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<br /> K. !#nixrd r�r kau�e��y�I�tyarnnce. Iiorr��K�cr r.hall ke��� thc impr�venre�ets ciu���?iing ni't�iF����PFL•ceQ niti thc -___
<br /> �.ai�;.�:y' �u,tH;..�:.p.��til2 �0.;.:�3�'fli��E1:;7.:A'�:1T::lU[�_:{!7!Lllt9 l�?C(CYtil "P�tRf��l,.,� IKiVi•i,�rtn° n�p1 l�I1V U1h�Y�la�:U1�S, �11L`�I�i�4fid - -'
<br /> flex.als or floc►cling, fur whieh Lcixler rec�uires intiura�fze. This insu��aacc sl�ali be ii�aiiitalried in tlbe ninountr,acx�for tha perlain
<br /> th:.�f 1,cncler rCS(?iir:.s.'f`i�e I�i,iircmca ca►•rtcr providing�hc insur.uim s1:aU bL ciwse;i by iiprrower subjcci tq l.�:ncicr'a npproval __
<br /> which sUaU not bc uncca,anab{y withhcld. If I3orrnvrcr f7ils to maii�tuin cav�ra�;c dcscribcci ulx�vc, [.cuticr may, at G.cndcr's
<br /> upt8on,abta'sn coverage eo�ratcct Lc�ldc►•'s ri�irtw in tii.P�-oixrty in a:.c9rdancc witl�p�t:igraFh 7.
<br /> AI! insura�uc policics And r�nc�vnla shall bc ncceptablc to L.cnrfer und shnll inc(ude n standnrd utortgagc�l�usc. C.cndcr
<br /> shall hava tbe r1ghL to hcld tlie rolie9es raid rene::�nls. If Ln_nd�r req�t�res,IIa?rc►wcr sh:�li pmmpdy giva ta L.c.nder nll rcceipt�of
<br /> paid Nremiums�nd renewal nutices. In tl�c event•af I�ss.Rorrower siiall give prompt notia:t.o ehe insunnce carricr nnd Le��der.
<br /> 4.cndcr may m;ikc proos of loss if not n►adc promptly by Bnrrawcr.
<br /> Unless I,ender and Iiorrower otherwisc n,n.�in writing, insnranca peoeceds shall ba applied ta restoiation Qr rcpair oP tl�.
<br /> Property datt►a�ccl.if tlic restoration ar z•epair is economicaHy fcasiblc nud l..ender's secu�•ity As noi lesscn�d. If thc rCsto�ation r�r
<br /> repair is noc economically fea�ible or Lender's sccurity would be Iesscned, the Inst►rance procecds shull bez upplied to iho sams
<br /> sr„tur�d by this Security Insuunient.whether or not ilten due, �vith any excess paid ta Dorrower. If 3iorrowcr aban�a�s thc
<br /> F'coperty, or does not answer cvithin 3U dnys a nptiee fn�rx�G:nder that the insarnnce currica•i�aa u;�c;�l to sea�e a ctn���►, .hcz
<br /> I..�nder may co1le�:t the insurance procee�s. Lender may use the proceeds to repvr or restore the Pcu�serty ur to pay sums —
<br /> secured by this Sccarity xns.3vment,whether or r�oi then du�.The 30-day period will begin alicn tlie notice is given. _
<br /> riJntess L.ender�nd�orrower otherwise agrce in �vridng, uny a��lication of pme�ds to prir.cipal shall not eoten�vr __
<br /> postponc d�e due date of tb:�month:y paymcnts referred to in parngr+phs 1 nnd 2 or chanse the amount of th� payments. If -_
<br /> under parugraph 21 the!'roperty is acquired by L.ender, Borrower's right tv uny inst�rnnce policies nnd proceecis resulting froxn
<br /> damage to the Property priar to tliz acquisition shall pass tu Lender to tlte extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br />_ imme�liately prior to the acquisition.
<br />= 6.Occuguncy,Prescrvatton, Maintcnunte und Protec2iun of tt�e Property; Horrower's L�a�n Appllcation;L.e�seliolds.
<br /> Borrotiver shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borsowez's principal residence�vithin sixty days after d�e axecutian of
<br /> 1�o Pr ..n.t.�oo R� �.uwr'c nrinri�al roci aoro fnr at Iragf�nr year after
<br /> Il71S jCCUil�y /tl�lttiiiicin 6uu o�ia�Z C,Cidii�s�.i0 CC:'Ju(S�G., .Cr_..� «.. � - r".."c— �°"^
<br /> me date oi occup.-moy,uniess L.ender oihernise agrecs in wciiiug, ivtiic i i;c,��scr�i st�at� :zst�.;.un:�a��na�l�:c�i3�;,l3.or u:tt�.;
<br />- extenuating cir�umstances exist which ure bey�nd Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the -
<br /> Property, a1loWthu�Propeny to deteriorate,.or cammit waste on the�roperty. Borrower shall ha_ih default if:ury farfeiture
<br />" action or p�ocesdin�, wliethar civil or criminal, is be$un that in I.endat's good faith jad�ment cauld result in forfeitare of the =_
<br /> Pro�ieny or othenvise materiall�impair the licn createcl by thjs Security InStcument or I.ender's security iuterest.Bonower may _`_
<br /> cure such a default und reinstate,as providat in para�raph IS,by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed�vith u ruling --_
<br />- ehat, in Lender.'s good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Bonower's interest in she Property or othee matcrial
<br /> i.mpairment oF thv lien crraded by this Security Instrument oe I.ender's security intesest. 8oaower sltall also I�e in default if =-�
<br />- Bor�ower,during the loan application process,gavc rnaterially f:ilse or inaccurate infarmation or statements e�Lender(or faile@ �_-
<br /> to providc L.cndcr�vith any materinl ir.farmation)in connccdon with the loan evidenced by thc Note,including,but not limited """."
<br /> to,representations concemin�Ieorrower's occupancy of the Properry as a pancipal rcsidence. [f this Security Instrument is on u ^__
<br /> leasehold, Borjpwer shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titic to the Property. the -_
<br /> - leasetiold and t�a.fc:e tidc shall not mcrge unless Lendcr agrees to thc merger in writing. ��.•..
<br />- 7.I'rot�C�an of L,ender's Rishts in the I'caperty.If Bono�ver Fafls to perform the covenants and agreements contained in �'�n."-
<br />- t�is S�curity Instrwuent,or tliere is n legal praceed"eng chat r.�ny significant�y affcct Lcnder's rights in the Property (sucii as a -'�:,�
<br /> �:iucecding in bASikruptcy, pzobnte, for condemnation or�orfeiturc or to enforce laws or rcgulations), tlien Lend�r may do and �y;;":�
<br />- pay for wha*.E���Y.is nccess�ry to pmtect the valuc of ehe Prop�rty aitd L.ender's rights in the Prop:cty. Lender's actions nuiy �;•.•=6
<br />- include payen; :my sums secured by a lien wl�ich I�as priority ovea this Securiry Instniment, appulring in court, payim� ��_=-
<br /> reasanable ntiorneys'fees and entering on the Property ta make rcpairs.Althaugl;[.cuder may take actian under this paragraph �+'�
<br /> '�.Lender does not have lo do so. � �`t'f�`��
<br /> Any ampunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall �ecome addition�i debt of Borrowcr secured by this �fv•.:
<br /> ���
<br /> S�tu��ity Ins4as�ment. Unless Honowcr and L,endcr a;rec to othcr ternis of payment,thesc amounts shall bear interest from the ����
<br /> ..J.
<br />_ date of disbursement at the Natc rate and shull be payable. with interest, upon notice from Lender to Bono�vcr requssting �
<br />- payment. •��'
<br />= 8.Mo�rtguge lns�irnnce. If L.ender required mortgz�;c insurance as n condition oP making the loan secured by this Security -
<br />- 1'instru��cnt, Borro�ver shall pay thc prcmiums rcquin;� so maintain the mortgagE�,,;.,ur�utcc i.. ...,.;.:. If. f::..., rr,ason, tliz
<br />- mongag�in�erance covemge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Horrower shal!pay the pmmiums requirs�i to
<br />- abtain co�•c�aga subst�ntiaily equiv:ilent to tl�e mortbage insurance pn.viously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> c�st to 6iorrowcr of the mon�agc insw�ancc previously in effect, from an�ltematc;mortgagc insurcr approved by Lcndcr. if
<br /> substa��tially eyuivalent mortga�e insura�ice coverage is not avnilable,Borca�ver sh�11 pay to L,ender each month a sum equal ta
<br />�! one-t�vr.lith of tlec ycarly mortgage insurancc premium bcing paid 6y Borro�vcr when the insurirtce covera�rc lapsed or ccased to
<br /> - I�e in effc,ct. Lendcr wil[accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br />'��� Form 3028 �J130
<br /> - vago 3 0�o "
<br /> 3' '
<br />-_�� �,'.
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