br /> SECL%1ED AED7:Thb deed of tri+st secures to Londer ropayment of tho eecured de6t and the performanee oY the cqvanant� ynd wpnortNOt� � __
<br />-' "`'�'�-�'-'�y cont�l�ecf in thia daed of trost nnd In er+y other documant incotporated hereln.Sscured dobt,t+s used in thls deec!of Vutt,�nclud�s as�Y+��nte _
<br /> _-._-•---"�+ Botrower owoe to Lendar untlnr this dned of tr�st or under an�r Instrument�cecurod by tMa dead o!tru�t,en�all modi(icationu,extenelone end �:=r:
<br /> ��n-
<br />- -—�1� ronew�ls thereof. : _
<br /> !�1`itLS'...
<br /> --'-=='°�?� Tha securod dabt(s ovidoncad 6y(Ust all Instrumente end egrodmentn socuted by thia deed of trust end the datea thereof.l:
<br /> ....�r�_��. ,,,,�.s �n i 99S R�_-•-_
<br /> __---,,.,._ ,� ��_PR�MTCS�R rr�*m �'-'cti'mxmSC �a��n�r��rr n� " _—
<br /> „-,�-_�:�e ,.
<br /> ��.t_,
<br /> "'���"� [,Futur�Advuicn: Tho ubovo omount is cocurod ovon though ell or{�art of it may not yet be advanced. Future adwncea ara �
<br /> - �_,� contomptated and will be secared to the seme extont as it mttde on the date thia deed of trust 4R executed. �-'��
<br /> ❑Revolving�ine of credit agroement duted ,wlth initiel ennual interest rato of `1�• �
<br /> ^ ��7��•�, All emount�owod undu thls aproement are securad oven thouph etl emounts may net yot m$edvanced.Future advenees undar
<br /> �'�����{'}� the egreement ero aontomD�ated ant!w�ll bo securod to tho 9ame extant es if mndo on tha dt�'[�rthis deed cf trust I�szecutocl. M
<br /> F-;_"
<br />•��ei..'Y.i�'i�f6� _if not peid eerUer. '" �_
<br /> l=�==�� Tha ebove obitgation is due and paysble on N1Al2C.I3-1.L.--21L;-
<br /> �"''�,�:.�`:�:a iho total unpaid baiance socurod by thla daed ot trust at any ono timo�shall not exceed a maxtmum princlpal amount vf _
<br /> �'�°�.-.��:9 rnr� T�,S�„"^ *�+++ �^��on Daliare(9 4.,non �n � 1,pfua intorost. ;
<br /> -��''`-��:�b.�i plus eny einounte dlsburaod under tho tor���o nt thSs deod of truat to protect the eocurity of thl�dnod of trust or io perform anY of tho
<br /> �,'h�;'�� savanents contelned in this deed ot Vust,with Interast on such dtstiu.�emonte. .
<br />-_ ��:
<br /> ;�:�.�.,.';
<br />_ = :• �:-.r . �Y�rl�bts Rata:The in4oreat rato on thes aGltgatton.so�r�red hy this dead of tru�e enoy vary according to the torms�af that ohltpat Cn,
<br />- '°-;...r�
<br /> '''':�5::,.��, l] A copV of th�Iafln spraement contalning tha Su:•me under whfch tho tntorpsY rata may vary is etteched to zhis dond ot trust end
<br />- ::�:'�tti;;'� mado o port htiqo7.
<br />`�;;i;iti�:;;-
<br /> �::;;,�.�;L":. � RIDEAS: ❑Commertial � ASRI Nt+��'2�.°D"'^-"S ❑ -----
<br /> „ -- .�..�..--��—QESI�I'1tATtON OF HOMESTEAD
<br /> -"1�"°',` Pvrcu�nt to the Fnrm ftomuetoud HeoYectton Act,doslpnsr�on of hnmastoad ❑ �S ottuchod to thls doud of trust and mado o paK horoof
<br /> ,,::.;ii: - -c:•
<br /> ..c�•�:-~"- � ha�teen disctatmed;tha tlioclalmer Is�ttached to this d�ed o}uust and mado o pa�t horoof.
<br /> .._ _.... :..g
<br /> � ' -} ' � SI�i(1ATd1RFS:Ey a! nEng betow.Barrowe►aqree tu tho terms ond eov�Errte cofltoined In thta daad of tntst,Inc`ding those on ptqo 2.nnd In
<br /> ' a�y�?'�n;e dea rtded ehavs eipnrd by Eorrowtr.
<br /> �� " _.'_� � ' ` ��al�' �_��,
<br /> ��,ca .,�_�__ _w� �----
<br /> -� �. � k2.At71�A� J WZ38IN0 uaa� �iQO=..v v
<br /> .,:� �. _ f-
<br /> :�:,.�:. . .. �
<br /> � t ACKNOWLECftlMCNT:STATE OF NEORAStCA,_.,. County ss: �
<br /> :. . � Th�foropoing tnstwmont wae acknoc+lsdpcd�oforo me an thls_ �nTH ._.._—day of_N1�kiC,H. �°`�[ — i
<br /> . ' .. . bY�B&rronr. .r wt�„Tna mtn o�nan i.ils�I,lii, uttcan�m nrm wrnn _
<br /> . 1 ., - (nttntall � -
<br /> .... ... - Cor;a+tea � INa�+ea/CaPOra�:nuP¢ttnath!gl ,
<br /> .` Var4wttt9 0} � —� .
<br /> • R:�m,rec�xnem o cu�a,w�er r�e�n•� an bnhalf ot tho corporotion or partnarstiy�.
<br />. ��i .���.`�-� � M� � ���t� �i��v�� INOtuY PUC:YJ � .
<br /> �_��. . ;;� -- �llt
<br /> .:��,'r,,�,�; (SaNI � ,; -' � .
<br /> �r [
<br /> " -� '"!+"'�' Tht7(�.^ettmnont was Frcpared Dy,..SLit�Ba.`:..!"°•"^'
<br /> .. aPP�.�t 00005iati �Qe�e r�,a��BRA�SKA �
<br />.. ., Q9°:��uxFR�uY�TfL1II.t::C..uT.CLUUD.R!1l493QII��C00-39TQ3411i0.'dOCF�1TW:E0I10.'OA .
<br /> CCD# d000000000
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