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.�...�._.�.�.. ._ <br /> .,q,�.�+, � :(;brNr..�.�r� �yiiFA• ;krpi) ��Yro,�r . �� _ <br /> ._ .;A'....-,r. .��or;��-"+�+x�t h-`-+=,� � � ! (., - _ <br /> ���. r� , � - q . ._. ..,__ �-_ + Y_.,...- <br /> i�Rt9.4'1:�.�=L:--- _— - �--- <br /> �a�cr-.—_n— ._.... <br /> �.�� _ ��. _ � w_ <br /> -' <br /> � y .,�t-r.-.�-i;.-�.�... n.• _.__ _ •. =e-;7,*� ����� -ry';�--�r�=�s- �ycr --�y .- .�,7_ _33�`i ;�7r4- �K� �"-� <br /> .. .. - f7 Vf: " :'ttii. . r..._ . , .'n. . .. . �y{-� , , .. r. .j.`.,:J ..f. . . -�y�. .h - .5� . .�_. ..��..�:� �n:'�*., . <br /> ' _. .• . .l�' � •. ._., . . . ' i n l, . .., �. . . ' .n . ...., _ .�,n• . . .. _ . . . ..•n. .!��'�c"_.t�':,3.•`. <br /> „ <br /> .. <br /> ' . � , , <br /> .. . . . . ` . ' - .� �`_ ' �. ' /i .. . . . <br /> �,-..n=,.",.i�,nrv7.�ki'kq+o'N1YaS•'�ld�#A+.�ld�SF'1'�+KiVtUfi�l�bF1+Nw'k<rw,+rlrKr�afr.vtuu�aw'+v7�sv,'a+�smwa.�s,�.�.:v,.^::::�.- .:, -._.='�s`;:;w�` ...- ' -•,a--.- --- _ <br /> ,. �, �_ � tl� ' I;�il thr,inr Yovcutc�}tv n�aw or l,ecrKRer e�e�:ted��c�thc rrrrptciy,n�r,1 u�r�������1G��[v`s, .�+x! , - <br /> 1i1..�f_1[-li f2 lif � <br /> . . . ,. , : . , , �,. .....•:t::.l! i:1':o E� r�7,.,.,..t j,,, R3,t,. cy�..;tu <br /> �1blltCta tl<1N' DY 6CfC7lIiCi 0 [S.�TC (JI 111C j1lrl�ir�ly. rc�{ ��p�n...m�uw_..�..s.....G.l..,u. . � . . <br /> 1n�lniment.All uF thc fnregoin�is referred tn iri this Securisy Inqtrument as tht:"Nrc.�eny." ' <br /> IlU1tRC2Wi:R Ct.)'JnIVA2JTS that l�r�nc3wcr is lawf�dly uise:l 04'th�estatc h�r�:by cci�vcyec�and has:4�c right tn grant xrxf <br /> c�nvey!he Pro}�crty;��xl that the f'roper�y is unencumUcral,txceut f�ar er�cu�nl�ranccs af reeord: Id�umwtr warra�tts ai�d wil! <br /> d.fe+sd g�r.eralty tl�c tiete to thP!'ropeny:�eainst all daims u+hi demands,subject ro any o�icumbrancrs of recnrd. <br /> � '11i(S SGCIJRITY INSfEtUMT.NT ca�nbines uniti�rni c+rvenants f'ur nalian�l use :utc1 non-t►niform covenants wilb li�r�iteil <br /> �' variatiozis by jurisdiction to constitu�c a unifun�►secu�i�y i�ist,ur�nr�z covcrirg r:l pro�.�ny. <br /> UNIFORM COVENhN7'S. Aorrower ard Lcncicr cc�venant and agrec as follows: <br /> 1. ,Payment aP �rincipal mnd Yntemst; I'rcpay+�ent ntrd Late �Uar�es, Rorrower shall �iromptly pas� whcn due thc <br /> pnncipal of und inxerast on�he debt evidencecf by the IVote und any prepayment cuid lat��hnrges due under thc Note. <br /> 2. Funds far T�xes and Ins�u�i�ece.Sub}cct to applic.Rhto law ar to n wriUcn waiver by I.�nder, �on�o�ver fiIl:ilA r„y to <br /> Lcnder on the dav�ronthly payments.arc du;:under the Note,until the Notc is pald in full,a sum("Funds")for.:(a) ye::z1)'taxes <br /> and:►ssessments whicte m;�;uttain priority over this Security Instrumeat as a lien on thu Property:,h)Year�Y lease��old payrre�nts <br /> or�rounci rc�nts oa�the Pi�bperty, if any;(c)yuuly hazard or property ir�surancc prcmlums;(d)ye:►rly flvcxi insur�nce prrmiuuu. <br /> if any; (c)y�early morigagc inswaitce premiums, if n�iy; and(�any sums payable by Bonawer to L�nder,in accord�rece with <br /> thc grovisians of para�raph 8. in lict+of'the paymerU of mort�;aFe ii3surance prenuums. Th�:sc items are called"Escmw items." _ <br /> !e:�der may, at any time, collect an�l hald E� an amount not to excec�d t9ie muxi�num uniount a lend�r foj•a fccicsally � <br /> mort6age loale ��ay cequire for T3orrawer's�serow account under the federal Rc�! F;state Senienaent Proeedures'Aet of • <br /> 1974 aa amcndcd fmm t°� timc. 12 U.S.C. Se�tion 26U1 et seq. ("RL'SPA"),unless anotltcr law that applics to thc Fu�ids <br /> sets a Iesscr mneunt. If sa, i.ender may, at any time, callect and hold Fuads in an amount not to cxrRed tlie lesser amount. <br /> Lender may estimatc t1�F amount aSr Funds duc an tlic basi.s uf current dutn and reasnnable estimates of erpenditures af fucure <br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in ac�ordance with applicable 11w. <br /> Ti�e Funds shall be hcld in an institution �vhose deposits are insurod by �fedcral agen�y, insttunent;ality, or cntity <br /> (including Lender.if Lender is such un institution)or in any r�ie►�.t Home Loan nanic. i.enue� anaii npply ti�e runus iv pay inc <br /> Escrotiv Items.Lender may Rot char�e Burrower for hoiding unci appiying the rands,annu�iiy ztnalyzing uic csini�v ai�.v���'s,�; • <br /> verifying the Escrow Items,mtless L.�n�ier p�ys Horrower intere;t on the Funds and epplica6le law permits[.ender to make sucli <br /> a c�arga. Nowevcr,I.fnder may n:quire Borrower to pay u one-tiine charge for an indepe►tdent real estate tnx renorting scrvice <br /> usecf by I.ender in cc..�n:ction tivi�h this loan, u4�9ess applicable law provi�es other�vise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> applieable law requires interest to be paid,f.eader shail not be required to pay Dorrower any inten:st or carnings on die Furzds. <br /> Barrowcr and Lcnder muy agrec in writing, however, that iutcrest shall be paid on the Hunds. Lendcr shal! give to Banou�cr, <br /> withuut charge. an annuaa accounting of tlie Funds, showing crcdits and debits to th�Funds and the pucpose for whicU each � <br /> debit ro the Funcis was made.The Funcls are pledged us additionai security for all�ums secured by this Seeurity Instrument. <br /> !f the Funds I�eld by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to br,held by applicable law,I..�nder shtill accoune to Btorrower <br /> for tl�e eacess F�inds in accordance with the requiremc:nts af applicable law. Zf the nmoun.t of the Funds helc�by I..cnder at any <br /> time is not suff cient to pay the.F.scrow Items when due,r.ecvler m�y so nodfy ponower in writing.and, en such case Iiorrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount i�ecessary to make up the deficiency. Sorrower shall mnF:�up the deficiency in no more thaa <br /> twelve monthly payments,at�nder's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument. Lender sh,l�l promptly refund to Borraicer a�iy <br /> Funds t�sld by Lcnder.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shal!acquire or sell thz B'roperty,l.ender,prior to die acquisition or sale - <br /> of the Prnpeny.sliall ;.;�piy a�iy Funds helcY by E.ender at the time of ncquisition or sale as a credit aAainst the sui�s secured by .. • <br /> this So�*.rity Instrument. _ <br />_ 3.App!lcatiun of P'ayntents.Untess�pplicable law provIdcs otllenvise. alI payments rcceivcd by Lcnder undcr pry::;raphs _ <br /> 1 aixf 2 sh;�(Fie applied: �rst, ta any prepaym�nt charges due undcr the Note; sc.cond,to anwunts payablc under parabrnph 2; - <br /> thicd,to intemsl due: fo�►nh,to princiPal duc;and last,to any late chnrgc:�due urtder the l�Tote. __ <br /> 4. Chargr.s; Liens. Rarro�ver shall pay all t:ixes.assessn�ents, cl�ar�;es. tines and impositians attribuGlble eo the Propecry � <br /> tvltiCh tnay attain priority ovcr this Security lnstn!m�nt. and ieaschold p�yments or�round rents, if any. �orro�vcr shall pay _ <br /> thesc obligations in Qie mmmer pmvidrd in parugr.iph 2,or if not paid in.that maniner. Ilorr+o�vei•shall pay them on time directly _ <br />- to tf►e person o�vc,�1 payment.Aorro�vcr sliall ptnn�pNy fumish to[.endcr all noticcs of amoe�nts to be paid under this paragrapli. <br /> )f Iforrower m�lccs thcsc p�ymcnts dircc2ly, Borrowr.r sh:il promptly furnish to l.c:nder neceipts evidcncing tl�e paynunu. _ <br /> Rorrotiver shall�ro7iptly disch;uge any lie���vhich I�as prioriry over this Security Instcument unless Borro��Lr: (a)agt�es in =_ <br />-. writii�to the[�ayment of the obligation sc�:ureJ by thc lien in a manner scm.ptabte to Lcnd�:r,(b)contests im guod faith the lien <br />_ by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceodings �vhicii in the i.ender's opinian operate to pre��ent the <br />- enforcelnent of ths lien:or(c)secures fmm the holder of the licn an agr+�nient satisfsctory to Lender subordina►ing die lien ro ° <br /> this Sec�arity i�utrumen�i. If Laidcr determines that any par4 of the Propc:rry is subject ro a lien�vhich may attain priority over _ <br />- this Sectrcity Lutcument, �.e�ider may�ive Sorrmver a natice identifyii�g the lien. florrower shall satisty the lien or take one oi <br />- mon:cY:t�c�ctions sct forth�bovc within 10 days oE the giving of noticc. <br /> Furm 3Q20 �J190 <br /> O�]dG <br /> _..._-_ ��___' ��'___'...�..�...��_�'�.��� �r-�._ �..�._�-_ .._ .___.. __ <br /> . .,�'1r-_a�;.4'ia'�"?7��/�'i..r"i.' . '�� ' . • ..- ^ -.,. °_�i�.,^..'.'^'r.;�°:�� . .. , _...�-_--. .. � o <br /> . �.> <br /> " , .� . .. �i. . .. .. <br /> , <br /> �` � �i '. . .. .. ... - ' -a. '" _.y,e`"r Ly�J{i . . , <br /> .y� : _. - - ' . ,. .� '.> , . .. . �.,i:�� �.�-,�:1:'l. , � - , .. <br /> c_ �t R J� -, .. - . .. . ., . . .�q � .. <br /> . � <br /> � . <br /> �. .. � ' . p� � � �� ., . �. <br /> �- �� �.. <br /> .. . : ..�. ^ .. <br /> �, .. �� .. �; ,i J r� '�.. .. �- . - -�� � ,A. � � . � �� .. <br /> . : � .. 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